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MODEM: can't get statsinvalid speed '%s'$Baudratecddsr[%s] modem signal "%s" is unknown modem.c!m->answeringModemStart[%s] MODEM: Fail to open serial port %s on speed %d[%s] MODEM: No connect script presentmpd.script[%s] MODEM: can't open chat script fileDevice not ready$modemDevice$Login$Password$IdleResult[%s] MODEM: idle script succeeded, but %s not defined[%s] MODEM: idle script succeeded, action=%sShutdown sequence in progress, ignoring[%s] MODEM: opening link in %s modeIncoming callringbackRingback[%s] MODEM: idle script succeeded, but action "%s" unknown[%s] MODEM: chat script %ssucceededModemCheckModemReportModemErrorCheck[%s] NEW FRAME ERRS: FCS %u RUNT %u OVFL %u[%s] MODEM: can't ioctl(TIOCMGET) %s[%s] MODEM: carrier detect (CD) signal lostDroppedLost modem carrier detect signal[%s] MODEM: data-set ready (DSR) signal lostLost modem data-set ready signal[%s] MODEM: NgMkSockNode failedtty[%s] MODEM: can't connect %s node on %s.:%s[%s] MODEM: can't locate %s node on %s (%d)[%x][%s] MODEM: can't hook tty to fd %d[%s] MODEM: can't remove hook %s[%s] MODEM: can't set hotcharasync[%s] MODEM: can't connect %s node[%s] MODEM: can't config %s[%s] MODEM: can't get upper hook[%s] MODEM: can't connect "%s"->"%s" and "%s"->"%s"m->fd >= 0[%s] MODEM: can't update config for %sManual!m->opened[%s] MODEM: Stop idle script then dial backPHYS[%s] MODEM: can't tcgetattr "%s"[%s] MODEM: can't set speed %d[%s] MODEM: can't tcsetattr "%s"W|1V']M ; ݫ a u 8 g   ٨  m  r  H    z CHAT[%s] CHAT: chat: invalid variable "%s"chat.cc->fp == NULLc->state == CHAT_IDLE[%s] CHAT: running script at label "%s"[%s] CHAT: running script from beginning!c->scriptName[%s] CHAT: script haltedrname && valuej == new_len[%s] CHAT: line %d: invalid baudrate "%s"[%s] CHAT: line %d: label "%s" not found[%s] CHAT: line %d: %s without corresponding %sreturnc->state != CHAT_RUNNING[%s] CHAT: EOF while reading scriptEVENT_READ ChatRead()c->state == CHAT_WAIT[%s] CHAT: read[%s] CHAT: detected EOF from device[%s] CHAT: warning: line buffer overflow[%s] CHAT: regexec() returned %d?[%s] CHAT: matched set "%s", goto label "%s"$matchedStringex->matched < len[%s] CHAT: %s %02x [%s] CHAT: line %d:%s[%s] CHAT: line %d: %s: invalid variable "%s"[%s] CHAT: line %d: %s with no events pendingwait[%s] CHAT: line %d: %s: label "%s" not foundc->outLen == 0sendingc->out != NULL && c->outLen > 0[%s] CHAT: writeEVENT_WRITE ChatWrite()EVENT_TIMEOUT ChatTimeout()*tp[%s] CHAT: timer in set "%s" expired[%s] CHAT: line %d: illegal value "%s"[%s] CHAT: line %d: invalid regular expression "%s": %s==!=!match[%s] CHAT: line %d: invalid operator "%s"[%s] CHAT: line %d: %s: bad argument count[%s] CHAT: line %d: unknown command "%s"regexprintgotosuccessnopPPP over UDPself {ip} [{port}]Set local IP addresspeer {ip} [{port}]Set remote IP addressenable [opt ...]Enable optiondisable [opt ...]Disable optionudp.cresolve-once[%s] UDP: Too many different listening ports! UDP: can't setsockopt socketUDP: can't bind socketUDP: waiting for connection on %s %uEVENT_READ UdpAcceptEvent()type == EVENT_READrecvfrom() error: %sIncoming UDP connection from %s %u to %s %uShutdown sequence in progress, ignoring request.Daemon overloaded, ignoring request.[%s] Accepting UDP connection from %s %u to %s %uNo free UDP link with requested parameters was foundUDP: stop waiting for connection on %s %uUDP configuration: Peer FQDN : %s Self address : %s, port %u Peer address : %s, port %u UDP state: Current peer : %s, port %u UDP: NgMkSockNode[%lx]:[%s] TCP can't create control socket[%s] UDP: can't get upper hook%d/%d/%dinet/dgram/udp[%s] can't attach %s nodempd%d-%s-kso[%s] can't name %s node[%s] Cannot get %s node id[%s] can't setsockopt() %s node[%s] can't bind() %s node[%s] Can't connect without peer specified[%s] can't connect() %s node ~ 0  P @P0   Ƭ ܬ    PPP over TCPtcp.c[%s] TCP: Too many different listening ports! TCP: can't create ctrl socketinet/stream/tcp.:TCP: can't attach %s nodeTCP: can't setsockopt() %s nodeTCP: can't bind() %s nodeTCP: can't listen() on %s nodeTCP: can't accept() on %s nodeTCP: waiting for connection on %s %uEVENT_READ TcpAcceptEvent()TCP: error reading message from "%s"Incoming TCP connection from %s %u[%s] Accepting TCP connection from %s %umpd%d-%s[%x]:No free TCP link with requested parameters was foundTCP: can't accept on %s nodeTCP: stop waiting for connection on %s %uTCP configuration: TCP state: [%s] TCP: can't get upper hook[%s] can't attach %s %s nodempd%d-%s-as[%s] can't config %s[%s] %s() on incoming callTcpOpen[%s] can't connect new born ksocketerrno == EINPROGRESSEVENT_READ TcpConnectEvent()[%s] connecting to %s %u[%s] error reading message from "%s"cn.resp.header.typecookie == NGM_KSOCKET_COOKIEcn.resp.header.cmd == NGM_KSOCKET_CONNECT[%s] failed to connect: %s[%s] connection established@ Ա ***P222 3444@5556  `6 Ƭ `6ܬ  `6  `6Netgraph hooknode {path}Set node to attach tohook {hook}Set hook to attach tong.cNetgraph node configuration: Node : %s Hook : %s [%s] NG: NgMkSockNode[%s] NG: can't get upper hook[%s] NG: can't connect "%s"->"%s" and "%s"->"%s"Connection failedundefined:undefinedTO Ķ @@D0EFGG0H@HҶ ޶ H  HDWDW X"XPXmX Ź IIIJpJNNPOOST TpTTTUPUUUVPVVV  W Ƭ W  W 0 Wܬ  W  WpptpPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocolcallingnum {number}Set calling PPTP telephone numbercallednum {number}Set called PPTP telephone numberpptp.coutcalldelayed-ackalways-ackwindowingPPTP: Error, can't listen for connection!PPTP configuration: Self addr : %s Peer range : %s Calling number: %s Called number: %s PPTP options: PPTP status: Current self : %s Current peer : %s, port %u Current peer : %s at %s Framing : %s SyncAsyncPPTP: NgMkSockNodesession_%04x[%s] PPTP call failed[%s] PPTP: attaching to peer's outgoing call[%s] PPTP: can't get upper hook%s.%s[%s] PPTP: ghash_putpptpgre[%s] PPTP: can't attach %s nodelowerinet/raw/gre[%s] PPTP: can't setsockopt %s node[%s] PPTP: can't bind() %s node[%s] PPTP: can't connect() %s node[%s] PPTP: can't connect to %s node[%s] PPTP: can't config %s node[%s] PPTP call cancelled in state %s[%s] PPTP call successfulConnection failed: %serrmsg[%s] PPTP call terminatedPPTP: Total shutdownNo free PPTP link with requested parameters was found[%s] Accepting PPTP connectionul͐  < `  , <8 @B á ZQ @ á ^ á  <l    á  Zx    bá á  < \á á  @á á  P @á á )  . = M  )     ! M -       z      9G @ @z  &     9G @ @*  1  &     & % á 7 = D K T ^ f j  q @w @á   &  ҝ ^ f @ á 7 K @    @ @w @á   & ^ f    ҝ ^ f T á  á  &   c á  Q    =e  á    s y    ) . < G Q ] i s H   s H   b7  _K  s H  s )   s H  P _  pptp_ctrl.ctotal == gPptpMsgInfo[type].lengthgInitializedPPTPEVENT_TIMEOUT PptpCtrlListenRetry()PPTP: can't get listening socketEVENT_READ PptpCtrlListenEvent()PPTP: waiting for connection on %s %uPPTP: stop waiting for connection on %s %uk != gNumPptpLisInternally originated VPN callActive PPTP tunnels: pptp%d %s %d <=> %s %d %s %d calls FREEWAIT_CTL_REPLYWAIT_STOP_REPLYESTABLISHEDPPTP: %s getsockname()PptpCtrlListenEventPPTP: Incoming control connection from %s %u to %s %uPPTP: Control connection failed: %sc->state == PPTP_CTRL_ST_IDLE!c->repsch == NULL || ch->state == PPTP_CHAN_ST_WAIT_CTRLpptp%d: %s: %sgetsocknamegetpeernamepptp%d: attached to connection with %s %uEVENT_READ PptpCtrlReadCtrl()FreeBSD MPDPPTP_VALID_CTRL_TYPE(type)pptp%d: send %s msgpptp%d: only wrote %d/%dpptp%d: wrote %d bytes ctrl dataPptpReplyPptpCtrlReplyTimeoutpptp%d-%d: no reply to %s after %d secpptp%d: no reply to %s after %d sec*pplink layer shutdownpptp%d-%d: clearing callpptp%d-%d: chan state %s --> %sch->state != newWAIT_IN_REPLYWAIT_OUT_REPLYWAIT_CONNECTWAIT_DISCONNECTWAIT_ANSWERpptp%d-%d: killing channelPptpKillCh(void (*)(void *))PptpCtrlFreeChanPptpUnused(void (*)(void *))PptpCtrlCloseCtrlpptp%d: closing connection with %s %upptp%d: CID 0x%04x in %s not foundresv %s=0x%xpptp%d: ctrl state %s --> %sc->state != newPptpIdlePptpCtrlIdleTimeoutpptp%d: ctrl connection closed by peerpptp%d: read %d bytes ctrl datapptp%d: got hdrpptp%d: invalid msg type %dpptp%d: invalid magic %xpptp%d: invalid ctrl type %dpptp%d: non-zero reserved field in headerpptp%d: invalid length %d for type %dpptp%d: recv %spptp%d: non-zero reserved field %s in %spptp%d: rec'd spurious %spptp%d: got %s in state %spptp%d-%d: got %s in state %spptp%d: killing connection with %s %ucontrol channel shutdownPptpKill(void (*)(void *))PptpCtrlFreeCtrlpptp: connect to %s %u failed: %sEVENT_WRITE PptpCtrlConnEvent()pptp%d: connecting to %s %upptp%d: connection to %s %d failedpptp%d: connected to %s %ulocal outgoing call failedmsgTyperesv0frameCapbearCapmaxChanfirmvendresulterrreasonresv1sernominBPSmaxBPSbearTypeframeTyperecvWinppdnumLenphonesubaddrpeerCidcausedialedLendialingLendialeddialinghdwovflalignsendAccmrecvAccmPptpMsgHeadStartCtrlConnRequestStartCtrlConnReplyStopCtrlConnRequestStopCtrlConnReplyEchoRequestEchoReplyOutCallRequestOutCallReplyInCallRequestInCallReplyInCallConnCallClearRequestCallDiscNotifyWanErrorNotifySetLinkInfopptp%d-%d: ignoring %spptp%d-%d: peer call disconnected res=%s err=%s[out of range]disconnected by peernonenot connectedbad formatbad valueno resourcebad call IDpac errorzero?lost carriergeneral erroradmin actiondisconnect requestpptp%d-%d: got %s, but we are PNS for this callpptp%d-%d: call cleared by peerpptp%d-%d: peer incoming call connected at %d bpspptp%d-%d: peer denied incoming call: res=%s err=%speer denied incoming callpptp%d-%d: incoming call accepted by peernot acceptedpptp%d: peer incoming call to "%s" from "%s"pptp%d: no free channels for incoming callpptp%d: incoming call request deniedpptp%d-%d: accepting incoming call to "%s" from "%s"peer incoming call failedpptp%d-%d: outgoing call failed: res=%s err=%sremote outgoing call failedpptp%d-%d: outgoing call connected at %d bpsno carrierno dialtoneadmin prohibpptp%d: no free channels for outgoing callpptp%d: peer's outgoing call request deniedpptp%d: echo reply failed: res=%s err=%spptp%d: