/* * ntp_filegen.c,v 3.12 1994/01/25 19:06:11 kardel Exp * * implements file generations support for NTP * logfiles and statistic files * * * Copyright (C) 1992, 1996 by Rainer Pruy * Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany * * This code may be modified and used freely * provided credits remain intact. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include "ntpd.h" #include "ntp_io.h" #include "ntp_string.h" #include "ntp_calendar.h" #include "ntp_filegen.h" #include "ntp_stdlib.h" /* * NTP is intended to run long periods of time without restart. * Thus log and statistic files generated by NTP will grow large. * * this set of routines provides a central interface * to generating files using file generations * * the generation of a file is changed according to file generation type */ /* * redefine this if your system dislikes filename suffixes like * X.19910101 or X.1992W50 or .... */ #define SUFFIX_SEP '.' static void filegen_open (FILEGEN *, u_long); static int valid_fileref (const char *, const char *); static void filegen_init (const char *, const char *, FILEGEN *); #ifdef DEBUG static void filegen_uninit (FILEGEN *); #endif /* DEBUG */ /* * filegen_init */ static void filegen_init( const char * prefix, const char * basename, FILEGEN * fgp ) { fgp->fp = NULL; fgp->prefix = prefix; /* Yes, this is TOTALLY lame! */ fgp->basename = estrdup(basename); fgp->id = 0; fgp->type = FILEGEN_DAY; fgp->flag = FGEN_FLAG_LINK; /* not yet enabled !!*/ } /* * filegen_uninit - free memory allocated by filegen_init */ #ifdef DEBUG static void filegen_uninit( FILEGEN * fgp ) { free(fgp->basename); } #endif /* * open a file generation according to the current settings of gen * will also provide a link to basename if requested to do so */ static void filegen_open( FILEGEN * gen, u_long newid ) { char *filename; char *basename; u_int len; FILE *fp; struct calendar cal; len = strlen(gen->prefix) + strlen(gen->basename) + 1; basename = emalloc(len); snprintf(basename, len, "%s%s", gen->prefix, gen->basename); switch (gen->type) { default: msyslog(LOG_ERR, "unsupported file generations type %d for " "\"%s\" - reverting to FILEGEN_NONE", gen->type, basename); gen->type = FILEGEN_NONE; /* fall through to FILEGEN_NONE */ case FILEGEN_NONE: filename = estrdup(basename); break; case FILEGEN_PID: filename = emalloc(len + 1 + 1 + 10); snprintf(filename, len + 1 + 1 + 10, "%s%c#%ld", basename, SUFFIX_SEP, newid); break; case FILEGEN_DAY: /* * You can argue here in favor of using MJD, but I * would assume it to be easier for humans to interpret * dates in a format they are used to in everyday life. */ caljulian(newid, &cal); filename = emalloc(len + 1 + 4 + 2 + 2); snprintf(filename, len + 1 + 4 + 2 + 2, "%s%c%04d%02d%02d", basename, SUFFIX_SEP, cal.year, cal.month, cal.monthday); break; case FILEGEN_WEEK: /* * This is still a hack * - the term week is not correlated to week as it is used * normally - it just refers to a period of 7 days * starting at Jan 1 - 'weeks' are counted starting from zero */ caljulian(newid, &cal); filename = emalloc(len + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2); snprintf(filename, len + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2, "%s%c%04dw%02d", basename, SUFFIX_SEP, cal.year, cal.yearday / 7); break; case FILEGEN_MONTH: caljulian(newid, &cal); filename = emalloc(len + 1 + 4 + 2); snprintf(filename, len + 1 + 4 + 2, "%s%c%04d%02d", basename, SUFFIX_SEP, cal.year, cal.month); break; case FILEGEN_YEAR: caljulian(newid, &cal); filename = emalloc(len + 1 + 4); snprintf(filename, len + 1 + 4, "%s%c%04d", basename, SUFFIX_SEP, cal.year); break; case FILEGEN_AGE: filename = emalloc(len + 1 + 2 + 10); snprintf(filename, len + 1 + 2 + 10, "%s%ca%08ld", basename, SUFFIX_SEP, newid); } if (FILEGEN_NONE != gen->type) { /* * check for existence of a file with name 'basename' * as we disallow such a file * if FGEN_FLAG_LINK is set create a link */ struct stat stats; /* * try