Annotation of embedaddon/nginx/src/http/modules/perl/, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: package nginx;
        !             2: 
        !             3: use 5.006001;
        !             4: use strict;
        !             5: use warnings;
        !             6: 
        !             7: require Exporter;
        !             8: 
        !             9: our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
        !            10: 
        !            11: our @EXPORT = qw(
        !            12:     OK
        !            13:     DECLINED
        !            14: 
        !            15:     HTTP_OK
        !            16:     HTTP_CREATED
        !            17:     HTTP_ACCEPTED
        !            18:     HTTP_NO_CONTENT
        !            19:     HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT
        !            20: 
        !            21:     HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
        !            22:     HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY
        !            23:     HTTP_REDIRECT
        !            24:     HTTP_SEE_OTHER
        !            25:     HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED
        !            26:     HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT
        !            27: 
        !            28:     HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
        !            29:     HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED
        !            30:     HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED
        !            31:     HTTP_FORBIDDEN
        !            32:     HTTP_NOT_FOUND
        !            33:     HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED
        !            34:     HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE
        !            35:     HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT
        !            36:     HTTP_CONFLICT
        !            37:     HTTP_GONE
        !            38:     HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED
        !            39:     HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE
        !            40:     HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE
        !            41:     HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE
        !            42:     HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE
        !            43: 
        !            44:     HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
        !            45:     HTTP_SERVER_ERROR
        !            46:     HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
        !            47:     HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY
        !            48:     HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
        !            49:     HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT
        !            50:     HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE
        !            51: );
        !            52: 
        !            53: our $VERSION = '%%VERSION%%';
        !            54: 
        !            55: require XSLoader;
        !            56: XSLoader::load('nginx', $VERSION);
        !            57: 
        !            58: # Preloaded methods go here.
        !            59: 
        !            60: use constant OK                             => 0;
        !            61: use constant DECLINED                       => -5;
        !            62: 
        !            63: use constant HTTP_OK                        => 200;
        !            64: use constant HTTP_CREATED                   => 201;
        !            65: use constant HTTP_ACCEPTED                  => 202;
        !            66: use constant HTTP_NO_CONTENT                => 204;
        !            67: use constant HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT           => 206;
        !            68: 
        !            69: use constant HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY         => 301;
        !            70: use constant HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY         => 302;
        !            71: use constant HTTP_REDIRECT                  => 302;
        !            72: use constant HTTP_SEE_OTHER                 => 303;
        !            73: use constant HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED              => 304;
        !            74: use constant HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT        => 307;
        !            75: 
        !            76: use constant HTTP_BAD_REQUEST               => 400;
        !            77: use constant HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED              => 401;
        !            78: use constant HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED          => 402;
        !            79: use constant HTTP_FORBIDDEN                 => 403;
        !            80: use constant HTTP_NOT_FOUND                 => 404;
        !            81: use constant HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED               => 405;
        !            82: use constant HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE            => 406;
        !            83: use constant HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT          => 408;
        !            84: use constant HTTP_CONFLICT                  => 409;
        !            85: use constant HTTP_GONE                      => 410;
        !            86: use constant HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED           => 411;
        !            87: use constant HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE  => 413;
        !            88: use constant HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE     => 414;
        !            89: use constant HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE    => 415;
        !            90: use constant HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE     => 416;
        !            91: 
        !            92: use constant HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR     => 500;
        !            93: use constant HTTP_SERVER_ERROR              => 500;
        !            94: use constant HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED           => 501;
        !            95: use constant HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY               => 502;
        !            96: use constant HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE       => 503;
        !            97: use constant HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT          => 504;
        !            98: use constant HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE      => 507;
        !            99: 
        !           100: 
        !           101: sub rflush {
        !           102:     my $r = shift;
        !           103: 
        !           104:     $r->flush;
        !           105: }
        !           106: 
        !           107: 
        !           108: 1;
        !           109: __END__
        !           110: 
        !           111: =head1 NAME
        !           112: 
        !           113: nginx - Perl interface to the nginx HTTP server API
        !           114: 
        !           115: =head1 SYNOPSIS
        !           116: 
        !           117:   use nginx;
        !           118: 
        !           119: =head1 DESCRIPTION
        !           120: 
        !           121: This module provides a Perl interface to the nginx HTTP server API.
        !           122: 
        !           123: 
        !           124: =head1 SEE ALSO
        !           125: 
        !           126:
        !           127: 
        !           128: =head1 AUTHOR
        !           129: 
        !           130: Igor Sysoev
        !           131: 
        !           132: =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
        !           133: 
        !           134: Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
        !           135: Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.
        !           136: 
        !           137: 
        !           138: =cut

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