/* $Id: upnpsoap.c,v 2012/02/21 23:16:02 misho Exp $ */ /* MiniUPnP project * http://miniupnp.free.fr/ or http://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/ * (c) 2006-2011 Thomas Bernard * This software is subject to the conditions detailed * in the LICENCE file provided within the distribution */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "upnpglobalvars.h" #include "upnphttp.h" #include "upnpsoap.h" #include "upnpreplyparse.h" #include "upnpredirect.h" #include "getifaddr.h" #include "getifstats.h" static void BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(struct upnphttp * h, const char * body, int bodylen) { static const char beforebody[] = "\r\n" "" ""; static const char afterbody[] = "" "\r\n"; BuildHeader_upnphttp(h, 200, "OK", sizeof(beforebody) - 1 + sizeof(afterbody) - 1 + bodylen ); memcpy(h->res_buf + h->res_buflen, beforebody, sizeof(beforebody) - 1); h->res_buflen += sizeof(beforebody) - 1; memcpy(h->res_buf + h->res_buflen, body, bodylen); h->res_buflen += bodylen; memcpy(h->res_buf + h->res_buflen, afterbody, sizeof(afterbody) - 1); h->res_buflen += sizeof(afterbody) - 1; SendResp_upnphttp(h); CloseSocket_upnphttp(h); } static void GetConnectionTypeInfo(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { static const char resp[] = "" "IP_Routed" "IP_Routed" ""; BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, resp, sizeof(resp)-1); } static void GetTotalBytesSent(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { int r; static const char resp[] = "" "%lu" ""; char body[512]; int bodylen; struct ifdata data; r = getifstats(ext_if_name, &data); bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1", r<0?0:data.obytes, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } static void GetTotalBytesReceived(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { int r; static const char resp[] = "" "%lu" ""; char body[512]; int bodylen; struct ifdata data; r = getifstats(ext_if_name, &data); bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1", r<0?0:data.ibytes, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } static void GetTotalPacketsSent(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { int r; static const char resp[] = "" "%lu" ""; char body[512]; int bodylen; struct ifdata data; r = getifstats(ext_if_name, &data); bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1", r<0?0:data.opackets, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } static void GetTotalPacketsReceived(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { int r; static const char resp[] = "" "%lu" ""; char body[512]; int bodylen; struct ifdata data; r = getifstats(ext_if_name, &data); bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1", r<0?0:data.ipackets, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } static void GetCommonLinkProperties(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { /* WANAccessType : set depending on the hardware : * DSL, POTS (plain old Telephone service), Cable, Ethernet */ static const char resp[] = "" /*"DSL"*/ "Cable" "%lu" "%lu" "%s" ""; char body[2048]; int bodylen; struct ifdata data; const char * status = "Up"; /* Up, Down (Required), * Initializing, Unavailable (Optional) */ char ext_ip_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; if((downstream_bitrate == 0) || (upstream_bitrate == 0)) { if(getifstats(ext_if_name, &data) >= 0) { if(downstream_bitrate == 0) downstream_bitrate = data.baudrate; if(upstream_bitrate == 0) upstream_bitrate = data.baudrate; } } if(getifaddr(ext_if_name, ext_ip_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) < 0) { status = "Down"; } bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1", upstream_bitrate, downstream_bitrate, status, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } static void GetStatusInfo(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { static const char resp[] = "" "%s" "ERROR_NONE" "%ld" ""; char body[512]; int bodylen; time_t uptime; const char * status = "Connected"; /* ConnectionStatus possible values : * Unconfigured, Connecting, Connected, PendingDisconnect, * Disconnecting, Disconnected */ char ext_ip_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; if(getifaddr(ext_if_name, ext_ip_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) < 0) { status = "Disconnected"; } uptime = (time(NULL) - startup_time); bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1", status, (long)uptime, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } static void GetNATRSIPStatus(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { static const char resp[] = "" "0" "1" ""; /* 2.2.9. RSIPAvailable * This variable indicates if Realm-specific IP (RSIP) is available * as a feature on the InternetGatewayDevice. RSIP is being defined * in the NAT working group in the IETF to allow host-NATing using * a standard set of message exchanges. It also allows end-to-end * applications that otherwise break if NAT is introduced * (e.g. IPsec-based VPNs). * A gateway that does not support RSIP should set this variable to 0. */ BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, resp, sizeof(resp)-1); } static