File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / miniupnpd / upnpdescgen.h
Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs - revision graph
Mon Jul 22 00:32:35 2013 UTC (11 years, 7 months ago) by misho
Branches: miniupnpd, elwix, MAIN
CVS tags: v1_8p0, v1_8, HEAD

/* $Id: upnpdescgen.h,v 2013/07/22 00:32:35 misho Exp $ */
/* MiniUPnP project
 * or
 * (c) 2006-2011 Thomas Bernard
 * This software is subject to the conditions detailed
 * in the LICENCE file provided within the distribution */


#include "config.h"

/* for the root description
 * The child list reference is stored in "data" member using the
 * INITHELPER macro with index/nchild always in the
 * same order, whatever the endianness */
struct XMLElt {
	const char * eltname;	/* begin with '/' if no child */
	const char * data;	/* Value */

/* for service description */
struct serviceDesc {
	const struct action * actionList;
	const struct stateVar * serviceStateTable;

struct action {
	const char * name;
	const struct argument * args;

struct argument {	/* the name of the arg is obtained from the variable */
	unsigned char dir;		/* MSB : don't append "New" Flag,
	                         * 5 Medium bits : magic argument name index
	                         * 2 LSB : 1 = in, 2 = out */
	unsigned char relatedVar;	/* index of the related variable */

struct stateVar {
	const char * name;
	unsigned char itype;	/* MSB: sendEvent flag, 7 LSB: index in upnptypes */
	unsigned char idefault;	/* default value */
	unsigned char iallowedlist;	/* index in allowed values list
	                             * or in allowed range list */
	unsigned char ieventvalue;	/* fixed value returned or magical values */

/* little endian
 * The code has now be tested on big endian architecture */
#define INITHELPER(i, n) ((char *)(((n)<<16)|(i)))

/* char * genRootDesc(int *);
 * returns: NULL on error, string allocated on the heap */
char *
genRootDesc(int * len);

/* for the two following functions */
char *
genWANIPCn(int * len);

char *
genWANCfg(int * len);

char *
genL3F(int * len);

char *
gen6FC(int * len);

char *
genDP(int * len);

char *
getVarsWANIPCn(int * len);

char *
getVarsWANCfg(int * len);

char *
getVarsL3F(int * len);
char *
getVars6FC(int * len);
char *
getVarsDP(int * len);
#endif /* ENABLE_EVENTS */


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