Annotation of embedaddon/pcre/NON-UNIX-USE, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: Compiling PCRE on non-Unix systems
        !             2: ----------------------------------
        !             3: 
        !             4: This document contains the following sections:
        !             5: 
        !             6:   General
        !             7:   Generic instructions for the PCRE C library
        !             8:   The C++ wrapper functions
        !             9:   Building for virtual Pascal
        !            10:   Stack size in Windows environments
        !            11:   Linking programs in Windows environments
        !            12:   Comments about Win32 builds
        !            13:   Building PCRE on Windows with CMake
        !            14:   Use of relative paths with CMake on Windows
        !            15:   Testing with RunTest.bat
        !            16:   Building under Windows with BCC5.5
        !            17:   Building PCRE on OpenVMS
        !            18:   Building PCRE on Stratus OpenVOS
        !            19: 
        !            20: 
        !            21: GENERAL
        !            22: 
        !            23: I (Philip Hazel) have no experience of Windows or VMS sytems and how their
        !            24: libraries work. The items in the PCRE distribution and Makefile that relate to
        !            25: anything other than Unix-like systems are untested by me.
        !            26: 
        !            27: There are some other comments and files (including some documentation in CHM
        !            28: format) in the Contrib directory on the FTP site:
        !            29: 
        !            30:
        !            31: 
        !            32: If you want to compile PCRE for a non-Unix system (especially for a system that
        !            33: does not support "configure" and "make" files), note that the basic PCRE
        !            34: library consists entirely of code written in Standard C, and so should compile
        !            35: successfully on any system that has a Standard C compiler and library. The C++
        !            36: wrapper functions are a separate issue (see below).
        !            37: 
        !            38: The PCRE distribution includes a "configure" file for use by the Configure/Make
        !            39: build system, as found in many Unix-like environments. There is also support
        !            40: for CMake, which some users prefer, especially in Windows environments. See
        !            41: the instructions for CMake under Windows in the section entitled "Building
        !            42: PCRE with CMake" below. CMake can also be used to build PCRE in Unix-like
        !            43: systems.
        !            44: 
        !            45: 
        !            47: 
        !            48: The following are generic instructions for building the PCRE C library "by
        !            49: hand":
        !            50: 
        !            51:  (1) Copy or rename the file config.h.generic as config.h, and edit the macro
        !            52:      settings that it contains to whatever is appropriate for your environment.
        !            53:      In particular, if you want to force a specific value for newline, you can
        !            54:      define the NEWLINE macro. When you compile any of the PCRE modules, you
        !            55:      must specify -DHAVE_CONFIG_H to your compiler so that config.h is included
        !            56:      in the sources.
        !            57: 
        !            58:      An alternative approach is not to edit config.h, but to use -D on the
        !            59:      compiler command line to make any changes that you need to the
        !            60:      configuration options. In this case -DHAVE_CONFIG_H must not be set.
        !            61: 
        !            62:      NOTE: There have been occasions when the way in which certain parameters
        !            63:      in config.h are used has changed between releases. (In the configure/make
        !            64:      world, this is handled automatically.) When upgrading to a new release,
        !            65:      you are strongly advised to review config.h.generic before re-using what
        !            66:      you had previously.
        !            67: 
        !            68:  (2) Copy or rename the file pcre.h.generic as pcre.h.
        !            69: 
        !            70:  (3) EITHER:
        !            71:        Copy or rename file pcre_chartables.c.dist as pcre_chartables.c.
        !            72: 
        !            73:      OR:
        !            74:        Compile dftables.c as a stand-alone program (using -DHAVE_CONFIG_H if
        !            75:        you have set up config.h), and then run it with the single argument
        !            76:        "pcre_chartables.c". This generates a set of standard character tables
        !            77:        and writes them to that file. The tables are generated using the default
        !            78:        C locale for your system. If you want to use a locale that is specified
        !            79:        by LC_xxx environment variables, add the -L option to the dftables
        !            80:        command. You must use this method if you are building on a system that
        !            81:        uses EBCDIC code.
        !            82: 
        !            83:      The tables in pcre_chartables.c are defaults. The caller of PCRE can
        !            84:      specify alternative tables at run time.
