%token_prefix TK_ %extra_argument {config_t *ctx} %name configparser %include { #include "configfile.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "array.h" #include #include #include static void configparser_push(config_t *ctx, data_config *dc, int isnew) { if (isnew) { dc->context_ndx = ctx->all_configs->used; assert(dc->context_ndx > ctx->current->context_ndx); array_insert_unique(ctx->all_configs, (data_unset *)dc); dc->parent = ctx->current; array_insert_unique(dc->parent->childs, (data_unset *)dc); } if (ctx->configs_stack->used > 0 && ctx->current->context_ndx == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot use conditionals inside a global { ... } block\n"); exit(-1); } array_insert_unique(ctx->configs_stack, (data_unset *)ctx->current); ctx->current = dc; } static data_config *configparser_pop(config_t *ctx) { data_config *old = ctx->current; ctx->current = (data_config *) array_pop(ctx->configs_stack); return old; } /* return a copied variable */ static data_unset *configparser_get_variable(config_t *ctx, const buffer *key) { data_unset *du; data_config *dc; #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "get var %s\n", key->ptr); #endif for (dc = ctx->current; dc; dc = dc->parent) { #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "get var on block: %s\n", dc->key->ptr); array_print(dc->value, 0); #endif if (NULL != (du = array_get_element(dc->value, key->ptr))) { return du->copy(du); } } return NULL; } /* op1 is to be eat/return by this function if success, op1->key is not cared op2 is left untouch, unreferenced */ data_unset *configparser_merge_data(data_unset *op1, const data_unset *op2) { /* type mismatch */ if (op1->type != op2->type) { if (op1->type == TYPE_STRING && op2->type == TYPE_INTEGER) { data_string *ds = (data_string *)op1; buffer_append_long(ds->value, ((data_integer*)op2)->value); return op1; } else if (op1->type == TYPE_INTEGER && op2->type == TYPE_STRING) { data_string *ds = data_string_init(); buffer_append_long(ds->value, ((data_integer*)op1)->value); buffer_append_string_buffer(ds->value, ((data_string*)op2)->value); op1->free(op1); return (data_unset *)ds; } else { fprintf(stderr, "data type mismatch, cannot merge\n"); return NULL; } } switch (op1->type) { case TYPE_STRING: buffer_append_string_buffer(((data_string *)op1)->value, ((data_string *)op2)->value); break; case TYPE_INTEGER: ((data_integer *)op1)->value += ((data_integer *)op2)->value; break; case TYPE_ARRAY: { array *dst = ((data_array *)op1)->value; array *src = ((data_array *)op2)->value; data_unset *du; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < src->used; i ++) { du = (data_unset *)src->data[i]; if (du) { array_insert_unique(dst, du->copy(du)); } } break; default: assert(0); break; } } return op1; } } %parse_failure { ctx->ok = 0; } input ::= metalines. metalines ::= metalines metaline. metalines ::= . metaline ::= varline. metaline ::= global. metaline ::= condlines(A) EOL. { A = NULL; } metaline ::= include. metaline ::= include_shell. metaline ::= EOL. %type value {data_unset *} %type expression {data_unset *} %type aelement {data_unset *} %type condline {data_config *} %type condlines {data_config *} %type global {data_config *} %type aelements {array *} %type array {array *} %type key {buffer *} %type stringop {buffer *} %type cond {config_cond_t } %destructor value { $$->free($$); } %destructor expression { $$->free($$); } %destructor aelement { $$->free($$); } %destructor aelements { array_free($$); } %destructor array { array_free($$); } %destructor key { buffer_free($$); } %destructor stringop { buffer_free($$); } %token_type {buffer *} %token_destructor { buffer_free($$); } varline ::= key(A) ASSIGN expression(B). { if (ctx->ok) { buffer_copy_string_buffer(B->key, A); if (strncmp(A->ptr, "env.", sizeof("env.") - 1) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Setting env variable is not supported in conditional %d %s: %s\n", ctx->current->context_ndx, ctx->current->key->ptr, A->ptr); ctx->ok = 0; } else if (NULL == array_get_element(ctx->current->value, B->key->ptr)) { array_insert_unique(ctx->current->value, B); B = NULL; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Duplicate config variable in conditional %d %s: %s\n", ctx->current->context_ndx, ctx->current->key->ptr, B->key->ptr); ctx->ok = 0; B->free(B); B = NULL; } } buffer_free(A); A = NULL; } varline ::= key(A) APPEND expression(B). { array *vars = ctx->current->value; data_unset *du; if (strncmp(A->ptr, "env.", sizeof("env.") - 1) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Appending env variable is not supported in conditional %d %s: %s\n", ctx->current->context_ndx, ctx->current->key->ptr, A->ptr); ctx->ok = 0; } else if (NULL != (du = array_get_element(vars, A->ptr))) { /* exists in current block */ du = configparser_merge_data(du, B); if (NULL == du) { ctx->ok = 0; } else { buffer_copy_string_buffer(du->key, A); array_replace(vars, du); } B->free(B); } else if (NULL != (du = configparser_get_variable(ctx, A))) { du = configparser_merge_data(du, B); if (NULL == du) { ctx->ok = 0; } else { buffer_copy_string_buffer(du->key, A); array_insert_unique(ctx->current->value, du); } B->free(B); } else { buffer_copy_string_buffer(B->key, A); array_insert_unique(ctx->current->value, B); } buffer_free(A); A = NULL; B = NULL; } key(A) ::= LKEY(B). { if (strchr(B->ptr, '.') == NULL) { A = buffer_init_string("var."); buffer_append_string_buffer(A, B); buffer_free(B); B = NULL; } else { A = B; B = NULL; } } expression(A) ::= expression(B) PLUS value(C). { A = configparser_merge_data(B, C); if (NULL == A) { ctx->ok = 0; } B = NULL; C->free(C); C = NULL; } expression(A) ::= value(B). { A = B; B = NULL; } value(A) ::= key(B). { A = NULL; if (strncmp(B->ptr, "env.", sizeof("env.") - 1) == 0) { char *env; if (NULL != (env = getenv(B->ptr + 4))) { data_string *ds; ds = data_string_init(); buffer_append_string(ds->value, env); A = (data_unset *)ds; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Undefined env variable: %s\n", B->ptr + 4); ctx->ok = 0; } } else if (NULL == (A = configparser_get_variable(ctx, B))) { fprintf(stderr, "Undefined config variable: %s\n", B->ptr); ctx->ok = 0; } if (!A) { /* make a dummy so it won't crash */ A = (data_unset *)data_string_init(); } buffer_free(B); B = NULL; } value(A) ::= STRING(B). { A = (data_unset *)data_string_init(); buffer_copy_string_buffer(((data_string *)(A))->value, B); buffer_free(B); B = NULL; } value(A) ::= INTEGER(B). { A = (data_unset *)data_integer_init(); ((data_integer *)(A))->value = strtol(B->ptr, NULL, 10); buffer_free(B); B = NULL; } value(A) ::= array(B). { A = (data_unset *)data_array_init(); array_free(((data_array *)(A))->value); ((data_array *)(A))->value = B; B = NULL; } array(A) ::= LPARAN RPARAN. { A = array_init(); } array(A) ::= LPARAN aelements(B) RPARAN. { A = B; B = NULL; } aelements(A) ::= aelements(C) COMMA aelement(B). { if (buffer_is_empty(B->key) || NULL == array_get_element(C, B->key->ptr)) { array_insert_unique(C, B); B = NULL; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Duplicate array-key: %s\n", B->key->ptr); ctx->ok = 0; B->free(B); B = NULL; } A = C; C = NULL; } aelements(A) ::= aelements(C) COMMA. { A = C; C = NULL; } aelements(A) ::= aelement(B). { A = array_init(); array_insert_unique(A, B); B = NULL; } aelement(A) ::= expression(B). { A = B; B = NULL; } aelement(A) ::= stringop(B) ARRAY_ASSIGN expression(C). { buffer_copy_string_buffer(C->key, B); buffer_free(B); B = NULL; A = C; C = NULL; } eols ::= EOL. eols ::= . globalstart ::= GLOBAL. { data_config *dc; dc = (data_config *)array_get_element(ctx->srv->config_context, "global"); assert(dc); configparser_push(ctx, dc, 0); } global(A) ::= globalstart LCURLY metalines RCURLY. { data_config *cur; cur = ctx->current; configparser_pop(ctx); assert(cur && ctx->current); A = cur; } condlines(A) ::= condlines(B) eols ELSE condline(C). { if (B->context_ndx >= C->context_ndx) { fprintf(stderr, "unreachable else condition\n"); ctx->ok = 0; } C->prev = B; B->next = C; A = C; B = NULL; C = NULL; } condlines(A) ::= condline(B). { A = B; B = NULL; } condline(A) ::= context LCURLY metalines RCURLY. { data_config *cur; cur = ctx->current; configparser_pop(ctx); assert(cur && ctx->current); A = cur; } context ::= DOLLAR SRVVARNAME(B) LBRACKET stringop(C) RBRACKET cond(E) expression(D). { data_config *dc; buffer *b, *rvalue, *op; if (ctx->ok && D->type != TYPE_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "rvalue must be string"); ctx->ok = 0; } switch(E) { case CONFIG_COND_NE: op = buffer_init_string("!="); break; case CONFIG_COND_EQ: op = buffer_init_string("=="); break; case CONFIG_COND_NOMATCH: op = buffer_init_string("!