/* * link.c * * Written by Archie Cobbs * Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Whistle Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. * See ``COPYRIGHT.whistle'' */ #include "ppp.h" #include "link.h" #include "msg.h" #include "lcp.h" #include "phys.h" #include "command.h" #include "input.h" #include "ngfunc.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include /* * DEFINITIONS */ /* Set menu options */ enum { SET_BUNDLE, SET_FORWARD, SET_DROP, SET_CLEAR, SET_BANDWIDTH, SET_LATENCY, SET_ACCMAP, SET_MRRU, SET_MRU, SET_MTU, SET_FSM_RETRY, SET_MAX_RETRY, SET_RETRY_DELAY, SET_MAX_CHILDREN, SET_KEEPALIVE, SET_IDENT, SET_ACCEPT, SET_DENY, SET_ENABLE, SET_DISABLE, SET_YES, SET_NO }; #define RBUF_SIZE 100 /* * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS */ static int LinkSetCommand(Context ctx, int ac, const char *const av[], const void *arg); static void LinkMsg(int type, void *cookie); static void LinkNgDataEvent(int type, void *cookie); static void LinkReopenTimeout(void *arg); /* * GLOBAL VARIABLES */ static const struct cmdtab LinkSetActionCmds[] = { { "bundle {bundle} [{regex}]", "Terminate incomings locally", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_BUNDLE }, { "forward {link} [{regex}]", "Forward incomings", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_FORWARD }, { "drop [{regex}]", "drop incomings", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_DROP }, { "clear", "Clear actions", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_CLEAR }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }, }; const struct cmdtab LinkSetCmds[] = { { "action ...", "Set action on incoming", CMD_SUBMENU, NULL, 2, LinkSetActionCmds }, { "bandwidth {bps}", "Link bandwidth", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_BANDWIDTH }, { "latency {microsecs}", "Link latency", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_LATENCY }, { "accmap {hex-value}", "Accmap value", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_ACCMAP }, { "mrru {value}", "Link MRRU value", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_MRRU }, { "mru {value}", "Link MRU value", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_MRU }, { "mtu {value}", "Link MTU value", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_MTU }, { "fsm-timeout {seconds}", "FSM retry timeout", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_FSM_RETRY }, { "max-redial {num}", "Max connect attempts", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_MAX_RETRY }, { "redial-delay {num}", "Delay between connect attempts", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_RETRY_DELAY }, { "max-children {num}", "Max number of children", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_MAX_CHILDREN }, { "keep-alive {secs} {max}", "LCP echo keep-alives", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_KEEPALIVE }, { "ident {string}", "LCP ident string", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_IDENT }, { "accept {opt ...}", "Accept option", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_ACCEPT }, { "deny {opt ...}", "Deny option", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_DENY }, { "enable {opt ...}", "Enable option", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_ENABLE }, { "disable {opt ...}", "Disable option", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_DISABLE }, { "yes {opt ...}", "Enable and accept option", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_YES }, { "no {opt ...}", "Disable and deny option", LinkSetCommand, NULL, 2, (void *) SET_NO }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }, }; /* * INTERNAL VARIABLES */ static const struct confinfo gConfList[] = { { 0, LINK_CONF_INCOMING, "incoming" }, { 1, LINK_CONF_PAP, "pap" }, { 1, LINK_CONF_CHAPMD5, "chap-md5" }, { 1, LINK_CONF_CHAPMSv1, "chap-msv1" }, { 1, LINK_CONF_CHAPMSv2, "chap-msv2" }, { 1, LINK_CONF_EAP, "eap" }, { 1, LINK_CONF_ACFCOMP, "acfcomp" }, { 1, LINK_CONF_PROTOCOMP, "protocomp" }, { 0, LINK_CONF_MSDOMAIN, "keep-ms-domain"}, { 0, LINK_CONF_MAGICNUM, "magicnum" }, { 0, LINK_CONF_PASSIVE, "passive" }, { 0, LINK_CONF_CHECK_MAGIC, "check-magic" }, { 0, LINK_CONF_NO_ORIG_AUTH, "no-orig-auth" }, { 0, LINK_CONF_CALLBACK, "callback" }, { 0, LINK_CONF_MULTILINK, "multilink" }, { 1, LINK_CONF_SHORTSEQ, "shortseq" }, { 0, LINK_CONF_TIMEREMAIN, "time-remain" }, { 0, LINK_CONF_PEER_AS_CALLING, "peer-as-calling" }, { 0, LINK_CONF_REPORT_MAC, "report-mac" }, { 0, LINK_CONF_REMOVE_TEE, "remove-tee" }, { 