--- embedaddon/mpd/doc/mpd63.html	2013/07/22 08:44:30
+++ embedaddon/mpd/doc/mpd63.html	2016/11/01 09:56:12
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 <BODY text="#000000" bgcolor="#ffffff">
-<A HREF="mpd.html"><EM>Mpd 5.7 User Manual</EM></A>
+<A HREF="mpd.html"><EM>Mpd 5.8 User Manual</EM></A>
  <b>:</b> <A HREF="mpd62.html"><EM>Troubleshooting</EM></A>
  <b>:</b> <EM>Troubleshooting</EM><BR>
 <b>Previous:</b> <A HREF="mpd62.html"><EM>Troubleshooting</EM></A><BR>
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ appropriate for dial-in links. Use <code>set link max-
 <dt><b><b>I'm using mpd as PPTP server for Windows XP clients, when accessing bigger
 websites, or listing larger ftp directories, then the connection
-seems to hang.</b></b><dd><p>Windows XP insists on a very low MTU (usualy 1396 Bytes), this needs
+seems to hang.</b></b><dd><p>Windows XP insists on a very low MTU (usually 1396 Bytes), this needs
 fragmentation, if bigger packets should be transmited over the link.
 Fragmentation is negotiated at ICMP level, if there is a bad router
 somewhere in the network, who drops such packets, then the connection
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ For TCP connections it's possible enabling the TCP-MSS
-<A HREF="mpd.html"><EM>Mpd 5.7 User Manual</EM></A>
+<A HREF="mpd.html"><EM>Mpd 5.8 User Manual</EM></A>
  <b>:</b> <A HREF="mpd62.html"><EM>Troubleshooting</EM></A>
  <b>:</b> <EM>Troubleshooting</EM><BR>
 <b>Previous:</b> <A HREF="mpd62.html"><EM>Troubleshooting</EM></A><BR>