File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / ntp / sntp / libopts / ag-char-map.h
Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs - revision graph
Tue May 29 12:08:38 2012 UTC (12 years, 7 months ago) by misho
Branches: ntp, MAIN
CVS tags: v4_2_6p5p0, v4_2_6p5, HEAD
ntp 4.2.6p5

    1: /*
    2:  *   Character mapping generated 04/29/11 15:43:58
    3:  *
    4:  *  This file contains the character classifications
    5:  *  used by AutoGen and AutoOpts for identifying tokens.
    6:  *  This file is part of AutoGen.
    7:  *  AutoGen Copyright (c) 1992-2011 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved
    8:  *  AutoGen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
    9:  *  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
   10:  *  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
   11:  *  version.
   12:  *  AutoGen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
   13:  *  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
   14:  *  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
   15:  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   16:  *  with this program.  If not, see <>.
   17:  */
   18: #ifndef AG_CHAR_MAP_H_GUARD
   19: #define AG_CHAR_MAP_H_GUARD 1
   21: #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
   22: # if defined(HAVE_INTTYPES_H)
   23: #  include <inttypes.h>
   24: # elif defined(HAVE_STDINT_H)
   25: #  include <stdint.h>
   27: # else
   28: #   ifndef HAVE_INT8_T
   29:         typedef signed char     int8_t;
   30: #   endif
   31: #   ifndef HAVE_UINT8_T
   32:         typedef unsigned char   uint8_t;
   33: #   endif
   34: #   ifndef HAVE_INT16_T
   35:         typedef signed short    int16_t;
   36: #   endif
   37: #   ifndef HAVE_UINT16_T
   38:         typedef unsigned short  uint16_t;
   39: #   endif
   40: #   ifndef HAVE_UINT_T
   41:         typedef unsigned int    uint_t;
   42: #   endif
   44: #   ifndef HAVE_INT32_T
   45: #    if SIZEOF_INT == 4
   46:         typedef signed int      int32_t;
   47: #    elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4
   48:         typedef signed long     int32_t;
   49: #    endif
   50: #   endif
   52: #   ifndef HAVE_UINT32_T
   53: #    if SIZEOF_INT == 4
   54:         typedef unsigned int    uint32_t;
   55: #    elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4
   56:         typedef unsigned long   uint32_t;
   57: #    endif
   58: #   endif
   59: # endif /* HAVE_*INT*_H header */
   61: #else /* not HAVE_CONFIG_H -- */
   62: # ifdef __sun
   63: #  include <inttypes.h>
   64: # else
   65: #  include <stdint.h>
   66: # endif
   67: #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
   69: #if 0 /* mapping specification source (from */
   70: // 
   71: // %guard          autoopts_internal
   72: // %file           ag-char-map.h
   73: // %static-table   option-char-category
   74: // 
   75: // %comment
   76: //   This file contains the character classifications
   77: //   used by AutoGen and AutoOpts for identifying tokens.
   78: // 
   79: //   This file is part of AutoGen.
   80: //   AutoGen Copyright (c) 1992-2011 by Bruce Korb - all rights reserved
   81: // 
   82: //   AutoGen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
   83: //   terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
   84: //   Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
   85: //   version.
   86: // 
   87: //   AutoGen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
   88: //   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
   89: //   A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
   90: // 
   91: //   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
   92: //   with this program.  If not, see <>.
