Annotation of embedaddon/miniupnpc/msvc/genminiupnpcstrings.vbs, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: ' VBScript to generate miniupnpcstrings.h
! 2: ' Copyright 2018 Thomas Bernard
! 3: 'Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
! 4: Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
! 5: versionfile = "..\version"
! 6: infile = "..\"
! 7: outfile = "..\miniupnpcstrings.h"
! 8: outfilerc = "..\rc_version.h"
! 9:
! 10: On Error Resume Next
! 11:
! 12: 'Wscript.Echo revision
! 13:
! 14: Err.Clear
! 15: Set f = FSO.OpenTextFile(versionfile, 1, False) ' 1 = Read
! 16: If Err.Number = 0 Then
! 17: version = f.ReadLine
! 18: f.Close
! 19: Else
! 20: ' Exit error
! 21: WScript.Quit 1
! 22: End If
! 23:
! 24: os_version = "0.0.0"
! 25: strComputer = "."
! 26: Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
! 27: Set colOperatingSystems = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
! 28: For Each objOperatingSystem in colOperatingSystems
! 29: 'Wscript.Echo objOperatingSystem.Caption & " -- "
! 30: os_version = objOperatingSystem.Version
! 31: Next
! 32:
! 33: 'Wscript.Echo os_version
! 34:
! 35: Dim array
! 36: needWrite = True
! 37:
! 38: ' First Check if the file already contains the right versions
! 39: Err.Clear
! 40: Set f_in = FSO.OpenTextFile(outfile, 1, False)
! 41: If Err.Number = 0 Then
! 42: old_version = ""
! 43: old_os_version = ""
! 44: Do Until f_in.AtEndOfStream
! 45: line = f_in.ReadLine
! 46: If Len(line) > 0 Then
! 47: array = Split(line, " ")
! 48: If UBound(array) >= 2 And array(0) = "#define" Then
! 49: If array(1) = "OS_STRING" Then
! 50: old_os_version = Replace(array(2), Chr(34), "")
! 51: ElseIf array(1) = "MINIUPNPC_VERSION_STRING" Then
! 52: old_version = Replace(array(2), Chr(34), "")
! 53: End if
! 54: End if
! 55: End If
! 56: Loop
! 57: f_in.Close
! 58: If old_version = version And old_os_version = "MSWindows/" & os_version Then
! 59: needWrite = False
! 60: Else
! 61: needWrite = True
! 62: End If
! 63: End If
! 64:
! 65: If Not needWrite Then
! 66: ' check files dates
! 67: Set fIn1 = FSO.GetFile(versionfile)
! 68: Set fIn2 = FSO.GetFile(infile)
! 69: Set fOut = FSO.GetFile(outfile)
! 70: If DateDiff("s", fIn1.DateLastModified, fOut.DateLastModified) < 0 Then
! 71: needWrite = True
! 72: End If
! 73: If DateDiff("s", fIn2.DateLastModified, fOut.DateLastModified) < 0 Then
! 74: needWrite = True
! 75: End If
! 76: End If
! 77:
! 78: If Not needWrite Then
! 79: ' nothing to do
! 80: WScript.Quit 0
! 81: End if
! 82:
! 83: ' generate the file
! 84: Err.Clear
! 85: Set f_in = FSO.OpenTextFile(infile, 1, False)
! 86: If Err.Number = 0 Then
! 87: Set f_out = FSO.OpenTextFile(outfile, 2, True) ' 2 = Write
! 88: Do Until f_in.AtEndOfStream
! 89: line = f_in.ReadLine
! 90: If Len(line) > 0 Then
! 91: array = Split(line, " ")
! 92: If UBound(array) >= 2 And array(0) = "#define" Then
! 93: If array(1) = "OS_STRING" Then
! 94: line = "#define OS_STRING " & Chr(34) & "MSWindows/" & os_version & Chr(34)
! 95: ElseIf array(1) = "MINIUPNPC_VERSION_STRING" Then
! 96: line = "#define MINIUPNPC_VERSION_STRING " & Chr(34) & version & Chr(34)
! 97: End if
! 98: End if
! 99: End If
! 100: f_out.WriteLine line
! 101: Loop
! 102: f_in.Close
! 103: f_out.Close
! 104: End If
! 105:
! 106: Set f_out = FSO.OpenTextFile(outfilerc, 2, True) ' 2 = Write
! 107: f_out.WriteLine "#define LIBMINIUPNPC_DOTTED_VERSION " & Chr(34) & version & Chr(34)
! 108: ver = Split(version, ".")
! 109: f_out.WriteLine "#define LIBMINIUPNPC_MAJOR_VERSION " & ver(0)
! 110: f_out.WriteLine "#define LIBMINIUPNPC_MINOR_VERSION " & ver(1)
! 111: f_out.WriteLine "#define LIBMINIUPNPC_MICRO_VERSION " & ver(2)
! 112: f_out.Close
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