bogus echo reply: %u != %upptp%d: got %s: reason=%sbad protocol versionlocal shutdownpptp%d: my %s failed, result=%s err=%spptp%d: incompatible protocol 0x%04xchannel existsnot authorized.5X ^ pP P`p } 0  0  0pppoePPP over Ethernetiface {name}Set ethernet interface to useservice {name}Set PPPoE session nameacname {name}Set PPPoE access concentrator nameorphanspppoe.clisten-%sPPPoE: Can't connect "%s"->"%s" and "%s"->"%s": %sPPPoE: Can't send NGM_PPPOE_LISTEN to %s hook %sPPPoE: waiting for connection on %s, service "%s"[%s] PPPoE: Skipping link "%s" with undefined interface[%s] PPPoE: Too many different parent interfaces! [%s] PPPoE: Error creating ng_pppoe node on %s%s %s up/sbin/ifconfigPPPoE: can't bring up interface %s[%s] PPPoE: can't create ctrl socket[%s] PPPoE: Cannot send a netgraph message[%s] PPPoE: Cannot get netgraph responsePPPoE: Cannot load ng_ether[%s] Cannot send a netgraph message: %s[%s] Cannot get netgraph response[%s] Unexpected node type ``%s'' (wanted ``ether'') on %sdivert%s Node type ``%s'' is currently using orphan hook ethernet[%s] can't create %s peer to %s,%s[%s] Cannot get pppoe node idEVENT_READ PppoeCtrlReadEvent()EVENT_READ PppoeListenEvent()NgRecvData: %dNgRecvData: socket closedlisten-PPPoE: data from unknown hook "%s"Incoming truncated PPPoE connection request via %s for service "%s"Incoming PPPoE connection request via %s for service "%s" from %sNo free PPPoE link with requested parameters was found[%s] Accepting PPPoE connectionmpd%d-%dleft[%s] PPPoE: can't create %s peer to %s,%sleft2right[%s] PPPoE: can't connect "%s"->"%s" and "%s"->"%s"[%s] PPPoE: gethostname() failedNONAME[%s] PPPoE: can't send NGM_PPPOE_OFFER to %s,%s [%s] PPPoE: can't send NGM_PPPOE_SERVICE to %s,%s[%s] PPPoE: Cannot send original request[%s] PPPoE: can't remove hook %s[%s] PPPoE response sentPPPoE-connectPppoeConnectTimeout[%s] Shutdown ng_tee node %s error[%s] PPPoE connection not accepted due to error[%s] PPPoE connection timeout after %d secondsPPPoE: error reading message from "%s"PPPoE: rec'd cookie %lu from "%s"mpd%d-PPPoE: message %d from unknown hook "%s"PPPoE: message %d from unexisting link "%s"[%s] PPPoE: message %d in DOWN state[%s] PPPoE: connection successful[%s] PPPoE: connection failed[%s] PPPoE: connection closedPPPoE: rec'd ACNAME "%s"PPPoE: rec'd command %lu from "%s"PPPoE: stop waiting for connection on %s, service "%s"PPPoE configuration: Iface Node : %s Iface Hook : %s Session : %s PPPoE status: Current peer : %s Circuit-ID : %s Remote-ID : %s [%s] PppoeOpen() on incoming call[%x]:%s[%s] PPPoE: can't get upper hook[%s] PPPoE: Shutdown ng_tee node %s error[%s] PPPoE allready active[%s] PPPoE node for link is not initialized[%s] PPPoE: Connecting to '%s'[%s] PPPoE can't request connection to serverDD %>j\ a @@ `pPP@P@   Ƭ  ~       ܬ       p l2tpLayer Two Tunneling ProtocolSet calling L2TP telephone numberSet called L2TP telephone numberhostname {name}Set L2TP local hostnamesecret {sec}Set L2TP tunnel secretActive L2TP tunnels: %p %s %d <=> %s %d %s %d calls l2tp.chiddendataseqL2TP: socketL2TP: setsockoptL2TP: bindEVENT_READ L2tpServerEvent()L2TP: waiting for connection on %s %uL2TP: recvfromIncoming L2TP packet from %s %dL2TP: No link with requested parameters was foundL2TP: ppp_l2tp_avp_list_appendL2TP: ppp_l2tp_ctrl_createL2TP: NgMkSockNodeL2TP: connectL2TP: NgSendDataL2TP: rmhookL2TP: mkpeerL2TP: ghash_putL2TP: Control connection %p %s %u <-> %s %u acceptedresult=%u error=%u errmsg="%s"[%s] L2TP: call #%u terminated: %s[%s] L2TP: Call #%u connectedL2TP: error decoding AVP list[%s] L2TP: can't get upper hook[%s] L2TP: can't connect "%s"->"%s" and "%s"->"%s"L2TP: %s call #%u via connection %p receivedOutgoingIncoming[%s] L2TP: %s call #%u via control connection %p acceptedL2TP: No free link with requested parameters was foundL2TP: Control connection %p destroyedL2TP: Control connection %p terminated: %d (%s)L2TP: Control connection %p %s %u <-> %s %u connected[%s] ppp_l2tp_avp_list_append[%s] L2TP: %s call #%u via control connection %p initiatedL2TP: stop waiting for connection on %s %uL2TP configuration: Self addr : %s, port %u Hostname : %s Secret : %s ******L2TP options: L2TP status: Current self : %s, port %u[%s] L2TP: Call #%u terminated locally[%s] L2tpOpen() on incoming call[%s] L2TP: allready active[%s] ppp_l2tp_initiate[%s] ppp_l2tp_ctrl_createL2TP: Initiating control connection %p %s %u <-> %s %u[%s] NgMkSockNode[%s] mkpeer[%s] setsockopt[%s] bind[%s] connect[%s] getname send[%s] getname recv[%s] ghash_putL2TP: Control connection %p %s %u <-> %s %u initiatedL2TP: Total shutdown#4$$ %U%%%!&Z&&&'?'''(T((( )0.`)))*Q****8+q+++7,w,.-0.--#             ! & * . ppp_l2tp_avpppp_l2tp_avp_listppp_l2tp_avp_ptrsdecode failed: %s?0?SCCRQSCCRPSCCCNStopCCN?5?HELLOOCRQOCRPOCCNICRQICRPICCN?13?CDNWENSLI?%u?result=%u error=%u errmsg="sync=%u async=%udigital=%u analog=%ucausecode=0x%04x causemsg=0x%02x msg="crc=%u frame=%u overrun=%ubuffer=%u timeout=%u alignment=%uxmit=0x%08x recv=0x%08xppp_l2tp_ctrlL2TP: %s invokedL2TP: Cannot get %s node idppp_l2tp_ctrl_initiateL2TP: %s invoked, ctrl=%p errmsg="%s"ppp_l2tp_ctrl_shutdownL2TP: %s invoked, ctrl=%p out=%dL2TP: %s invoked, sess=%pppp_l2tp_connectedL2TP: inappropriate call to %sL2TP: %s invoked, sess=%p errmsg="%s"ppp_l2tp_terminateidlewait-ctl-replywait-ctl-conndyingUNKNOWNL2TP: error starting unused timerl2tp_ctrl.cctrl->active_sessions == 0ctrl->state != CS_DYINGno more sessions exist in this tunnelctrl->state == CS_DYINGL2TP: error starting death timerL2TP: error starting reply timerL2TP: reply timeout in state %sexpecting reply; none receivedwait-cs-replywait-connectwait-answerL2TP: error reading control messageL2TP: acknowledgement timeoutL2TP: error restarting idle timerL2TP: error reading ctrl hookL2TP: rec'd improperly formatted control messageL2TP: rec'd hidden AVP, but no shared secrethidden AVP found but no shared secret configuredL2TP: rec'd mandatory but unknown AVPL2TP: error decoding control messageL2TP: RECV L2TP: RECV(0x%04x) L2TP: rec'd ctrl message lacking message type AVPrec'd unsupported but mandatory message type %uL2TP: %sL2TP: rec'd unknown message type %u; ignoringrec'd %s control message lacking required AVP #%uignoring %s in state %sL2TP: rec'd %s in state %sL2TP: rec'd %s with zero session IDL2TP: rec'd %s for unknown session 0x%04xrec'd %s in state %s, but session originated %slyrec'd %s in state %s, but we are %s for this sessionLNSLAClocalremoterec'd duplicate %s in state %sL2TP: SCCRP lacks challenge responseL2TP: tunnel challenge/response incorrectL2TP: connected to "%s", version=%u.%uL2TP: ignoring zero recv window size AVPL2TP: tunnel challenge received but no shared secret is configuredL2TP: SCCRQ tie: we both loseL2TP: SCCRQ tie: peer losesL2TP: SCCRQ tie: peer wins [%u:%u vlen=%uMESSAGE_TYPERANDOM_VECTORRESULT_CODEPROTOCOL_VERSIONFRAMING_CAPABILITIESBEARER_CAPABILITIESTIE_BREAKERFIRMWARE_REVISIONHOST_NAMEVENDOR_NAMEASSIGNED_TUNNEL_IDRECEIVE_WINDOW_SIZECHALLENGE_RESPONSECAUSE_CODEASSIGNED_SESSION_IDCALL_SERIAL_NUMBERMINIMUM_BPSMAXIMUM_BPSBEARER_TYPEFRAMING_TYPECALLED_NUMBERCALLING_NUMBERSUB_ADDRESSTX_CONNECT_SPEEDRX_CONNECT_SPEEDPHYSICAL_CHANNEL_IDPRIVATE_GROUP_IDSEQUENCING_REQUIREDINITIAL_RECV_CONFREQLAST_SENT_CONFREQLAST_RECV_CONFREQPROXY_AUTHEN_TYPEPROXY_AUTHEN_NAMEPROXY_AUTHEN_CHALLENGEPROXY_AUTHEN_IDPROXY_AUTHEN_RESPONSECALL_ERRORSACCMppp_l2tp_sessppp_l2tp_sess_closeL2TP: error starting close timerL2TP: error starting notify timerL2TP: error configuring session hookppp_l2tp_ctrl_closecontrol connection closingppp_l2tp_ctrl_sendL2TP: XMIT L2TP: XMIT(0x%04x) L2TP: error sending ctrl packetL2TP: created new session #%u id 0x%04x orig=%s side=%s state=%s ~   @     Ђ  p p    & * @". #K 00X pK$f 1r 2 2 `3 4 5 5 6 7  P8 k 9  :  9 % ;9 `<L =X =d p>p  ?} ? @ A B 0M& PC PL% M' D D(  E: EL `F^ PGu @H  H! I" J# ) . = ѵ K y   ѵ K deflatempd%d-%s:%sdecompressccp_deflate.c[%s] can't get %s stats Bytes : %llu -> %llu (%+lld%%) Frames : %llu -> %lluc + %lluu Errors : %llu Bytes : %llu <- %llu (%+lld%%) Frames : %llu <- %lluc + %lluu [%s] bogus length %d[%s] 0x%04x: w:%d, m:%d, c:%d[%s] reset-ack to %s node[%s] reset-req to %s nodewin %ddecomp[%s] can't create %s node[%s] can't config %s node at %s$  @ В'D^x< P0pП A R ` o ܬ    {    : L P T  Y mppcaccept [opt ...]Accept optiondeny [opt ...]Deny optionyes [opt ...]Enable and accept optionno [opt ...]Disable and deny optionMppcTestCap: can't create socket nodeMppcTestCap: can't create %s nodeMppcTestCap: can't config %s nodeMPPC options: ccp_mppc.ce40e56e128policy[%s] 0x%08x:%s[%s] Bits 0x%08x not supportedMPPC%sMPPE(, bits)%sstatelesspred1ccp_pred1.c[%s] reset to %s node  Ю0@dese-old[%s] bogus length %d[%s] nonce 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x[%s] DESE: rec'd bogus DES cypher: len=%d[%s] DESE: rec'd wrong seq=%u, expected %uecp_dese.c!tail Frames : %llu -> %llu Frames : %llu <- %llu ( p0@0pйdese-bis[%s] DESE-bis: rec'd bogus DES cypher: len=%d[%s] DESE-bis: rec'd wrong seq=%u, expected %uecp_dese_bis.cL п  bp     Q  c r   p     Q ܬ     ڰ   red-port {proto} {alias_addr} {alias_port} {local_addr} {local_port} [{remote_addr} {remote_port}]Redirect portred-addr {alias_addr} {local_addr}Redirect addressred-proto {proto} {alias-addr} {local_addr} [{remote-addr}]Redirect protocoladdress {addr}Set alias addresstarget {addr}Set target addressNAT configuration: Alias addresses : %s Target addresses: %s Redirect ports: %s %s:%d %s:%d %s:%d (%sactive) Redirect address: %s %s (%sactive) Redirect proto: %s %s %s %s (%sactive) NAT options: same-portsunreg-onlympd%d-%s-nat:bad IP address "%s"bad PROTO name "%s"bad alias IP address "%s"Incorrect alias port number "%s"bad local IP address "%s"Incorrect local port number "%s"bad remote IP address "%s"Incorrect remote port number "%s"nat-port-%dmax number of redirect-port "%d" reachednat-port-0Can't delete nat ruleRule not foundnat-addr-%dmax number of redirect-addr "%d" reachednat-addr-0nat-proto-%dmax number of