        !            85: 
        !            86:  (4) Ensure that you have the following header files:
        !            87: 
        !            88:        pcre_internal.h
        !            89:        ucp.h
        !            90: 
        !            91:  (5) Also ensure that you have the following file, which is #included as source
        !            92:      when building a debugging version of PCRE, and is also used by pcretest.
        !            93: 
        !            94:        pcre_printint.src
        !            95: 
        !            96:  (6) Compile the following source files, setting -DHAVE_CONFIG_H as a compiler
        !            97:      option if you have set up config.h with your configuration, or else use
        !            98:      other -D settings to change the configuration as required.
        !            99: 
        !           100:        pcre_chartables.c
        !           101:        pcre_compile.c
        !           102:        pcre_config.c
        !           103:        pcre_dfa_exec.c
        !           104:        pcre_exec.c
        !           105:        pcre_fullinfo.c
        !           106:        pcre_get.c
        !           107:        pcre_globals.c
        !           108:        pcre_info.c
        !           109:        pcre_maketables.c
        !           110:        pcre_newline.c
        !           111:        pcre_ord2utf8.c
        !           112:        pcre_refcount.c
        !           113:        pcre_study.c
        !           114:        pcre_tables.c
        !           115:        pcre_try_flipped.c
        !           116:        pcre_ucd.c
        !           117:        pcre_valid_utf8.c
        !           118:        pcre_version.c
        !           119:        pcre_xclass.c
        !           120: 
        !           121:      Make sure that you include -I. in the compiler command (or equivalent for
        !           122:      an unusual compiler) so that all included PCRE header files are first
        !           123:      sought in the current directory. Otherwise you run the risk of picking up
        !           124:      a previously-installed file from somewhere else.
        !           125: 
        !           126:  (7) If you have defined SUPPORT_JIT in config.h, you must also compile
        !           127: 
        !           128:        pcre_jit_compile.c
        !           129: 
        !           130:      This file #includes sources from the sljit subdirectory, where there
        !           131:      should be 16 files, all of whose names begin with "sljit".
        !           132: 
        !           133:  (8) Now link all the compiled code into an object library in whichever form
        !           134:      your system keeps such libraries. This is the basic PCRE C library. If
        !           135:      your system has static and shared libraries, you may have to do this once
        !           136:      for each type.
        !           137: 
        !           138:  (9) Similarly, if you want to build the POSIX wrapper functions, ensure that
        !           139:      you have the pcreposix.h file and then compile pcreposix.c (remembering
        !           140:      -DHAVE_CONFIG_H if necessary). Link the result (on its own) as the
        !           141:      pcreposix library.
        !           142: 
        !           143: (10) Compile the test program pcretest.c (again, don't forget -DHAVE_CONFIG_H).
        !           144:      This needs the functions in the PCRE library when linking. It also needs
        !           145:      the pcreposix wrapper functions unless you compile it with -DNOPOSIX. The
        !           146:      pcretest.c program also needs the pcre_printint.src source file, which it
        !           147:      #includes.
        !           148: 
        !           149: (11) Run pcretest on the testinput files in the testdata directory, and check
        !           150:      that the output matches the corresponding testoutput files. Some tests are
        !           151:      relevant only when certain build-time options are selected. For example,
        !           152:      test 4 is for UTF-8 support, and will not run if you have build PCRE
        !           153:      without it. See the comments at the start of each testinput file. If you
        !           154:      have a suitable Unix-like shell, the RunTest script will run the
        !           155:      appropriate tests for you.
        !           156: 
        !           157:      Note that the supplied files are in Unix format, with just LF characters
        !           158:      as line terminators. You may need to edit them to change this if your
        !           159:      system uses a different convention. If you are using Windows, you probably
        !           160:      should use the wintestinput3 file instead of testinput3 (and the
        !           161:      corresponding output file). This is a locale test; wintestinput3 sets the
        !           162:      locale to "french" rather than "fr_FR", and there some minor output
        !           163:      differences.
        !           164: 
        !           165: (12) If you have built PCRE with SUPPORT_JIT, the JIT features will be tested
        !           166:      by the testdata files. However, you might also like to build and run
        !           167:      the JIT test program, pcre_jit_test.c.
