Annotation of embedaddon/miniupnpd/Makefile.linux, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: # $Id: Makefile.linux,v 1.52 2010/08/07 21:04:48 nanard Exp $
! 2: # MiniUPnP project
! 3: # or
! 4: # Author : Thomas Bernard
! 5: # for use with GNU Make
! 6: #
! 7: # To install use :
! 8: # $ PREFIX=/dummyinstalldir make -f Makefile.linux install
! 9: # or :
! 10: # $ INSTALLPREFIX=/usr/local make -f Makefile.linux install
! 11: # or :
! 12: # $ make -f Makefile.linux install
! 13: #
! 14: # if your system hasn't iptables libiptc headers and binary correctly
! 15: # installed, you need to get iptables sources from
! 16: # ./configure them and build them then miniupnpd will build using :
! 17: # $ IPTABLESPATH=/path/to/iptables-1.4.1 make -f Makefile.linux
! 18: #
! 19: #CFLAGS = -Wall -O -D_GNU_SOURCE -g -DDEBUG
! 20: CFLAGS = -Wall -Os -D_GNU_SOURCE
! 21: CC = gcc
! 22: RM = rm -f
! 23: INSTALL = install
! 24: STRIP = strip
! 25:
! 28: ETCINSTALLDIR = $(PREFIX)/etc/miniupnpd
! 29:
! 30: BASEOBJS = miniupnpd.o upnphttp.o upnpdescgen.o upnpsoap.o \
! 31: upnpreplyparse.o minixml.o \
! 32: upnpredirect.o getifaddr.o daemonize.o upnpglobalvars.o \
! 33: options.o upnppermissions.o minissdp.o natpmp.o \
! 34: upnpevents.o
! 35:
! 36: LNXOBJS = linux/getifstats.o
! 37: NETFILTEROBJS = netfilter/iptcrdr.o
! 38:
! 40:
! 41: LIBS = -liptc
! 42: # the following is better, at least on gentoo with iptables 1.4.6
! 43: # see
! 44: #LIBS = -lip4tc
! 45:
! 46: ARCH := $(shell uname -m | grep -q "x86_64" && echo 64)
! 47: ifdef IPTABLESPATH
! 48: CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -I$(IPTABLESPATH)/include/
! 50: # get iptables version and set IPTABLES_143 macro if needed
! 51: IPTABLESVERSION := $(shell grep "\#define VERSION" $(IPTABLESPATH)/config.h | tr -d \" |cut -d" " -f3 )
! 52: IPTABLESVERSION1 := $(shell echo $(IPTABLESVERSION) | cut -d. -f1 )
! 53: IPTABLESVERSION2 := $(shell echo $(IPTABLESVERSION) | cut -d. -f2 )
! 54: IPTABLESVERSION3 := $(shell echo $(IPTABLESVERSION) | cut -d. -f3 )
! 55: # test if iptables version >= 1.4.3
! 56: TEST := $(shell [ \( \( $(IPTABLESVERSION1) -ge 1 \) -a \( $(IPTABLESVERSION2) -ge 4 \) \) -a \( $(IPTABLESVERSION3) -ge 3 \) ] && echo 1 )
! 57: ifeq ($(TEST), 1)
! 59: # the following sucks, but works
! 60: #LIBS = $(IPTABLESPATH)/libiptc/.libs/libip4tc.o
! 61: LIBS = $(IPTABLESPATH)/libiptc/.libs/libiptc.a
! 62: else
! 63: LIBS = $(IPTABLESPATH)/libiptc/libiptc.a
! 64: endif
! 65: else
! 66: # check for system-wide iptables files. Test if iptables version >= 1.4.3
! 67: TEST := $(shell test -f /usr/include/iptables/internal.h && grep -q "\#define IPTABLES_VERSION" /usr/include/iptables/internal.h && echo 1)
! 68: ifeq ($(TEST), 1)
! 70: LIBS = -liptc
! 71: TEST_LIB := $(shell test -f /usr/lib$(ARCH)/libiptc.a && echo 1)
! 72: ifeq ($(TEST_LIB), 1)
! 73: LIBS = -liptc /usr/lib$(ARCH)/libiptc.a
! 74: endif
! 75: endif
! 76: endif
! 77:
! 78: TESTUPNPDESCGENOBJS = testupnpdescgen.o upnpdescgen.o
! 79:
! 80: EXECUTABLES = miniupnpd testupnpdescgen testgetifstats \
! 81: testupnppermissions miniupnpdctl testgetifaddr
! 82:
! 83: .PHONY: all clean install depend genuuid
! 84:
! 85: all: $(EXECUTABLES)
! 86:
! 87: clean:
! 88: $(RM) $(ALLOBJS)
! 89: $(RM) $(EXECUTABLES)
! 90: $(RM) testupnpdescgen.o testgetifstats.o
! 91: $(RM) testupnppermissions.o testgetifaddr.o
! 92: $(RM) miniupnpdctl.o
! 93:
! 94: install: miniupnpd genuuid
! 95: $(STRIP) miniupnpd