redirect-proto "%d" reachednat-proto-0nat.cASSERT "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d"Eh3s         % =  O e  y      3  A R ` o ܬ    {     . Q   ַ ]  b7 max-logins {num}Max concurrent loginsauthname {name}Authentication namepassword {pass}Authentication passwordextauth-script {script}Authentication scriptextacct-script {script}Accounting scriptacct-update {seconds}set update intervalupdate-limit-in {bytes}set update suppresion limitupdate-limit-out {bytes}set auth timeoutAUTH[%s] %s: auth: peer wants %s, I want %snothingAuthTimerAuthTimeoutauth.c[%s] AUTH: rec'd stray packet[%s] AUTH: rec'd runt packet: %d bytes[%s] %s: rec'd %s #%d len: %d, type: %s[%s] %s: rec'd %s #%d len: %d[%s] %s: sending %s #%d len: %d, type: %s[%s] %s: sending %s #%d len: %d[%s] AUTH: CleanupConfiguration: My authname : %s Max-Logins : %d%s CI Acct Update : %d Limit In : %d Limit Out : %d Auth timeout : %d ExtAuth script : %s ExtAcct script : %s Auth options Auth Data Peer authname : %s Interface name : %s Interface descr.: "%s" Interface group : %s IP range : %s IP pool : %s DNS : %s %s NBNS : %s %s MTU : %u Session-Timeout : %u Idle-Timeout : %u Acct-Update : %u Routes : IPFW rules : %d : '%s' IPFW pipes : IPFW queues : IPFW tables : #%d : '%s' Traffic filters : %d#%d : '%s' Traffic limits : %s#%d%s%s : '%s' MS-Domain : %s MPPE Types : %s MPPE Policy : %s MPPE Keys : %s yes[%s] ACCT: Accounting thread is already running[%s] ACCT: Accounting data for user '%s': %lu seconds, %llu octets in, %llu octets outAuthAccountTimerAuthAccountTimeout[%s] ACCT: Shouldn't send Interim-Update[%s] ACCT: Couldn't start thread[%s] ACCT: Time for Accounting Updatempd.secret##DROP##[%s] Drop connection[%s] Repeater to "%s" creation error[%s] AUTH: AuthPreCheck failed for "%s"[%s] AUTH: Couldn't start threadAccount disabledLogin not allowed for this accountLogin hours restrictedLogin incorrectE=%d R=0 M=%sUnexpected packetIncorrectly formatted packetauthenticatedINCORRECT STATUSNot availableUnknown Policyno encryption required128 unknown typesciUpdate interval must be positive.Update suppression limit must be positive.Authorization timeout must be greater then 20.Invoking external auth program: '%s'PopenError reading from external auth programExternal auth program failed for user "%s"[%s] %s: authorization timer expired[%s] AUTH: We don't accept empty usernames[%s] AUTH: Name: "%s" max. number of logins exceeded[%s] AUTH: Thread was canceled[%s] AUTH: Thread finished normallydropforward [%s] AUTH: Thread started[%s] AUTH: Trying EXTERNAL[%s] AUTH: EXTERNAL returned error[%s] AUTH: EXTERNAL returned: %s[%s] AUTH: Trying RADIUS[%s] AUTH: RADIUS returned error[%s] AUTH: RADIUS returned: %s[%s] AUTH: Trying PAM[%s] AUTH: PAM returned: %s[%s] AUTH: Trying SYSTEM[%s] AUTH: SYSTEM returned: %s[%s] AUTH: Trying INTERNAL[%s] AUTH: INTERNAL returned: %s[%s] AUTH: ran out of backends[%s] AUTH: User "%s" not found in secret filepthread_mutex_lock(&gGiantMutex) == 0pthread_mutex_unlock(&gGiantMutex) == 0[%s] AUTH: Error retrieving passwd: %s[%s] AUTH: User "%s" not found in the systems database[%s] AUTH: Found user %s Uid:%d Gid:%d Fmt:%*.*s$3$$[%s] AUTH: Password has the wrong format, nth ($3$) is needed[%s] AUTH: Using systems password database only possible for PAP and MS-CHAP[%s] AUTH: Using PAM only possible for PAP[%s] AUTH: PAM error[%s] AUTH: PAM set PAM_RHOST error[%s] AUTH: PAM set PAM_TTY error[%s] AUTH: PAM error: %s[%s] AUTH: PAM: %s[%s] Ext-auth: Script not specified![%s] Ext-auth: Denied character in USER_NAME!%s '%s'[%s] Ext-auth: Invoking auth program: '%s'r+USER_NAME:%s AUTH_TYPE:%s MD5 MSOFT MSOFTv2 0x%02x USER_PASSWORD:%s ACCT_SESSION_ID:%s LINK:%s NAS_PORT:%d NAS_PORT_TYPE:%s CALLING_STATION_ID:%s CALLED_STATION_ID:%s SELF_NAME:%s PEER_NAME:%s SELF_ADDR:%s PEER_ADDR:%s PEER_PORT:%s PEER_MAC_ADDR:%s PEER_IFACE:%s PEER_IDENT:%s [%s] Ext-auth: attr:'%s', value:'%s'[%s] Ext-auth: attr:'%s', value:'XXX'RESULTSUCCESSUNDEFUSER_NAMEUSER_NT_HASH[%s] Ext-auth: Incorrect USER_NT_HASH lengthUSER_LM_HASH[%s] Ext-auth: Incorrect USER_LM_HASH lengthFRAMED_IP_ADDRESSPRIMARY_DNS_SERVERSECONDARY_DNS_SERVERPRIMARY_NBNS_SERVERSECONDARY_NBNS_SERVERFRAMED_ROUTE[%s] Ext-auth: FRAMED_ROUTE: Bad route "%s"[%s] Ext-auth: Duplicate routeFRAMED_IPV6_ROUTE[%s] Ext-auth: FRAMED_IPV6_ROUTE: Bad route "%s"SESSION_TIMEOUTIDLE_TIMEOUTACCT_INTERIM_INTERVALACCT_INTERIM_LIM_RECVACCT_INTERIM_LIM_XMITFRAMED_MTUFRAMED_COMPRESSIONFRAMED_POOLREPLY_MESSAGEMS_CHAP_ERRORMPD_ACTIONMPD_IFACE_NAMEMPD_IFACE_DESCRMPD_IFACE_GROUPMPD_MPD_RULEMPD_PIPEMPD_QUEUEMPD_TABLEMPD_TABLE_STATICMPD_FILTER[%s] Ext-auth: wrong filter number: %iMPD_LIMIT[%s] Ext-auth: wrong limit direction: '%s'[%s] Ext-auth: Dropping MPD vendor specific attribute: '%s'[%s] Ext-auth: incorrect acl![%s] Ext-auth: wrong acl number: %i[%s] Ext-auth: wrong acl[%s] Ext-auth: duplicate acl[%s] Ext-auth: Unknown attr:'%s'[%s] ACCT: Thread was canceled[%s] ACCT: Thread finished normally[%s] ACCT: Link close requested by the accounting[%s] ACCT: Thread started[%s] ACCT: Close link due to accounting start error[%s] Ext-acct: Script not specified![%s] Ext-acct: Denied character in USER_NAME![%s] Ext-acct: Invoking acct program: '%s'ACCT_STATUS_TYPE:%s ACCT_MULTI_SESSION_ID:%s IFACE_INDEX:%d BUNDLE:%s ACCT_LINK_COUNT:%d FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS:%s ACCT_TERMINATE_CAUSE:%s ACCT_SESSION_TIME:%ld ACCT_INPUT_OCTETS:%llu ACCT_INPUT_PACKETS:%llu ACCT_OUTPUT_OCTETS:%llu ACCT_OUTPUT_PACKETS:%llu MPD_INPUT_OCTETS:%s:%llu MPD_INPUT_PACKETS:%s:%llu MPD_OUTPUT_OCTETS:%s:%llu MPD_OUTPUT_PACKETS:%s:%llu [%s] Ext-acct: attr:'%s', value:'%s'MPD_DROP_USER[%s] Ext-acct: Unknown attr:'%s'mpd%x[%s] ACCT: wtmp %s %s %s login[%s] ACCT: wtmp %s logout[%s] ACCT: PAM error[%s] ACCT: PAM set PAM_RHOST error[%s] ACCT: PAM set PAM_TTY error[%s] ACCT: PAM open session "%s"[%s] ACCT: PAM close session "%s"[%s] ACCT: PAM session errorradius-authradius-acctinternalext-authext-acctsystem-authsystem-acctpam-authpam-acctacct-mandatoryd/z/////Z1Z1N000001:12  3 0/3 -3 0/@3 P3 0/d3 v3 0/3 3 0/3 3 0/3 3 0/4 R 0/ 4 o 0/ .4  0/ ?4  0/ Q4  0/ _4  0/= = = | = >  > Bperiod {seconds}BoD sampling periodlowat {percent}BoD low water markhiwat {percent}BoD high water markmin-con {seconds}BoD min connected timemin-dis {seconds}BoD min disconnected timelinks {link list ...}Links list for BoD/DoDfsm-timeout {seconds}FSM retry timeoutaccept {opt ...}deny {opt ...}enable {opt ...}disable {opt ...}yes {opt ...}no {opt ...}impossible to open templateimpossible to close templateShutdown sequence in progress, BundJoin() deniedbundle [%s] Drop link[%s] Creating new bundle using template "%s".[%s] Bundle "%s" not found.[%s] No bundle specified[%s] Bundle creation error[%s] Can't join bundle %s without multilink negotiated.[%s] Can't join bundle %s with different peer discriminator/authname.[%s] No more then %d links per bundle allowed. Can't join budle.[%s] Link: Join bundle "%s"[%s] Bundle netgraph join failedbund.cb->n_up > 0[%s] Link: Leave bundle "%s"[%s] Bundle: Last link has gone, reopening in %d secondsBundReOpenBundReOpenLinks[%s] Bundle: Last link has gone, no links for bw-manage defined[%s] Bund: Link "%s" not found[%s] Bund: Link "%s" is busy[%s] Bund: Link "%s" creation error[%s] Bund: Link %d name not specified[%s] opening link "%s"...[%s] Bundle: No NCPs left. Closing links...Protocol errorDefined bundles: %-15sBundle "%s" not defined.Present msessions: msession "%s" is not foundPresent ifaces: iface "%s" is not foundstaticBundle name "%s" is too longBundle "%s" already existsBundle template "%s" not foundBundle "%s" is not a templateBUNDBundMsg()Bund "%s" not foundNo bundle selected to destroy%s-%d[%s] Bundle netgraph initialization failed[%s] Bundle: ShutdownBundle "%s" not definedBundle '%s'%s: (template) (static) Links : Status : %s OPENCLOSED Session time : %ld seconds MultiSession Id: %s Total bandwidth: %u bits/sec Avail bandwidth: %u bits/sec Peer authname : "%s" Desc. template : %s Description : %s Retry timeout : %d seconds BW-manage: Period : %d seconds Low mark : %d%% High mark : %d%% Min conn : %d seconds Min disc : %d seconds Links : Bundle level options: ActiveInactive Peer MRRU : %d bytes Dup fragments : %llu Drop fragments : %llu %s[%s/%s] [%s] incorrect fsm-timeout value %d[%s] can't create netgraph interface[%s] Bundle: Interface %s createdb%dpppbypass[%s] can't create %s node at "%s"->"%s"[%s] can't name %s node "%s"BundBmBundBmTimeout %3u [%s] %s IN util: total %3u%% OUT util: total %3u%% %3u%%[%s] %s[%s] opening link "%s" due to increased demandIncreased demandk >= 0[%s] Bundle: closing link %s due to reduced demandDecreased demandipcpipv6cpcompressioncrypt-reqdbw-manageround-robin[%s] Bundle: %s event in state %sOPENEDFALSE[%s] Bundle: Status update: up %d link%s, total bandwidth %d bps[%s] Bundle: closing link "%s"...[%s] Bundle: Last link has gone, reopening...[%s] Rep: INCOMING event from %s (0)[%s] Rep: can't create control socket[%s] Rep: can't attach %s %s node.:tee[%s] Rep: Cannot get %s node id[%s] Rep: UP event from %s (%d)[%s] Rep: DOWN event from %s (%d)[%s] Rep: SetAccm(0x%08x, 0x%08x) from %s (%d)Defined repeaters: %-15s%s %s Repeater "%s" not defined.