#include "first.h"
#include "request.h"
#include "keyvalue.h"
#include "log.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
static int request_check_hostname(buffer *host) {
size_t i;
int label_len = 0;
size_t host_len, hostport_len;
char *colon;
int is_ip = -1; /* -1 don't know yet, 0 no, 1 yes */
int level = 0;
* hostport = host [ ":" port ]
* host = hostname | IPv4address | IPv6address
* hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
* domainlabel = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
* toplabel = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
* IPv4address = 1*digit "." 1*digit "." 1*digit "." 1*digit
* IPv6address = "[" ... "]"
* port = *digit
/* IPv6 adress */
if (host->ptr[0] == '[') {
char *c = host->ptr + 1;
int colon_cnt = 0;
/* check the address inside [...] */
for (; *c && *c != ']'; c++) {
if (*c == ':') {
if (++colon_cnt > 7) {
return -1;
} else if (!light_isxdigit(*c) && '.' != *c) {
return -1;
/* missing ] */
if (!*c) {
return -1;
/* check port */
if (*(c+1) == ':') {
for (c += 2; *c; c++) {
if (!light_isdigit(*c)) {
return -1;
else if ('\0' != *(c+1)) {
/* only a port is allowed to follow [...] */
return -1;
return 0;
hostport_len = host_len = buffer_string_length(host);
if (NULL != (colon = memchr(host->ptr, ':', host_len))) {
char *c = colon + 1;
/* check portnumber */
for (; *c; c++) {
if (!light_isdigit(*c)) return -1;
/* remove the port from the host-len */
host_len = colon - host->ptr;
/* Host is empty */
if (host_len == 0) return -1;
/* if the hostname ends in a "." strip it */
if (host->ptr[host_len-1] == '.') {
/* shift port info one left */
if (NULL != colon) memmove(colon-1, colon, hostport_len - host_len);
buffer_string_set_length(host, --hostport_len);
if (--host_len == 0) return -1;
/* scan from the right and skip the \0 */
for (i = host_len; i-- > 0; ) {
const char c = host->ptr[i];
switch (stage) {
if (c == '.') {
/* only switch stage, if this is not the last character */
if (i != host_len - 1) {
if (label_len == 0) {
return -1;
/* check the first character at right of the dot */
if (is_ip == 0) {
if (!light_isalnum(host->ptr[i+1])) {
return -1;
} else if (!light_isdigit(host->ptr[i+1])) {
is_ip = 0;
} else if ('-' == host->ptr[i+1]) {
return -1;
} else {
/* just digits */
is_ip = 1;
label_len = 0;
} else if (i == 0) {
/* just a dot and nothing else is evil */
return -1;
} else if (i == 0) {
/* the first character of the hostname */
if (!light_isalnum(c)) {
return -1;
} else {
if (c != '-' && !light_isalnum(c)) {
return -1;
if (is_ip == -1) {
if (!light_isdigit(c)) is_ip = 0;
if (is_ip == 1) {
if (c == '.') {
if (label_len == 0) {
return -1;
label_len = 0;
} else if (!light_isdigit(c)) {
return -1;
} else {
} else {
if (c == '.') {
if (label_len == 0) {
return -1;
/* c is either - or alphanum here */
if ('-' == host->ptr[i+1]) {
return -1;
label_len = 0;
} else if (i == 0) {
if (!light_isalnum(c)) {
return -1;
} else {
if (c != '-' && !light_isalnum(c)) {
return -1;
/* a IP has to consist of 4 parts */
if (is_ip == 1 && level != 3) {
return -1;
if (label_len == 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
int http_request_host_normalize(buffer *b) {
* check for and canonicalize numeric IP address and portnum (optional)
* (IP address may be followed by ":portnum" (optional))
* - IPv6: "[...]"
