Annotation of embedaddon/ntp/html/drivers/driver34.html, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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        !             6:                <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
        !             7:                <title>Ultralink Clock</title>
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        !            12:                <h3>Ultralink Clock</h3>
        !            13:                <hr>
        !            14:                <h4>Synopsis</h4>
        !            15:                <p>Address: 127.127.34.<i>u</i><br>
        !            16:                                Reference ID: <tt>WWVB</tt><br>
        !            17:                                Driver ID: <tt>ULINK</tt><br>
        !            18:                                Serial Port: <tt>/dev/wwvb<i>u</i></tt>; 9600 bps, 8-bits, no parity<br>
        !            19:                                Features: <tt>(none)</tt></p>
        !            20:                <h4>Description</h4>
        !            21:                <p>This driver supports the Ultralink Model 325 (replacement for Model 320) RS-232 powered WWVB receiver. PDF specs available on <a href=""></a>. This driver also supports the Model 320, 330,331,332 decoders in both polled or continous time code mode.Leap second and quality are supported. Most of this code is originally from refclock_wwvb.c with thanks. Any mistakes are mine. Any improvements are welcome.</p>
        !            22:                <h4>Model 325 timecode format</h4>
        !            23:                <p><tt>&lt;cr&gt;&lt;lf&gt;RQ_1C00LYYYY+DDDUTCS_HH:MM:SSL+5</tt></p>
        !            24:                <p>R = Signal readability indicator, ranging from R1 to R5 Q R1 is unreadable, R5 is best reception<br>
        !            25:                                _ = Space<br>
        !            26:                        1 = prev. received data bit, values: 0, 1 ,M or ? unknown
        !            27:                C = Signal reception from (C)olorado or (H)awaii 0 = Hours since last WWVB time and flag code update, values 0 00 to 99 (hopefully always 00)<br>
        !            28:                                L = HEX A5 if receiver is locked to WWVB, Space if not<br>
        !            29:                                YYYY = Year from 2000 to 2099<br>
        !            30:                                + = '+' if current year is a leap year, else ' '<br>
        !            31:                                DDD = current day in the year from 1 to 365/366<br>
        !            32:                                UTC = timezone (always UTC)<br>
        !            33:                                S = Daylight savings indicator, (S)TD, (D)ST, (O) transition into DST, (I) transition out of DST<br>
        !            34:                                _ = Space<br>
        !            35:                                HH = UTC hour 0 to 23<br>
        !            36:                                : = Time delimiter, ':' if synced, Space if not<br>
        !            37:                   MM = Minutes of current hour from 0 to 59<br>
        !            38:                                : = Time delimiter, ':' if synced, Space if not<br>
        !            39:                                SS = Seconds of current minute from 0 to 59<br>
        !            40:                                mm = 10's milliseconds of the current second from 00 to 99<br>
        !            41:                                L = Leap second pending at end of month, (I)nsert, (D)elete or Space<br>
        !            42:                                +5 = UT1 correction, +/- .1 sec increments</p>
        !            43:                <p>Note that Model 325 reports a very similar output like Model 33X series. The driver for this clock is similar to Model 33X behavior. On a unmodified new ULM325 clock, the polling flag (flag1 =1) needs to be set.</p>
        !            44:                <h4>Model 320 timecode format</h4>
        !            45:                <p><tt>&lt;cr&gt;&lt;lf&gt;SQRYYYYDDD+HH:MM:SS.mmLT&lt;cr&gt;</tt></p>
        !            46:                <p>S = 'S' -- sync'd in last hour, '0'-'9' - hours x 10 since last update, else '?'<br>
        !            47:                                Q = Number of correlating time-frames, from 0 to 5<br>
        !            48:                                R = 'R' -- reception in progress,'N' -- Noisy reception, ' ' -- standby mode<br>
        !            49:                                YYYY = year from 1990 to 2089<br>
        !            50:                                DDD = current day from 1 to 366 + = '+' if current year is a leap year, else ' '<br>
        !            51:                                HH = UTC hour 0 to 23<br>
        !            52:                                MM = Minutes of current hour from 0 to 59<br>
        !            53:                                SS = Seconds of current minute from 0 to 59<br>
        !            54:                                mm = 10's milliseconds of the current second from 00 to 99<br>
        !            55:                                L = Leap second pending at end of month -- 'I' = insert, 'D'=delete<br>
        !            56:                        T = DST &lt;-&gt; STD transition indicators</p>
        !            57:                <p>Note that this driver does not do anything with the T flag. The M320 also has a 'U' command which returns UT1 correction information. It is not used in this driver.</p>
        !            58:                <h4>Model 33x timecode format</h4>
        !            59:                <p><tt>S9+D 00 YYYY+DDDUTCS HH:MM:SSl+5</tt></p>
        !            60:                <p>S = sync indicator S insync N not in sync the sync flag is WWVB decoder sync nothing to do with time being correct </p>
        !            61:                <p>9+ = signal level 0 thru 9+ If over 9 indicated as 9<br>
        !            62:                                D = data bit (fun to watch but useless ;-) space<br>
        !            63:                                00 = hours since last GOOD WWVB frame sync space<br>
        !            64:                                YYYY = current year + = leap year indicator<br>
        !            65:                                DDD = day of year<br>
        !            66:                                UTC = timezone (always UTC)<br>
        !            67:                                S = daylight savings indicator space<br>
        !            68:                                HH = hours : = This is the REAL in sync indicator (: = insync)<br>
        !            69:                                MM = minutes : = : = in sync ? = NOT in sync<br>
        !            70:                                SS = seconds<br>
        !            71:                                L = leap second flag<br>
        !            72:                                +5 = UT1 correction (sign + digit ))</p>
        !            73:                <p>This driver ignores UT1 correction, DST indicator,Leap year and signal level.</p>
        !            74:                <h4>Fudge factors</h4>
        !            75:                <p>flag1 polling enable (1=poll 0=no poll)</p>
        !            76:                <hr>
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        !            78:        </body>
        !            79: </html>

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