[%s] Can't find link "%s"[%s] Link "%s" is busy[%s] Can't create link "%s"REPR-%s[%s] Rep: ShutdownRepeater %s: Links : }'}L}n}}}ԒtԒA R |` o |ܬ  |  |{  |  |; pP   FF JF PF VF ]F cF  hF mF  tF |F F F F mpd%d-csoCcpsInit(): can't create %s nodeEVENT_READ CcpNgCtrlEvent()ccp.cEVENT_READ CcpNgDataEvent()[%s] %s: rec'd unknown netgraph message: cookie=%d, cmd=%d[%s] %s [%s] Enabled protocols: Outgoing compression: Proto : %s (%s) Resets : %d Incoming decompression: [%s] %s: CcpSendResetReq() call from undefined decompressor![%s] %s: SendResetReq #%d link %d (%s)[%s] %s: xmit plain[%s] %s: no encryption for xmit[%s] %s: xmit comp[%s] %s: recv comp[%s] %s: no compression for recv[%s] %s: decompression failed[%s] %s: recv plainCcpNgDataEvent: socket read: %sCcpNgDataEvent: rec'd %d bytes frame on %s hookCCP: Packet from unknown hook "%s"CCP: Packet from unexisting bundle "%s"CcpNgCtrlEvent: can't read messageCcpNgCtrlEvent: can't decode sender id: '%s'CcpNgCtrlEvent: rec'd unknown ctrl message, cookie=%d cmd=%d[%s] %s: SendResetAck #%d link %d (%s)[%s] CCP: Protocol %s disabled as useless for this setup[%s] %s[%s] Not supportedUNKNOWN[%d]OUIPRED1PRED2PUDDLEHWPPCSTACGANDV42BISLZS-DCPDEFLATE24DCEDEFLATEV.44/LZJHd%d[%s] %s: No compression negotiated[%s] %s: compression init failed[%s] %s: decompression init failed[%s] can't connect "%s"->"%s" and "%s"->"%s"[%s] CCP: Compress using: %s (%s)[%s] CCP: Decompress using: %s (%s)ҝN%;;hChalTimerChapChalTimeoutchap.ccp->chal_len <= sizeof(cp->chal_data)[%s] CHAP: Not expected, but that's OK[%s] CHAP: SECURITY: peer sent same challenge! Ignoring.[%s] CHAP: SECURITY: origination value check failed (%s,%s). Ignoring.[%s] CHAP: Using authname "%s"[%s] CHAP: Warning: no secret for "%s" found[%s] CHAP: Hash failure[%s] CHAP: Sorry changing passwords using MS-CHAPv1 is not yet implemented[%s] CHAP: Sorry changing passwords using MS-CHAPv2 is not yet implemented[%s] CHAP: unknown code %d[%s] CHAP: Auth return status: %sWelcome[%s] CHAP: Invalid response[%s] CHAP: Response is valid%02XS=%s M=%sS=%s[%s] CHAP: Reply message: %sFAILUREcode%dchap->respRespTimer(void (*)(void *)) ChapSendResponse[%s] Bogus packet[%s] Name: "%s"eem{   i||! K `zh K ` K `ܬ K ` L `P Open the consoleClose the consoleSet console ip and portEnable this console optionDisable this console option127.0.0.1Could not create rwlock %dCONSOLECONSOLE: Console already runningCONSOLE: Can't listen for connections on %s %dEVENT_READ ConsoleConnect()console.cCONSOLE: listening on %s %d State : %s IP-Address : %s Port : %d pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&c->lock) == 0Active sessions: Username: %s From: %s pthread_rwlock_unlock(&c->lock) == 0This session options: %s: fcntlStdConsoleConnectrootpthread_rwlock_wrlock(&c->lock) == 0EVENT_READ ConsoleSessionReadEvent()adminoperatorpthread_rwlock_wrlock(&gUsersLock) == 0pthread_rwlock_unlock(&gUsersLock) == 0Configured users: pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&gUsersLock) == 0 Username: %-15s Priv:%s CONSOLE: Bogus IP address given %sCONSOLE: Bogus port given %sUsername: Password: [%s] [] CONSOLE: Error while readingCONSOLE: Connection closed by peerhelp   Welcome! Mpd pid %lu, version %s Login failed CONSOLE: Failed login attempt from %s[%s] CONSOLE: %s: %sConsole closed. CONSOLE: ConnectCONSOLE: Allocated new console session %p from %sMulti-link PPP daemon for FreeBSD pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&cs->console->lock) == 0pthread_rwlock_unlock(&cs->console->lock) == 0logging:]$L(| s",4r.4  ?4  \ (\ A\ R\ l\ |\ \ \ \ \ \ \  ] +] F] V] r] ]  ] ]  ] ]  s  t P4  t Kt 0Vs s p; .^ s P]p p d1 p p H p p 8 q  q  !q ,q  Bq Mq & dq lq @ q q \ q q t q q  q q  gp rp ( q q H r #r K :r Br & Ur ur r Ri PQ r r  p r  r r r r d r r L s s L -s 5s \ Hs Qs  es ns d s s  gp rp  p p ( .^ g _g g _ g P{p` g < g  ` g g g 0g l g =  h = h %h ,h { ^ ;h Lh Sh 0dh kh  h   h u\ h @ _ h PM  h  h  " h * h h  ?  i pi i  s K #i P' 2i  r =i Ki Ri psi bi  yi i i ([ g i i i   ^ H .^ >^ OR^ b^ p^ {^ R ^ ^ R ^ ^ ^ ^  T^ ^ ^ _ D _ &_ <_ O_ PU d_ v_  R_ _ @_ _ _ _ w_ _ F !` ` 0S ` )` U :` C` V p f f f f f g g g %g ;g Ig ^ _g sg g f f startrule {num}Initial ipfw rule numberstartqueue {num}Initial ipfw queue numberstartpipe {num}Initial ipfw pipe numberstarttable {num}Initial ipfw table numberl2tptimeout {sec}L2TP tunnel unused timeoutl2tplimit {num}Calls per L2TP tunnel limitpptptimeout {sec}PPTP tunnel unused timeoutpptplimit {num}Calls per PPTP tunnel limitmax-children {num}Max number of childrenqthreshold {min} {max}Message queue limit thresholdsfilter {num} add|clear ["{flt}"]Global traffic filters managementChoose link by auth namebundle [{name}]Choose/list bundlesclose [{layer}]Close a layercreate ...Create new itemdestroy ...Destroy itemexitExit consoleiface {iface}Choose bundle by ifacehelp ...Help on any commandlink {name}Choose linkload [{file}] {label}Read from config filelog [+/-{opt} ...]Set/view log optionsmsession {msesid}Ch. bundle by msession-idopen [{layer}]Open a layerquitQuit programrepeater [{name}]Choose/list repeaterssession {sesid}Choose link by session-idSet parametersunset ...Unset parametersshow ...Show statusSystem interfaceIPCP: IP control protocolIPV6CP: IPv6 control protocolccpCCP: compression ctrl prot.ecpECP: encryption ctrl prot.bundMultilink bundleLink layerPhysical link layer%s:%d: %sError in '%s'%sUnknown command: '%s'. Try "help". %sUnknown command: '%s'. Try "help".%sAmbiguous command: '%s'. Try "help". %sAmbiguous command: '%s'. Try "help".%sRecursion detected for: '%s'! %sRecursion detected for: '%s'!%sIncorrect context for: '%s' %sIncorrect context for: '%s'%sError in '%s': %s %sError in '%s': %s%s%c%sAmbiguous command: '%s'. %sUnknown command: '%s'. Usage: %s Available commands: Commands available under "%s": %-9s: %-20s%s%s %s %s %s %s %d %s %s %s%s: ambiguousunknown layer "%s": try "show layers"http://https://ftp:///tmp/mpd.conf.XXXXXXCan't create temporal file Can't fetch '%s' Fetching '%s' ... done can't read configuration for "%s" from "%s" Rule pool is not empty. Impossible to set initial numberIncorrect rule numberQueue pool is not empty. Impossible to set initial numberIncorrect queue numberPipe pool is not empty. Impossible to set initial numberIncorrect pipe numberTable pool is not empty. Impossible to set initial numberIncorrect table numberIncorrect L2TP timeoutIncorrect L2TP call limitIncorrect PPTP timeoutIncorrect PPTP call limitIncorrect children links limitaddWrong filter number Wrong acl number: %i Duplicate acl clearIncorrect minimum threshold for message queue, must be between 0 and %dIncorrect maximum threshold for message queue, must be greater than minimum and less than %dtcp-wrapperone-shotFilter by iface nameip {ip}Filter by IP addressuser {name}Filter by user nameFilter by session IDmsession {ID}Filter by msession IDbundle {name}Filter by bundle nameFilter by link namepeer {name}Filter by peer nameBundle statuscustomerCustomer summaryRepeater statusCCP statusMPPC statusECP statuseapEAP statusCurrent eventsIPCP statusIPV6CP statusippoolIP pool statusInterface statusroutesIP routing tablelayersLayers to open/closePhysical device statusPPTP tunnels statusL2TP tunnels statusLink statusAuth statusRADIUS statusRADIUS server statuslcpLCP statusNAT statusmemMemory mapConsole statusWeb statusConsole usersglobalGlobal settingsSupported device typesVersion stringsessions [ {param} {value} ]Active sessionsDaemon status summarynetflowNetflow settingsCurrent daemon status summary Iface Bund Link LCP Device User From %s %s %s %s %8s %sRepeater %s MPD version: %s Available features: ipfw rules : yes config fetch : yes ng_bpf : yes ng_car : yes ng_deflate : yes ng_ipacct : no ng_mppc (MPPC) : %s ng_mppc (MPPE) : %s ng_nat : yes nat redirect : yes ng_netflow : yes netflow v9 : yes ng_pred1 : yes ng_tcpmss : yes Name Description ---- ----------- %s %s Global settings: startrule : %d startpipe : %d startqueue : %d starttable : %d l2tptimeout : %d l2tplimit : %d pptptimeout : %d pptplimit : %d max-children : %d qthreshold : %d %d Global options: Global traffic filters: Global state: children : %d mpd eventsInterface: Name : %s Status : %s Session time : %ld seconds Idle timeout : %d seconds Session timeout : %d seconds MTU : %d bytes IP Addresses : %s -> IPv6 Addresses : %s%%%s -> Routes via peer : %d (%d) '%s' (%d) '%s' %d#%d '%s' %s#%d%s%s '%s' Bundle %s%s: Multi Session Id: %s Peer authname : "%s" Multilink PPP: Peer auth name : "%s" Peer discrimin.: %s Traffic stats: Input octets : %llu Input frames : %llu Output octets : %llu Output frames : %llu Bad protocols : %llu Runts : %llu Link %s: Device type : %s Status : %s/%s Session Id : %s Peer ident : %s Self addr (name): %s Peer addr (name): %s Peer MAC address: %s Peer iface : %s Calling : %s Called : %s radius ...RADIUS specific stuffnat ...NAT specific stuffbundle ...Bundle specific stufflink ...Link specific stuffiface ...Interface specific stuffipcp ...IPCP specific stuffipv6cp ...IPV6CP specific stuffippool ...IP pool specific stuffccp ...CCP specific stuffmppc ...MPPC specific stuffecp ...ECP specific stuffeap ...EAP specific stuffauth ...Auth specific stuffradsrv ...RADIUS server specific stuffconsole ...Console specific stuffweb ...Web specific stuffuser {name} {password} [{priv}]Add console userglobal ...netflow ...NetFlow settingsNat settingsSet netgraph debug levelmodem ...Modem specific stuffng ...Netgraph specific stufftcp ...TCP specific stuffudp ...UDP specific stuffpptp ...PPTP specific stuffl2tp ...L2TP specific stuffpppoe ...PPPoE specific stufflink [{name}]Destroy link/templateDestroy bundle/templatelink [template|static] {name} {template|type}Create link/templatebundle [template|static] {name} {template}Create bundle/template-Qu su u A R ` o ܬ    {    K S` `   0  FF w w w key {string}Set encryption keympd%d-esoEcpsInit(): can't create %s nodeEVENT_READ EcpNgDataEvent()ecp.c[%s] %s: xmit cypher[%s] %s: recv cypher[%s] %s: no encryption for recv[%s] %s: decryption failedOutgoing encryption: Proto : %s Incoming decryption: [%s] %s: SendResetReqEcpNgDataEvent: socket read: %sEcpNgDataEvent: rec'd %d bytes frame on %s hookECP: Packet from unknown hook "%s"ECP: Packet from unexisting bundle "%s"[%s] %s: SendResetAck[%s] Not supported3DESEDESE-bis[%s] ECP: Encrypt using: %s[%s] ECP: Decrypt using: %sEVENT%s: error pevent_ctx_create: %dEventInit%d Events registered EVENT: Registering event %s at %s:%d%s: error pevent_registerEventRegister2EVENT: Registering event %s done at %s:%dEVENT: Unregistering event %s at %s:%dEVENT: Unregistering event %s done at %s:%dEVENT: Processing event %sEVENT: Processing event %s doneA Omv}Q 1 < E  !!!!!!!B)B)|))--s---y---s-_._.00./,/V/I22I224"5405B6B666666y6y66P8Y88888>>^?R?^?(=~  )K~ .]