* - IPv4: "x.x.x.x"
* - IPv4: 12345678 (32-bit decimal number)
* - IPv4: 012345678 (32-bit octal number)
* - IPv4: 0x12345678 (32-bit hex number)
* allow any chars (except ':' and '\0' and stray '[' or ']')
* (other code may check chars more strictly or more pedantically)
* ':' delimits (optional) port at end of string
* "[]" wraps IPv6 address literal
* '\0' should have been rejected earlier were it present
* any chars includes, but is not limited to:
* - allow '-' any where, even at beginning of word
* (security caution: might be confused for cmd flag if passed to shell)
* - allow all-digit TLDs
* (might be mistaken for IPv4 addr by inet_aton()
* unless non-digits appear in subdomain)
/* Note: not using getaddrinfo() since it does not support "[]" around IPv6
* and is not as lenient as inet_aton() and inet_addr() for IPv4 strings.
* Not using inet_pton() (when available) on IPv4 for similar reasons. */
const char * const p = b->ptr;
const size_t blen = buffer_string_length(b);
long port = 0;
if (*p != '[') {
char * const colon = (char *)memchr(p, ':', blen);
if (colon) {
if (*p == ':') return -1; /*(empty host then port, or naked IPv6)*/
if (colon[1] != '\0') {
char *e;
port = strtol(colon+1, &e, 0); /*(allow decimal, octal, hex)*/
if (0 < port && port <= USHRT_MAX && *e == '\0') {
/* valid port */
} else {
return -1;
} /*(else ignore stray colon at string end)*/
buffer_string_set_length(b, (size_t)(colon - p)); /*(remove port str)*/
if (light_isdigit(*p)) {
/* (IPv4 address literal or domain starting w/ digit (e.g. 3com))*/
struct in_addr addr;
#if defined(HAVE_INET_ATON) /*(Windows does not provide inet_aton())*/
if (0 != inet_aton(p, &addr))
if ((addr.s_addr = inet_addr(p)) != INADDR_NONE)
#if defined(HAVE_INET_PTON)/*(expect inet_ntop() if inet_pton())*/
inet_ntop(AF_INET, (const void *)&addr, buf, sizeof(buf));
buffer_copy_string(b, buf);
buffer_copy_string(b, inet_ntoa(addr)); /*(not thread-safe)*/
} else { /* IPv6 addr */
#if defined(HAVE_IPV6) && defined(HAVE_INET_PTON)
struct in6_addr addr;
char *bracket = b->ptr+blen-1;
char *percent = strchr(b->ptr+1, '%');
size_t len;
int rc;
char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+16]; /*(+16 for potential %interface name)*/
if (blen <= 2) return -1; /*(invalid "[]")*/
if (*bracket != ']') {
bracket = (char *)memchr(b->ptr+1, ']', blen-1);
if (NULL == bracket || bracket[1] != ':' || bracket - b->ptr == 1){
return -1;
if (bracket[2] != '\0') { /*(ignore stray colon at string end)*/
char *e;
port = strtol(bracket+2, &e, 0); /*(allow decimal, octal, hex)*/
if (0 < port && port <= USHRT_MAX && *e == '\0') {
/* valid port */
} else {
return -1;
*bracket = '\0';/*(terminate IPv6 string)*/
if (percent) *percent = '\0'; /*(remove %interface from address)*/
rc = inet_pton(AF_INET6, b->ptr+1, &addr);
if (percent) *percent = '%'; /*(restore %interface)*/
*bracket = ']'; /*(restore bracket)*/
if (1 != rc) return -1;
inet_ntop(AF_INET6,(const void *)&addr, buf, sizeof(buf));
len = strlen(buf);
if (percent) {
if (percent > bracket) return -1;
if (len + (size_t)(bracket - percent) >= sizeof(buf)) return -1;
memcpy(buf+len, percent, (size_t)(bracket - percent));
len += (size_t)(bracket - percent);
buffer_string_set_length(b, 1); /* truncate after '[' */
buffer_append_string_len(b, buf, len);
buffer_append_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN("]"));
return -1;
if (port) {
buffer_append_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN(":"));
buffer_append_int(b, (int)port);
return 0;
#if 0
static int http_request_split_value(array *vals, buffer *b) {
size_t i, len;
int state = 0;
const char *current;
const char *token_start = NULL, *token_end = NULL;
* parse
* val1, val2, val3, val4
* into a array (more or less a explode() incl. striping of whitespaces
if (buffer_string_is_empty(b)) return 0;
current = b->ptr;
len = buffer_string_length(b);
for (i = 0; i <= len; ++i, ++current) {
data_string *ds;
switch (state) {
