Annotation of embedaddon/ntp/sntp/sntp-opts.def, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: /* -*- Mode: Text -*- */
        !             2: 
        !             3: autogen definitions options;
        !             4: 
        !             5: #include autogen-version.def
        !             6: #include copyright.def
        !             7: 
        !             8: prog-name      = "sntp";
        !             9: prog-title     = "standard Simple Network Time Protocol program";
        !            10: argument       = '[ hostname-or-IP ...]';
        !            11: 
        !            12: #include homerc.def
        !            13: 
        !            14: long-opts;
        !            15: 
        !            16: config-header  = "config.h";
        !            17: 
        !            18: environrc;
        !            19: 
        !            20: #include version.def
        !            21: 
        !            22: test-main;
        !            23: 
        !            24: flag = {
        !            25:     name      = ipv4;
        !            26:     value     = 4;
        !            27:     flags-cant = ipv6;
        !            28:     descrip   = "Force IPv4 DNS name resolution";
        !            29:     doc = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        !            30:        Force DNS resolution of the following host names on the command line
        !            31:        to the IPv4 namespace.
        !            32:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !            33: };
        !            34: 
        !            35: flag = {
        !            36:     name      = ipv6;
        !            37:     value     = 6;
        !            38:     flags-cant = ipv4;
        !            39:     descrip   = "Force IPv6 DNS name resolution";
        !            40:     doc = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        !            41:        Force DNS resolution of the following host names on the command line
        !            42:        to the IPv6 namespace.
        !            43:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !            44: };
        !            45: 
        !            46: 
        !            47: flag = {
        !            48:     name      = normalverbose;
        !            49:     value     = d;
        !            50:     descrip   = "Normal verbose";
        !            51:     doc = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        !            52:        Diagnostic messages for non-fatal errors and a limited amount of
        !            53:        tracing should be written to standard error.  Fatal ones always
        !            54:        produce a diagnostic.  This option should be set when there is a
        !            55:        suspected problem with the server, network or the source.
        !            56:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !            57: };
        !            58: 
        !            59: flag = {
        !            60:     name      = kod;
        !            61:     value     = K;
        !            62:     arg-type  = string;
        !            63:     arg-name  = "file-name";
        !            64:     descrip   = "KoD history filename";
        !            65:     doc = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        !            66:        Specifies the filename to be used to persist the history of KoD
        !            67:        responses received from servers.  The default is
        !            68:        /var/db/ntp-kod.
        !            69:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !            70: };
        !            71: 
        !            72: 
        !            73: flag = {
        !            74:        name    = syslog;
        !            75:        value   = p;
        !            76:        flags-cant = logfile;
        !            77:        descrip = "Logging with syslog";
        !            78:        doc = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        !            79:        When this option is set all logging will be done using syslog.
        !            80:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !            81: };
        !            82: 
        !            83: flag = {
        !            84:        name       = logfile;
        !            85:        value      = l;
        !            86:        arg-type   = string;
        !            87:        arg-name   = "file-name";
        !            88:        flags-cant = syslog;
        !            89:        descrip = "Log to specified logfile";
        !            90:        doc = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        !            91:        This option causes the client to write log messages to the specified
        !            92:        logfile.
        !            93:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !            94: };
        !            95: 
        !            96: flag = {
        !            97:     name      = settod;
        !            98:     value     = s;
        !            99:     flags-cant = adjtime;
        !           100:     descrip   = "Set (step) the time with settimeofday()";
        !           101:     doc = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        !           102:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !           103: };
        !           104: 
        !           105: flag = {
        !           106:     name      = adjtime;
        !           107:     value     = j;
        !           108:     flags-cant = settod;
        !           109:     descrip   = "Set (slew) the time with adjtime()";
        !           110:     doc = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        !           111:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !           112: };
        !           113: 
        !           114: flag = {
        !           115:        name    = broadcast;
        !           116:        value   = b;
        !           117:        descrip = "Use broadcasts to the address specified for synchronisation";
        !           118:        arg-type = string;
        !           119:        arg-name = "broadcast-address";
        !           120:        doc     = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        !           121:        If specified SNTP will listen to the specified broadcast address
        !           122:        for NTP broadcasts.  The default maximum wait time,
        !           123:        68 seconds, can be modified with -t.
        !           124:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !           125: };
        !           126: 
        !           127: flag = {
        !           128:        name    = timeout;
        !           129:        value   = t;
        !           130:        descrip = "Specify the number of seconds to wait for broadcasts";
        !           131:        arg-type = number;
        !           132:        arg-name = "seconds";
        !           133:        arg-default = 68;
        !           134:        doc     = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        !           135:        When waiting for a broadcast packet SNTP will wait the number
        !           136:        of seconds specified before giving up.  Default 68 seconds.
        !           137:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !           138: };
        !           139: 
        !           140: flag = {
        !           141:        name    = authentication;
        !           142:        value   = a;
        !           143:        descrip = "Enable authentication with the key auth-keynumber";
        !           144:        arg-type = number;
        !           145:        arg-name = "auth-keynumber";
        !           146:        doc     = <<- _EndOfDoc_
        !           147:        This option enables authentication using the key specified in this option's argument.
        !           148:        The argument of this option is the keyid, a number specified in the keyfile as this
        !           149:        key's identifier. See the keyfile option (-k) for more details.