~ 0k~ `3y~ 5~ 08~ 9~ 9~ :~ `;~ ;~ ;~ 0<~ < = } } } } ~ ~ ~  ~ )~ 2~ [%s] %s: Open event[%s] %s: Up event[%s] %s: Oops, UP at %s[%s] %s: Down event[%s] %s: Close event[%s] %s: %sparameter negotiation failedreceived an invalid magic numberreceived fatal code rejectreceived fatal protocol rejectprotocol was rejected by peerpeer not responding to echo requestsfailed to negotiate required encryptionfsm.c[%s] %s: SendEchoReq #%d[%s] %s: SendIdent #%d[%s] %s: SendTimeRemaining #%d[%s] %u seconds remain[%s] %s: runt packet: %d bytes[%s] %s: bad length: says %d, rec'd %d[%s] %s: unknown code %d[%s] %s: rec'd %s #%d (%s)[%s] %s: %s buffer fullnakrejInitialStartingClosedStoppedClosingStoppingReq-SentAck-RcvdAck-SentOpened???Vendor PacketConfigure RequestConfigure AckConfigure NakConfigure RejectTerminate RequestTerminate AckCode RejectProtocol RejectEcho RequestEcho ReplyDiscard RequestIdentTime RemainReset RequestReset Ack[%s] %s: magic number is wrong: 0x%08x != 0x%08x[%s] %s: SendEchoRep #%d[%s] %s: protocol %s was rejected[%s] %s: code %s was rejectedPeer disconnect[%s] %s: Oops, RTR in %s[%s] %s: SendTerminateAck #%d[%s] Wrong id#, expecting %d[%s] %s: Oops, RCJ in %s[%s] %s: not converging[%s] %s: %d extra garbage bytes in config packet[%s] %s: Oops, RCN in %s[%s] %s: LayerUp[%s] %s: Oops, RCR in %s[%s] %s: SendConfigNak #%d[%s] %s: SendConfigRej #%d[%s] %s: SendConfigAck #%d[%s] %s: LayerFinish[%s] %s: LayerStart[%s] %s: LayerDownFsmTimeout[%s] %s: SendTerminateReq #%d[%s] %s: SendConfigReq #%d[%s] %s: state change %s --> %sFsmKeepAliveFsmEchoTimeout[%s] %s: no reply to %d echo request(s)@@@AcBBPCCDDHDkD___`_߸*lȃ ܃ p@  p@ # p@A O p@b x p@  p@ ̈́ p@  p@   p@ ژ p@ܬ  p@  p@ x   E? ?    addrs {self} {peer}Set interface addressesroute {dest}[/{width}]Add IP routemtu {size}Set max allowed interface MTUname [{name}]Set interface namedescription [{descr}]Set interface descriptiongroup [{group}]Set interface groupup-script [{progname}]Interface up scriptdown-script [{progname}]Interface down scriptidle {seconds}session {seconds}IFACE[%s] IFACE: Set conf.ifname to [%s] IFACE: Open event[%s] 'open iface' is useless without on-demand enabled[%s] IFACE: Close event[%s] IFACE: Up event[%s] IFACE: session-timeout: %d seconds[%s] IFACE: session-timeout limited to %d secondsIfaceSessionIfaceSessionTimeoutiface.c[%s] IFACE: idle-timeout: %d seconds[%s] IFACE: idle-timeout limited to %d secondsIfaceIdleIfaceIdleTimeout[%s] IFACE: Rename interface %s to %s[%s] IFACE: Add description "%s"[%s] IFACE: Add group %s to %s%s pipe %d config %s/sbin/ipfw%s queue %d config %sACL_IPFW%s table %d add %s%s add %d %s via %s[%s] IFACE: Down event%s delete%s%s table %d delete %s%s queue delete%s%s pipe delete%s[%s] IFACE: Set description "%s"[%s] IFACE: Clear description[%s] IFACE: Remove group %s from %s[%s] IFACE: Outgoing %s packet demands connectionIPv6Demand[%s] IFACE: IfaceNgIpInit() error, closing IPCP[%s] IFACE: IfaceChangeAddr() error, closing IPCP[%s] IFACE: Can't proxy arp for %s[%s] IFACE: No interface to proxy arp on for %s%s -S %s %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x pub/usr/sbin/arpdns1 %sdns2 %s%s %s inet %s %s '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s'%s %s inet %s %s '%s' '%s'%s -d %s[%s] IFACE: IfaceNgIpv6Init() failed, closing IPv6CP[%s] IFACE: IfaceChangeAddr() failed, closing IPv6CP%s %s inet6 %s%%%s %s%%%s '%s' '%s'Interface configuration: Description : "%s" Group : %s Maximum MTU : %d bytes IP Addresses : %s%s -> IPv6 Addresses : %s%s%%%s -> %s%s%%%s Event scripts up-script : "%s" down-script : "%s" Interface options: Static routes via peer: Interface status: Admin status : %s Dynamic routes via peer: IPFW pipes: %d (%d) : '%s' IPFW queues: IPFW tables: (%d) : '%s' IPFW rules: Traffic filters: Traffic limits: [%s] IFACE: Can't get socket to set MTU[%s] IFACE: forcing MTU of auth backend: %d bytes[%s] IFACE: setting %s MTU to %d bytes[%s] IFACE: ioctl(%s, %s)SIOCSIFMTU[%s] IFACE: Change interface %s flags: -%d +%d[%s] IFACE: Can't get socket to change interface flags[%s] IFACE: ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS, %s)[%s] IFACE: ioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS, %s)[%s] IFACE: %s address %s->%s %s %sAddRemove[%s] IFACE: Can't get socket to change interface address[%s] IFACE: %s IPv4 address %s %s failedAddingRemoving[%s] IFACE: %s IPv6 address %s %s failedDelete[%s] IFACE: Can't get route socket[%s] IfaceSetRoute: gw is not set [%s] IFACE: %s route %s %s failed: %s[%s] IFACE: %s route %s %sACL_BPF[%s] IFACE: Can't get socket to delete from group[%s] IFACE: groupnames may not end in a digit[%s] IFACE: remove interface %s from group %s[%s] IFACE: ioctl(%s, SIOCDIFGROUP)[%s] IFACE: Can't get socket to add group[%s] IFACE: adding interface %s to group %s[%s] IFACE: ioctl(%s, SIOCAIFGROUP)net.ifdescr_maxlen[%s] IFACE: sysctl net.ifdescr_maxlen failed[%s] IFACE: no memory for interface %s description[%s] IFACE: Can't get socket to set description for %s[%s] IFACE: clearing "%s" description[%s] IFACE: setting "%s" description to "%s"[%s] IFACE: ioctl(%s, SIOCSIFDESCR, "%s")[%s] IFACE: Can't get socket to set name[%s] IFACE: setting "%s" name to "%s"[%s] IFACE: ioctl(%s, SIOCSIFNAME)mpd%d-%s-mss:[%s] can't configure %s node programtcpmss[%s] can't set NAT ip[%s] can't set NAT redirect-port[%s] can't recv NAT redirect-port message[%s] can't set NAT redirect-addr[%s] can't recv NAT redirect-addr message[%s] can't set NAT redirect-proto[%s] can't recv NAT redirect-proto messageipv6inet6%s-tee%s:6%d[%s] can't configure data link type on %s[%s] can't set config on %s[%s] can't configure interface index on %s[%s] IFACE: Connecting netflow%s (%s)[%s] IFACE: Connecting tee%s%s-tee%s4%dmpd%d-%s-lim:[%s] IFACE: limit %s#%d%s%s: '%s'[%s] IFACE: incorrect limit: '%s'flt[%s] IFACE: incorrect filter number: '%s'[%s] IFACE: Undefined filter: '%s'|| ( nomatch( not ( ) ) && ( [%s] IFACE: filter action '%s' is unknown[%s] IFACE: flt%d: '%s'[%s] IFACE: filter '%s' compilation error[%s] IFACE: filter '%s' is too long[%s] IFACE: incorrect filter: '%s'%d-%d-mi[%s] IFACE: can't connect "%s"->"%s" and "%s"->"%s"denyshaperate-limitcarupper[%s] IFACE: can't create %s node at "%s"->"%s"%s%d-%d-m[%s] IFACE: can't set %s configuration[%s] IFACE: can't set %s node programbpf[%s] IFACE: unknown action: '%s'%d-%d-n%d-%d-ni[%s] IFACE: can't set %s node %s %s program (2)[%s] IFACE: Connecting limitscan't get limits %s node IDmpd%d-%s-limcan't name limits %s node[%s] IFACE: Connecting tcpmssfixmpd%d-%s-mss[%s] IFACE: Connecting NATmpd%d-%s-nat[%s] can't set NAT mode[%s] can't set NAT target IPon-demandproxy-arpnetflow-innetflow-outnetflow-onceBad IP address "%s"Addresses must be from the same protocol familydefaultBad route dest address "%s"Invalid interface mtu %dInterface name too long, >%d charactersThis interface name is reservedGroupnames may not end in a digitGroup name %s too long[%s] can't write cached pkt[%s] IFACE: Session timeout[%s] IFACE: Idle timeout%c%d%s%d %s [%s] rec'd %s #%d, replying...[%s] rec'd %s #%d[%s] rec'd LCP %s #%d on MP link! (ignoring)[%s] rec'd proto %s on MP link! (ignoring)[%s] rec'd proto %s while dead[%s] rec'd proto %s during establishment phase[%s] rec'd proto %s during authenticate phase[%s] rec'd proto %s during terminate phaseinput.c[%s] rec'd unexpected protocol %s%s, rejecting/usr/bin/netstat -nr -f inetpopenBad port "%s"UNSPEC :TnĜ  Pܬ  P# ; PP i P  PA R P` o P{  P  P 2 > J W d  ! @@p0``Z b l s z   ranges {self}[/{width}]|ippool {pool} {peer}[/{width}]|ippool {pool}Allowed IP address rangesdns primary [secondary]Set peer DNS serversnbns primary [secondary]Set peer NBNS serversAllowed IP address ranges: Peer: ippool %s Self: %s Peer: %s IPCP Options: Current addressing: Self: %s, %d compression channels, CID %scompressible not None Peer: %s, %d compression channels, CID %scompressible Server info we give to peer: DNS servers : %15s %15s NBNS servers: %15sServer info peer gave to us: vjc_ipVJ Compression: Out comp : %d Out total: %d Missed : %d Searched : %d In comp : %d In uncomp: %d In error : %d In tossed: %d invalid IP address: '%s'ipcp.cPPP layer IPCP failed: %s[%s] IPCP: Can't get IP from pool "%s" for self[%s] IPCP: Got IP %s from pool "%s" for self[%s] IPCP: Can't get IP from pool "%s" for peer[%s] IPCP: Got IP %s from pool "%s" for peer[%s] IPCP: Can't get IP from pool "%s"[%s] UNKNOWN[%d] len=%d[%s] bogus len=%d[%s] %s %s[%s] no IP address available for peer![%s] pretending that %s is OK, will ignore[%s] NAKing with %s[%s] %s is OK[%s] %s is unacceptable[%s] Problem: I need an IP address![%s] %s %s, %d comp. channels, %s comp-cidallow[%s] Can't accept proto 0x%04x[%s] Adjusting # compression channels[%s] Can't handle %d maxchan[%s] Can't accept comp-cidIPADDRSCOMPPROTOIPADDRPRIDNSPRINBNSSECDNSSECNBNS[%s] Note: ignoring negotiated %s IP %s,[%s] using %s instead.[%s] %s -> %s[%s] can't config %s nodempd%d-%s-vjcvjc_vjcompvjc_vjuncompvjc_vjipreq-pri-dnsreq-sec-dnsreq-pri-nbnsreq-sec-nbnspretend-ip4Nhܬ    A R ` o {    E W@p 0 @ S b Interface identificators: Self: %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x Peer: %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x IPV6CP Options: ipv6cp.cIPV6CPPPP layer IPV6CP failed: %s[%s] bogus len=%d min=%d max=%d[%s] %s %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x[%s] Empty INTIDENT, propose our.[%s] Duplicate INTIDENT, generate and propose other.[%s] It's OK.