   93: // %
   94: // 
   95: // lower-case      "a-z"
   96: // upper-case      "A-Z"
   97: // alphabetic      +lower-case   +upper-case
   98: // oct-digit       "0-7"
   99: // dec-digit       "89"          +oct-digit
  100: // hex-digit       "a-fA-F"      +dec-digit
  101: // alphanumeric    +alphabetic   +dec-digit
  102: // var-first       "_"           +alphabetic
  103: // variable-name   +var-first    +dec-digit
  104: // option-name     "^-"          +variable-name
  105: // value-name      ":"           +option-name
  106: // horiz-white     "\t "
  107: // compound-name   "[.]"         +value-name   +horiz-white
  108: // whitespace      "\v\f\r\n\b"  +horiz-white
  109: // unquotable      "!-~"         -"\"#(),;<=>[\\]`{}?*'"
  110: // end-xml-token   "/>"          +whitespace
  111: // graphic         "!-~"
  112: // plus-n-space    "+"           +whitespace
  113: // punctuation     "!-~"         -alphanumeric -"_"
  114: // suffix          "-._"         +alphanumeric
  115: // suffix-fmt      "%/"          +suffix     
  116: // false-type      "nNfF0\x00"
  117: // file-name       "/"           +suffix
  118: // end-token       "\x00"        +whitespace
  119: // end-list-entry  ","           +end-token
  120: //
  121: #endif /* 0 -- mapping spec. source */
  123: typedef uint32_t option_char_category_mask_t;
  124: static option_char_category_mask_t const option_char_category[128];
  126: static inline int is_option_char_category_char(char ch, option_char_category_mask_t mask) {
  127:     unsigned int ix = (unsigned char)ch;
  128:     return ((ix < 128) && ((option_char_category[ix] & mask) != 0)); }
  130: #define IS_LOWER_CASE_CHAR(_c)      is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x000001)
  131: #define IS_UPPER_CASE_CHAR(_c)      is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x000002)
  132: #define IS_ALPHABETIC_CHAR(_c)      is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x000003)
  133: #define IS_OCT_DIGIT_CHAR(_c)       is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x000004)
  134: #define IS_DEC_DIGIT_CHAR(_c)       is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x00000C)
  135: #define IS_HEX_DIGIT_CHAR(_c)       is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x00001C)
  136: #define IS_ALPHANUMERIC_CHAR(_c)    is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x00000F)
  137: #define IS_VAR_FIRST_CHAR(_c)       is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x000023)
  138: #define IS_VARIABLE_NAME_CHAR(_c)   is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x00002F)
  139: #define IS_OPTION_NAME_CHAR(_c)     is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x00006F)
  140: #define IS_VALUE_NAME_CHAR(_c)      is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x0000EF)
  141: #define IS_HORIZ_WHITE_CHAR(_c)     is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x000100)
  142: #define IS_COMPOUND_NAME_CHAR(_c)   is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x0003EF)
  143: #define IS_WHITESPACE_CHAR(_c)      is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x000500)
  144: #define IS_UNQUOTABLE_CHAR(_c)      is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x000800)
  145: #define IS_END_XML_TOKEN_CHAR(_c)   is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x001500)
  146: #define IS_GRAPHIC_CHAR(_c)         is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x002000)
  147: #define IS_PLUS_N_SPACE_CHAR(_c)    is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x004500)
