Mpd 5.8 User Manual : Running Mpd : Configuration file format : mpd.conf
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3.2.2. mpd.conf

An entry consists of a label followed by a sequence of mpd commands. A label begins at the first column and ends with a colon character. Commands are indented with a tab character and follow the label on the next and subsequent lines.

Here is an example mpd.conf that contains a single configuration client that defines a single bundle template B1 and one link L1:

# mpd.conf configuration file

	create bundle template B1

	create link static L1 modem
	set modem device /dev/cuau0
	set modem speed 115200
	set modem script DialPeer
	set modem idle-script AnswerCall
	set modem var $DialPrefix "DT"
	set modem var $Telephone "1234567"
	set link no pap chap eap
	set link accept pap
	set auth authname "MyLogin"
	set auth password "MyPassword"
	set link max-redial 0
	set link action bundle B1

Commands are independant and executed one by one as if they were entered using console. Most command operation depends on the active context, which includes currently active link, bundle and repeater. Information about active context is shown at the console command prompt. Some commands, like link, bundle, repeater and create can change this context.

Mpd 5.8 User Manual : Running Mpd : Configuration file format : mpd.conf
Previous: General properties
Next: mpd.secret