Mpd 5.7 User Manual : Configuring Mpd : General mpd commands
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4.1. General mpd commands

This chapter describes general mpd commands that don't apply to a specific layer.

create bundle [ template | static ] name [ template ]

Create new bundle with specified name, optionally based on specified template. If 'template' option is specified bundle will not operate itself, but will be used to create new bundles on demand. If 'static' option is specified, it will be a permanent bundle which will not disapear after operation complete. Maximum name length is 10 characters for templates and 15 characters for the rest of bundles.

create link [ template | static ] name ( type | template )

Create new link with specified name and type, optionally based on specified template. If 'template' option is specified link will not operate itself, but will be used to create new links on demand. If 'static' option is specified, it will be a permanent link which will not disapear after operation complete. Maximum name length is 10 characters for templates and 15 characters for the rest of links.

destroy bundle [ name ]
destroy link [ name ]

Destroy existing link/bundle. Note, that if link is in use it may not disapear after command return, it may take some time to properly close it.

bundle [ name ]

This command changes the currenly active bundle to the bundle named name. The currently active link is also changed, to the first link of the bundle. If no name is given, this command lists all of the defined bundles and their constituent links. The new bundle will be reflected in the prompt.

link [ name | [number] ]

This command changes the currenly active link to the link named name. If this link does not belong to the currently active bundle, then the currently active bundle is changed to the bundle that owns link name. The new link will be reflected in the prompt. Link number (RAD_NAS_PORT) can be specified in hex form in square brackets in place of name.

repeater [ name ]

This command changes the currenly active repeater to the repeater named name. The currently active phys is also changed, to the first phys of the repeater. If no name is given, this command lists all of the defined repeaters and their constituent physes. The new phys will be reflected in the prompt.

iface [ iface ]

This command changes the currenly active bundle to the bundle using interface iface.

msession [ msesid ]

This command changes the currenly active bundle to the bundle holding session with multilink session ID msesid.

session [ sesid ]

This command changes the currenly active link to the link holding session with session ID sesid.

authname [ name ]

This command changes the currenly active link to the link holding session with peer auth name name.

load [ file ] label

This command causes mpd to read the entry for label out of mpd.conf or other file if specified and execute the corresponding commands. file can be relative or absolute file path or http/https/ftp URL. Note, that remote file access may be less reliable.

show [ item ]

This command displays various status information. The valid values for item are:


Show status information about the currently active bundle.


Show status information about the currently active link.


Show status information about the currently active repeater.


Show status information about the interface layer associated with the currently active bundle.


Show the current IP routing table.


Show status information about the IP control protocol associated with the currently active bundle.


Show status information about configures IP pools.


Show status information about the compression control protocol associated with the currently active bundle.


Show status information about the link control protocol associated with the currently active link.


Show information about NAT on the currently active bundle.


Show status information about Authentication.


Show status information about EAP.


Information relating to RADIUS authentication.


Show protocol statistics for the currently active bundle and link.


Show the device types supported by this version of mpd.


Show the names of the layers that are valid as arguments to the open and close commands.


Show active L2TP tunnels.


Show active PPTP tunnels.


Show all pending events (for debugging mpd).


Show distribution of dynamically allocated memory (for debugging mpd).


Show running mpd version and supported features.

sessions [ param value ]

Show active sessions conforming specified param/value. Available params: iface, ip, bundle, msession, link, session, user, peer.


Show active customer details.


Show status summary.


Show console summary.


Show web server summary.


Show defined console users.


Show status information about NetFlow.

set ...

This command sets various configuration information. Further details are contained in later sections in this chapter. The valid completions for set are:

set global startrule num
set global startpipe num
set global startqueue num
set global starttable num

These commands define initial values for autonumeration of ipfw rules, pipes, queues and tables. Defaults are 10000, 10000, 10000 and 32 accordingly.

set global pptptimeout seconds
set global l2tptimeout seconds

Set PPTP/L2TP tunnels inactivity shutdown delay.

Default is 10 seconds.

set global pptplimit num
set global l2tplimit num

Limit maximum number of calls per PPTP/L2TP tunnel. When limit is reached new tunnel will be created for the next call. This option violates PPTP RFC which requires only one tunnel existing for the PAC/PNS pair, but it can increase busy tunnels stability.

Defaults are 100 (10 for L2TP before FreeBSD 6.3-STABLE and 7.0-RELEASE).

set global max-children num

This option specifies global maximum number of links, created using template, that could exist at the same time.