case 0: /* find start of a token */
switch (*current) {
case ' ':
case '\t': /* skip white space */
case ',': /* skip empty token */
case '\0': /* end of string */
return 0;
/* found real data, switch to state 1 to find the end of the token */
token_start = token_end = current;
state = 1;
case 1: /* find end of token and last non white space character */
switch (*current) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
/* space - don't update token_end */
case ',':
case '\0': /* end of string also marks the end of a token */
if (NULL == (ds = (data_string *)array_get_unused_element(vals, TYPE_STRING))) {
ds = data_string_init();
buffer_copy_string_len(ds->value, token_start, token_end-token_start+1);
array_insert_unique(vals, (data_unset *)ds);
state = 0;
/* no white space, update token_end to include current character */
token_end = current;
return 0;
static int request_uri_is_valid_char(unsigned char c) {
if (c <= 32) return 0;
if (c == 127) return 0;
if (c == 255) return 0;
return 1;
int http_request_parse(server *srv, connection *con) {
char *uri = NULL, *proto = NULL, *method = NULL, con_length_set;
int is_key = 1, key_len = 0, is_ws_after_key = 0, in_folding;
char *value = NULL, *key = NULL;
char *reqline_host = NULL;
int reqline_hostlen = 0;
int line = 0;
int request_line_stage = 0;
size_t i, first, ilen;
int done = 0;
const unsigned int http_header_strict = (con->conf.http_parseopts & HTTP_PARSEOPT_HEADER_STRICT);
* Request: "^(GET|POST|HEAD) ([^ ]+(\\?[^ ]+|)) (HTTP/1\\.[01])$"
* Option : "^([-a-zA-Z]+): (.+)$"
* End : "^$"
if (con->conf.log_request_header) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sdsdSb",
"fd:", con->fd,
"request-len:", buffer_string_length(con->request.request),
"\n", con->request.request);
if (con->request_count > 1 &&
con->request.request->ptr[0] == '\r' &&
con->request.request->ptr[1] == '\n') {
/* we are in keep-alive and might get \r\n after a previous POST request.*/
buffer_copy_string_len(con->parse_request, con->request.request->ptr + 2, buffer_string_length(con->request.request) - 2);
} else {
/* fill the local request buffer */
buffer_copy_buffer(con->parse_request, con->request.request);
keep_alive_set = 0;
con_length_set = 0;
/* parse the first line of the request
* should be:
* <method> <uri> <protocol>\r\n
* */
ilen = buffer_string_length(con->parse_request);
for (i = 0, first = 0; i < ilen && line == 0; i++) {
switch(con->parse_request->ptr[i]) {
case '\r':
if (con->parse_request->ptr[i+1] == '\n') {
http_method_t r;
char *nuri = NULL;
size_t j, jlen;
/* \r\n -> \0\0 */
con->parse_request->ptr[i] = '\0';
con->parse_request->ptr[i+1] = '\0';
buffer_copy_string_len(con->request.request_line, con->parse_request->ptr, i);
if (request_line_stage != 2) {
con->http_status = 400;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "incomplete request line -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
return 0;
proto = con->parse_request->ptr + first;
*(uri - 1) = '\0';
*(proto - 1) = '\0';
/* we got the first one :) */
if (HTTP_METHOD_UNSET == (r = get_http_method_key(method))) {
con->http_status = 501;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "unknown http-method -> 501");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
return 0;
con->request.http_method = r;
* RFC2616 says:
* HTTP-Version = "HTTP" "/" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT
* */
if (0 == strncmp(proto, "HTTP/", sizeof("HTTP/") - 1)) {
char * major = proto + sizeof("HTTP/") - 1;
char * minor = strchr(major, '.');
char *err = NULL;
int major_num = 0, minor_num = 0;
int invalid_version = 0;
if (NULL == minor || /* no dot */
minor == major || /* no major */
*(minor + 1) == '\0' /* no minor */) {
invalid_version = 1;
} else {
*minor = '\0';
major_num = strtol(major, &err, 10);
if (*err != '\0') invalid_version = 1;
*minor++ = '.';
minor_num = strtol(minor, &err, 10);
if (*err != '\0') invalid_version = 1;
if (invalid_version) {