to resolve name collisions */ static u_long conflicts = 0; #ifndef S_ISREG #define S_ISREG(mode) (((mode) & S_IFREG) == S_IFREG) #endif if (stat(basename, &stats) == 0) { /* Hm, file exists... */ if (S_ISREG(stats.st_mode)) { if (stats.st_nlink <= 1) { /* * Oh, it is not linked - try to save it */ char *savename; savename = emalloc(len + 1 + 1 + 10 + 10); snprintf(savename, len + 1 + 1 + 10 + 10, "%s%c%dC%lu", basename, SUFFIX_SEP, (int)getpid(), conflicts++); if (rename(basename, savename) != 0) msyslog(LOG_ERR, "couldn't save %s: %m", basename); free(savename); } else { /* * there is at least a second link to * this file. * just remove the conflicting one */ if ( #if !defined(VMS) unlink(basename) != 0 #else delete(basename) != 0 #endif ) msyslog(LOG_ERR, "couldn't unlink %s: %m", basename); } } else { /* * Ehh? Not a regular file ?? strange !!!! */ msyslog(LOG_ERR, "expected regular file for %s " "(found mode 0%lo)", basename, (unsigned long)stats.st_mode); } } else { /* * stat(..) failed, but it is absolutely correct for * 'basename' not to exist */ if (ENOENT != errno) msyslog(LOG_ERR, "stat(%s) failed: %m", basename); } } /* * now, try to open new file generation... */ fp = fopen(filename, "a"); DPRINTF(4, ("opening filegen (type=%d/id=%lu) \"%s\"\n", gen->type, newid, filename)); if (NULL == fp) { /* open failed -- keep previous state * * If the file was open before keep the previous generation. * This will cause output to end up in the 'wrong' file, * but I think this is still better than losing output * * ignore errors due to missing directories */ if (ENOENT != errno) msyslog(LOG_ERR, "can't open %s: %m", filename); } else { if (NULL != gen->fp) { fclose(gen->fp); gen->fp = NULL; } gen->fp = fp; gen->id = newid; if (gen->flag & FGEN_FLAG_LINK) { /* * need to link file to basename * have to use hardlink for now as I want to allow * gen->basename spanning directory levels * this would make it more complex to get the correct * filename for symlink * * Ok, it would just mean taking the part following * the last '/' in the name.... Should add it later.... */ /* Windows NT does not support file links -Greg Schueman 1/18/97 */ #if defined SYS_WINNT || defined SYS_VXWORKS SetLastError(0); /* On WinNT, don't support FGEN_FLAG_LINK */ #elif defined(VMS) errno = 0; /* On VMS, don't support FGEN_FLAG_LINK */ #else /* not (VMS) / VXWORKS / WINNT ; DO THE LINK) */ if (link(filename, basename) != 0) if (EEXIST != errno) msyslog(LOG_ERR, "can't link(%s, %s): %m", filename, basename); #endif /* SYS_WINNT || VXWORKS */ } /* flags & FGEN_FLAG_LINK */ } /* else fp == NULL */ free(basename); free(filename); return; } /* * this function sets up gen->fp to point to the correct * generation of the file for the time specified by 'now' * * 'now' usually is interpreted as second part of a l_fp as is in the cal... * library routines */ void filegen_setup( FILEGEN * gen, u_long now ) { u_long new_gen = ~ (u_long) 0; struct calendar cal; if (!(gen->flag & FGEN_FLAG_ENABLED)) { if (NULL != gen->fp) { fclose(gen->fp); gen->fp = NULL; } return; } switch (gen->type) { case FILEGEN_NONE: if (NULL != gen->fp) return; /* file already open */ break; case FILEGEN_PID: new_gen = getpid(); break; case FILEGEN_DAY: caljulian(now, &cal); cal.hour = cal.minute = cal.second = 0; new_gen = caltontp(&cal); break; case FILEGEN_WEEK: /* Would be nice to have a calweekstart() routine */ /* so just use a hack ... */ /* just round time to integral 7 day period for actual year */ new_gen = now - (now - calyearstart(now)) % TIMES7(SECSPERDAY) + 60; /* * just to be sure - * the computation above would fail in the presence of leap seconds * so at least carry the date to the next day (+60 (seconds)) * and go back to the start of the day via calendar computations */ caljulian(new_gen, &cal); cal.hour = cal.minute = cal.second = 0; new_gen = caltontp(&cal); break; case FILEGEN_MONTH: caljulian(now, &cal); cal.yearday = (u_short) (cal.yearday - cal.monthday + 1); cal.monthday = 1; cal.hour = cal.minute = cal.second = 0; new_gen = caltontp(&cal); break; case FILEGEN_YEAR: new_gen = calyearstart(now); break; case FILEGEN_AGE: new_gen = current_time - (current_time % SECSPERDAY); break; } /* * try to open file if not yet open * reopen new file generation file on change of generation id */ if (NULL == gen->fp || gen->id != new_gen) { DPRINTF(1, ("filegen %0x %lu %lu %lu\n", gen->type, now, gen->id, new_gen)); filegen_open(gen, new_gen); } } /* * change settings for filegen files */ void filegen_config( FILEGEN * gen, const char * basename, u_int type, u_int flag ) { int file_existed = 0; /* * if nothing would be changed... */ if ((strcmp(basename, gen->basename) == 0) && type == gen->type && flag == gen->flag) return; /* * validate parameters */ if (!valid_fileref(gen->prefix, basename)) return; if (NULL != gen->fp) { fclose(gen->fp); gen->fp = NULL; file_existed = 1; } DPRINTF(3, ("configuring filegen:\n" "\tprefix:\t%s\n" "\tbasename:\t%s -> %s\n" "\ttype:\t%d -> %d\n" "\tflag: %x -> %x\n", gen->prefix, gen->basename, basename, gen->type, type, gen->flag, flag)); if (strcmp(gen->basename, basename) != 0) { free(gen->basename); gen->basename = estrdup(basename); } gen->type = (u_char)type; gen->flag = (u_char)flag; /* * make filegen use the new settings * special action is only required when a generation file * is currently open * otherwise the new settings will be used anyway at the next open */ if (file_existed) { l_fp now; get_systime(&now); filegen_setup(gen, now.l_ui); } } /* * check whether concatenating prefix and basename * yields a legal filename */ static int valid_fileref( const char * prefix, const char * basename ) { /* * prefix cannot be changed dynamically * (within the context of filegen) * so just reject basenames containing '..' * * ASSUMPTION: * file system parts 'below' prefix may be * specified without infringement of security * * restricting prefix to legal values * has to be ensured by other means * (however, it would be possible to perform some checks here...) */ register const char *p = basename; /* * Just to catch, dumb errors opening up the world... */ if (NULL == prefix || '\0' == *prefix) return 0; if (NULL == basename) return 0; for (p = basename; p; p = strchr(p, DIR_SEP)) { if ('.' == p[0] && '.' == p[1] && ('\0' == p[2] || DIR_SEP == p[2])) return 0; } return 1; } /* * filegen registry */ static struct filegen_entry { char * name; FILEGEN * filegen; struct filegen_entry * next; } *filegen_registry = NULL; FILEGEN * filegen_get( const char * name ) { struct filegen_entry *f = filegen_registry; while (f) { if (f->name == name || strcmp(name, f->name) == 0) { DPRINTF(4, ("filegen_get(%s) = %p\n", name, f->filegen)); return f->filegen; } f = f->next; } DPRINTF(4, ("filegen_get(%s) = NULL\n", name)); return NULL; } void filegen_register( const char * prefix, const char * name, FILEGEN * filegen ) { struct filegen_entry **ppfe; DPRINTF(4, ("filegen_register(%s, %p)\n", name, filegen)); filegen_init(prefix, name, filegen); ppfe = &filegen_registry; while (NULL != *ppfe) { if ((*ppfe)->name == name || !strcmp((*ppfe)->name, name)) { DPRINTF(5, ("replacing filegen %p\n", (*ppfe)->filegen)); (*ppfe)->filegen = filegen; return; } ppfe = &((*ppfe)->next); } *ppfe = emalloc(sizeof **ppfe); (*ppfe)->next = NULL; (*ppfe)->name = estrdup(name); (*ppfe)->filegen = filegen; DPRINTF(6, ("adding new filegen\n")); return; } /* * filegen_unregister frees memory allocated by filegen_register for * name. */ #ifdef DEBUG void filegen_unregister( char *name ) { struct filegen_entry ** ppfe; struct filegen_entry * pfe; FILEGEN * fg; DPRINTF(4, ("filegen_unregister(%s)\n", name)); ppfe = &filegen_registry; while (NULL != *ppfe) { if ((*ppfe)->name == name || !strcmp((*ppfe)->name, name)) { pfe = *ppfe; *ppfe = (*ppfe)->next; fg = pfe->filegen; free(pfe->name); free(pfe); filegen_uninit(fg); break; } ppfe = &((*ppfe)->next); } } #endif /* DEBUG */