        !           150:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !           151: };
        !           152: 
        !           153: flag = {
        !           154:        name    = keyfile;
        !           155:        value   = k;
        !           156:        descrip = "Specify a keyfile. SNTP will look in this file for the key specified with -a";
        !           157:        arg-type = string;
        !           158:        arg-name = "file-name";
        !           159:        doc     = <<-  _EndOfDoc_
        !           160:        This option specifies the keyfile. SNTP will search for the key specified with -a keyno in this
        !           161:        file. Key files follow the following format:
        !           162: 
        !           163:        keyid keytype key
        !           164: 
        !           165:        Where   keyid is a number identifying this key
        !           166:                keytype is one of the follow:
        !           167:                        S  Key in 64 Bit hexadecimal number as specified in in the DES specification.
        !           168:                        N  Key in 64 Bit hexadecimal number as specified in the NTP standard.
        !           169:                        A  Key in a 1-to-8 character ASCII string.
        !           170:                        M  Key in a 1-to-8 character ASCII string using the MD5 authentication scheme.
        !           171: 
        !           172:        For more information see ntp.keys(5).
        !           173:        _EndOfDoc_;
        !           174: };
        !           175: 
        !           176: 
        !           177: /* explain: Additional information whenever the usage routine is invoked */
        !           178: explain = <<- _END_EXPLAIN
        !           179:        _END_EXPLAIN;
        !           180: 
        !           181: detail = <<-  _END_DETAIL
        !           182: sntp implements the Simple Network Time Protocol, and is used to query
        !           183: an NTP or SNTP server and either display the time or set the local
        !           184: system's time (given suitable privilege).
        !           185: 
        !           186: It can be run interactively from the command line or as a cron job.
        !           187: 
        !           188: NTP and SNTP are defined by RFC 5905, which obsoletes RFC 4330 and RFC
        !           189: 1305.
        !           190:        _END_DETAIL;
        !           191: 
        !           192: prog-man-descrip = <<-  _END_PROG_MAN_DESCRIP
        !           193: .I sntp
        !           194: can be used as a SNTP client to query a NTP or SNTP server and either display
        !           195: the time or set the local system's time (given suitable privilege).  It can be
        !           196: run as an interactive command or in a
        !           197: .I cron
        !           198: job.
        !           199: 
        !           200: NTP (the Network Time Protocol) and SNTP (the Simple Network Time Protocol)
        !           201: are defined and described by RFC 5905.
        !           202: 
        !           203: .PP
        !           204: The default is to write the estimated correct local date and time (i.e. not
        !           205: UTC) to the standard output in a format like
        !           206: .BR "'1996-10-15 20:17:25.123 (+0800) +4.567 +/- 0.089 secs'" ,
        !           207: where the
        !           208: .B "'(+0800)'"
        !           209: means that to get to UTC from the reported local time one must
        !           210: add 8 hours and 0 minutes,
        !           211: and the
        !           212: .B "'+4.567 +/- 0.089 secs'"
        !           213: indicates the local clock is 4.567 seconds behind the correct time
        !           214: (so 4.567 seconds must be added to the local clock to get it to be correct),
        !           215: and the time of
        !           216: '1996-10-15 20:17:25.123'
        !           217: is believed to be correct to within
        !           218: +/- 0.089
        !           219: seconds.
        !           220:        _END_PROG_MAN_DESCRIP;
        !           221: 
        !           222: prog-info-descrip = <<-  _END_PROG_INFO_DESCRIP
        !           223: @code{sntp}
        !           224: can be used as a SNTP client to query a NTP or SNTP server and either display
        !           225: the time or set the local system's time (given suitable privilege).  It can be
        !           226: run as an interactive command or in a
        !           227: @code{cron}
        !           228: job.
        !           229: 
        !           230: NTP (the Network Time Protocol) and SNTP (the Simple Network Time Protocol)
        !           231: are defined and described by RFC 5905.
        !           232: 
        !           233: @indent
        !           234: The default is to write the estimated correct local date and time (i.e. not
        !           235: UTC) to the standard output in a format like
        !           236: @example
        !           237: 1996-10-15 20:17:25.123 (+0800) +4.567 +/- 0.089 secs
        !           238: @end example
        !           239: where the
        !           240: @example
        !           241: +4.567 +/- 0.089 secs
        !           242: @end example
        !           243: indicates the local clock is 4.567 seconds behind the correct time
        !           244: (so 4.567 seconds must be added to the local clock to get it to be correct),
        !           245: and the (local) time of
        !           246: @code{1996-10-15 20:17:25.123}
        !           247: can be converted to UTC time by adding 8 hours and 0 minutes, and
        !           248: is believed to be correct to within
        !           249: @code{+/- 0.089}
        !           250: seconds.
        !           251:        _END_PROG_INFO_DESCRIP;
        !           252: 
        !           253: man-doc = <<-  _END_MAN_DOC
        !           254: .SH USAGE
        !           255: The simplest use of this program is as an unprivileged command to check the
        !           256: current time and error in the local clock.  For example:
        !           257: .IP
        !           258: .B sntp ntpserver.somewhere
        !           259: .PP
        !           260: With suitable privilege, it can be run as a command or in a
        !           261: .I cron
        !           262: job to reset the local clock from a reliable server, like the
        !           263: .I ntpdate
        !           264: and
        !           265: .I rdate
        !           266: commands.  For example:
        !           267: .IP
        !           268: .B sntp -a ntpserver.somewhere
        !           269: .SH RETURN VALUE
        !           270: The program returns a zero exit
        !           271: status for success, and a non-zero one otherwise.
        !           272: .SH BUGS
        !           273: Please report bugs to .
        !           274:        _END_MAN_DOC;

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