~"); break; case CONFIG_COND_MATCH: op = buffer_init_string("=~"); break; default: assert(0); return; } b = buffer_init(); buffer_copy_string_buffer(b, ctx->current->key); buffer_append_string(b, "/"); buffer_append_string_buffer(b, B); buffer_append_string_buffer(b, C); buffer_append_string_buffer(b, op); rvalue = ((data_string*)D)->value; buffer_append_string_buffer(b, rvalue); if (NULL != (dc = (data_config *)array_get_element(ctx->all_configs, b->ptr))) { configparser_push(ctx, dc, 0); } else { struct { comp_key_t comp; char *comp_key; size_t len; } comps[] = { { COMP_SERVER_SOCKET, CONST_STR_LEN("SERVER[\"socket\"]" ) }, { COMP_HTTP_URL, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"url\"]" ) }, { COMP_HTTP_HOST, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"host\"]" ) }, { COMP_HTTP_REFERER, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"referer\"]" ) }, { COMP_HTTP_USER_AGENT, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"useragent\"]" ) }, { COMP_HTTP_USER_AGENT, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"user-agent\"]" ) }, { COMP_HTTP_LANGUAGE, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"language\"]" ) }, { COMP_HTTP_COOKIE, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"cookie\"]" ) }, { COMP_HTTP_REMOTE_IP, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"remoteip\"]" ) }, { COMP_HTTP_REMOTE_IP, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"remote-ip\"]" ) }, { COMP_HTTP_QUERY_STRING, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"querystring\"]") }, { COMP_HTTP_QUERY_STRING, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"query-string\"]") }, { COMP_HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"request-method\"]") }, { COMP_HTTP_SCHEME, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP[\"scheme\"]" ) }, { COMP_UNSET, NULL, 0 }, }; size_t i; dc = data_config_init(); buffer_copy_string_buffer(dc->key, b); buffer_copy_string_buffer(dc->op, op); buffer_copy_string_buffer(dc->comp_key, B); buffer_append_string_len(dc->comp_key, CONST_STR_LEN("[\"")); buffer_append_string_buffer(dc->comp_key, C); buffer_append_string_len(dc->comp_key, CONST_STR_LEN("\"]")); dc->cond = E; for (i = 0; comps[i].comp_key; i ++) { if (buffer_is_equal_string( dc->comp_key, comps[i].comp_key, comps[i].len)) { dc->comp = comps[i].comp; break; } } if (COMP_UNSET == dc->comp) { fprintf(stderr, "error comp_key %s", dc->comp_key->ptr); ctx->ok = 0; } switch(E) { case CONFIG_COND_NE: case CONFIG_COND_EQ: dc->string = buffer_init_buffer(rvalue); break; case CONFIG_COND_NOMATCH: case CONFIG_COND_MATCH: { #ifdef HAVE_PCRE_H const char *errptr; int erroff, captures; if (NULL == (dc->regex = pcre_compile(rvalue->ptr, 0, &errptr, &erroff, NULL))) { dc->string = buffer_init_string(errptr); dc->cond = CONFIG_COND_UNSET; fprintf(stderr, "parsing regex failed: %s -> %s at offset %d\n", rvalue->ptr, errptr, erroff); ctx->ok = 0; } else if (NULL == (dc->regex_study = pcre_study(dc->regex, 0, &errptr)) && errptr != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "studying regex failed: %s -> %s\n", rvalue->ptr, errptr); ctx->ok = 0; } else if (0 != (pcre_fullinfo(dc->regex, dc->regex_study, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &captures))) { fprintf(stderr, "getting capture count for regex failed: %s\n", rvalue->ptr); ctx->ok = 0; } else if (captures > 9) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many captures in regex, use (?:...) instead of (...): %s\n", rvalue->ptr); ctx->ok = 0; } else { dc->string = buffer_init_buffer(rvalue); } #else fprintf(stderr, "can't handle '$%s[%s] =~ ...' as you compiled without pcre support. \n" "(perhaps just a missing pcre-devel package ?) \n", B->ptr, C->ptr); ctx->ok = 0; #endif break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "unknown condition for $%s[%s]\n", B->ptr, C->ptr); ctx->ok = 0; break; } configparser_push(ctx, dc, 1); } buffer_free(b); buffer_free(op); buffer_free(B); B = NULL; buffer_free(C); C = NULL; D->free(D); D = NULL; } cond(A) ::= EQ. { A = CONFIG_COND_EQ; } cond(A) ::= MATCH. { A = CONFIG_COND_MATCH; } cond(A) ::= NE. { A = CONFIG_COND_NE; } cond(A) ::= NOMATCH. { A = CONFIG_COND_NOMATCH; } stringop(A) ::= expression(B). { A = NULL; if (ctx->ok) { if (B->type == TYPE_STRING) { A = buffer_init_buffer(((data_string*)B)->value); } else if (B->type == TYPE_INTEGER) { A = buffer_init(); buffer_copy_long(A, ((data_integer *)B)->value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "operand must be string"); ctx->ok = 0; } } B->free(B); B = NULL; } include ::= INCLUDE stringop(A). { if (ctx->ok) { if (0 != config_parse_file(ctx->srv, ctx, A->ptr)) { ctx->ok = 0; } buffer_free(A); A = NULL; } } include_shell ::= INCLUDE_SHELL stringop(A). { if (ctx->ok) { if (0 != config_parse_cmd(ctx->srv, ctx, A->ptr)) { ctx->ok = 0; } buffer_free(A); A = NULL; } }