        !           168: 
        !           169: (13) If you want to use the pcregrep command, compile and link pcregrep.c; it
        !           170:      uses only the basic PCRE library (it does not need the pcreposix library).
        !           171: 
        !           172: 
        !           173: THE C++ WRAPPER FUNCTIONS
        !           174: 
        !           175: The PCRE distribution also contains some C++ wrapper functions and tests,
        !           176: contributed by Google Inc. On a system that can use "configure" and "make",
        !           177: the functions are automatically built into a library called pcrecpp. It should
        !           178: be straightforward to compile the .cc files manually on other systems. The
        !           179: files called are test programs for each of the corresponding
        !           180: files.
        !           181: 
        !           182: 
        !           183: BUILDING FOR VIRTUAL PASCAL
        !           184: 
        !           185: A script for building PCRE using Borland's C++ compiler for use with VPASCAL
        !           186: was contributed by Alexander Tokarev. Stefan Weber updated the script and added
        !           187: additional files. The following files in the distribution are for building PCRE
        !           188: for use with VP/Borland: makevp_c.txt, makevp_l.txt, makevp.bat, pcregexp.pas.
        !           189: 
        !           190: 
        !           192: 
        !           193: The default processor stack size of 1Mb in some Windows environments is too
        !           194: small for matching patterns that need much recursion. In particular, test 2 may
        !           195: fail because of this. Normally, running out of stack causes a crash, but there
        !           196: have been cases where the test program has just died silently. See your linker
        !           197: documentation for how to increase stack size if you experience problems. The
        !           198: Linux default of 8Mb is a reasonable choice for the stack, though even that can
        !           199: be too small for some pattern/subject combinations.
        !           200: 
        !           201: PCRE has a compile configuration option to disable the use of stack for
        !           202: recursion so that heap is used instead. However, pattern matching is
        !           203: significantly slower when this is done. There is more about stack usage in the
        !           204: "pcrestack" documentation.
        !           205: 
        !           206: 
        !           208: 
        !           209: If you want to statically link a program against a PCRE library in the form of
        !           210: a non-dll .a file, you must define PCRE_STATIC before including pcre.h or
        !           211: pcrecpp.h, otherwise the pcre_malloc() and pcre_free() exported functions will
        !           212: be declared __declspec(dllimport), with unwanted results.
        !           213: 
        !           214: 
        !           216: 
        !           217: It is possible to compile programs to use different calling conventions using
        !           218: MSVC. Search the web for "calling conventions" for more information. To make it
        !           219: easier to change the calling convention for the exported functions in the
        !           220: PCRE library, the macro PCRE_CALL_CONVENTION is present in all the external
        !           221: definitions. It can be set externally when compiling (e.g. in CFLAGS). If it is
        !           222: not set, it defaults to empty; the default calling convention is then used
        !           223: (which is what is wanted most of the time).
        !           224: 
        !           225: 
        !           226: COMMENTS ABOUT WIN32 BUILDS (see also "BUILDING PCRE WITH CMAKE" below)
        !           227: 
        !           228: There are two ways of building PCRE using the "configure, make, make install"
        !           229: paradigm on Windows systems: using MinGW or using Cygwin. These are not at all
        !           230: the same thing; they are completely different from each other. There is also
        !           231: support for building using CMake, which some users find a more straightforward
        !           232: way of building PCRE under Windows.
        !           233: 
        !           234: The MinGW home page ( says this:
        !           235: 
        !           236:   MinGW: A collection of freely available and freely distributable Windows
        !           237:   specific header files and import libraries combined with GNU toolsets that
        !           238:   allow one to produce native Windows programs that do not rely on any
        !           239:   3rd-party C runtime DLLs.
        !           240: 
        !           241: The Cygwin home page ( says this:
        !           242: 
        !           243:   Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows. It consists of two parts:
        !           244: 
        !           245:   . A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a Linux API emulation layer providing
        !           246:     substantial Linux API functionality
        !           247: 
        !           248:   . A collection of tools which provide Linux look and feel.
