Annotation of embedaddon/ntp/scripts/, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: #! @PATH_PERL@ -w
        !             2: # $Id$
        !             3: #
        !             4: # Use Gnuplot to display data in summary files produced by
        !             5: # This script requires GNUPLOT 3.7!
        !             6: #
        !             7: # Copyright (c) 1997, 1999 by Ulrich Windl <>
        !             8: #
        !             9: # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
        !            10: # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        !            11: # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
        !            12: # (at your option) any later version.
        !            13: #
        !            14: # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
        !            15: # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        !            17: # General Public License for more details.
        !            18: #
        !            19: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        !            20: # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
        !            21: # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
        !            22: 
        !            23: require 5.003; # "never tested with any other version of Perl"
        !            24: use strict;
        !            25: 
        !            26: use Time::Local;
        !            27: use Getopt::Long;
        !            28: 
        !            29: # parse command line
        !            30: my $summary_dir = "/tmp";
        !            31: my $identifier = "host " . `hostname`; # origin of these data
        !            32: chomp $identifier;                     # remove newline
        !            33: my $offset_limit = 0.128;              # limit of absolute offset
        !            34: my $output_file = "";                  # output file defaults to stdout
        !            35: my $output_file_number = 1;            # numbering of output files
        !            36: my $gnuplot_terminal = $ENV{DISPLAY} ? "x11" : "dumb";
        !            37: my $wait_after_plot = 1;
        !            38: my @peer_list = ();
        !            39: 
        !            40: my %options = ("directory|input-directory=s" => \$summary_dir,
        !            41:               "identifier=s" => \$identifier,
        !            42:               "offset-limit=f" => \$offset_limit,
        !            43:               "output-file=s" => \$output_file,
        !            44:               "peer=s@" => \@peer_list,
        !            45:               "plot-term|gnuplot-term=s" => \$gnuplot_terminal,
        !            46:               "wait-after-plot!" => \$wait_after_plot,
        !            47:               );
        !            48: 
        !            49: if ( !GetOptions(%options) )
        !            50: {
        !            51:     print STDERR "valid options for $0 are:\n";
        !            52:     my $opt;
        !            53:     foreach $opt (sort(keys %options)) {
        !            54:        print STDERR "\t--$opt\t(default is ";
        !            55:        if ( ref($options{$opt}) eq "ARRAY" ) {
        !            56:            print STDERR join(", ",  map { "'$_'" } @{$options{$opt}});
        !            57:        } else {
        !            58:            print STDERR "'${$options{$opt}}'";
        !            59:        }
        !            60:        print STDERR ")\n";
        !            61:     }
        !            62:     print STDERR "\n";
        !            63:     die;
        !            64: }
        !            65: 
        !            66: chomp $identifier;
        !            67: die "illegal offset-limit: $offset_limit" unless $offset_limit > 0.0;
        !            68: $offset_limit *= 1e6;                  # scale to microseconds
        !            69: 
        !            70: # return the smallest value in the given list
        !            71: sub min
        !            72: {
        !            73:     my ($result, @rest) = @_;
        !            74:     map { $result = $_ if ($_ < $result) } @rest;
        !            75:     return($result);
        !            76: }
        !            77: 
        !            78: # return the largest value in the given list
        !            79: sub max
        !            80: {
        !            81:     my ($result, @rest) = @_;
        !            82:     map { $result = $_ if ($_ > $result) } @rest;
        !            83:     return($result);
        !            84: }
        !            85: 
        !            86: # maybe open alternate output file
        !            87: sub open_output
        !            88: {
        !            89:     my $file;
        !            90:     if ($output_file) {
