Annotation of embedaddon/mpd/doc/mpd28.html, revision

1.1       misho       1: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
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                      5: <TITLE>Interface layer</TITLE>
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                      8: ! misho       9: <A HREF="mpd.html"><EM>Mpd 5.7 User Manual</EM></A>
1.1       misho      10:  <b>:</b> <A HREF="mpd17.html"><EM>Configuring Mpd</EM></A>
                     11:  <b>:</b> <EM>Interface layer</EM><BR>
                     12: <b>Previous:</b> <A HREF="mpd27.html"><EM>IPv6CP layer</EM></A><BR>
                     13: <b>Next:</b> <A HREF="mpd29.html"><EM>Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA)</EM></A>
                     16: <HR NOSHADE>
                     17:   <H2><A NAME="28"></A>4.9. Interface layer<A NAME="interface"></A></H2>
                     19: <p>This chapter describes commands that configure the interface layer.
                     20: All of these commands apply to the currently active bundle.</p>
                     21: <p>Note that while most of the time mpd is used for transmitting
                     22: IP traffic, it is designed to support other (currently unimplemented)
                     23: protocols such as AppleTalk, IPX, etc. This is why the Interface
                     24: layer (which is protocol independent) is distinct from the 
                     25: <A HREF="mpd26.html#ipcp">ipcp</A> which is specific to IP.</p>
                     26: <p>
                     27: <dl>
                     29: <dt><b><code>set iface name [ <em>name</em> ]</code></b><dd><p>This command changes interface name from default ngX to specified one.
                     30: If name argument is not specified, original ngX name is restored.
                     31: Note that inside Netgraph original ngX name is always used.</p>
                     33: <dt><b><code>set iface description [ <em>description</em> ]</code></b><dd><p>This command changes interface description.</p> ! misho      34: <p>Template may contain conversion specifications:</p>
        !            35: <p>
        !            36: <pre>
        !            37: %% expands to single % sign;
        !            38: %a for interface local address;
        !            39: %A for peer local address;
        !            40: %i for system interface index;
        !            41: %I for interface name;
        !            42: %l for name of bundle's first link
        !            43: %M for peer MAC address of bundle's first link
        !            44: %S for interface status (DoD/UP/DOWN)
        !            45: %t for type of bundle's first link (pppoe, pptp, l2tp etc.)
        !            46: %u for self auth name (or dash if self auth name not used)
        !            47: %U for peer auth name (or dash if peer has not authenticated)
        !            48: </pre>
        !            49: </p>
1.1       misho      50: 
                     51: <dt><b><code>set iface group [ <em>group</em> ]</code></b><dd><p>This command add interface to specific group.</p>
                     53: <dt><b><code>set iface addrs [!]<em>local-ip</em> [!]<em>remote-ip</em></code></b><dd><p>This command is usually required when dial-on-demand is enabled.
                     54: Normally, mpd configures the interface with the IP addresses that
                     55: were negotiated when connecting the link.  Since dial-on-demand
                     56: configures the interface before actually connecting, mpd has to be
                     57: told initial local and remote IP addresses to give the interface.
                     58: These addresses don't have to correspond to the ``real'' ones; in
                     59: fact, both addresses can be completely fictional. If and when
                     60: different addresses are negotiated later, mpd will automatically
                     61: renumber the interface and adjust the routes.</p>
                     62: <p>Also this command may be used to force specified addresses usage
                     63: instead of negotiated ones. It may be useful in some specific cases,
                     64: for example, to avoid routing loop with misconfigured PPTP server.
                     65: In such case '!' mark specifies IPs to be forced.</p>
                     67: <dt><b><code>set iface route <em>address[/width]</em></code></b><dd><p>This command associates a route with the bundle. Whenever the
                     68: interface is configured up, all associated routes are added.
                     69: A route of <code><b>default</b></code> indicates the default route.
                     70: Otherwise, the route is a network address with optional netmask
                     71: width (e.g., <code><b></b></code>). If the netmask
                     72: width is omitted, a single host route is assumed (i.e., a width
                     73: of 32).</p>
                     74: <p>Routes are automatically removed when the interface is brought down.</p>
                     76: <dt><b><code>set iface mtu <em>value</em></code></b><dd><p>This command sets an upper bound on the MTU that will be configured
                     77: on the interface when the bundle comes up.
                     78: This value is not used at all during link negotiation; there are
                     79: separate bundle and link commands for configuring that.
                     80: Even if a higher bundle MTU is negotiated, this limit will still apply.</p>
                     81: <p>This command is useful when you want to manually restrict the MTU
                     82: of the interface for other reasons, e.g., if you're also doing IPSec.</p>
                     83: <p>The default is 1500.</p>
                     85: <dt><b><code>set iface idle <em>seconds</em></code></b><dd><p>Sets the idle timeout value for the bundle. If no incoming or
                     86: outgoing packets are transmitted for <code><em>seconds</em></code>
                     87: seconds, the connection is brought down. An idle timeout of
                     88: zero disables this feature.</p>
                     89: <p>When the idle timeout occurs, if the dial-on-demand option is
                     90: enabled, mpd goes back into dial-on-demand mode. Otherwise, the
                     91: interface is brought down and all associated routes removed.</p>
                     92: <p>The default is 0.</p>
                     94: <dt><b><code>set iface session <em>seconds</em></code></b><dd><p>Sets the session timeout value for the bundle. An session timeout of
                     95: zero disables this feature.</p>
                     96: <p>The default is 0.</p>
                     98: <dt><b><code>set iface up-script <em>script</em> </code></b><dd>
                     99: <dt><b><code>set iface down-script <em>script</em> </code></b><dd>
                    100: <p>Mpd can optionally run a user program every time one of network
                    101: protocols (IPCP/IPv6CP) at the interface is brought up or down.
