/* * buftvtots - pull a Unix-format (struct timeval) time stamp out of * an octet stream and convert it to a l_fp time stamp. * This is useful when using the clock line discipline. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "ntp_fp.h" #include "ntp_string.h" #include "ntp_unixtime.h" #ifndef SYS_WINNT int buftvtots( const char *bufp, l_fp *ts ) { struct timeval tv; /* * copy to adhere to alignment restrictions */ memcpy(&tv, bufp, sizeof(tv)); /* * and use it */ ts->l_ui = tv.tv_sec + (u_long)JAN_1970; if (tv.tv_usec > 999999) return 0; TVUTOTSF(tv.tv_usec, ts->l_uf); return 1; } #else /* SYS_WINNT */ /* * Windows doesn't have the tty_clock line discipline, so * don't look for a timestamp where there is none. */ int buftvtots( const char *bufp, l_fp *ts ) { UNUSED_ARG(bufp); UNUSED_ARG(ts); return 0; } #endif /* SYS_WINNT */