Mpd 5.8 User Manual : Chat Scripting : Variables : Special variables
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6.4.1. Special variables

These variables have special meaning in chat scripts:


Authorization login name as set by set auth authname.


The password corresponding to $Login.


The serial port device in use as set by the set modem device command, e.g., /dev/cuad0. Changing this string does not change the port being used.


Always equals the current baudrate (e.g., ``57600''). This is a read/write variable; setting it changes the baudrate. Attempting to set an invalid baudrate causes the script to fail.


When a match event occurs this string contains the input string that matched the pattern.


When a regex event occurs or the if match or if !match commands are executed, and the regular expression pattern contains parenthesized subexpressions, these strings will be equal to the substrings matching each subexpression. $matchedString0 is equal to the entire string, while $matchedString1 equals the first subexpression match, $matchedString2 the second, etc.


This variable is used to return the result of an idle script; If the value is answer, mpd assumes an incoming call has been answered. If the value is ringback, mpd will initiate an outgoing connection. See the chapter on modem for more information.


Always expands to a single dollar sign.

Mpd 5.8 User Manual : Chat Scripting : Variables : Special variables
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