[%s] I agree to get this to myself.INTIDENT[%s] %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x -> %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x    M R R l  R       p p p           +    Q        <     D    < 6 > U \ ` g q {          Ŭ Ѭ ۬ ߬      ( - 8 = K ^ g #| # # # ' [%s] %s: authorization %sLogin failedPPP authorization failed.Self: MRU : %d bytes MAGIC : 0x%08x ACCMAP : 0x%08x ACFCOMP : %s PROTOCOMP: %s AUTHTYPE : %s YesNo MRRU : %d bytes SHORTSEQ : %s ENDPOINTDISC: %s IDENT : %s [%s] %s: phase shift %s --> %slcp.cnew == PHASE_ESTABLISHnew == PHASE_DEAD || new == PHASE_TERMINATE || new == PHASE_AUTHENTICATEnew == PHASE_TERMINATE || new == PHASE_ESTABLISH || new == PHASE_NETWORK || new == PHASE_DEADnew == PHASE_TERMINATE || new == PHASE_ESTABLISH || new == PHASE_DEAD[%s] link did not validate in bundleMulti-link PPP negotiation failure.NETWORKTERMINATELCPPPP layer LCP failed: %sEcho timeout[%s] Bogus length=%d[%s] %s %d[%s] %s 0x%08xMD5MSOFTMSOFTv20x%02x[%s] %s %s %s[%s] Bad len=%d[%s] %s bad len=%d[%s] %s %08x[%s] Same magic! Detected loopback condition[%s] %s %02x%02x%02x:%dVENDORMRUACCMAPAUTHPROTOQUALPROTOMAGICNUMRESERVEDPROTOCOMPACFCOMPFCSALTSDPNUMMODEMULTILINKCALLBACKCONNECTTIMECOMPFRAMENDSMP MRRUMP SHORTSEQENDPOINTDISCPROPRIETARYDCEIDENTIFIERMULTILINKPLUSBACPLCPAUTHOPTCOBSPREFIXELISIONMULTILINKHEADERFMTINTERNATSDATALINKSONET2! 2! 2! " " H# # # #" #" :$ $ $ $ D% % & .& T& w& & & 4 N P j  P   P e  P  ̰ Э   P   P # 6 P C P P ` l P {  P  3 3 P   P  ϱ P  r] ] P   P  * P 4 R P 4 o P .4  P ?4  P Q4  P _4  P   ' bundle {bundle} [{regex}]Terminate incomings locallyforward {link} [{regex}]Forward incomingsdrop [{regex}]drop incomingsClear actionsaction ...Set action on incomingbandwidth {bps}Link bandwidthlatency {microsecs}Link latencyaccmap {hex-value}Accmap valuemrru {value}Link MRRU valuemru {value}Link MRU valuemtu {value}Link MTU valuemax-redial {num}Max connect attemptsredial-delay {num}Delay between connect attemptskeep-alive {secs} {max}LCP echo keep-alivesident {string}LCP ident stringmpd%d-lsoLinksInit(): can't create %s nodeEVENT_READ LinkNgDataEvent()link.c[%s] Link: UP event[%s] Link: origination is %s[%s] Link: DOWN event[%s] Link: giving up after %d reconnection attemptsPhysOpenLinkReopenTimeout[%s] Link: reconnection attempt %d in %d secondsLink name "%s" is too longLink "%s" already existsName "%s" is reserved by device typeLink type "%s" does not support templatingLink template "%s" not foundLink "%s" is not a templateLinkMsg()No link selected to destroy[%s] Link: Shutdownl%dmpd%d-%s-lt[%s] Link: can't get repeater hookDefined links: %-15s%s Link "%s" is not definedPresent sessions: Session "%s" is not foundPresent users: User "%s" is not found[%s] Link: No actions defined[%s] Link: Matched action 'forward "%s"'[%s] Link: Matched action 'drop'[%s] Link: Matched action '%s "%s" "%s"'forwardLink %s%s: Device type : %s MRU : %d bytes MRRU : %d bytes Ctrl char map : 0x%08x bytes Max redial : no redial unlimited, delay %ds %d connect attempts, delay %ds Bandwidth : %d bits/sec Latency : %d usec Keep-alive : disabled every %d secs, timeout %d Ident string : "%s" Max children : %d Link incoming actions: %s %s %s ForwardBundleDropLink level options: Link state: Children : %d State : %s Session Id : %s Peer ident : %s Up/Down stats: Down Reason : %s Up Reason : %s chap-md5chap-msv1chap-msv2chap[%s] Bandwidth must be positive[%s] Bandwidth truncated to %d bit/s[%s] Latency must be not negative[%s] Latency truncated to %d usecregexp "%s" compilation errormin %s is %dmax %s on type "%s" links is %dmin MRRU is %dmax MRRU is %dapplicable only to templatesincorrect value %dpapacfcompprotocompkeep-ms-domainmagicnumpassivecheck-magicno-orig-authcallbackmultilinkshortseqtime-remainpeer-as-callingreport-macLink socket read error: %sLink: packet from unexisting link "%s"Link: Packet from dead link "%s"[%s] rec'd truncated %d bytes frame from link[%s] rec'd %d bytes frame from link proto=0x%04xLink: Packet from unexisting bundle "%s"Link: Packet from dead bundle "%s"[%s] rec'd truncated %d bytes frame[%s] rec'd %d bytes bypass frame link=%d proto=0x%04xlinkNum == NG_PPP_BUNDLE_LINKNUM || linkNum < NG_PPP_MAX_LINKS[%s] rec'd %d bytes frame on %s hookLink: Packet from unknown hook "%s"[%s] Link: %s event[%s] Link: reconnection attempt %dRedialLog OptionEnabledDescription----------- %-12s %-10s %s "%s" is unknown. Enter "log" for list. log.cpthread_rwlock_rdlock(&gConsole.lock) == 0pthread_rwlock_unlock(&gConsole.lock) == 0Bundle eventsBUND2Detailed bundle eventsLink eventsRepeater eventsLCP negotiationLCP2LCP events and debuggingLink authentication eventsAUTH2Link authentication detailsIPCP negotiationIPCP2IPCP events and debuggingIPV6CP negotiationIPV6CP2IPV6CP events and debuggingCCP negotiationCCP2CCP events and debuggingECP negotiationECP2ECP events and debuggingFSMAll FSM events (except echo & reset)ECHOEcho/reply events for all automataPhysical layer eventsPHYS2Physical layer debugPHYS3Physical layer control packet dumpModem chat scriptCHAT2Chat script extra debugging outputIP interface and route managementIFACE2IP interface and route management debugDump all incoming & outgoing framesRadius authentication eventsRADIUS2Radius authentication debugConsole eventsEVENTSDaemon events debug9      d@  H ( 8 =  V q w   @  E Ľ ׽ ߽ ;    K ) 9 >  W [ @     ľ پ ߾  `  @  1 = _ f լ  z#  Ͽ ׿  OL  @  Sk k _k k mk k k k k {k k k k k k k k k k k l mpd.conf/usr/local/etc/mpd55.7 (root@elwix.aitnet.org 11:38 22-Jul-2013)Device type '%s' initialization error. Could not create giant mutex %dCould not create signal pipe %dEVENT_READ SignalHandler()main.cEVENT_TIMEOUT ConfigRead()Multi-link PPP daemon for FreeBSDprocess %lu started, version %sfatal error, exitingprocess %d terminatedOne-shot mode enabled and no links found. Terminating daemon.Usage: mpd5 %s Options: -%c, --%-s %s%-40s%s backgroundRun as a background daemonconfig-dirSet config file directorykillKill running mpd process before startconfig-fileSet configuration fileTerminate daemon after last link shutdownpidfileSet PID filenamesyslog-identIdentifier to use for syslogpam-servicePAM service nameShow version informationhelpShow usage information[options] [system]Version %s caught fatal signal %sFatal shutdownAdmin shutdownDeathTimer(void (*)(void *)) DoExitrec'd signal %s, no link defined, ignored[%s] rec'd signal %s, opening[%s] rec'd signal %s, closingrec'd signal %s, ignoredstartupcan't read configuration for "%s"/var/run/mpd.pidMalloc: mallocMdup: mallocmbuf.csize >= 0MBUFmballoc: malloccnt >= 0offset >= 0max >= 0typed_mem_usage() error %-28s %10s %10s CountTotal %-28s %10u %10lu %-28s %10lu %10lu Totals[%s]LOCALIP Address802.1MagicPSN9     $ %s: Can't create message pipeMsgRegister2EVENT_READ MsgEvent()msg.c%s: Can't register eventm->func%s: Fatal message queue overflow!MsgSendEVENT: Message %d to %s sentCLOSESHUTDOWNEVENT: Message %d to %s receivedEVENT: Message %d to %s processed:  @+   z{ { { /| || | | } \ m P{   P{   P{   P{   P{  ) P{ ? K P{ ` n P{ peer {ip} {port}Set export destinationSet export sourcetimeouts {inactive} {active}Set NetFlow timeoutstemplate {time} {packets}Set NetFlow v9 templatemtu {mtu}Set NetFlow v9 MTUversion {version}Set version to exportnode {name}Set node name to usehook {number}Set initial hook numberNETFLOW: Can't create %s nodempd%d-nftemphookiface0NETFLOW: Can't create %s node at "%s"->"%s"NETFLOW: Can't name %s nodeexport9NETFLOW: Can't set timeouts on netflow %s nodeNETFLOW: Can't set NetFlow v9 template on netflow %s nodeNETFLOW: Can't set NetFlow v9 MTU on netflow %s nodeNETFLOW: Can't bind export %s nodeNETFLOW: Can't connect export %s nodempd%d-nfso[%s] can't create %s node at "%s"->"%s": %s %dNGM_NODEINFO[%s] reply from %s[%s] can't remove hook %sNgFuncShutdownGlobal: can't create %s node[%s] shutdown "%s": %s, retrying...[%s] can't shutdown "%s"mpd%d-statsNgFuncSendQuery: can't create %s nodeNgFuncSendQuery: can't send messageNgFuncSendQuery: can't read unexpected message[%s] remove hook %s from node "%s": %s, retrying...[%s] can't remove hook %s from node "%s"[%s] xmit bypass frame link=%d proto=0x%04x[%s] Bundle: No links ready to send packet[%s] xmit frame to link proto=0x%04x[%s] Link: Not ready to send packet[%s] error writing len %d frame to %s[%s] can't clear stats, link=%d[%s] can't get stats, link=%dnetgraph: %sNetflow status: Node created : %s Netflow settings: Node name : %s Initial hook : %d Timeouts, sec: Active : %d Inactive : %d Export address : %s port %d Source address : %s port %d Export version : v%d Netflow v9 configuration: Template: Time : %d Packets : %d Netflow v9 MTU : %d Accounted IPv4 octets : %llu Accounted IPv4 packets : %d Accounted IPv6 octets : %llu Accounted IPv6 packets : %d Skipped IPv4 octets : %llu Skipped IPv4 packets : %d Skipped IPv6 octets : %llu Skipped IPv6 packets : %d Used IPv4 cache records: %d Used IPv6 cache records: %d Failed allocations : %d Failed v5 export : %d Failed v9 export : %d Rallocated mbufs : %d Fibs allocated : %d Active expiries : %d Inactive expiries : %d Bad netflow timeouts "%s %s"Bad netflow v9 template values "%s %s"Bad netflow v9 MTU "%s"Bad netflow export version "%s"Bad netflow node name "%s"Bad netflow hook number "%s"PapTimerPapTimeoutpap.c[%s] PAP: retransmitting ACK[%s] PAP: %s not expected[%s] PAP: unknown code[%s] PAP: Bad PAP packet[%s] PAP: Auth return status: %s[%s] PAP: Invalid response[%s] PAP: Response is valid[%s] PAP: Reply message: %sREQUESTNAK[%s] PAP: using authname "%s"[%s] PAP: Warning: no secret for "%s" found       CONNECTINGREADYPhysMsg()[%s] type "%s" initialization failed[%s] device: UP event[%s] device: DOWN event / [%s] device type already set to %s[%s] device type "%s" unknownDevice '%s' (%s) instance Type : %s State : %s Session time : %ld seconds [%s] device: %s eventphys.c !u /# -, W = ! WE 3 4 : ; !H #H& %? #& UC SD UJ SK 'O )T 'Y t ! # % ' ) + - / 1 3( 5@ 7M 9c ;r = ? A C E G I K) M8 O< QS Su Ue W Y [ ] a c e g1 iK oe qw s }     G  i        1 3 55 R _ n   c e g  i . @I @n !