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                    181: <tr bgcolor=#666699><td><font size=2 color=#ffffff><b>SRDB ID</b></font></td>
                    182: <td bgcolor=#ffffff><font size=2>&nbsp;</font></td>
                    183: <td><font size=2 color=#ffffff><b>Synopsis</b></font></td>
                    184: <td bgcolor=#ffffff><font size=2>&nbsp;</font></td>
                    185: <td><font size=2 color=#ffffff><b>Date</b></font></td>
                    186: </tr>
                    187: <tr bgcolor=#CCCCE7><td><font size=2><b>19195</b></font></td>
                    188: <td bgcolor=#ffffff><font size=2>&nbsp;</font></td>
                    189: <td><font size=2><b>Upgraded to 2.6, using xntpd, but the system clock is drifting. Worked fine</b></font></td>
                    190: <td bgcolor=#ffffff><font size=2>&nbsp;</font></td>
                    191: <td><font size=2><b>4 Sep 1999</b></font></td>
                    192: </tr>
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                    194: <table width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr bgcolor=#999999>
                    195: <td><font size=2 color=#ffffff><b><a name=Problem-Description>Problem Description</a></b></font></td>
                    196: <td align=right><b><a href="#top"><font size=2 color=#ffffff>Top</font></a></b></td></tr></table>
                    197: <pre>Ever since upgrading to Solaris 2.6, the system clock has been drifting and
                    198: there are messages like 'synchronisation lost', 'Previous time adjustment
                    199: didn''t complete' and 'time reset (step)' a lot in the /var/adm/messages 
                    200: file. The system either was previously working fine with the freeware
                    201: xntpd or the configuration was copied from another system that was 
                    202: using the freeware version.
                    203: -- 23-Apr-99 08:22 US/Eastern --</pre><table width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr bgcolor=#999999>
                    204: <td><font size=2 color=#ffffff><b><a name=Problem-Solution>Problem Solution</a></b></font></td>
                    205: <td align=right><b><a href="#top"><font size=2 color=#ffffff>Top</font></a></b></td></tr></table>
                    206: <pre>The common lore for setting up xntpd on Solaris using
                    207: the freeware version included the warning to set the 
                    208: kernel variable <font color=red>dosynctodr</font> to 0 in the /etc/system 
                    209: file thus: set <font color=red>dosynctodr</font>=0
                    211: When using NTP on Solaris 2.6 or later, the kernel 
                    212: variable MUST be left at the default value of 1. Prior 
                    213: to 2.6 this variable controlled whether or not to rein  
                    214: in the softclock using the hardware clock, with the result 
                    215: that NTP and the hardware clock would fight for control of 
                    216: the soft clock; thus before 2.6 you had to set <font color=red>dosynctodr</font> 
                    217: to 0. At 2.6, every system call that adjusts the softclock 
                    218: also sets the hard clock, thus while NTP controls the soft 
                    219: clock, the hard clock is also controlled. Setting 
                    220: <font color=red>dosynctodr</font> to 0 reverts the behavior back to the pre 2.6 
                    221: defaulkt behavior, having exactly the opposite effect 
                    222: as that intended.
                    224: Do not set <font color=red>dosynctodr</font> to 0.</pre><table width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0>
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                    226: <td bgcolor=#cccccc valign=top width=75%><font size=2>Bundled Network</font></td></tr>
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                    228: <td bgcolor=#cccccc valign=top width=75%><font size=2>NTP</font></td></tr>
                    229: <tr><td bgcolor=#999999 valign=top width=25%><font color=#ffffff size=2><b><a name=OS>OS</a></b></font></td>
                    230: <td bgcolor=#cccccc valign=top width=75%><font size=2>Solaris 2.6</font></td></tr>
                    231: <tr><td bgcolor=#999999 valign=top width=25%><font color=#ffffff size=2><b><a name=Hardware>Hardware</a></b></font></td>
                    232: <td bgcolor=#cccccc valign=top width=75%><font size=2>Ultra 2</font></td></tr>
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                    234: <td bgcolor=#cccccc valign=top width=75%><font size=2>with freeware xntpd.</font></td></tr>
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