        !           249: 
        !           250:   The Cygwin DLL currently works with all recent, commercially released x86 32
        !           251:   bit and 64 bit versions of Windows, with the exception of Windows CE.
        !           252: 
        !           253: On both MinGW and Cygwin, PCRE should build correctly using:
        !           254: 
        !           255:   ./configure && make && make install
        !           256: 
        !           257: This should create two libraries called libpcre and libpcreposix, and, if you
        !           258: have enabled building the C++ wrapper, a third one called libpcrecpp. These are
        !           259: independent libraries: when you link with libpcreposix or libpcrecpp you must
        !           260: also link with libpcre, which contains the basic functions. (Some earlier
        !           261: releases of PCRE included the basic libpcre functions in libpcreposix. This no
        !           262: longer happens.)
        !           263: 
        !           264: A user submitted a special-purpose patch that makes it easy to create
        !           265: "pcre.dll" under mingw32 using the "msys" environment. It provides "pcre.dll"
        !           266: as a special target. If you use this target, no other files are built, and in
        !           267: particular, the pcretest and pcregrep programs are not built. An example of how
        !           268: this might be used is:
        !           269: 
        !           270:   ./configure --enable-utf --disable-cpp CFLAGS="-03 -s"; make pcre.dll
        !           271: 
        !           272: Using Cygwin's compiler generates libraries and executables that depend on
        !           273: cygwin1.dll. If a library that is generated this way is distributed,
        !           274: cygwin1.dll has to be distributed as well. Since cygwin1.dll is under the GPL
        !           275: licence, this forces not only PCRE to be under the GPL, but also the entire
        !           276: application. A distributor who wants to keep their own code proprietary must
        !           277: purchase an appropriate Cygwin licence.
        !           278: 
        !           279: MinGW has no such restrictions. The MinGW compiler generates a library or
        !           280: executable that can run standalone on Windows without any third party dll or
        !           281: licensing issues.
        !           282: 
        !           283: But there is more complication:
        !           284: 
        !           285: If a Cygwin user uses the -mno-cygwin Cygwin gcc flag, what that really does is
        !           286: to tell Cygwin's gcc to use the MinGW gcc. Cygwin's gcc is only acting as a
        !           287: front end to MinGW's gcc (if you install Cygwin's gcc, you get both Cygwin's
        !           288: gcc and MinGW's gcc). So, a user can:
        !           289: 
        !           290: . Build native binaries by using MinGW or by getting Cygwin and using
        !           291:   -mno-cygwin.
        !           292: 
        !           293: . Build binaries that depend on cygwin1.dll by using Cygwin with the normal
        !           294:   compiler flags.
        !           295: 
        !           296: The test files that are supplied with PCRE are in UNIX format, with LF
        !           297: characters as line terminators. Unless your PCRE library uses a default newline
        !           298: option that includes LF as a valid newline, it may be necessary to change the
        !           299: line terminators in the test files to get some of the tests to work.
        !           300: 
        !           301: BUILDING PCRE ON WINDOWS WITH CMAKE
        !           302: 
        !           303: CMake is an alternative configuration facility that can be used instead of the
        !           304: traditional Unix "configure". CMake creates project files (make files, solution
        !           305: files, etc.) tailored to numerous development environments, including Visual
        !           306: Studio, Borland, Msys, MinGW, NMake, and Unix.  If possible, use short paths
        !           307: with no spaces in the names for your CMake installation and your pcre
        !           308: source and build directories.
        !           309: 
        !           310: The following instructions were contributed by a PCRE user.
        !           311: 
        !           312: 1.  Install the latest CMake version available from, and
        !           313:     ensure that cmake\bin is on your path.
        !           314: 
        !           315: 2.  Unzip (retaining folder structure) the PCRE source tree into a source
        !           316:     directory such as C:\pcre. You should ensure your local date and time
        !           317:     is not earlier than the file dates in your source dir if the release is
        !           318:     very new.
        !           319: 
        !           320: 3.  Create a new, empty build directory, preferably a subdirectory of the
        !           321:     source dir. For example, C:\pcre\pcre-xx\build.