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "unknown protocol -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
return 0;
if (major_num == 1 && minor_num == 1) {
con->request.http_version = con->conf.allow_http11 ? HTTP_VERSION_1_1 : HTTP_VERSION_1_0;
} else if (major_num == 1 && minor_num == 0) {
con->request.http_version = HTTP_VERSION_1_0;
} else {
con->http_status = 505;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "unknown HTTP version -> 505");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
return 0;
} else {
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "unknown protocol -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
return 0;
if (0 == strncmp(uri, "http://", 7) &&
NULL != (nuri = strchr(uri + 7, '/'))) {
reqline_host = uri + 7;
reqline_hostlen = nuri - reqline_host;
buffer_copy_string_len(con->request.uri, nuri, proto - nuri - 1);
} else if (0 == strncmp(uri, "https://", 8) &&
NULL != (nuri = strchr(uri + 8, '/'))) {
reqline_host = uri + 8;
reqline_hostlen = nuri - reqline_host;
buffer_copy_string_len(con->request.uri, nuri, proto - nuri - 1);
} else {
/* everything looks good so far */
buffer_copy_string_len(con->request.uri, uri, proto - uri - 1);
/* check uri for invalid characters */
jlen = buffer_string_length(con->request.uri);
if (http_header_strict) {
for (j = 0; j < jlen && request_uri_is_valid_char(con->request.uri->ptr[j]); j++) ;
} else {
char *z = memchr(con->request.uri->ptr, '\0', jlen);
j = (NULL == z) ? jlen : (size_t)(z - con->request.uri->ptr);
if (j < jlen) {
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
unsigned char buf[2];
buf[0] = con->request.uri->ptr[j];
buf[1] = '\0';
if (con->request.uri->ptr[j] > 32 &&
con->request.uri->ptr[j] != 127) {
/* the character is printable -> print it */
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ss",
"invalid character in URI -> 400",
} else {
/* a control-character, print ascii-code */
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sd",
"invalid character in URI -> 400",
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
return 0;
buffer_copy_buffer(con->request.orig_uri, con->request.uri);
con->http_status = 0;
first = i+1;
case ' ':
switch(request_line_stage) {
case 0:
/* GET|POST|... */
method = con->parse_request->ptr + first;
first = i + 1;
case 1:
/* /foobar/... */
uri = con->parse_request->ptr + first;
first = i + 1;
/* ERROR, one space to much */
con->http_status = 400;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "overlong request line -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
return 0;
in_folding = 0;
if (buffer_string_is_empty(con->request.uri)) {
con->http_status = 400;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "no uri specified -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
return 0;
if (reqline_host) {
/* Insert as host header */
data_string *ds;
if (NULL == (ds = (data_string *)array_get_unused_element(con->request.headers, TYPE_STRING))) {
ds = data_string_init();
buffer_copy_string_len(ds->key, CONST_STR_LEN("Host"));
buffer_copy_string_len(ds->value, reqline_host, reqline_hostlen);
array_insert_unique(con->request.headers, (data_unset *)ds);
con->request.http_host = ds->value;
for (; i <= ilen && !done; i++) {
char *cur = con->parse_request->ptr + i;
if (is_key) {
size_t j;
int got_colon = 0;
* 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>
* CTLs == 0-31 + 127, CHAR = 7-bit ascii (0..127)
switch(*cur) {
case ':':
is_key = 0;
value = cur + 1;
if (is_ws_after_key == 0) {
key_len = i - first;
is_ws_after_key = 0;
case '(':
case ')':
case '<':
case '>':
case '@':
case ',':
case ';':
case '\\':
case '\"':
case '/':
case '[':
case ']':
case '?':
case '=':
case '{':
case '}':
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbsds",
"invalid character in key", con->request.request, cur, *cur, "-> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
return 0;
case ' ':
case '\t':
if (i == first) {
is_key = 0;
in_folding = 1;