                    102: The <code><b>up-script</b></code> is called like this:
                    103: <blockquote><code>
                    104: <code><em>script</em> <em>interface</em> <em>proto</em> <em>local-ip</em> <em>remote-ip</em> <em>authname</em> [ dns1 <em>server-ip</em> ] [ dns2 <em>server-ip</em> ]
                    105: <em>peer-address</em></code>
                    106: </code></blockquote>
                    107: </p>
                    108: <p>If up-script exit status is not 0, mpd will kill respective protocol.</p>
                    109: <p>The <code><b>down-script</b></code> is called like this:
                    110: <blockquote><code>
                    111: <code><em>script</em> <em>interface</em> <em>proto</em> <em>local-ip</em> <em>remote-ip</em> <em>authname</em> <em>peer-address</em></code>
                    112: </code></blockquote>
                    113: </p>
                    115: <dt><b><code>set iface enable <em>option ...</em><br>
                    116: set iface disable <em>option ...</em></code></b><dd><p>Enable and disable the various interface layer options for the bundle.</p>
                    118: </dl>
                    119: </p>
                    121: <p>The options available at the interface layer are:</p>
                    122: <p>
                    123: <dl>
                    125: <dt><b><code>on-demand</code></b><dd><p>This option causes the interface to operate in dial-on-demand mode,
                    126: allowing you to have a ``virtual full time'' connection.
                    127: An OPEN event causes the interface to be configured, but the actual
                    128: connection of the link is delayed until qualifying outgoing traffic
                    129: is detected. Moreover, after an idle timeout, the interface is not
                    130: brought down; further traffic will bring the link back up again.</p>
                    131: <p>The default is disable.</p>
                    133: <dt><b><code>proxy-arp</code></b><dd><p>When this option is enabled, if after link negotiation the peer's
                    134: IP address is determined to lie on a local subnet, then mpd will
                    135: arrange for the local machine to install a proxy ARP entry for
                    136: the remote machine's IP address.</p>
                    137: <p>For example, suppose the local machine lies on a LAN with address
                    138:, and another machine will be connecting via mpd
                    139: and using the LAN address Then these commands would
                    140: set up proxy ARP for the remote machine:
                    141: <blockquote><code>
                    142: <code>set iface enable proxy-arp<br>
                    143: set ipcp ranges</code>
                    144: </code></blockquote>
                    145: </p>
                    146: <p>The default is disable.</p>
                    148: <dt><b><code>tcpmssfix</code></b><dd><p>This option causes mpd to adjust incoming and outgoing TCP SYN
                    149: segments so that the requested maximum segment size is not greater
                    150: than the amount allowed by the interface MTU.</p>
                    151: <p>This is necessary in many setups to avoid problems caused by routers
                    152: that drop ICMP Datagram Too Big messages.  Without these messages,
                    153: the originating machine sends data, it passes the rogue router then
                    154: hits a machine that has an MTU that is not big enough for the data.
                    155: Because the IP Don't Fragment option is set, this machine sends an
                    156: ICMP Datagram Too Big message back to the originator and drops the
                    157: packet.  The rogue router drops the ICMP message and the originator
                    158: never gets to discover that it must reduce the fragment size or drop
                    159: the IP Don't Fragment option from its outgoing data.</p>
                    160: <p>The code is based on tcpmssd wich was written by Ruslan Ermilov
                    161: <A href="mailto:&lt;;">mailto:&lt;;</A>
                    162: based on work done by Patrick Bihan-Faou
                    163: <A href="mailto:&lt;;">mailto:&lt;;</A>.</p>
                    164: <p>The default is disable.</p>
                    166: <dt><b><code>tee</code></b><dd><p>If enabled, a ng_tee(4) node will be inserted
                    167: into the bundle graph, right after the interface node. The tee node
                    168: can be useful for debugging or traffic accounting.</p>
                    169: <p>The default is disable.</p>
                    171: <dt><b><code>nat</code></b><dd><p>Enable NAT for this bundle.
                    172: See 
                    173: <A HREF="mpd39.html#nat">nat</A> for more information.</p>
                    174: <p>The default is disable.</p>
                    176: <dt><b><code>netflow-in</code></b><dd>
                    177: <dt><b><code>netflow-out</code></b><dd>
                    178: <dt><b><code>netflow-once</code></b><dd><p>If enabled, the bundle will participate in
                    179: NetFlow generation. See 
                    180: <A HREF="mpd34.html#netflow">netflow</A>
                    181: for more information. The netflow-out option is like netflow-in, but 
                    182: generates NetFlow data for outgoing packets instead of incoming.
                    183: If netflow-once enabled - packet will be accounted only once while
                    184: in kernel.</p>
                    185: <p>The default is disable.</p>
                    187: <dt><b><code>ipacct</code></b><dd><p>If enabled, the bundle will participate in IP accounting with ng_ipacct node.
                    188: See 
                    189: <A HREF="mpd35.html#ipacct">ipacct</A> for more information.</p>
                    190: <p>The default is disable.</p>
                    192: </dl>
                    193: </p>
                    194:  <HR NOSHADE> ! misho     195: <A HREF="mpd.html"><EM>Mpd 5.7 User Manual</EM></A>
1.1       misho     196:  <b>:</b> <A HREF="mpd17.html"><EM>Configuring Mpd</EM></A>
                    197:  <b>:</b> <EM>Interface layer</EM><BR>
                    198: <b>Previous:</b> <A HREF="mpd27.html"><EM>IPv6CP layer</EM></A><BR>
                    199: <b>Next:</b> <A HREF="mpd29.html"><EM>Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA)</EM></A>
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