#!/usr/bin/env perl BEGIN { # add current source dir to the include-path # we need this for make distcheck (my $srcdir = $0) =~ s,/[^/]+$,/,; unshift @INC, $srcdir; } use strict; use IO::Socket; use Test::More tests => 8; use LightyTest; my $tf = LightyTest->new(); my $t; my $php_child = -1; my $phpbin = (defined $ENV{'PHP'} ? $ENV{'PHP'} : '/usr/bin/php-cgi'); SKIP: { skip "PHP already running on port 1026", 1 if $tf->listening_on(1026); skip "no php binary found", 1 unless -x $phpbin; ok(-1 != ($php_child = $tf->spawnfcgi($phpbin, 1026)), "Spawning php"); } SKIP: { skip "no PHP running on port 1026", 6 unless $tf->listening_on(1026); ok($tf->start_proc == 0, "Starting lighttpd") or goto cleanup; $t->{REQUEST} = ( <{RESPONSE} = [ { 'HTTP-Protocol' => 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP-Status' => 200, 'HTTP-Content' => '' } ]; ok($tf->handle_http($t) == 0, 'valid request'); $t->{REQUEST} = ( <{RESPONSE} = [ { 'HTTP-Protocol' => 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP-Status' => 200, 'HTTP-Content' => 'a=b' } ]; ok($tf->handle_http($t) == 0, 'valid request'); $t->{REQUEST} = ( <{RESPONSE} = [ { 'HTTP-Protocol' => 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP-Status' => 200, 'HTTP-Content' => 'bar&a=b' } ]; ok($tf->handle_http($t) == 0, 'valid request'); $t->{REQUEST} = ( <{RESPONSE} = [ { 'HTTP-Protocol' => 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP-Status' => 200, 'HTTP-Content' => 'file=/rewrite/nofile&a=b' } ]; ok($tf->handle_http($t) == 0, 'not existing file rewrite'); ok($tf->stop_proc == 0, "Stopping lighttpd"); } SKIP: { skip "PHP not started, cannot stop it", 1 unless $php_child != -1; ok(0 == $tf->endspawnfcgi($php_child), "Stopping php"); } exit 0; cleanup: ; $tf->endspawnfcgi($php_child) if $php_child != -1; die();