@ ! # % ' )) +D - / 1` 3m 5 7 9 ; = ? A C E G9 Ii K M O Q S U W8 oR qu s }  π       <  S 5      ! #E %+ '? )f + - [  #7 %c ' o    Padding ProtocolInternet ProtocolOSI Network LayerXerox NS IDPDECnet Phase IVAppletalkNovell IPXVan Jacobson Compressed TCP/IPVan Jacobson Uncompressed TCP/IPBridging PDUStream Protocol (ST-II)Banyan Vinesreserved (until 1993)AppleTalk EDDPAppleTalk SmartBufferedMulti-LinkNETBIOS FramingCisco SystemsAscom TimeplexFujitsu Link Backup and Load Balancing (LBLB)DCA Remote LanSerial Data Transport Protocol (PPP-SDTP)SNA over 802.2SNAIP6 Header CompressionKNX Bridging DataIndividual Link EncryptionIPv6 over PPPPPP Multiplexing (RFC 3153)Vendor-Specific Network ProtocolTRILL Network Protocol (TNP)RTP IPHC Full HeaderRTP IPHC Compressed TCPRTP IPHC Compressed Non TCPRTP IPHC Compressed UDP 8RTP IPHC Compressed RTP 8Stampede BridgingBAP Bandwidth Allocation ProtocolMP+ Protocolreserved (Control Escape) (RFC 1661)reserved (compression inefficient) (RFC 1662)NTCITS IPIreserved (PPP NLPID)compression on single link in multilink group1st choice compression (RFC 1962)802.1d Hello Packets (RFC 1220)IBM Source Routing BPDUDEC LANBridge100 Spanning TreeCisco Discovery ProtocolNetcs Twin RoutingOptical Supervisory Channel Protocol (OSCP)LuxcomSigma Network SystemsApple Client Server ProtocolMPLS UnicastMPLS MulticastIEEE p1284.4 standard - data packetsETSI TETRA Network Protocol Type 1Multichannel Flow Treatment ProtocolRTP IPHC Compressed TCP No DeltaRTP IPHC Context StateRTP IPHC Compressed UDP 16RTP IPHC Compressed RTP 16Cray Communications Control ProtocolCDPD Mobile Network Registration ProtocolStacker LZSInternet Protocol Control ProtocolOSI Network Layer Control ProtocolXerox NS IDP Control ProtocolDECnet Phase IV Control ProtocolAppletalk Control ProtocolNovell IPX Control ProtocolBridging NCPStream Protocol Control ProtocolBanyan Vines Control Protocolreserved till 1993Multi-Link Control ProtocolNETBIOS Framing Control ProtocolCisco Systems Control ProtocolFujitsu LBLB Control ProtocolDCA Remote Lan Network Control Protocol (RLNCP)Serial Data Control Protocol (PPP-SDCP)SNA over 802.2 Control ProtocolSNA Control ProtocolIP6 Header Compression Control ProtocolKNX Bridging Control ProtocolIndividual Link Encryption Control ProtocolIPv6 PPP Control ProtocolStampede Bridging Control ProtocolBACP Bandwidth Allocation Control ProtocolMP+ Control ProtocolNot Used - reservedNTCITS IPI Control Protocolcompression on single link in multilink group controlCisco Discovery Protocol ControlSTP - Control ProtocolEDPCP - Extreme Discovery Protocol Ctrl PrtclApple Client Server Protocol ControlMPLS Control Protocol (RFC 3032)Tag Switching - MulticastIEEE p1284.4 standard - Protocol ControlETSI TETRA NSP1 Control ProtocolLink Quality ReportShiva Password Authentication ProtocolCallBack Control Protocol (CBCP)PPP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (RFC 2125)PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (RFC 2125)Vendor-Specific Authentication Protocol (RFC 3772)Container Control ProtocolChallenge Handshake Authentication ProtocolRSA Authentication ProtocolExtensible Authentication ProtocolStampede Bridging Authorization ProtocolProprietary Authentication ProtocolProprietary Node ID Authentication ProtocolUnknownVJUNCOMPVJCOMPICOMPDICCPLQRICRYPTIECPSPAPATCPEAP   9 r   Գ  " L x   x & x x x x x e 8     h   w   T                 o 4 w   E              s  ' G        U                X    S   B p _  p   p   p   p 3  p $ 8 p N k p ܬ  p   p  server {name} [{auth port}] [{acct port}]Unset (remove) radius serverserver {name} {secret} [{auth port}] [{acct port}]Set radius server parametersSet NAS IP addressv6me {ip}Set NAS IPv6 addressidentifier {name}Set NAS identifier stringSet timeout in secondsretries {# retries}set number of retriesconfig {path to radius.conf}set path to config file for libradius[%s] RADIUS: Authenticating user '%s'[%s] RADIUS: Accounting user '%s' (Type: %d)[%s] RADIUS: EAP proxying user '%s'[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_USER_NAME: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_USER_NAME failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_EAP_MESSAGE: len %d of %d[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_EAP_MESSAGE failed %s Timeout : %d Retries : %d Config-file : %s Me (NAS-IP) : %s v6Me (NAS-IP): %s Identifier : %s --------------- Radius Server %d --------------- hostname : %s secret : ********* auth port : %d acct port : %d RADIUS options Data: Authenticated : %s State : 0x%s Class : 0x%s [%s] RADIUS: Send request for user '%s'[%s] RADIUS: rad_init_send_request failed: %d %s[%s] RADIUS: poll failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Sending request for user '%s'[%s] RADIUS: Rec'd RAD_ACCESS_ACCEPT for user '%s'[%s] RADIUS: Rec'd RAD_ACCESS_CHALLENGE for user '%s'[%s] RADIUS: Rec'd RAD_ACCESS_REJECT for user '%s'[%s] RADIUS: Rec'd RAD_ACCOUNTING_RESPONSE for user '%s'[%s] RADIUS: rad_send_request for user '%s' failed: %s[%s] RADIUS: rad_send_request: unexpected return value: %d[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_STATE: 0x%s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_CLASS: 0x%s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MESSAGE_AUTHENTIC[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_EAP_MESSAGE: len %d of %d[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_EAP_MESSAGE: len %d[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS: %s255.255.255.255[%s] the peer can choose an address255.255.255.254[%s] we should choose an address[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_USER_NAME: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_FRAMED_IP_NETMASK: %s (/%d)[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_FRAMED_ROUTE: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_FRAMED_ROUTE: Bad route "%s"[%s] RADIUS: Duplicate route %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_FRAMED_IPV6_ROUTE: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_FRAMED_IPV6_ROUTE: Bad route "%s"[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_SESSION_TIMEOUT: %u[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_IDLE_TIMEOUT: %u[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_ACCT_INTERIM_INTERVAL: %u[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_FRAMED_MTU: %u[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_FRAMED_MTU: invalid MTU: %u[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_FRAMED_COMPRESSION: %d[%s] RADIUS: Get (RAD_FRAMED_PROTOCOL: %d)[%s] RADIUS: Get (RAD_FRAMED_ROUTING: %d)[%s] RADIUS: Get (RAD_FILTER_ID: %s)[%s] RADIUS: Get (RAD_SERVICE_TYPE: %d)[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_REPLY_MESSAGE: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_FRAMED_POOL: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get vendor attr failed: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get MS-CHAP-Error: %s[%s] RADIUS: Warning: The MS-CHAP2-Success attribute is mis-formatted. Compensating[%s] RADIUS: rad_cvt_string failed: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP2_SUCCESS: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_DOMAIN: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_MPPE_RECV_KEY[%s] RADIUS: rad_demangle_mppe_key failed: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_MPPE_SEND_KEY[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_MPPE_KEYS[%s] RADIUS: Server returned garbage %d of expected %d Bytes[%s] RADIUS: rad_demangle failed: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_MPPE_ENCRYPTION_POLICY: %d (%s)[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_MPPE_ENCRYPTION_TYPES: %d (%s)[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_PRIMARY_DNS_SERVER: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_PRIMARY_NBNS_SERVER: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_SECONDARY_NBNS_SERVER: %s[%s] RADIUS: Dropping MICROSOFT vendor specific attribute: %d[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_DROP_USER: %d[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_ACTION: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_IFACE_NAME: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_IFACE_DESCR: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_IFACE_GROUP: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_RULE: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_PIPE: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_QUEUE: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_TABLE: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_TABLE_STATIC: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_FILTER: %s[%s] RADIUS: Wrong filter number: %i[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_LIMIT: %s[%s] RADIUS: Wrong limit direction: '%s'[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_INPUT_ACCT: %s[%s] RADIUS: Get RAD_MPD_OUTPUT_ACCT: %s[%s] RADIUS: Dropping MPD vendor specific attribute: %d[%s] RADIUS: Incorrect acl![%s] RADIUS: Wrong acl number: %i[%s] RADIUS: Wrong acl[%s] RADIUS: Duplicate acl[%s] RADIUS: Dropping vendor %d attribute: %d[%s] RADIUS: Dropping attribute: %d[%s] RADIUS: PANIC no MS-CHAP2-Success received from server![%s] RADIUS: WARNING no MPPE-Keys received, MPPE will not work[%s] RADIUS: MPPE-Keys present, but no MPPE-Infos received => allowing MPPE with all types[%s] RADIUS: Duplicate route[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE: RAD_START[%s] RADIUS: Put STATUS_TYPE: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_FRAMED_IP_NETMASK: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_MULTI_SESSION_ID: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MPD_BUNDLE: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MPD_IFACE: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MPD_IFACE_INDEX: %u[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MPD_IFACE_INDEX: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MPD_PEER_IDENT: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MPD_PEER_IDENT failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_LINK_COUNT: %d[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_LINK_COUNT failed: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_AUTHENTIC: %d[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_AUTHENTIC failed: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE: RAD_STOP[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_TERMINATE_CAUSE: %s, RADIUS: %d[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_TERMINATE_CAUSE failed: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE: RAD_UPDATE[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_SESSION_TIME: %ld[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_SESSION_TIME failed: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_INPUT_OCTETS: %lu[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_INPUT_GIGAWORDS: %lu[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_INPUT_PACKETS: %lu[%s] RADIUS: Put input stats: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_OUTPUT_OCTETS: %lu[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_OUTPUT_GIGAWORDS: %lu[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_OUTPUT_PACKETS: %lu[%s] RADIUS: Put output stats: %s%s:%llu[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MPD_INPUT_OCTETS: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MPD_INPUT_PACKETS: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MPD_OUTPUT_OCTETS: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MPD_OUTPUT_PACKETS: %s[%s] RADIUS: RADIUS_CHAP (MSOFTv1) unrecognised key length %d/%d[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_CHALLENGE[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_CHALLENGE failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_RESPONSE[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP_RESPONSE failed %s[%s] RADIUS: RADIUS_CHAP (MSOFTv2) unrecognised key length %d/%d[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP2_RESPONSE[%s] RADIUS: Put vendor_attr(RAD_MICROSOFT_MS_CHAP2_RESPONSE failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_CHAP_CHALLENGE[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_CHAP_CHALLENGE failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_CHAP_PASSWORD[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_CHAP_PASSWORD failed %s[%s] RADIUS: RADIUS unkown CHAP ALG %d[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_USER_PASSWORD[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_USER_PASSWORD failed %s[%s] RADIUS: RADIUS unkown Proto %d[%s] RADIUS: rad_create_request: %s[%s] RADIUS: gethostname() for RAD_NAS_IDENTIFIER failed[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_IDENTIFIER: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_IDENTIFIER failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_IP_ADDRESS: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_IP_ADDRESS failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_IPV6_ADDRESS: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_IPV6_ADDRESS failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put Message Authenticator[%s] RADIUS: Put message_authentic failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_ACCT_SESSION_ID: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_PORT: %d[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_PORT failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_PORT_TYPE: %d[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_PORT_TYPE failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_SERVICE_TYPE: RAD_FRAMED[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_SERVICE_TYPE failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_FRAMED_PROTOCOL: RAD_PPP[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_FRAMED_PROTOCOL failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_STATE: 0x%s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_STATE failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_CLASS: 0x%s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_CLASS failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_CALLING_STATION_ID: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_CALLING_STATION_ID failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_CALLED_STATION_ID: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_CALLED_STATION_ID failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_PORT_ID: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_NAS_PORT_ID failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_MPD_LINK: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_TYPE: %d[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_TYPE failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_MEDIUM_TYPE: %d[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_MEDIUM_TYPE failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_SERVER_ENDPOINT: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_SERVER_ENDPOINT failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_CLIENT_ENDPOINT: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_CLIENT_ENDPOINT failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_SERVER_AUTH_ID: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_SERVER_AUTH_ID failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_CLIENT_AUTH_ID: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put RAD_TUNNEL_CLIENT_AUTH_ID failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id failed %s[%s] RADIUS: Put ADSL-Agent-Remote-Id: %s[%s] RADIUS: Put ADSL-Agent-Remote-Id failed %s[%s] RADIUS: rad_open failed[%s] RADIUS: rad_acct_open failed[%s] RADIUS: using %s[%s] RADIUS: rad_config: %s[%s] RADIUS: Adding server %s %d[%s] RADIUS: Adding server error: %scannot configure more than %d serversHostname too long. > %d char.Shared Secret too long. > 127 char.Auth Port number too high. > 65535Acct Port number too high > 65535At least one port must be specified.Bad NAS address '%s'.Timeout must be positive.Retries must be positive.RADIUS: Config file name too long.RADIUS: Identifier too long.radius.cmessage-authenticj {  a     ~   0 % j X 0 0   ( 0 M    P   U      D    : !  @ zh  @  ) @ @ S @ ܬ j @   @  : Open the radsrvClose the radsrvSet radsrv ip and portpeer {ip} {secret}Set peer ip and secretEnable radsrv optionDisable radsrv option0.0.0.0radsrv: radsrv already running%s: Cannot create socketRadsrvOpen%s: bind: %s%s: rad_server_open errorEVENT_READ RadsrvEvent()radsrv.cradsrv: Adding client %sradsrv: Adding client error: %sradsrv: listening on %s %dradsrv: radsrv is not runningradsrv: stop listeningRadsrv configuration: Self : %s %d Peer: %s ******** Radsrv options: cannot configure more than %d peersRADSRVcoaradsrv: request receive error: %dradsrv: DISCONNECT request, support disabledradsrv: DISCONNECT requestradsrv: CoA request, support disabledradsrv: CoA requestradsrv: unsupported request: %dradsrv: Got RAD_USER_NAME: %sradsrv: Got RAD_CLASS: %sradsrv: Got RAD_NAS_IP_ADDRESS: %sradsrv: Got RAD_SERVICE_TYPE: %dradsrv: Got RAD_STATE: 0x%sradsrv: Got RAD_CALLED_STATION_ID: %sradsrv: Got RAD_CALLING_STATION_ID: %sradsrv: Got RAD_ACCT_SESSION_ID: %sradsrv: Got RAD_ACCT_MULTI_SESSION_ID: %sradsrv: Got RAD_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS: %sradsrv: Got RAD_NAS_PORT: %dradsrv: Got RAD_SESSION_TIMEOUT: %uradsrv: Got RAD_IDLE_TIMEOUT: %uradsrv: Got RAD_ACCT_INTERIM_INTERVAL: %uradsrv: Got RAD_MESSAGE_AUTHENTICradsrv: Get vendor attr failed: %sradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_LINK: %sradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_BINDLE: %sradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_IFACE: %sradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_IFACE_INDEX: %dradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_RULE: %sradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_PIPE: %sradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_QUEUE: %sradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_TABLE: %sradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_TABLE_STATIC: %sradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_FILTER: %sradsrv: Wrong filter number: %iradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_LIMIT: %sradsrv: Wrong limit direction: '%s'radsrv: Get RAD_MPD_INPUT_ACCT: %sradsrv: Get RAD_MPD_OUTPUT_ACCT: %sradsrv: Dropping MPD vendor specific attribute: %dradsrv: Incorrect acl!radsrv: Wrong acl number: %iradsrv: Wrong aclradsrv: Duplicate aclradsrv: Dropping vendor %d attribute: %dradsrv: Unknown attribute: %dradsrv: incorrect NAS-IP-Addressradsrv: request without session identificationradsrv: Service-Type attribute not supportedradsrv: Matched link: %sradsrv: Impossible to affect templatetimer.ctimer->funcEVENT: Starting timer "%s" %s() for %d ms at %s:%dEVENT_TIMEOUT TimerExpires()EVENT: Starting recurring timer "%s" %s() for %d ms at %s:%d EVENT: Stopping timer "%s" %s() at %s:%d EVENT: Processing timer "%s" %s()EVENT: Processing timer "%s" %s() done5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 [%s] system: %s >%s 2>&1/dev/null[%s] system: command "%s" returned %d[%s] exec: %sCMD :Label '%s' not found%s/%s%s: Can't open file '%s'OpenConfFilewarning: line too long, truncated[%s] can't set "%s" to non-blocking[%s] can't tcgetattr "%s"[%s] can't tcsetattr "%s"/dev/[%s] uu_lock(%s): %s[%s] can't open %s[%s] can't open %s after %d secs[%s] can't close %s[%s] can't close %s after %d secs[%s] can't unlock %sutil.c!lockFp%s: open(%s)PIDCheck%s: fopen(%s)%s: contents mangledalready running as process %dprocess %d no longer exists%s: kill(%d)waiting for process %d to die...can't lock %s after %d attempts%s: fdopen%u socket: %scan't set socket non-blocking: %ssetsockopt: %s%s: listenTcpGetListenPort%s: acceptTcpAcceptConnectionmpdrefused connection (tcp-wrapper) from %s[%s] MESG: %s0123456789abcdefUTIL%s: Socket creation errorGetAnyIpAddress%s: ioctl(SIOCGIFADDR)%s: ioctl(SIOCGIFCONF)%s: Max buffer size reachedGetEtherioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS, %s): %droute-sysctl-estimateactual retrieval of routing tableCMDLW W W X  Self Peer %-10s %senabledisable %soption "%s" unknownoption "%s" ambiguous'%s %s' is not applicablevars.cY Z 6Z VZ vZ Z ^ ` ` b a a  b Lb dd Bb c c c c _d _d _d _d _d _d c d c  Multi-link PPP Daemon for FreeBSD (mpd)

Multi-link PPP Daemon for FreeBSD


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