Annotation of embedaddon/mpd/doc/mpd10.html, revision 1.1

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        !             5: <TITLE>Invoking mpd</TITLE>
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        !             8: 
        !             9: <A HREF="mpd.html"><EM>Mpd 5.6 User Manual</EM></A>
        !            10:  <b>:</b> <A HREF="mpd9.html"><EM>Running Mpd</EM></A>
        !            11:  <b>:</b> <EM>Invoking mpd</EM><BR>
        !            12: <b>Previous:</b> <A HREF="mpd9.html"><EM>Running Mpd</EM></A><BR>
        !            13: <b>Next:</b> <A HREF="mpd11.html"><EM>Configuration file format</EM></A>
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        !            15: 
        !            16: <HR NOSHADE>
        !            17:   <H2><A NAME="10"></A>3.1. Invoking mpd<A NAME="invoke"></A></H2>
        !            18: <p>Mpd is invoked by first setting up your configuration
        !            19: files, and then running
        !            20: <blockquote><code>
        !            21: <code><b>mpd [ <em>options</em> ] [ <em>configuration</em> ] </b></code>
        !            22: </code></blockquote>
        !            23: 
        !            24: On startup mpd run commands from the <code>startup</code> label.
        !            25: Aftre that, if <code><em>configuration</em></code> is supplied,
        !            26: mpd looks in <code>mpd.conf</code> for a matching label,
        !            27: and runs the corresponding commands. If 
        !            28: <code><em>configuration</em></code> is not supplied,
        !            29: mpd looks for the configuration named <code>default</code>.</p>
        !            30: <p>Mpd can either be run in interactive mode or in the
        !            31: background as a daemon. In interactive mode mpd
        !            32: accepts commands typed at the console.</p>
        !            33: <p>Mpd understands the following command line options.
        !            34: Each option has a short, single character form, as
        !            35: well as an equivalent long form.</p>
        !            36: <p>
        !            37: <dl>
        !            38: 
        !            39: <dt><b><code>-b  --background</code></b><dd><p>Run as a background daemon.</p>
        !            40: 
        !            41: <dt><b><code>-d  --directory <em>dir</em></code></b><dd><p>This option allows you to specify a different directory
        !            42: for the mpd configuration files other than the default
        !            43: <code>/usr/local/etc/mpd</code>.</p>
        !            44: 
        !            45: <dt><b><code>-f  --file <em>filename</em></code></b><dd><p>Specify an initial configuration file other than the default,
        !            46: <code>mpd.conf</code>.</p>
        !            47: 
        !            48: <dt><b><code>-o  --one-shot</code></b><dd><p>This option forces mpd terminate itself after the last link disappear.
        !            49: Link templates are not counted as links.</p>
        !            50: 
        !            51: <dt><b><code>-p  --pidfile <em>filename</em></code></b><dd><p>Mpd will open and lock <code><em>filename</em></code> and
        !            52: write its process ID before starting. If another mpd
        !            53: process is already running, mpd will not start.
        !            54: The default is <code>/var/run/</code>.</p>
        !            55: 
        !            56: <dt><b><code>-k  --kill</code></b><dd><p>With this option, pd will attempt to kill any existing mpd
        !            57: process before beginning execution. The previous process
        !            58: must have written its process ID in the PID file
        !            59: <code>/var/run/</code> (or the file you specify with
        !            60: the <code>--pidfile</code> option).</p>
        !            61: 
        !            62: <dt><b><code>-s  --syslog-ident <em>ident</em></code></b><dd><p>Mpd normally logs via <code>syslog(3)</code> with the identifier
        !            63: <code>mpd</code>. This option allows you to change that identifier.</p>
        !            64: 
        !            65: <dt><b><code>-v  --version</code></b><dd><p>Displays the version number of mpd and exits.</p>
        !            66: 
        !            67: <dt><b><code>-h  --help</code></b><dd><p>Displays a usage message and exits.</p>
        !            68: 
        !            69: </dl>
        !            70: </p>
        !            71: <p>Mpd responds to the following signals while it is running:</p>
        !            72: <p>
        !            73: <dl>
        !            74: 
        !            75: <dt><b>SIGTERM</b><dd><p>Attempt to gracefully shut down all active connections and exit.</p>
        !            76: 
        !            77: <dt><b>SIGUSR1</b><dd><p>This signal causes mpd to initiate a connection
        !            78: with the first link. If mpd is already
        !            79: attempting to connect, this signal has no effect.</p>
        !            80: 
        !            81: <dt><b>SIGUSR2</b><dd><p>This signal has the opposite effect, namely, it causes
        !            82: mpd to close the first link. If the link
        !            83: is already in a closed state, this signal has no effect.</p>
        !            84: 
        !            85: </dl>
        !            86: </p>
        !            87: 
        !            88: 
        !            89: 
        !            90:  <HR NOSHADE>
        !            91: <A HREF="mpd.html"><EM>Mpd 5.6 User Manual</EM></A>
        !            92:  <b>:</b> <A HREF="mpd9.html"><EM>Running Mpd</EM></A>
        !            93:  <b>:</b> <EM>Invoking mpd</EM><BR>
        !            94: <b>Previous:</b> <A HREF="mpd9.html"><EM>Running Mpd</EM></A><BR>
        !            95: <b>Next:</b> <A HREF="mpd11.html"><EM>Configuration file format</EM></A>
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