        !            91:        while ( -r ($file = "$output_file$output_file_number") ) {
        !            92:            ++$output_file_number;
        !            93:        }
        !            94:        open TOUCH, ">$file" and close TOUCH or die "$file: $!";
        !            95:        print "set output \"$file\"\n";
        !            96:     }
        !            97: }
        !            98: 
        !            99: # make Gnuplot wait
        !           100: sub maybe_add_pause
        !           101: {
        !           102:     print "pause -1 \"Press key to continue...\"\n" if $wait_after_plot;
        !           103: }
        !           104: 
        !           105: # plot data from loop summary
        !           106: sub do_loop
        !           107: {
        !           108:     my $fname = shift;
        !           109:     my $line;
        !           110:     my $out_file = "/tmp/tempdata$$";
        !           111:     my $cmd_file = "/tmp/tempcmd$$";
        !           112:     my ($first_day, $day_out) = ("", 0);
        !           113:     my ($lower_bound, $upper_bound, $rms);
        !           114:     my ($min_offs, $max_offs) = (1e9, -1e9);
        !           115:     my ($min_rms, $max_rms) = (1e9, -1e9);
        !           116:     open INPUT, "$fname" or die "$fname: $!";
        !           117:     open OUTPUT, ">$out_file" or die "$out_file: $!";
        !           118:     my @Fld;
        !           119:     while (<INPUT>) {
        !           120:        chop;   # strip record separator
        !           121:        @Fld = split;
        !           122:        if ($#Fld == 0) {
        !           123: # loops.19960405
        !           124:            $_ = $Fld[0]; s/.*([12]\d{3}[01]\d[0-3]\d)$/$1/;
        !           125:            m/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/;
        !           126:            $line = timegm(59, 59, 23, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900, 0, 0, 0);
        !           127:            $line = int $line / 86400;  # days relative to 1970
        !           128:            $first_day = "$1-$2-$3 ($line)" unless $day_out;
        !           129:            next;
        !           130:        }
        !           131:        if ($#Fld != 8) {
        !           132:            warn "Illegal number of fields in file $fname, line $.";
        !           133:            next;
        !           134:        }
        !           135: # loop 216, 856106+/-874041.5, rms 117239.8, freq 67.52+/-10.335, var 4.850
        !           136:        $_ = $Fld[1]; s/,/ /; $line .= " $_";
        !           137:        $_ = $Fld[2]; m:(.+?)\+/-(.+),:;
        !           138:        $lower_bound = $1 - $2;
        !           139:        $upper_bound = $1 + $2;
        !           140:        $line .= "$1 $lower_bound $upper_bound";
        !           141:        $min_offs = min($min_offs, $lower_bound);
        !           142:        $max_offs = max($max_offs, $upper_bound);
        !           143:        $_ = $Fld[4]; s/,/ /; $rms = $_;
        !           144:        $min_rms = min($min_rms, $rms);
        !           145:        $max_rms = max($max_rms, $rms);
        !           146:        $line .= " $rms";
        !           147:        $_ = $Fld[6]; m:(.+?)\+/-(.+),:;
        !           148:        $line .= " $1 " . ($1-$2) . " " . ($1+$2);
        !           149:        $line .= " $Fld[8]";
        !           150:        print OUTPUT "$line\n";
        !           151:        $day_out = 1;
        !           152: # 9621 216 856106 -17935.5 1730147.5 117239.8  67.52 57.185 77.855 4.850
        !           153:     }
        !           154:     close INPUT;
        !           155:     close OUTPUT or die "close failed on $out_file: $!";
        !           156:     my $ylimit = "[";
        !           157:     if ($min_offs < -$offset_limit) {
        !           158:        $ylimit .= "-$offset_limit";
        !           159:     }
        !           160:     $ylimit .= ":";
        !           161:     if ($max_offs > $offset_limit) {
        !           162:        $ylimit .= "$offset_limit";
        !           163:     }
        !           164:     if ( $ylimit eq "[:" ) {
        !           165:        $ylimit = "";
        !           166:     } else {
        !           167:        $ylimit = "[] $ylimit]";
        !           168:     }
        !           169: # build command file for GNUplot
        !           170:     open OUTPUT, "> $cmd_file" or die "$cmd_file: $!";
        !           171:     my $oldfh = select OUTPUT;
        !           172:     print "set term $gnuplot_terminal\n";
        !           173:     open_output;
        !           174:     print "set grid\n";
        !           175:     print "set title \"Loop Summary for $identifier: " .
        !           176:        "Daily mean values since $first_day\\n" .