! 97: $(INSTALL) miniupnpd $(SBININSTALLDIR)
! 99: $(INSTALL) netfilter/ $(ETCINSTALLDIR)
! 100: $(INSTALL) netfilter/ $(ETCINSTALLDIR)
! 101: $(INSTALL) --mode=0644 -b miniupnpd.conf $(ETCINSTALLDIR)
! 102: $(INSTALL) -d $(PREFIX)/etc/init.d
! 103: $(INSTALL) linux/miniupnpd.init.d.script $(PREFIX)/etc/init.d/miniupnpd
! 104:
! 105: # genuuid is using the uuidgen CLI tool which is part of libuuid
! 106: # from the e2fsprogs
! 107: genuuid:
! 108: sed -i -e "s/^uuid=[-0-9a-f]*/uuid=`(genuuid||uuidgen) 2>/dev/null`/" miniupnpd.conf
! 109:
! 110: miniupnpd: $(BASEOBJS) $(LNXOBJS) $(NETFILTEROBJS) $(LIBS)
! 111:
! 112: testupnpdescgen: $(TESTUPNPDESCGENOBJS)
! 113:
! 114: testgetifstats: testgetifstats.o linux/getifstats.o
! 115:
! 116: testupnppermissions: testupnppermissions.o upnppermissions.o
! 117:
! 118: testgetifaddr: testgetifaddr.o getifaddr.o
! 119:
! 120: miniupnpdctl: miniupnpdctl.o
! 121:
! 122: config.h:
! 123: ./
! 124:
! 125: depend: config.h
! 126: makedepend -f$(MAKEFILE_LIST) -Y \
! 127: $(ALLOBJS:.o=.c) $(TESTUPNPDESCGENOBJS:.o=.c) \
! 128: testgetifstats.c 2>/dev/null
! 129:
! 130: # DO NOT DELETE
! 131:
! 132: miniupnpd.o: config.h upnpglobalvars.h upnppermissions.h miniupnpdtypes.h
! 133: miniupnpd.o: upnphttp.h upnpdescgen.h miniupnpdpath.h getifaddr.h upnpsoap.h
! 134: miniupnpd.o: options.h minissdp.h upnpredirect.h daemonize.h upnpevents.h
! 135: miniupnpd.o: natpmp.h commonrdr.h
! 136: upnphttp.o: config.h upnphttp.h upnpdescgen.h miniupnpdpath.h upnpsoap.h
! 137: upnphttp.o: upnpevents.h
! 138: upnpdescgen.o: config.h upnpdescgen.h miniupnpdpath.h upnpglobalvars.h
! 139: upnpdescgen.o: upnppermissions.h miniupnpdtypes.h upnpdescstrings.h
! 140: upnpsoap.o: config.h upnpglobalvars.h upnppermissions.h miniupnpdtypes.h
! 141: upnpsoap.o: upnphttp.h upnpsoap.h upnpreplyparse.h upnpredirect.h getifaddr.h
! 142: upnpsoap.o: getifstats.h
! 143: upnpreplyparse.o: upnpreplyparse.h minixml.h
! 144: minixml.o: minixml.h
! 145: upnpredirect.o: config.h upnpredirect.h upnpglobalvars.h upnppermissions.h
! 146: upnpredirect.o: miniupnpdtypes.h upnpevents.h netfilter/iptcrdr.h commonrdr.h
! 147: getifaddr.o: getifaddr.h
! 148: daemonize.o: daemonize.h config.h
! 149: upnpglobalvars.o: config.h upnpglobalvars.h upnppermissions.h
! 150: upnpglobalvars.o: miniupnpdtypes.h
! 151: options.o: options.h config.h upnppermissions.h upnpglobalvars.h
! 152: options.o: miniupnpdtypes.h
! 153: upnppermissions.o: config.h upnppermissions.h
! 154: minissdp.o: config.h upnpdescstrings.h miniupnpdpath.h upnphttp.h
! 155: minissdp.o: upnpglobalvars.h upnppermissions.h miniupnpdtypes.h minissdp.h
! 156: minissdp.o: codelength.h
! 157: natpmp.o: config.h natpmp.h upnpglobalvars.h upnppermissions.h
! 158: natpmp.o: miniupnpdtypes.h getifaddr.h upnpredirect.h commonrdr.h
! 159: upnpevents.o: config.h upnpevents.h miniupnpdpath.h upnpglobalvars.h
! 160: upnpevents.o: upnppermissions.h miniupnpdtypes.h upnpdescgen.h
! 161: linux/getifstats.o: getifstats.h config.h
! 162: netfilter/iptcrdr.o: netfilter/iptcrdr.h commonrdr.h config.h
! 163: netfilter/iptcrdr.o: upnpglobalvars.h upnppermissions.h miniupnpdtypes.h
! 164: testupnpdescgen.o: config.h upnpdescgen.h
! 165: upnpdescgen.o: config.h upnpdescgen.h miniupnpdpath.h upnpglobalvars.h
! 166: upnpdescgen.o: upnppermissions.h miniupnpdtypes.h upnpdescstrings.h
! 167: testgetifstats.o: getifstats.h
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