0, 0, NULL }, }; int gLinksCsock = -1; /* Socket node control socket */ int gLinksDsock = -1; /* Socket node data socket */ static EventRef gLinksDataEvent; int LinksInit(void) { char name[NG_NODESIZ]; /* Create a netgraph socket node */ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "mpd%d-lso", gPid); if (NgMkSockNode(name, &gLinksCsock, &gLinksDsock) < 0) { Perror("LinksInit(): can't create %s node", NG_SOCKET_NODE_TYPE); return(-1); } (void) fcntl(gLinksCsock, F_SETFD, 1); (void) fcntl(gLinksDsock, F_SETFD, 1); /* Listen for happenings on our node */ EventRegister(&gLinksDataEvent, EVENT_READ, gLinksDsock, EVENT_RECURRING, LinkNgDataEvent, NULL); return (0); } void LinksShutdown(void) { close(gLinksCsock); gLinksCsock = -1; EventUnRegister(&gLinksDataEvent); close(gLinksDsock); gLinksDsock = -1; } /* * LinkOpenCmd() */ int LinkOpenCmd(Context ctx) { if (ctx->lnk->tmpl) Error("impossible to open template"); RecordLinkUpDownReason(NULL, ctx->lnk, 1, STR_MANUALLY, NULL); LinkOpen(ctx->lnk); return (0); } /* * LinkCloseCmd() */ int LinkCloseCmd(Context ctx) { if (ctx->lnk->tmpl) Error("impossible to close template"); RecordLinkUpDownReason(NULL, ctx->lnk, 0, STR_MANUALLY, NULL); LinkClose(ctx->lnk); return (0); } /* * LinkOpen() */ void LinkOpen(Link l) { REF(l); MsgSend(&l->msgs, MSG_OPEN, l); } /* * LinkClose() */ void LinkClose(Link l) { REF(l); MsgSend(&l->msgs, MSG_CLOSE, l); } /* * LinkUp() */ void LinkUp(Link l) { Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: UP event", l->name)); l->originate = PhysGetOriginate(l); Log(LG_PHYS2, ("[%s] Link: origination is %s", l->name, LINK_ORIGINATION(l->originate))); LcpUp(l); } /* * LinkDown() */ void LinkDown(Link l) { Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: DOWN event", l->name)); if (OPEN_STATE(l->lcp.fsm.state)) { if (((l->conf.max_redial != 0) && (l->num_redial >= l->conf.max_redial)) || gShutdownInProgress) { if (l->conf.max_redial >= 0) { Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: giving up after %hu reconnection attempts", l->name, l->num_redial)); } if (!l->stay) l->die = 1; LcpClose(l); LcpDown(l); } else { int delay = l->conf.redial_delay + ((random() ^ l->id ^ gPid) & 3); TimerStop(&l->openTimer); TimerInit(&l->openTimer, "PhysOpen", delay * SECONDS, LinkReopenTimeout, l); TimerStart(&l->openTimer); LcpDown(l); l->num_redial++; Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: reconnection attempt %hu in %d seconds", l->name, l->num_redial, delay)); } } else { if (!l->stay) l->die = 1; LcpDown(l); } } /* * LinkReopenTimeout() */ static void LinkReopenTimeout(void *arg) { Link const l = (Link)arg; if (gShutdownInProgress) { LcpClose(l); return; } Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: reconnection attempt %hu", l->name, l->num_redial)); RecordLinkUpDownReason(NULL, l, 1, STR_REDIAL, NULL); PhysOpen(l); } /* * LinkMsg() * * Deal with incoming message to this link */ static void LinkMsg(int type, void *arg) { Link l = (Link)arg; if (l->dead) { UNREF(l); return; } Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: %s event", l->name, MsgName(type))); switch (type) { case MSG_OPEN: l->num_redial = 0; LcpOpen(l); break; case MSG_CLOSE: TimerStop(&l->openTimer); LcpClose(l); break; case MSG_SHUTDOWN: LinkShutdown(l); break; default: assert(FALSE); } UNREF(l); } /* * LinkCreate() */ int LinkCreate(Context ctx, int ac, const char *const av[], const void *arg) { Link l, lt = NULL; const struct phystype *pt = NULL; u_char tmpl = 0; u_char stay = 0; int k; (void)arg; RESETREF(ctx->lnk, NULL); RESETREF(ctx->bund, NULL); RESETREF(ctx->rep, NULL); if (ac < 1) return(-1); if (strcmp(av[0], "template") == 0) { tmpl = 1; stay = 1; } else if (strcmp(av[0], "static") == 0) stay = 1; if (ac != stay + 2) return(-1); if (strlen(av[0 + stay]) >= (LINK_MAX_NAME - tmpl * 5)) Error("Link name \"%s\" is too long", av[0 + stay]); /* See if link name already taken */ if ((l = LinkFind(av[0 + stay])) != NULL) Error("Link \"%s\" already exists", av[0 + stay]); for (k = 0; (pt = gPhysTypes[k]); k++) { if (!strcmp(pt->name, av[0 + stay])) Error("Name \"%s\" is reserved by device type", av[0 + stay]); } /* Locate type */ for (k = 0; (pt = gPhysTypes[k]); k++) { if (!strcmp(pt->name, av[1 + stay])) break; } if (pt != NULL) { if (!pt->tmpl && tmpl) Error("Link type \"%s\" does not support templating", av[1 + stay]); } else { /* See if template name specified */ if ((lt = LinkFind(av[1 + stay])) == NULL) Error("Link template \"%s\" not found", av[1 + tmpl]); if (!lt->tmpl) Error("Link \"%s\" is not a template", av[1 + stay]); } /* Create and initialize new link */ if (lt) { l = LinkInst(lt, av[0 + stay], tmpl, stay); } else { l = Malloc(MB_LINK, sizeof(*l)); strlcpy(l->name, av[0 + stay], sizeof(l->name)); l->type = pt; l->tmpl = tmpl; l->stay = stay; l->parent = -1; SLIST_INIT(&l->actions); /* Initialize link configuration with defaults */ l->conf.mru = LCP_DEFAULT_MRU; l->conf.mtu = LCP_DEFAULT_MRU; l->conf.mrru = MP_DEFAULT_MRRU; l->conf.accmap = 0x000a0000; l->conf.max_redial = -1; l->conf.redial_delay = 1; l->conf.retry_timeout = LINK_DEFAULT_RETRY; l->conf.max_children = 10000; l->bandwidth = LINK_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH; l->latency = LINK_DEFAULT_LATENCY; l->upReason = NULL; l->upReasonValid = 0; l->downReason = NULL; l->downReasonValid = 0; l->tee_removed = 0; Disable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_CHAPMD5); Accept(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_CHAPMD5); Disable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_CHAPMSv1); Deny(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_CHAPMSv1); Disable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_CHAPMSv2); Accept(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_CHAPMSv2); Disable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_PAP); Accept(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_PAP); Disable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_EAP); Accept(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_EAP); Disable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_MSDOMAIN); Enable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_ACFCOMP); Accept(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_ACFCOMP); Enable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_PROTOCOMP); Accept(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_PROTOCOMP); Enable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_MAGICNUM); Disable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_PASSIVE); Enable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_CHECK_MAGIC); Disable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_MULTILINK); Enable(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_SHORTSEQ); Accept(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_SHORTSEQ); PhysInit(l); LcpInit(l); MsgRegister(&l->msgs, LinkMsg); /* Find a free link pointer */ for (k = 0; k < gNumLinks && gLinks[k] != NULL; k++); if (k == gNumLinks) /* add a new link pointer */ LengthenArray(&gLinks, sizeof(*gLinks), &gNumLinks, MB_LINK); l->id = k; gLinks[k] = l; REF(l); } RESETREF(ctx->lnk, l); return (0); } /* * LinkDestroy() */ int LinkDestroy(Context ctx, int ac, const char *const av[], const void *arg) { Link l; (void)arg; if (ac > 1) return(-1); if (ac == 1) { if ((l = LinkFind(av[0])) == NULL) Error("Link \"%s\" not found", av[0]); } else { if (ctx->lnk) { l = ctx->lnk; } else Error("No link selected to destroy"); } if (l->tmpl) { l->tmpl = 0; l->stay = 0; LinkShutdown(l); } else { l->stay = 0; if (l->rep) { PhysClose(l); } else if (OPEN_STATE(l->lcp.fsm.state)) { LcpClose(l); } else { l->die = 1; /* Hack! We should do it as we changed l->stay */ LinkShutdownCheck(l, l->lcp.fsm.state); } } return (0); } /* * LinkInst() */ Link LinkInst(Link lt, const char *name, int tmpl, int stay) { Link l; int k; struct linkaction *a, *ap, *at; /* Create and initialize new link */ l = Mdup(MB_LINK, lt, sizeof(*l)); ap = NULL; SLIST_INIT(&l->actions); SLIST_FOREACH(at, <->actions, next) { a = Mdup(MB_AUTH, at, sizeof(*a)); if (a->regex[0]) regcomp(&a->regexp, a->regex, REG_EXTENDED); if (!ap) SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&l->actions, a, next); else SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(ap, a, next); ap = a; } l->tmpl = tmpl; l->stay = stay; /* Count link as one more child of parent. */ gChildren++; lt->children++; l->parent = lt->id; l->children = 0; l->refs = 0; /* Find a free link pointer */ for (k = 0; k < gNumLinks && gLinks[k] != NULL; k++); if (k == gNumLinks) /* add a new link pointer */ LengthenArray(&gLinks, sizeof(*gLinks), &gNumLinks, MB_LINK); l->id = k; if (name) strlcpy(l->name, name, sizeof(l->name)); else snprintf(l->name, sizeof(l->name), "%s-%d", lt->name, k); gLinks[k] = l; REF(l); PhysInst(l, lt); LcpInst(l, lt); return (l); } void LinkShutdownCheck(Link l, short state) { if (state == ST_INITIAL && l->lcp.auth.acct_thread == NULL && l->die && !l->stay && l->state == PHYS_STATE_DOWN) { REF(l); MsgSend(&l->msgs, MSG_SHUTDOWN, l); } } /* * LinkShutdown() * */ void LinkShutdown(Link l) { struct linkaction *a; Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: Shutdown", l->name)); /* Late divorce for DoD case */ if (l->bund) { l->bund->links[l->bundleIndex] = NULL; l->bund->n_links--; l->bund = NULL; } gLinks[l->id] = NULL; /* Our parent lost one children */ if (l->parent >= 0) { gChildren--; gLinks[l->parent]->children--; } /* Our children are orphans */ if (l->children) { int k; for (k = 0; k < gNumLinks; k++) { if (gLinks[k] && gLinks[k]->parent == l->id) gLinks[k]->parent = -1; } } MsgUnRegister(&l->msgs); if (l->hook[0]) LinkNgShutdown(l); PhysShutdown(l); LcpShutdown(l); l->dead = 1; while ((a = SLIST_FIRST(&l->actions)) != NULL) { SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&l->actions, next); if (a->regex[0]) regfree(&a->regexp); Freee(a); } if (l->upReason) Freee(l->upReason); if (l->downReason) Freee(l->downReason); MsgUnRegister(&l->msgs); UNREF(l); CheckOneShot(); } /* * LinkNgInit() * * Setup the initial link framework. * * Returns -1 if error. */ int LinkNgInit(Link l) { struct ngm_mkpeer mp; struct ngm_name nm; /* Initialize structures */ memset(&mp, 0, sizeof(mp)); memset(&nm, 0, sizeof(nm)); /* Create TEE node */ strcpy(mp.type, NG_TEE_NODE_TYPE); snprintf(mp.ourhook, sizeof(mp.ourhook), "l%d", l->id); strcpy(mp.peerhook, NG_TEE_HOOK_LEFT2RIGHT); if (NgSendMsg(gLinksCsock, ".:", NGM_GENERIC_COOKIE, NGM_MKPEER, &mp, sizeof(mp)) < 0) { Perror("[%s] can't create %s node at \"%s\"->\"%s\"", l->name, mp.type, ".:", mp.ourhook); goto fail; } strlcpy(l->hook, mp.ourhook, sizeof(l->hook)); /* Give it a name */ snprintf(nm.name, sizeof(nm.name), "mpd%d-%s-lt", gPid, l->name); if (NgSendMsg(gLinksCsock, l->hook, NGM_GENERIC_COOKIE, NGM_NAME, &nm, sizeof(nm)) < 0) { Perror("[%s] can't name %s node \"%s\"", l->name, NG_TEE_NODE_TYPE, l->hook); goto fail; } /* Get TEE node ID */ if ((l->nodeID = NgGetNodeID(gLinksCsock, l->hook)) == 0) { Perror("[%s] Cannot get %s node id", l->name, NG_TEE_NODE_TYPE); goto fail; }; /* OK */ return(0); fail: LinkNgShutdown(l); return(-1); } /* * LinkNgJoin() */ int LinkNgJoin(Link l) { char path[NG_PATHSIZ]; struct ngm_connect cn; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "[%lx]:", (u_long)l->nodeID); memset(&cn, 0, sizeof(cn)); snprintf(cn.path, sizeof(cn.path), "[%lx]:", (u_long)l->bund->nodeID); strcpy(cn.ourhook, NG_TEE_HOOK_RIGHT); snprintf(cn.peerhook, sizeof(cn.peerhook), "%s%d", NG_PPP_HOOK_LINK_PREFIX, l->bundleIndex); if (NgSendMsg(gLinksCsock, path, NGM_GENERIC_COOKIE, NGM_CONNECT, &cn, sizeof(cn)) < 0) { Perror("[%s] can't connect \"%s\"->\"%s\" and \"%s\"->\"%s\"", l->name, path, cn.ourhook, cn.path, cn.peerhook); return(-1); } NgFuncDisconnect(gLinksCsock, l->name, path, NG_TEE_HOOK_LEFT2RIGHT); if (Enabled(&l->conf.options, LINK_CONF_REMOVE_TEE)) { if (l->stay == 0) { Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: Removing ng_tee node", l->name)); NgFuncShutdownNode(gLinksCsock, NG_TEE_NODE_TYPE, path); l->tee_removed = 1; } else Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: Can't remove ng_tee node on static link", l->name)); } return (0); } /* * LinkNgLeave() */ int LinkNgLeave(Link l) { char path[NG_PATHSIZ]; struct ngm_connect cn; /* ng_tee is already removed */ if (l->tee_removed == 1) return(0); memset(&cn, 0, sizeof(cn)); snprintf(cn.path, sizeof(cn.path), "[%lx]:", (u_long)l->nodeID); strcpy(cn.ourhook, l->hook); strcpy(cn.peerhook, NG_TEE_HOOK_LEFT2RIGHT); if (NgSendMsg(gLinksCsock, ".:", NGM_GENERIC_COOKIE, NGM_CONNECT, &cn, sizeof(cn)) < 0) { Perror("[%s] can't connect \"%s\"->\"%s\" and \"%s\"->\"%s\"", l->name, ".:", cn.ourhook, cn.path, cn.peerhook); return(-1); } snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "[%lx]:", (u_long)l->nodeID); NgFuncDisconnect(gLinksCsock, l->name, path, NG_TEE_HOOK_RIGHT); return (0); } /* * LinkNgToRep() */ int LinkNgToRep(Link l) { char path[NG_PATHSIZ]; struct ngm_connect cn; /* Connect link to repeater */ snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "[%lx]:", (u_long)l->nodeID); strcpy(cn.ourhook, NG_TEE_HOOK_RIGHT); if (!PhysGetUpperHook(l, cn.path, cn.peerhook)) { Log(LG_PHYS, ("[%s] Link: can't get repeater hook", l->name)); return (-1); } if (NgSendMsg(gLinksCsock, path, NGM_GENERIC_COOKIE, NGM_CONNECT, &cn, sizeof(cn)) < 0) { Perror("[%s] can't connect \"%s\"->\"%s\" and \"%s\"->\"%s\"", l->name, path, cn.ourhook, cn.path, cn.peerhook); return(-1); } /* Shutdown link tee node */ NgFuncShutdownNode(gLinksCsock, l->name, path); l->hook[0] = 0; return (0); } /* * LinkNgShutdown() */ void LinkNgShutdown(Link l) { if (l->hook[0]) NgFuncShutdownNode(gLinksCsock, l->name, l->hook); l->hook[0] = 0; } /* * LinkNgDataEvent() */ static void LinkNgDataEvent(int type, void *cookie) { Link l; Bund b; u_char *buf; u_int16_t proto; unsigned ptr; Mbuf bp; struct sockaddr_ng naddr; socklen_t nsize; char *name, *rest; int id, num = 0; (void)cookie; (void)type; /* Read all available packets */ while (1) { if (num > 20) return; bp = mballoc(4096); buf = MBDATA(bp); /* Read data */ nsize = sizeof(naddr); if ((bp->cnt = recvfrom(gLinksDsock, buf, MBSPACE(bp), MSG_DONTWAIT, (struct sockaddr *)&naddr, &nsize)) < 0) { mbfree(bp); if (errno == EAGAIN) return; Perror("Link: Link socket read error"); return; } num++; name = naddr.sg_data; switch (name[0]) { case 'l': name++; id = strtol(name, &rest, 10); if (rest[0] != 0 || !gLinks[id]) { Log(LG_ERR, ("Link: Packet from unexisting link \"%s\"", name)); mbfree(bp); continue; } if (gLinks[id]->dead) { Log(LG_LINK, ("Link: Packet from dead link \"%s\"", name)); mbfree(bp); continue; } l = gLinks[id]; /* Extract protocol */ ptr = 0; if ((buf[0] == 0xff) && (buf[1] == 0x03)) ptr = 2; proto = buf[ptr++]; if ((proto & 0x01) == 0) proto = (proto << 8) + buf[ptr++]; if (MBLEN(bp) <= ptr) { LogDumpBp(LG_FRAME|LG_ERR, bp, "[%s] rec'd truncated %zu bytes frame from link", l->name, MBLEN(bp)); mbfree(bp); continue; } /* Debugging */ LogDumpBp(LG_FRAME, bp, "[%s] rec'd %zu bytes frame from link proto=0x%04x", l->name, MBLEN(bp), proto); bp = mbadj(bp, ptr); /* Input frame */ InputFrame(l->bund, l, proto, bp); break; case 'b': case 'i': case 'o': case '4': case '6': name++; id = strtol(name, &rest, 10); if (rest[0] != 0 || !gBundles[id]) { Log(LG_ERR, ("Link: Packet from unexisting bundle \"%s\"", name)); mbfree(bp); continue; } if (gBundles[id]->dead) { Log(LG_LINK, ("Link: Packet from dead bundle \"%s\"", name)); mbfree(bp); continue; } b = gBundles[id]; /* A PPP frame from the bypass hook? */ if (naddr.sg_data[0] == 'b') { Link ll; u_int16_t linkNum, lproto; if (MBLEN(bp) <= 4) { LogDumpBp(LG_FRAME|LG_ERR, bp, "[%s] rec'd truncated %zu bytes frame", b->name, MBLEN(bp)); continue; } /* Extract link number and protocol */ bp = mbread(bp, &linkNum, 2); linkNum = ntohs(linkNum); bp = mbread(bp, &lproto, 2); lproto = ntohs(lproto); /* Debugging */ LogDumpBp(LG_FRAME, bp, "[%s] rec'd %zu bytes bypass frame link=%d proto=0x%04x", b->name, MBLEN(bp), (int16_t)linkNum, lproto); /* Set link */ assert(linkNum == NG_PPP_BUNDLE_LINKNUM || linkNum < NG_PPP_MAX_LINKS); if (linkNum != NG_PPP_BUNDLE_LINKNUM) ll = b->links[linkNum]; else ll = NULL; InputFrame(b, ll, lproto, bp); continue; } /* Debugging */ LogDumpBp(LG_FRAME, bp, "[%s] rec'd %zu bytes frame on %s hook", b->name, MBLEN(bp), naddr.sg_data); #ifndef USE_NG_TCPMSS /* A snooped, outgoing TCP SYN frame */ if (naddr.sg_data[0] == 'o') { IfaceCorrectMSS(bp, MAXMSS(b->iface.mtu)); naddr.sg_data[0] = 'i'; NgFuncWriteFrame(gLinksDsock, naddr.sg_data, b->name, bp); continue; } /* A snooped, incoming TCP SYN frame */ if (naddr.sg_data[0] == 'i') { IfaceCorrectMSS(bp, MAXMSS(b->iface.mtu)); naddr.sg_data[0] = 'o'; NgFuncWriteFrame(gLinksDsock, naddr.sg_data, b->name, bp); continue; } #endif /* A snooped, outgoing IP frame */ if (naddr.sg_data[0] == '4') { IfaceListenInput(b, PROTO_IP, bp); continue; } /* A snooped, outgoing IPv6 frame */ if (naddr.sg_data[0] == '6') { IfaceListenInput(b, PROTO_IPV6, bp); continue; } break; default: Log(LG_ERR, ("Link: Packet from unknown hook \"%s\"", name)); mbfree(bp); } } } /* * LinkFind() * * Find a link structure */ Link LinkFind(const char *name) { int k; k = gNumLinks; if ((sscanf(name, "[%x]", &k) != 1) || (k < 0) || (k >= gNumLinks)) { /* Find link */ for (k = 0; k < gNumLinks && (gLinks[k] == NULL || strcmp(gLinks[k]->name, name)); k++); }; if (k == gNumLinks) { return (NULL); } return (gLinks[k]); } /* * LinkCommand() */ int LinkCommand(Context ctx, int ac, const char *const av[], const void *arg) { Link l; int k; (void)arg; if (ac > 1) return (-1); if (ac == 0) { Printf("Defined links:\r\n"); for (k = 0; k < gNumLinks; k++) { if ((l = gLinks[k]) != NULL) { if (l && l->bund) Printf("\t%-15s%s\r\n", l->name, l->bund->name); else if (l->rep) Printf("\t%-15s%s\r\n", l->name, l->rep->name); else Printf("\t%s\r\n", l->name); } } return (0); } if ((l = LinkFind(av[0])) == NULL) { RESETREF(ctx->lnk, NULL); RESETREF(ctx->bund, NULL); RESETREF(ctx->rep, NULL); Error("Link \"%s\" is not defined", av[0]); } /* Change default link and bundle */ RESETREF(ctx->lnk, l); RESETREF(ctx->bund, l->bund); RESETREF(ctx->rep, NULL); return(0); } /* * SessionCommand() */ int SessionCommand(Context ctx, int ac, const char *const av[], const void *arg) { int k; (void)arg; if (ac > 1) return (-1); if (ac == 0) { Printf("Present sessions:\r\n"); for (k = 0; k < gNumLinks; k++) { if (gLinks[k] && gLinks[k]->session_id[0]) Printf("\t%s\r\n", gLinks[k]->session_id); } return (0); } /* Find link */ for (k = 0; k < gNumLinks && (gLinks[k] == NULL || strcmp(gLinks[k]->session_id, av[0])); k++); if (k == gNumLinks) { /* Change default link and bundle */ RESETREF(ctx->lnk, NULL); RESETREF(ctx->bund, NULL); RESETREF(ctx->rep, NULL); Error("Session \"%s\" is not found", av[0]); } /* Change default link and bundle */ RESETREF(ctx->lnk, gLinks[k]); RESETREF(ctx->bund, ctx->lnk->bund); RESETREF(ctx->rep, NULL); return(0); } /* * AuthnameCommand() */ int AuthnameCommand(Context ctx, int ac, const char *const av[], const void *arg) { int k; (void)arg; if (ac > 2) return (-1); if (ac == 0) { Printf("Present users:\r\n"); for (k = 0; k < gNumLinks; k++) { if (gLinks[k] && gLinks[k]->lcp.auth.params.authname[0]) Printf("\t%s\r\n", gLinks[k]->lcp.auth.params.authname); } return (0); } if (ac == 2 && strcasecmp(av[1], "ci") == 0) { /* Find link */ for (k = 0; k < gNumLinks && (gLinks[k] == NULL || strcasecmp(gLinks[k]->lcp.auth.params.authname, av[0])); k++); } else { /* Find link */ for (k = 0; k < gNumLinks && (gLinks[k] == NULL || strcmp(gLinks[k]->lcp.auth.params.authname, av[0])); k++); } if (k == gNumLinks) { /* Change default link and bundle */ RESETREF(ctx->lnk, NULL); RESETREF(ctx->bund, NULL); RESETREF(ctx->rep, NULL); Error("User \"%s\" is not found", av[0]); } /* Change default link and bundle */ RESETREF(ctx->lnk, gLinks[k]); RESETREF(ctx->bund, ctx->lnk->bund); RESETREF(ctx->rep, NULL); return(0); } /* * RecordLinkUpDownReason() * * This is called whenever a reason for the link going up or * down has just become known. Record this reason so that when * the link actually goes up or down, we can record it. * * If this gets called more than once in the "down" case, * the first call prevails. */ static void RecordLinkUpDownReason2(Link l, int up, const char *key, const char *fmt, va_list args) { char **const cpp = up ? &l->upReason : &l->downReason; char *buf; /* First reason overrides later ones */ if (up) { if (l->upReasonValid) { return; } else { l->upReasonValid = 1; } } else { if (l->downReasonValid) { return; } else { l->downReasonValid = 1; } } /* Allocate buffer if necessary */ if (!*cpp) *cpp = Malloc(MB_LINK, RBUF_SIZE); buf = *cpp; /* Record reason */ if (fmt) { snprintf(buf, RBUF_SIZE, "%s:", key); vsnprintf(buf + strlen(buf), RBUF_SIZE - strlen(buf), fmt, args); } else strlcpy(buf, key, RBUF_SIZE); } void RecordLinkUpDownReason(Bund b, Link l, int up, const char *key, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; int k; if (l != NULL) { va_start(args, fmt); RecordLinkUpDownReason2(l, up, key, fmt, args); va_end(args); } else if (b != NULL) { for (k = 0; k < NG_PPP_MAX_LINKS; k++) { if (b->links[k]) { va_start(args, fmt); RecordLinkUpDownReason2(b->links[k], up, key, fmt, args); va_end(args); } } } } const char * LinkMatchAction(Link l, int stage, char *login) { struct linkaction *a; a = SLIST_FIRST(&l->actions); if (!a) { Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: No actions defined", l->name)); return (NULL); } if (stage == 1) { if (SLIST_NEXT(a, next) == NULL && a->regex[0] == 0) { if (a->action == LINK_ACTION_FORWARD) { Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: Matched action 'forward \"%s\"'", l->name, a->arg)); return (a->arg); } if (a->action == LINK_ACTION_DROP) { Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: Matched action 'drop'", l->name)); return ("##DROP##"); } } return (NULL); } SLIST_FOREACH(a, &l->actions, next) { if (!a->regex[0] || !regexec(&a->regexp, login, 0, NULL, 0)) break; } if (a) { if (a->action == LINK_ACTION_DROP) { Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: Matched action 'drop'", l->name)); return ("##DROP##"); } if ((stage == 2 && a->action == LINK_ACTION_FORWARD) || (stage == 3 && a->action == LINK_ACTION_BUNDLE)) { Log(LG_LINK, ("[%s] Link: Matched action '%s \"%s\" \"%s\"'", l->name, (a->action == LINK_ACTION_FORWARD)?"forward":"bundle", a->arg, a->regex)); return (a->arg); } } return (NULL); } /* * LinkStat() */ int