        !           177:        "(Offset limit is $offset_limit microseconds)\"\n";
        !           178:     print "set ylabel \"[us]\"\n";
        !           179:     print "set data style yerrorbars\n";
        !           180:     print "set multiplot\n";
        !           181:     print "set size 1, 0.5\n";
        !           182:     print "set lmargin 8\n";
        !           183:     print "set origin 0, 0.5\n";
        !           184:     print "plot $ylimit \"$out_file\"" .
        !           185:        " using 1:3:4:5 title \"mean offset\", ";
        !           186:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:(\$3-\$6/2) " .
        !           187:        "title \"(sigma low)\" with lines, ";
        !           188:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:3 smooth bezier " .
        !           189:        "title \"(Bezier med)\" with lines, ";
        !           190:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:(\$3+\$6/2) " .
        !           191:        "title \"(sigma high)\" with lines\n";
        !           192:     print "set ylabel \"[ppm]\"\n";
        !           193:     print "set origin 0, 0.0\n";
        !           194:     print "set title\n";
        !           195:     print "set xlabel \"Days relative to 1970\"\n";
        !           196:     print "plot \"$out_file\" using 1:7:8:9 title \"mean frequency\", ";
        !           197:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:(\$7-\$10/2) " .
        !           198:        "title \"(sigma low)\" with lines, ";
        !           199:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:7 smooth bezier " .
        !           200:        "title \"(Bezier med)\" with lines, ";
        !           201:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:(\$7+\$10/2) " .
        !           202:        "title \"(sigma high)\" with lines\n";
        !           203:     print "set nomultiplot\n";
        !           204:     maybe_add_pause;
        !           205: 
        !           206:     $ylimit = "[";
        !           207:     if ($min_rms < -$offset_limit) {
        !           208:        $ylimit .= "-$offset_limit";
        !           209:     }
        !           210:     $ylimit .= ":";
        !           211:     if ($max_rms > $offset_limit) {
        !           212:        $ylimit .= "$offset_limit";
        !           213:     }
        !           214:     if ( $ylimit eq "[:" ) {
        !           215:        $ylimit ="";
        !           216:     } else {
        !           217:        $ylimit = "[] $ylimit]";
        !           218:     }
        !           219: 
        !           220:     open_output;
        !           221:     print "set title \"Loop Summary for $identifier: " .
        !           222:        "Standard deviation since $first_day\\n" .
        !           223:        "(Offset limit is $offset_limit microseconds)\"\n";
        !           224:     print "set xlabel\n";
        !           225:     print "set ylabel \"[us]\"\n";
        !           226:     print "set origin 0, 0.5\n";
        !           227:     print "set data style linespoints\n";
        !           228:     print "set multiplot\n";
        !           229:     print "plot $ylimit \"$out_file\" using 1:6 title \"Offset\", ";
        !           230:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:6 smooth bezier " .
        !           231:        "title \"(Bezier)\" with lines\n";
        !           232:     print "set title\n";
        !           233:     print "set origin 0, 0.0\n";
        !           234:     print "set xlabel \"Days relative to 1970\"\n";
        !           235:     print "set ylabel \"[ppm]\"\n";
        !           236:     print "plot \"$out_file\" using 1:10 title \"Frequency\", ";
        !           237:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:10 smooth bezier " .