value = cur;
key_len = i - first;
/* skip every thing up to the : */
for (j = 1; !got_colon; j++) {
switch(con->parse_request->ptr[j + i]) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
/* skip WS */
case ':':
/* ok, done; handle the colon the usual way */
i += j - 1;
got_colon = 1;
is_ws_after_key = 1; /* we already know the key length */
/* error */
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "WS character in key -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
con->http_status = 400;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
con->keep_alive = 0;
return 0;
case '\r':
if (con->parse_request->ptr[i+1] == '\n' && i == first) {
/* End of Header */
con->parse_request->ptr[i] = '\0';
con->parse_request->ptr[i+1] = '\0';
done = 1;
} else {
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "CR without LF -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
return 0;
if (http_header_strict ? (*cur < 32 || ((unsigned char)*cur) >= 127) : *cur == '\0') {
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbsds",
"invalid character in key", con->request.request, cur, *cur, "-> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
return 0;
/* ok */
} else {
switch(*cur) {
case '\r':
if (con->parse_request->ptr[i+1] == '\n') {
data_string *ds = NULL;
/* End of Headerline */
con->parse_request->ptr[i] = '\0';
con->parse_request->ptr[i+1] = '\0';
if (in_folding) {
buffer *key_b;
* we use a evil hack to handle the line-folding
* As array_insert_unique() deletes 'ds' in the case of a duplicate
* ds points somewhere and we get a evil crash. As a solution we keep the old
* "key" and get the current value from the hash and append us
* */
if (!key || !key_len) {
/* 400 */
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "WS at the start of first line -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
return 0;
key_b = buffer_init();
buffer_copy_string_len(key_b, key, key_len);
if (NULL != (ds = (data_string *)array_get_element(con->request.headers, key_b->ptr))) {
buffer_append_string(ds->value, value);
} else {
int s_len;
key = con->parse_request->ptr + first;
s_len = cur - value;
/* strip trailing white-spaces */
for (; s_len > 0 &&
(value[s_len - 1] == ' ' ||
value[s_len - 1] == '\t'); s_len--);
value[s_len] = '\0';
if (s_len > 0) {
int cmp = 0;
if (NULL == (ds = (data_string *)array_get_unused_element(con->request.headers, TYPE_STRING))) {
ds = data_string_init();
buffer_copy_string_len(ds->key, key, key_len);
buffer_copy_string_len(ds->value, value, s_len);
/* retreive values
* the list of options is sorted to simplify the search
if (0 == (cmp = buffer_caseless_compare(CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->key), CONST_STR_LEN("Connection")))) {
array *vals;
size_t vi;
/* split on , */
vals = srv->split_vals;
http_request_split_value(vals, ds->value);
for (vi = 0; vi < vals->used; vi++) {
data_string *dsv = (data_string *)vals->data[vi];
if (0 == buffer_caseless_compare(CONST_BUF_LEN(dsv->value), CONST_STR_LEN("keep-alive"))) {
} else if (0 == buffer_caseless_compare(CONST_BUF_LEN(dsv->value), CONST_STR_LEN("close"))) {
keep_alive_set = HTTP_CONNECTION_CLOSE;
} else if (cmp > 0 && 0 == (cmp = buffer_caseless_compare(CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->key), CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Length")))) {
char *err;
unsigned long int r;
size_t j, jlen;
if (con_length_set) {
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
"duplicate Content-Length-header -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
array_insert_unique(con->request.headers, (data_unset *)ds);
return 0;
jlen = buffer_string_length(ds->value);
for (j = 0; j < jlen; j++) {
char c = ds->value->ptr[j];
if (!isdigit((unsigned char)c)) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbs",
"content-length broken:", ds->value, "-> 400");
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
array_insert_unique(con->request.headers, (data_unset *)ds);