void GetExternalIPAddress(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { static const char resp[] = "" "%s" ""; char body[512]; int bodylen; char ext_ip_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; #ifndef MULTIPLE_EXTERNAL_IP if(use_ext_ip_addr) { strncpy(ext_ip_addr, use_ext_ip_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); } else if(getifaddr(ext_if_name, ext_ip_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get ip address for interface %s", ext_if_name); strncpy(ext_ip_addr, "", INET_ADDRSTRLEN); } #else int i; strncpy(ext_ip_addr, "", INET_ADDRSTRLEN); for(i = 0; iclientaddr.s_addr & lan_addr[i].mask.s_addr) == (lan_addr[i].addr.s_addr & lan_addr[i].mask.s_addr)) { strncpy(ext_ip_addr, lan_addr[i].ext_ip_str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); break; } } #endif bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1", ext_ip_addr, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } static void AddPortMapping(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { int r; static const char resp[] = ""; struct NameValueParserData data; char * int_ip, * int_port, * ext_port, * protocol, * desc; char * leaseduration; unsigned short iport, eport; struct hostent *hp; /* getbyhostname() */ char ** ptr; /* getbyhostname() */ struct in_addr result_ip;/*unsigned char result_ip[16];*/ /* inet_pton() */ ParseNameValue(h->req_buf + h->req_contentoff, h->req_contentlen, &data); int_ip = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewInternalClient"); if (!int_ip) { ClearNameValueList(&data); SoapError(h, 402, "Invalid Args"); return; } /* if ip not valid assume hostname and convert */ if (inet_pton(AF_INET, int_ip, &result_ip) <= 0) { hp = gethostbyname(int_ip); if(hp && hp->h_addrtype == AF_INET) { for(ptr = hp->h_addr_list; ptr && *ptr; ptr++) { int_ip = inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) *ptr)); result_ip = *((struct in_addr *) *ptr); /* TODO : deal with more than one ip per hostname */ break; } } else { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to convert hostname '%s' to ip address", int_ip); ClearNameValueList(&data); SoapError(h, 402, "Invalid Args"); return; } } /* check if NewInternalAddress is the client address */ if(GETFLAG(SECUREMODEMASK)) { if(h->clientaddr.s_addr != result_ip.s_addr) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Client %s tried to redirect port to %s", inet_ntoa(h->clientaddr), int_ip); ClearNameValueList(&data); SoapError(h, 718, "ConflictInMappingEntry"); return; } } int_port = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewInternalPort"); ext_port = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewExternalPort"); protocol = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewProtocol"); desc = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewPortMappingDescription"); leaseduration = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewLeaseDuration"); if (!int_port || !ext_port || !protocol) { ClearNameValueList(&data); SoapError(h, 402, "Invalid Args"); return; } eport = (unsigned short)atoi(ext_port); iport = (unsigned short)atoi(int_port); if(leaseduration && atoi(leaseduration)) { /* at the moment, lease duration is always infinite */ syslog(LOG_WARNING, "NewLeaseDuration=%s not supported, ignored. (ip=%s, desc='%s')", leaseduration, int_ip, desc); } syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s: ext port %hu to %s:%hu protocol %s for: %s", action, eport, int_ip, iport, protocol, desc); r = upnp_redirect(eport, int_ip, iport, protocol, desc); ClearNameValueList(&data); /* possible error codes for AddPortMapping : * 402 - Invalid Args * 501 - Action Failed * 715 - Wildcard not permited in SrcAddr * 716 - Wildcard not permited in ExtPort * 718 - ConflictInMappingEntry * 724 - SamePortValuesRequired * 725 - OnlyPermanentLeasesSupported The NAT implementation only supports permanent lease times on port mappings * 726 - RemoteHostOnlySupportsWildcard RemoteHost must be a wildcard and cannot be a specific IP address or DNS name * 727 - ExternalPortOnlySupportsWildcard ExternalPort must be a wildcard and cannot be a specific port value * 728 - NoPortMapsAvailable There are not enough free prots available to complete the mapping (added in IGD v2) */ switch(r) { case 0: /* success */ BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, resp, sizeof(resp)-1); break; case -2: /* already redirected */ case -3: /* not permitted */ SoapError(h, 718, "ConflictInMappingEntry"); break; default: SoapError(h, 501, "ActionFailed"); } } /* AddAnyPortMapping was added in WANIPConnection v2 */ static void AddAnyPortMapping(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { int r; static const char resp[] = "" "%hu" ""; char body[512]; int bodylen; struct NameValueParserData data; const char * int_ip, * int_port, * ext_port, * protocol, * desc; const char * r_host; unsigned short iport, eport; unsigned int leaseduration; struct hostent *hp; /* getbyhostname() */ char ** ptr; /* getbyhostname() */ struct in_addr result_ip;/*unsigned char result_ip[16];*/ /* inet_pton() */ ParseNameValue(h->req_buf + h->req_contentoff, h->req_contentlen, &data); r_host = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewRemoteHost"); ext_port = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewExternalPort"); protocol = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewProtocol"); int_port = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewInternalPort"); int_ip = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewInternalClient"); /* NewEnabled */ desc = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewPortMappingDescription"); leaseduration = atoi(GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewLeaseDuration")); if(leaseduration == 0) leaseduration = 604800; eport = (unsigned short)atoi(ext_port); iport = (unsigned short)atoi(int_port); if (!int_ip) { ClearNameValueList(&data); SoapError(h, 402, "Invalid Args"); return; } /* if ip not valid assume hostname and convert */ if (inet_pton(AF_INET, int_ip, &result_ip) <= 0) { hp = gethostbyname(int_ip); if(hp && hp->h_addrtype == AF_INET) { for(ptr = hp->h_addr_list; ptr && *ptr; ptr++) { int_ip = inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *) *ptr)); result_ip = *((struct in_addr *) *ptr); /* TODO : deal with more than one ip per hostname */ break; } } else { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to convert hostname '%s' to ip address", int_ip); ClearNameValueList(&data); SoapError(h, 402, "Invalid Args"); return; } } /* check if NewInternalAddress is the client address */ if(GETFLAG(SECUREMODEMASK)) { if(h->clientaddr.s_addr != result_ip.s_addr) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Client %s tried to redirect port to %s", inet_ntoa(h->clientaddr), int_ip); ClearNameValueList(&data); SoapError(h, 606, "Action not authorized"); return; } } /* TODO : accept a different external port */ r = upnp_redirect(eport, int_ip, iport, protocol, desc); ClearNameValueList(&data); switch(r) { case 0: /* success */ bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:2", eport, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); break; case -2: /* already redirected */ SoapError(h, 718, "ConflictInMappingEntry"); break; case -3: /* not permitted */ SoapError(h, 606, "Action not authorized"); break; default: SoapError(h, 501, "ActionFailed"); } } static void GetSpecificPortMappingEntry(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { int r; static const char resp[] = "" "%u" "%s" "1" "%s" "0" ""; char body[1024]; int bodylen; struct NameValueParserData data; const char * r_host, * ext_port, * protocol; unsigned short eport, iport; char int_ip[32]; char desc[64]; ParseNameValue(h->req_buf + h->req_contentoff, h->req_contentlen, &data); r_host = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewRemoteHost"); ext_port = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewExternalPort"); protocol = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewProtocol"); if(!ext_port || !protocol) { ClearNameValueList(&data); SoapError(h, 402, "Invalid Args"); return; } eport = (unsigned short)atoi(ext_port); r = upnp_get_redirection_infos(eport, protocol, &iport, int_ip, sizeof(int_ip), desc, sizeof(desc)); if(r < 0) { SoapError(h, 714, "NoSuchEntryInArray"); } else { syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s: rhost='%s' %s %s found => %s:%u desc='%s'", action, r_host, ext_port, protocol, int_ip, (unsigned int)iport, desc); bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1", (unsigned int)iport, int_ip, desc, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } ClearNameValueList(&data); } static void DeletePortMapping(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { int r; static const char resp[] = "" ""; struct NameValueParserData data; const char * r_host, * ext_port, * protocol; unsigned short eport; ParseNameValue(h->req_buf + h->req_contentoff, h->req_contentlen, &data); r_host = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewRemoteHost"); ext_port = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewExternalPort"); protocol = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewProtocol"); if(!ext_port || !protocol) { ClearNameValueList(&data); SoapError(h, 402, "Invalid Args"); return; } eport = (unsigned short)atoi(ext_port); /* TODO : if in secure mode, check the IP */ syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s: external port: %hu, protocol: %s", action, eport, protocol); r = upnp_delete_redirection(eport, protocol); if(r < 0) { SoapError(h, 714, "NoSuchEntryInArray"); } else { BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, resp, sizeof(resp)-1); } ClearNameValueList(&data); } /* DeletePortMappingRange was added in IGD spec v2 */ static void DeletePortMappingRange(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { static const char resp[] = "" ""; struct NameValueParserData data; const char * protocol; unsigned short startport, endport; int manage; ParseNameValue(h->req_buf + h->req_contentoff, h->req_contentlen, &data); startport = (unsigned short)atoi(GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewStartPort")); endport = (unsigned short)atoi(GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewEndPort")); protocol = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewProtocol"); manage = atoi(GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewManage")); /* TODO : implement the method ! */ /* possible errors : 606 - Action not authorized 730 - PortMappingNotFound 733 - InconsistentParameter */ BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, resp, sizeof(resp)-1); ClearNameValueList(&data); } static void GetGenericPortMappingEntry(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { int r; static const char resp[] = "" "" "%u" "%s" "%u" "%s" "1" "%s" "0" ""; int index = 0; unsigned short eport, iport; const char * m_index; char protocol[4], iaddr[32]; char desc[64]; struct NameValueParserData data; ParseNameValue(h->req_buf + h->req_contentoff, h->req_contentlen, &data); m_index = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewPortMappingIndex"); if(!m_index) { ClearNameValueList(&data); SoapError(h, 402, "Invalid Args"); return; } index = (int)atoi(m_index); syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s: index=%d", action, index); r = upnp_get_redirection_infos_by_index(index, &eport, protocol, &iport, iaddr, sizeof(iaddr), desc, sizeof(desc)); if(r < 0) { SoapError(h, 713, "SpecifiedArrayIndexInvalid"); } else { int bodylen; char body[2048]; bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1", (unsigned int)eport, protocol, (unsigned int)iport, iaddr, desc, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } ClearNameValueList(&data); } /* GetListOfPortMappings was added in the IGD v2 specification */ static void GetListOfPortMappings(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { static const char resp[] = "" "" ""; char body[512]; int bodylen; struct NameValueParserData data; unsigned short startport, endport; const char * protocol; int manage; int number; ParseNameValue(h->req_buf + h->req_contentoff, h->req_contentlen, &data); startport = (unsigned short)atoi(GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewStartPort")); endport = (unsigned short)atoi(GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewEndPort")); protocol = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewProtocol"); manage = atoi(GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewManage")); number = atoi(GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewNumberOfPorts")); /* TODO : build the PortMappingList xml document : 2345 TCP 2345 1 dooom 345 */ bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:2", "", action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); ClearNameValueList(&data); } #ifdef ENABLE_L3F_SERVICE static void SetDefaultConnectionService(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { static const char resp[] = "" ""; struct NameValueParserData data; char * p; ParseNameValue(h->req_buf + h->req_contentoff, h->req_contentlen, &data); p = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewDefaultConnectionService"); if(p) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s(%s) : Ignored", action, p); } ClearNameValueList(&data); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, resp, sizeof(resp)-1); } static void GetDefaultConnectionService(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { static const char resp[] = "" "%s:WANConnectionDevice:1," "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANIPConn1" ""; /* example from UPnP_IGD_Layer3Forwarding 1.0.pdf : * uuid:44f5824f-c57d-418c-a131-f22b34e14111:WANConnectionDevice:1, * urn:upnp-org:serviceId:WANPPPConn1 */ char body[1024]; int bodylen; bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, uuidvalue, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } #endif /* Added for compliance with WANIPConnection v2 */ static void SetConnectionType(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { const char * connection_type; struct NameValueParserData data; ParseNameValue(h->req_buf + h->req_contentoff, h->req_contentlen, &data); connection_type = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "NewConnectionType"); /* Unconfigured, IP_Routed, IP_Bridged */ ClearNameValueList(&data); /* always return a ReadOnly error */ SoapError(h, 731, "ReadOnly"); } /* Added for compliance with WANIPConnection v2 */ static void RequestConnection(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { SoapError(h, 606, "Action not authorized"); } /* Added for compliance with WANIPConnection v2 */ static void ForceTermination(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { SoapError(h, 606, "Action not authorized"); } /* If a control point calls QueryStateVariable on a state variable that is not buffered in memory within (or otherwise available from) the service, the service must return a SOAP fault with an errorCode of 404 Invalid Var. QueryStateVariable remains useful as a limited test tool but may not be part of some future versions of UPnP. */ static void QueryStateVariable(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action) { static const char resp[] = "" "%s" ""; char body[512]; int bodylen; struct NameValueParserData data; const char * var_name; ParseNameValue(h->req_buf + h->req_contentoff, h->req_contentlen, &data); /*var_name = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "QueryStateVariable"); */ /*var_name = GetValueFromNameValueListIgnoreNS(&data, "varName");*/ var_name = GetValueFromNameValueList(&data, "varName"); /*syslog(LOG_INFO, "QueryStateVariable(%.40s)", var_name); */ if(!var_name) { SoapError(h, 402, "Invalid Args"); } else if(strcmp(var_name, "ConnectionStatus") == 0) { const char * status = "Connected"; char ext_ip_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; if(getifaddr(ext_if_name, ext_ip_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) < 0) { status = "Disconnected"; } bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0", status, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } #if 0 /* not usefull */ else if(strcmp(var_name, "ConnectionType") == 0) { bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, "IP_Routed"); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } else if(strcmp(var_name, "LastConnectionError") == 0) { bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, "ERROR_NONE"); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } #endif else if(strcmp(var_name, "PortMappingNumberOfEntries") == 0) { char strn[10]; snprintf(strn, sizeof(strn), "%i", upnp_get_portmapping_number_of_entries()); bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, action, "urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0", strn, action); BuildSendAndCloseSoapResp(h, body, bodylen); } else { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: Unknown: %s", action, var_name?var_name:""); SoapError(h, 404, "Invalid Var"); } ClearNameValueList(&data); } /* Windows XP as client send the following requests : * GetConnectionTypeInfo * GetNATRSIPStatus * ? GetTotalBytesSent - WANCommonInterfaceConfig * ? GetTotalBytesReceived - idem * ? GetTotalPacketsSent - idem * ? GetTotalPacketsReceived - idem * GetCommonLinkProperties - idem * GetStatusInfo - WANIPConnection * GetExternalIPAddress * QueryStateVariable / ConnectionStatus! */ static const struct { const char * methodName; void (*methodImpl)(struct upnphttp *, const char *); } soapMethods[] = { { "GetConnectionTypeInfo", GetConnectionTypeInfo }, { "GetNATRSIPStatus", GetNATRSIPStatus}, { "GetExternalIPAddress", GetExternalIPAddress}, { "AddPortMapping", AddPortMapping}, { "DeletePortMapping", DeletePortMapping}, { "GetGenericPortMappingEntry", GetGenericPortMappingEntry}, { "GetSpecificPortMappingEntry", GetSpecificPortMappingEntry}, { "QueryStateVariable", QueryStateVariable}, { "GetTotalBytesSent", GetTotalBytesSent}, { "GetTotalBytesReceived", GetTotalBytesReceived}, { "GetTotalPacketsSent", GetTotalPacketsSent}, { "GetTotalPacketsReceived", GetTotalPacketsReceived}, { "GetCommonLinkProperties", GetCommonLinkProperties}, { "GetStatusInfo", GetStatusInfo}, /* Required in WANIPConnection:2 */ { "SetConnectionType", SetConnectionType}, { "RequestConnection", RequestConnection}, { "ForceTermination", ForceTermination}, { "AddAnyPortMapping", AddAnyPortMapping}, { "DeletePortMappingRange", DeletePortMappingRange}, { "GetListOfPortMappings", GetListOfPortMappings}, #ifdef ENABLE_L3F_SERVICE { "SetDefaultConnectionService", SetDefaultConnectionService}, { "GetDefaultConnectionService", GetDefaultConnectionService}, #endif { 0, 0 } }; void ExecuteSoapAction(struct upnphttp * h, const char * action, int n) { char * p; char * p2; int i, len, methodlen; i = 0; p = strchr(action, '#'); if(p) { p++; p2 = strchr(p, '"'); if(p2) methodlen = p2 - p; else methodlen = n - (p - action); /*syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "SoapMethod: %.*s", methodlen, p);*/ while(soapMethods[i].methodName) { len = strlen(soapMethods[i].methodName); if(strncmp(p, soapMethods[i].methodName, len) == 0) { soapMethods[i].methodImpl(h, soapMethods[i].methodName); return; } i++; } syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "SoapMethod: Unknown: %.*s", methodlen, p); } SoapError(h, 401, "Invalid Action"); } /* Standard Errors: * * errorCode errorDescription Description * -------- ---------------- ----------- * 401 Invalid Action No action by that name at this service. * 402 Invalid Args Could be any of the following: not enough in args, * too many in args, no in arg by that name, * one or more in args are of the wrong data type. * 403 Out of Sync Out of synchronization. * 501 Action Failed May be returned in current state of service * prevents invoking that action. * 600-699 TBD Common action errors. Defined by UPnP Forum * Technical Committee. * 700-799 TBD Action-specific errors for standard actions. * Defined by UPnP Forum working committee. * 800-899 TBD Action-specific errors for non-standard actions. * Defined by UPnP vendor. */ void SoapError(struct upnphttp * h, int errCode, const char * errDesc) { static const char resp[] = "" "" "" "s:Client" "UPnPError" "" "" "%d" "%s" "" "" "" "" ""; char body[2048]; int bodylen; syslog(LOG_INFO, "Returning UPnPError %d: %s", errCode, errDesc); bodylen = snprintf(body, sizeof(body), resp, errCode, errDesc); BuildResp2_upnphttp(h, 500, "Internal Server Error", body, bodylen); SendResp_upnphttp(h); CloseSocket_upnphttp(h); }