LinkStat(Context ctx, int ac, const char *const av[], const void *arg) { Link l = ctx->lnk; struct linkaction *a; (void)ac; (void)av; (void)arg; Printf("Link %s%s:\r\n", l->name, l->tmpl?" (template)":(l->stay?" (static)":"")); Printf("Configuration:\r\n"); Printf("\tDevice type : %s\r\n", l->type?l->type->name:""); Printf("\tMRU : %d bytes\r\n", l->conf.mru); Printf("\tMRRU : %d bytes\r\n", l->conf.mrru); Printf("\tCtrl char map : 0x%08x bytes\r\n", l->conf.accmap); Printf("\tRetry timeout : %d seconds\r\n", l->conf.retry_timeout); Printf("\tMax redial : "); if (l->conf.max_redial < 0) Printf("no redial\r\n"); else if (l->conf.max_redial == 0) Printf("unlimited, delay %ds\r\n", l->conf.redial_delay); else Printf("%d connect attempts, delay %ds\r\n", l->conf.max_redial, l->conf.redial_delay); Printf("\tBandwidth : %d bits/sec\r\n", l->bandwidth); Printf("\tLatency : %d usec\r\n", l->latency); Printf("\tKeep-alive : "); if (l->lcp.fsm.conf.echo_int == 0) Printf("disabled\r\n"); else Printf("every %d secs, timeout %d\r\n", l->lcp.fsm.conf.echo_int, l->lcp.fsm.conf.echo_max); Printf("\tIdent string : \"%s\"\r\n", l->conf.ident ? l->conf.ident : ""); if (l->tmpl) Printf("\tMax children : %d\r\n", l->conf.max_children); Printf("Link incoming actions:\r\n"); SLIST_FOREACH(a, &l->actions, next) { Printf("\t%s\t%s\t%s\r\n", (a->action == LINK_ACTION_FORWARD)?"Forward": (a->action == LINK_ACTION_BUNDLE)?"Bundle":"Drop", a->arg, a->regex); } Printf("Link level options:\r\n"); OptStat(ctx, &l->conf.options, gConfList); Printf("Link state:\r\n"); if (l->tmpl) Printf("\tChildren : %d\r\n", l->children); else { Printf("\tState : %s\r\n", gPhysStateNames[l->state]); Printf("\tSession Id : %s\r\n", l->session_id); Printf("\tPeer ident : %s\r\n", l->lcp.peer_ident); if (l->state == PHYS_STATE_UP) Printf("\tSession time : %ld seconds\r\n", (long int)(time(NULL) - l->last_up)); } if (!l->tmpl) { Printf("Up/Down stats:\r\n"); if (l->downReason && (!l->downReasonValid)) Printf("\tDown Reason : %s\r\n", l->downReason); if (l->upReason) Printf("\tUp Reason : %s\r\n", l->upReason); if (l->downReason && l->downReasonValid) Printf("\tDown Reason : %s\r\n", l->downReason); if (l->bund) { LinkUpdateStats(l); Printf("Traffic stats:\r\n"); Printf("\tInput octets : %llu\r\n", (unsigned long long)l->stats.recvOctets); Printf("\tInput frames : %llu\r\n", (unsigned long long)l->stats.recvFrames); Printf("\tOutput octets : %llu\r\n", (unsigned long long)l->stats.xmitOctets); Printf("\tOutput frames : %llu\r\n", (unsigned long long)l->stats.xmitFrames); Printf("\tBad protocols : %llu\r\n", (unsigned long long)l->stats.badProtos); Printf("\tRunts : %llu\r\n", (unsigned long long)l->stats.runts); Printf("\tDup fragments : %llu\r\n", (unsigned long long)l->stats.dupFragments); Printf("\tDrop fragments : %llu\r\n", (unsigned long long)l->stats.dropFragments); } } return(0); } /* * LinkUpdateStats() */ void LinkUpdateStats(Link l) { #ifndef NG_PPP_STATS64 struct ng_ppp_link_stat stats; if (NgFuncGetStats(l->bund, l->bundleIndex, &stats) != -1) { l->stats.xmitFrames += abs(stats.xmitFrames - l->oldStats.xmitFrames); l->stats.xmitOctets += abs(stats.xmitOctets - l->oldStats.xmitOctets); l->stats.recvFrames += abs(stats.recvFrames - l->oldStats.recvFrames); l->stats.recvOctets += abs(stats.recvOctets - l->oldStats.recvOctets); l->stats.badProtos += abs(stats.badProtos - l->oldStats.badProtos); l->stats.runts += abs(stats.runts - l->oldStats.runts); l->stats.dupFragments += abs(stats.dupFragments - l->oldStats.dupFragments); l->stats.dropFragments += abs(stats.dropFragments - l->oldStats.dropFragments); l->oldStats = stats; } #else NgFuncGetStats64(l->bund, l->bundleIndex, &l->stats); #endif } /* * LinkResetStats() */ void LinkResetStats(Link l) { if (l->bund) NgFuncClrStats(l->bund, l->bundleIndex); memset(&l->stats, 0, sizeof(l->stats)); #ifndef NG_PPP_STATS64 memset(&l->oldStats, 0, sizeof(l->oldStats)); #endif } /* * LinkSetCommand() */ static int LinkSetCommand(Context ctx, int ac, const char *const av[], const void *arg) { Link l = ctx->lnk; int val, nac = 0; const char *name; const char *nav[ac]; const char *av2[] = { "chap-md5", "chap-msv1", "chap-msv2" }; /* make "chap" as an alias for all chap-variants, this should keep BC */ switch ((intptr_t)arg) { case SET_ACCEPT: case SET_DENY: case SET_ENABLE: case SET_DISABLE: case SET_YES: case SET_NO: { int i = 0; for ( ; i < ac; i++) { if (strcasecmp(av[i], "chap") == 0) { LinkSetCommand(ctx, 3, (const char **)av2, arg); } else { nav[nac++] = av[i]; } } av = nav; ac = nac; break; } } switch ((intptr_t)arg) { case SET_BANDWIDTH: if (ac != 1) return(-1); val = atoi(*av); if (val <= 0) Error("[%s] Bandwidth must be positive", l->name); else if (val > NG_PPP_MAX_BANDWIDTH * 10 * 8) { l->bandwidth = NG_PPP_MAX_BANDWIDTH * 10 * 8; Log(LG_ERR, ("[%s] Bandwidth truncated to %d bit/s", l->name, l->bandwidth)); } else l->bandwidth = val; break; case SET_LATENCY: if (ac != 1) return(-1); val = atoi(*av); if (val < 0) Error("[%s] Latency must be not negative", l->name); else if (val > NG_PPP_MAX_LATENCY * 1000) { Log(LG_ERR, ("[%s] Latency truncated to %d usec", l->name, NG_PPP_MAX_LATENCY * 1000)); l->latency = NG_PPP_MAX_LATENCY * 1000; } else l->latency = val; break; case SET_BUNDLE: case SET_FORWARD: case SET_DROP: { struct linkaction *n, *a; if ((ac < 1 && (intptr_t)arg != SET_DROP) || ac > 2) return(-1); n = Malloc(MB_LINK, sizeof(struct linkaction)); if ((intptr_t)arg != SET_DROP) { n->action = ((intptr_t)arg == SET_BUNDLE)? LINK_ACTION_BUNDLE:LINK_ACTION_FORWARD; strlcpy(n->arg, av[0], sizeof(n->arg)); if (ac == 2 && av[1][0]) { strlcpy(n->regex, av[1], sizeof(n->regex)); if (regcomp(&n->regexp, n->regex, REG_EXTENDED)) { Freee(n); Error("regexp \"%s\" compilation error", av[1]); } } } else { n->action = LINK_ACTION_DROP; if (ac == 1 && av[0][0]) { strlcpy(n->regex, av[0], sizeof(n->regex)); if (regcomp(&n->regexp, n->regex, REG_EXTENDED)) { Freee(n); Error("regexp \"%s\" compilation error", av[0]); } } } a = SLIST_FIRST(&ctx->lnk->actions); if (a) { while (SLIST_NEXT(a, next)) a = SLIST_NEXT(a, next); SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(a, n, next); } else { SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&ctx->lnk->actions, n, next); } } break; case SET_CLEAR: { struct linkaction *a; if (ac != 0) return(-1); while ((a = SLIST_FIRST(&l->actions)) != NULL) { SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&l->actions, next); if (a->regex[0]) regfree(&a->regexp); Freee(a); } } break; case SET_MRU: case SET_MTU: if (ac != 1) return(-1); val = atoi(*av); name = ((intptr_t)arg == SET_MTU) ? "MTU" : "MRU"; if (val < LCP_MIN_MRU) Error("min %s is %d", name, LCP_MIN_MRU); else if (l->type && (val > l->type->mru)) { Error("max %s on type \"%s\" links is %d", name, l->type->name, l->type->mru); } else if ((intptr_t)arg == SET_MTU) l->conf.mtu = val; else l->conf.mru = val; break; case SET_MRRU: if (ac != 1) return(-1); val = atoi(*av); if (val < MP_MIN_MRRU) Error("min MRRU is %d", MP_MIN_MRRU); else if (val > MP_MAX_MRRU) Error("max MRRU is %d", MP_MAX_MRRU); else l->conf.mrru = val; break; case SET_FSM_RETRY: if (ac != 1) return(-1); val = atoi(*av); if (val < 1 || val > 10) { Error("incorrect fsm-timeout value %d", val); } else { l->conf.retry_timeout = val; } break; case SET_MAX_RETRY: if (ac != 1) return(-1); l->conf.max_redial = atoi(*av); break; case SET_RETRY_DELAY: if (ac != 1) return(-1); l->conf.redial_delay = atoi(*av); if (l->conf.redial_delay < 1) l->conf.redial_delay = 1; break; case SET_MAX_CHILDREN: if (ac != 1) return(-1); if (!l->tmpl) Error("applicable only to templates"); val = atoi(*av); if (val < 0 || val > 100000) Error("incorrect value %d", val); l->conf.max_children = val; break; case SET_ACCMAP: if (ac != 1) return(-1); sscanf(*av, "%x", &val); l->conf.accmap = val; break; case SET_KEEPALIVE: if (ac != 2) return(-1); l->lcp.fsm.conf.echo_int = atoi(av[0]); l->lcp.fsm.conf.echo_max = atoi(av[1]); break; case SET_IDENT: if (ac != 1) return(-1); if (l->conf.ident != NULL) { Freee(l->conf.ident); l->conf.ident = NULL; } if (*av[0] != '\0') strcpy(l->conf.ident = Malloc(MB_LINK, strlen(av[0]) + 1), av[0]); break; case SET_ACCEPT: AcceptCommand(ac, av, &l->conf.options, gConfList); if (ctx->lnk->type->update) (ctx->lnk->type->update)(ctx->lnk); break; case SET_DENY: DenyCommand(ac, av, &l->conf.options, gConfList); if (ctx->lnk->type->update) (ctx->lnk->type->update)(ctx->lnk); break; case SET_ENABLE: EnableCommand(ac, av, &l->conf.options, gConfList); if (ctx->lnk->type->update) (ctx->lnk->type->update)(ctx->lnk); break; case SET_DISABLE: DisableCommand(ac, av, &l->conf.options, gConfList); if (ctx->lnk->type->update) (ctx->lnk->type->update)(ctx->lnk); break; case SET_YES: YesCommand(ac, av, &l->conf.options, gConfList); if (ctx->lnk->type->update) (ctx->lnk->type->update)(ctx->lnk); break; case SET_NO: NoCommand(ac, av, &l->conf.options, gConfList); if (ctx->lnk->type->update) (ctx->lnk->type->update)(ctx->lnk); break; default: assert(0); } return(0); }