======= userdir ======= ------------------- Module: mod_userdir ------------------- :Author: Jan Kneschke :Date: $Date: 2013/10/14 10:32:48 $ :Revision: $Revision: $ :abstract: The userdir module ... .. meta:: :keywords: lighttpd, userdir .. contents:: Table of Contents Description =========== The userdir module provides a simple way to link user-based directories into the global namespace of the webserver. Requests in the form ``/~user/page.html`` are rewritten to take the file ``page.html`` from the home directory of the user. If ``userdir.path`` is set, the path will be appended to the home directory building the classic mapping of: :: userdir.path = "public_html" URL: http://www.example.org/~jan/index.html Path: /home/jan/public_html/ To control which users should be able to use this feature you can set a list of usernames to include or exclude. In case your mapping is independent of /etc/passwd you can use ``userdir.basepath``: :: userdir.path = "htdocs" userdir.basepath = "/var/www/users/" URL: http://www.example.org/~jan/index.html Path: /var/www/users/jan/htdocs/index.html Options ======= userdir.path (required option) usually it should be set to "public_html" to take ~/public_html/ as the document root Default: unset (mod_userdir disabled; set it to "" if you want the home directory to be the document root as it was the default before 1.4.19) Example: :: userdir.path = "public_html" userdir.exclude-user list of usernames which may not use this feature Default: empty (all users may use it) Example: :: userdir.exclude-user = ( "root", "postmaster" ) userdir.include-user if set, only users from this list may use the feature Default: empty (all users may use it) userdir.basepath if set, don't check /etc/passwd for homedir