return 0;
r = strtoul(ds->value->ptr, &err, 10);
if (*err == '\0') {
con_length_set = 1;
con->request.content_length = r;
} else {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbs",
"content-length broken:", ds->value, "-> 400");
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
array_insert_unique(con->request.headers, (data_unset *)ds);
return 0;
} else if (cmp > 0 && 0 == (cmp = buffer_caseless_compare(CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->key), CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Type")))) {
/* if dup, only the first one will survive */
if (!con->request.http_content_type) {
con->request.http_content_type = ds->value->ptr;
} else {
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
"duplicate Content-Type-header -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
array_insert_unique(con->request.headers, (data_unset *)ds);
return 0;
} else if (cmp > 0 && 0 == (cmp = buffer_caseless_compare(CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->key), CONST_STR_LEN("Expect")))) {
/* HTTP 2616 8.2.3
* Expect: 100-continue
* -> (10.1.1) 100 (read content, process request, send final status-code)
* -> (10.4.18) 417 (close)
* (not handled at all yet, we always send 417 here)
* What has to be added ?
* 1. handling of chunked request body
* 2. out-of-order sending from the HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
* header
if (srv->srvconf.reject_expect_100_with_417 && 0 == buffer_caseless_compare(CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->value), CONST_STR_LEN("100-continue"))) {
con->http_status = 417;
con->keep_alive = 0;
array_insert_unique(con->request.headers, (data_unset *)ds);
return 0;
} else if (cmp > 0 && 0 == (cmp = buffer_caseless_compare(CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->key), CONST_STR_LEN("Host")))) {
if (reqline_host) {
/* ignore all host: headers as we got the host in the request line */
ds->free((data_unset*) ds);
ds = NULL;
} else if (!con->request.http_host) {
con->request.http_host = ds->value;
} else {
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
"duplicate Host-header -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
array_insert_unique(con->request.headers, (data_unset *)ds);
return 0;
} else if (cmp > 0 && 0 == (cmp = buffer_caseless_compare(CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->key), CONST_STR_LEN("If-Modified-Since")))) {
/* Proxies sometimes send dup headers
* if they are the same we ignore the second
* if not, we raise an error */
if (!con->request.http_if_modified_since) {
con->request.http_if_modified_since = ds->value->ptr;
} else if (0 == strcasecmp(con->request.http_if_modified_since,
ds->value->ptr)) {
/* ignore it if they are the same */
ds->free((data_unset *)ds);
ds = NULL;
} else {
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
"duplicate If-Modified-Since header -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
array_insert_unique(con->request.headers, (data_unset *)ds);
return 0;
} else if (cmp > 0 && 0 == (cmp = buffer_caseless_compare(CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->key), CONST_STR_LEN("If-None-Match")))) {
/* if dup, only the first one will survive */
if (!con->request.http_if_none_match) {
con->request.http_if_none_match = ds->value->ptr;
} else {
ds->free((data_unset*) ds);
ds = NULL;
} else if (cmp > 0 && 0 == (cmp = buffer_caseless_compare(CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->key), CONST_STR_LEN("Range")))) {
if (!con->request.http_range) {
/* bytes=.*-.* */
if (0 == strncasecmp(ds->value->ptr, "bytes=", 6) &&
NULL != strchr(ds->value->ptr+6, '-')) {
/* if dup, only the first one will survive */
con->request.http_range = ds->value->ptr + 6;
} else {
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
"duplicate Range-header -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
array_insert_unique(con->request.headers, (data_unset *)ds);