The default value is 10000.

set global qthreshold min max

This option specifies global message queue limit thresholds.

The default values are 64 and 256.

set global filter num add fltnum flt
set global filter num clear

These commands define or clear traffic filters to be used by rules submitted by radius during authentication.

set global enable option ...
set global disable option ...

These commands configure various global options.

The enable and disable commands determine whether or not we want the corresponding option.

The options available are:


This option forces mpd terminate itself after the last link disappear. Link templates are not counted as links.

The default is disable.


With this option mpd uses /etc/hosts.allow everytime a connection is made from the client. This is useful if you would like to restrict access to mpd. This option affects all TCP connections, including PPTP and the TCP device layer.

The default is disable.

set user username password [admin|operator|user]

This command configures which users are allowed to connect to the console. It may be invoked multiple times with different usernames.

set bundle ...

Set bundle layer configuration parameters for the currently active bundle.

set link ...

Set link layer configuration parameters for the currently active link.

set iface ...

Set interface layer configuration parameters for the currently active bundle.

set nat ...

Set NAT configuration parameters for the currently active bundle.

set ipcp ...

Set IP control protocol configuration parameters for the currently active bundle.

set ccp ...

Set compression control protocol configuration parameters for the currently active bundle.

set auth ...

Configures the authentication subsystem.

set radius ...

Configures RADIUS.

set eap ...

Configures the EAP.

set debug ...level

Sets the netgraph(3) debugging level. Default is zero.

set modem ...

Sets device specific configuration parameters for the currently active link, which must have type modem.

set ng ...

Sets device specific configuration parameters for the currently active link, which must have type netgraph.

set tcp ...

Sets device specific configuration parameters for the currently active link, which must have type tcp.

set udp ...

Sets device specific configuration parameters for the currently active link, which must have type udp.

set pptp ...

Sets device specific configuration parameters for the currently active link, which must have type pptp.

set l2tp ...

Sets device specific configuration parameters for the currently active link, which must have type l2tp.

set pppoe ...

Sets device specific configuration parameters for the currently active link, which must have type pppoe.

set console ...

Sets console specific configuration parameters

set web ...

Sets web server specific configuration parameters

unset ...

This command allows to unsets some of configuration information set using set command.

open [ layer ]

This command causes an OPEN event to be sent to the corresponding layer or finite state machine (FSM). The valid layers are:


Interface layer. Opening this layer configures the interface and installs any routes. If dial-on-demand is enabled, nothing else happens until there is outgoing traffic. If dial-on-demand is disabled there no reason to open this layer manually.


Bundle layer. This layer represents the multi-link bundle ``virtual link'' and is normally opened and closed automatically.


IP control protocol FSM. This is normally opened and closed automatically.


Compression control protocol FSM. This is normally opened and closed automatically.


Link control protocol FSM. This is default layer for open/close commands. Opening of this layer initiates outgoing call by this link.


Device layer. This is normally opened and closed automatically.

Normally, only the iface and link layers should be explicitly opened or closed. This is because the other layers are programmed to automatically open and close when appropriate. Note that the SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 signals are an alternative way to open and close the first link.

close [ layer ]

This command causes a CLOSE event to be sent to the corresponding layer or finite state machine (FSM).

log [ +/-flag ... ]

Mpd supports several different logging flags. Every line logged by mpd is tagged with one (or more) of these flags. By turning the flags on or off, that particular type of logging is enabled or disabled. This allows you to customize logging verbosity.

Without any arguments, the log command shows the current set of logging flags. To enable a logging flag, add the +flag argument. To disable a logging flag, add the -flag argument.

These are the various flags supported by mpd and their corresponding categories:


Link authentication events


Bundle layer events


Compression events and negotiation


Modem chat script


Log to the console as well as the log file


Echo/reply packets for all FSM's


Encryption events and negotiation


Dump all frames transmitted and received


All FSM events (except echo and resets)


Interface layer events


IP control protocol events and negotiation


IPv6 control protocol events and negotiation


Link control protocol events and negotiation


Link layer events


Device layer events


RADIUS authentication events


Repeater layer events

help [ command ]

This gives a brief description of the supplied command, or if an incomplete command is given, lists the available alternatives.


This command exits the console, but does not quit the mpd process. This command is useful for disconnecting a telnet connection.


Close down all connections and quit the mpd process.

Mpd 5.7 User Manual : Configuring Mpd : General mpd commands
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Next: Mpd Layers