  148: #define IS_PUNCTUATION_CHAR(_c)     is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x008000)
  149: #define IS_SUFFIX_CHAR(_c)          is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x01000F)
  150: #define IS_SUFFIX_FMT_CHAR(_c)      is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x03000F)
  151: #define IS_FALSE_TYPE_CHAR(_c)      is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x040000)
  152: #define IS_FILE_NAME_CHAR(_c)       is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x09000F)
  153: #define IS_END_TOKEN_CHAR(_c)       is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x100500)
  154: #define IS_END_LIST_ENTRY_CHAR(_c)  is_option_char_category_char((_c), 0x300500)
  156: #if 1 /* def AUTOOPTS_INTERNAL */
  157: static option_char_category_mask_t const option_char_category[128] = {
  158:   /*x00*/ 0x140000, /*x01*/ 0x000000, /*x02*/ 0x000000, /*x03*/ 0x000000,
  159:   /*x04*/ 0x000000, /*x05*/ 0x000000, /*x06*/ 0x000000, /*\a */ 0x000000,
  160:   /*\b */ 0x000400, /*\t */ 0x000100, /*\n */ 0x000400, /*\v */ 0x000400,
  161:   /*\f */ 0x000400, /*\r */ 0x000400, /*x0E*/ 0x000000, /*x0F*/ 0x000000,
  162:   /*x10*/ 0x000000, /*x11*/ 0x000000, /*x12*/ 0x000000, /*x13*/ 0x000000,
  163:   /*x14*/ 0x000000, /*x15*/ 0x000000, /*x16*/ 0x000000, /*x17*/ 0x000000,
  164:   /*x18*/ 0x000000, /*x19*/ 0x000000, /*x1A*/ 0x000000, /*x1B*/ 0x000000,
  165:   /*x1C*/ 0x000000, /*x1D*/ 0x000000, /*x1E*/ 0x000000, /*x1F*/ 0x000000,
  166:   /*   */ 0x000100, /* ! */ 0x00A800, /* " */ 0x00A000, /* # */ 0x00A000,
  167:   /* $ */ 0x00A800, /* % */ 0x02A800, /* & */ 0x00A800, /* ' */ 0x00A000,
  168:   /* ( */ 0x00A000, /* ) */ 0x00A000, /* * */ 0x00A000, /* + */ 0x00E800,
  169:   /* , */ 0x20A000, /* - */ 0x01A840, /* . */ 0x01AA00, /* / */ 0x0AB800,
  170:   /* 0 */ 0x042804, /* 1 */ 0x002804, /* 2 */ 0x002804, /* 3 */ 0x002804,
  171:   /* 4 */ 0x002804, /* 5 */ 0x002804, /* 6 */ 0x002804, /* 7 */ 0x002804,
  172:   /* 8 */ 0x002808, /* 9 */ 0x002808, /* : */ 0x00A880, /* ; */ 0x00A000,
  173:   /* < */ 0x00A000, /* = */ 0x00A000, /* > */ 0x00B000, /* ? */ 0x00A000,
  174:   /* @ */ 0x00A800, /* A */ 0x002812, /* B */ 0x002812, /* C */ 0x002812,
  175:   /* D */ 0x002812, /* E */ 0x002812, /* F */ 0x042812, /* G */ 0x002802,
  176:   /* H */ 0x002802, /* I */ 0x002802, /* J */ 0x002802, /* K */ 0x002802,
  177:   /* L */ 0x002802, /* M */ 0x002802, /* N */ 0x042802, /* O */ 0x002802,
  178:   /* P */ 0x002802, /* Q */ 0x002802, /* R */ 0x002802, /* S */ 0x002802,
  179:   /* T */ 0x002802, /* U */ 0x002802, /* V */ 0x002802, /* W */ 0x002802,
  180:   /* X */ 0x002802, /* Y */ 0x002802, /* Z */ 0x002802, /* [ */ 0x00A200,
  181:   /* \ */ 0x00A000, /* ] */ 0x00A200, /* ^ */ 0x00A840, /* _ */ 0x012820,
  182:   /* ` */ 0x00A000, /* a */ 0x002811, /* b */ 0x002811, /* c */ 0x002811,
  183:   /* d */ 0x002811, /* e */ 0x002811, /* f */ 0x042811, /* g */ 0x002801,
  184:   /* h */ 0x002801, /* i */ 0x002801, /* j */ 0x002801, /* k */ 0x002801,
  185:   /* l */ 0x002801, /* m */ 0x002801, /* n */ 0x042801, /* o */ 0x002801,
  186:   /* p */ 0x002801, /* q */ 0x002801, /* r */ 0x002801, /* s */ 0x002801,
  187:   /* t */ 0x002801, /* u */ 0x002801, /* v */ 0x002801, /* w */ 0x002801,
  188:   /* x */ 0x002801, /* y */ 0x002801, /* z */ 0x002801, /* { */ 0x00A000,
  189:   /* | */ 0x00A800, /* } */ 0x00A000, /* ~ */ 0x00A800, /*x7F*/ 0x000000
  190: };
  191: #endif /* AUTOOPTS_INTERNAL */
  192: #endif /* AG_CHAR_MAP_H_GUARD */

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