        !           238:        "title \"(Bezier)\" with lines\n";
        !           239:     print "set nomultiplot\n";
        !           240:     maybe_add_pause;
        !           241: 
        !           242:     close OUTPUT or die "close failed on $cmd_file: $!";
        !           243:     select $oldfh;
        !           244:     print `gnuplot $cmd_file`;
        !           245:     unlink $cmd_file;
        !           246:     unlink $out_file;
        !           247: }
        !           248: 
        !           249: # plot data form peer summary
        !           250: sub do_peer
        !           251: {
        !           252:     my $fname = shift;
        !           253:     my $peer = shift;
        !           254:     my $out_file = "/tmp/tempdata$$";
        !           255:     my $cmd_file = "/tmp/tempcmd$$";
        !           256:     my $line;
        !           257:     my ($first_day, $day_out) = ("", 0);
        !           258:     open INPUT, "$fname" or die "$fname: $!";
        !           259:     open OUTPUT, ">$out_file" or die "$out_file: $!";
        !           260:     my @Fld;
        !           261:     while (<INPUT>) {
        !           262:        chop;   # strip record separator
        !           263:        @Fld = split;
        !           264:        if ($#Fld == 0) {
        !           265: # peers.19960405
        !           266:            $_ = $Fld[0]; s/.*([12]\d{3}[01]\d[0-3]\d)$/$1/;
        !           267:            m/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ or next;
        !           268:            $line = timegm(59, 59, 23, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900, 0, 0, 0);
        !           269:            $line = int $line / 86400;  # days relative to 1970
        !           270:            $first_day = "$1-$2-$3 ($line)" unless $day_out;
        !           271:            next;
        !           272:        }
        !           273:        if ($#Fld != 7) {
        !           274:            warn "Illegal number of fields in file $fname, line $.";
        !           275:            next;
        !           276:        }
        !           277:        next if ($Fld[0] ne $peer);
        !           278: #       ident     cnt     mean     rms      max     delay     dist     disp
        !           279: #       38   30.972  189.867 1154.607    0.000  879.760  111.037
        !           280:        $Fld[0] = $line;
        !           281:        print OUTPUT join(' ', @Fld) . "\n";
        !           282: # 9969 38 30.972 189.867 1154.607 0.000 879.760 111.037
        !           283:        $day_out = 1;
        !           284:     }
        !           285:     close INPUT;
        !           286:     close OUTPUT or die "close failed on $out_file: $!";
        !           287:     die "no data found for peer $peer" if !$day_out;
        !           288:     open OUTPUT, "> $cmd_file" or die "$cmd_file: $!";
        !           289:     my $oldfh = select OUTPUT;
        !           290:     print "set term $gnuplot_terminal\n";
        !           291:     open_output;
        !           292:     print "set grid\n";
        !           293:     print "set multiplot\n";
        !           294:     print "set lmargin 8\n";
        !           295:     print "set size 1, 0.34\n";
        !           296:     print "set origin 0, 0.66\n";
        !           297:     print "set title " .
        !           298:        "\"Peer Summary for $peer on $identifier since $first_day\"\n";
        !           299:     print "set data style linespoints\n";
        !           300:     print "set ylabel \"[us]\"\n";
        !           301:     print "plot \"$out_file\" using 1:3 title \"mean offset\", ";
        !           302:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:3 smooth bezier " .
        !           303:        "title \"(Bezier)\" with lines, ";
        !           304:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:(\$3-\$7/2) " .
        !           305:        "title \"(sigma low)\" with lines, ";
        !           306:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:(\$3+\$7/2) " .
        !           307:        "title \"(sigma high)\" with lines\n";
        !           308:     print "set title\n";
        !           309:     print "set origin 0, 0.34\n";
        !           310:     print "set size 1, 0.32\n";
        !           311:     print "set ylabel\n";
        !           312:     print "plot \"$out_file\" using 1:7 title \"dist\", ";
        !           313:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:7 smooth bezier " .
        !           314:        "title \"(Bezier)\" with lines\n";
        !           315:     print "set origin 0, 0.00\n";
        !           316:     print "set size 1, 0.35\n";
        !           317:     print "set xlabel \"Days relative to 1970\"\n";
        !           318:     print "plot \"$out_file\" using 1:8 title \"disp\", ";
        !           319:     print "\"$out_file\" using 1:8 smooth bezier " .
        !           320:        "title \"(Bezier)\" with lines\n";
        !           321:     print "set nomultiplot\n";
        !           322:     maybe_add_pause;
        !           323: 
        !           324:     select $oldfh;
        !           325:     close OUTPUT or die "close failed on $cmd_file: $!";
        !           326:     print `gnuplot $cmd_file`;
        !           327:     unlink $cmd_file;
        !           328:     unlink $out_file;
        !           329: }
        !           330: 
        !           331: 
        !           332: my $loop_summary ="$summary_dir/loop_summary";
        !           333: my $peer_summary ="$summary_dir/peer_summary";
        !           334: my $clock_summary="$summary_dir/clock_summary";
        !           335: 
        !           336: do_loop $loop_summary;
        !           337: map { do_peer $peer_summary, $_ } @peer_list;

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