return 0;
if (ds) array_insert_unique(con->request.headers, (data_unset *)ds);
} else {
/* empty header-fields are not allowed by HTTP-RFC, we just ignore them */
first = i+1;
is_key = 1;
value = NULL;
#if 0
* for Bug 1230 keep the key_len a live
key_len = 0;
in_folding = 0;
} else {
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbs",
"CR without LF", con->request.request, "-> 400");
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
return 0;
case ' ':
case '\t':
/* strip leading WS */
if (value == cur) value = cur+1;
if (http_header_strict ? (*cur >= 0 && *cur < 32) : *cur == '\0') {
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sds",
"invalid char in header", (int)*cur, "-> 400");
con->http_status = 400;
con->keep_alive = 0;
return 0;
con->header_len = i;
/* do some post-processing */
if (con->request.http_version == HTTP_VERSION_1_1) {
if (keep_alive_set != HTTP_CONNECTION_CLOSE) {
/* no Connection-Header sent */
/* HTTP/1.1 -> keep-alive default TRUE */
con->keep_alive = 1;
} else {
con->keep_alive = 0;
/* RFC 2616, 14.23 */
if (con->request.http_host == NULL ||
buffer_string_is_empty(con->request.http_host)) {
con->http_status = 400;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
con->keep_alive = 0;
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "HTTP/1.1 but Host missing -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
return 0;
} else {
if (keep_alive_set == HTTP_CONNECTION_KEEPALIVE) {
/* no Connection-Header sent */
/* HTTP/1.0 -> keep-alive default FALSE */
con->keep_alive = 1;
} else {
con->keep_alive = 0;
/* check hostname field if it is set */
if (!buffer_is_empty(con->request.http_host) &&
(((con->conf.http_parseopts & HTTP_PARSEOPT_HOST_STRICT) &&
0 != request_check_hostname(con->request.http_host))
|| ((con->conf.http_parseopts & HTTP_PARSEOPT_HOST_NORMALIZE) &&
0 != http_request_host_normalize(con->request.http_host)))) {
if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
"Invalid Hostname -> 400");
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Sb",
con->http_status = 400;
con->response.keep_alive = 0;
con->keep_alive = 0;
return 0;
switch(con->request.http_method) {
/* content-length is forbidden for those */
if (con_length_set && con->request.content_length != 0) {
/* content-length is missing */
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
"GET/HEAD with content-length -> 400");
con->keep_alive = 0;
con->http_status = 400;
return 0;
/* content-length is required for them */
if (!con_length_set) {
/* content-length is missing */
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
"POST-request, but content-length missing -> 411");
con->keep_alive = 0;
con->http_status = 411;
return 0;
/* require Content-Length if request contains request body */
if (array_get_element(con->request.headers, "Transfer-Encoding")) {
/* presence of Transfer-Encoding in request headers requires "chunked"
* be final encoding in HTTP/1.1. Return 411 Length Required as
* lighttpd does not support request input transfer-encodings */
con->keep_alive = 0;
con->http_status = 411; /* 411 Length Required */
return 0;
/* check if we have read post data */
if (con_length_set) {
/* don't handle more the SSIZE_MAX bytes in content-length */
if (con->request.content_length > SSIZE_MAX) {
con->http_status = 413;
con->keep_alive = 0;
log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sos",
"request-size too long:", (off_t) con->request.content_length, "-> 413");
return 0;
/* we have content */
if (con->request.content_length != 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
int http_request_header_finished(server *srv, connection *con) {
if (buffer_string_length(con->request.request) < 4) return 0;
if (0 == memcmp(con->request.request->ptr + buffer_string_length(con->request.request) - 4, CONST_STR_LEN("\r\n\r\n"))) return 1;
if (NULL != strstr(con->request.request->ptr, "\r\n\r\n")) return 1;
return 0;
FreeBSD-CVSweb <freebsd-cvsweb@FreeBSD.org>