        !           322: 
        !           323: 4.  Run cmake-gui from the Shell envirornment of your build tool, for example,
        !           324:     Msys for Msys/MinGW or Visual Studio Command Prompt for VC/VC++.
        !           325: 
        !           326: 5.  Enter C:\pcre\pcre-xx and C:\pcre\pcre-xx\build for the source and build
        !           327:     directories, respectively.
        !           328: 
        !           329: 6.  Hit the "Configure" button.
        !           330: 
        !           331: 7.  Select the particular IDE / build tool that you are using (Visual
        !           332:     Studio, MSYS makefiles, MinGW makefiles, etc.)
        !           333: 
        !           334: 8.  The GUI will then list several configuration options. This is where
        !           335:     you can enable UTF-8 support or other PCRE optional features.
        !           336: 
        !           337: 9.  Hit "Configure" again. The adjacent "Generate" button should now be
        !           338:     active.
        !           339: 
        !           340: 10. Hit "Generate".
        !           341: 
        !           342: 11. The build directory should now contain a usable build system, be it a
        !           343:     solution file for Visual Studio, makefiles for MinGW, etc. Exit from
        !           344:     cmake-gui and use the generated build system with your compiler or IDE.
        !           345:     E.g., for MinGW you can run "make", or for Visual Studio, open the PCRE
        !           346:     solution, select the desired configuration (Debug, or Release, etc.) and
        !           347:     build the ALL_BUILD project.
        !           348: 
        !           349: 12. If during configuration with cmake-gui you've elected to build the test
        !           350:     programs, you can execute them by building the test project. E.g., for
        !           351:     MinGW: "make test"; for Visual Studio build the RUN_TESTS project. The
        !           352:     most recent build configuration is targeted by the tests. A summary of
        !           353:     test results is presented. Complete test output is subsequently
        !           354:     available for review in Testing\Temporary under your build dir.
        !           355: 
        !           357: 
        !           358: A PCRE user comments as follows:
        !           359: 
        !           360: I thought that others may want to know the current state of
        !           361: CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS support on Windows.
        !           362: 
        !           363: Here it is:
        !           364: -- AdditionalIncludeDirectories is only partially modified (only the
        !           365: first path - see below)
        !           366: -- Only some of the contained file paths are modified - shown below for
        !           367: pcre.vcproj
        !           368: -- It properly modifies
        !           369: 
        !           370: I am sure CMake people can fix that if they want to. Until then one will
        !           371: need to replace existing absolute paths in project files with relative
        !           372: paths manually (e.g. from VS) - relative to project file location. I did
        !           373: just that before being told to try CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS. Not a big
        !           374: deal.
        !           375: 
        !           376: AdditionalIncludeDirectories="E:\builds\pcre\build;E:\builds\pcre\pcre-7.5;"
        !           377: AdditionalIncludeDirectories=".;E:\builds\pcre\pcre-7.5;"
        !           378: 
        !           379: RelativePath="pcre.h">
        !           380: RelativePath="pcre_chartables.c">
        !           381: RelativePath="pcre_chartables.c.rule">
        !           382: 
        !           383: 
        !           384: TESTING WITH RUNTEST.BAT
        !           385: 
        !           386: If configured with CMake, building the test project ("make test" or building
        !           387: ALL_TESTS in Visual Studio) creates (and runs) pcre_test.bat (and depending
        !           388: on your configuration options, possibly other test programs) in the build
        !           389: directory. Pcre_test.bat runs RunTest.Bat with correct source and exe paths.
        !           390: 
        !           391: For manual testing with RunTest.bat, provided the build dir is a subdirectory
        !           392: of the source directory: Open command shell window. Chdir to the location
        !           393: of your pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe programs. Call RunTest.bat with
        !           394: "..\RunTest.Bat" or "..\..\RunTest.bat" as appropriate.
        !           395: 
        !           396: To run only a particular test with RunTest.Bat provide a test number argument.
        !           397: 
        !           398: Otherwise:
        !           399: 
        !           400: 1. Copy RunTest.bat into the directory where pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe
        !           401:    have been created.
        !           402: 
        !           403: 2. Edit RunTest.bat to indentify the full or relative location of
        !           404:    the pcre source (wherein which the testdata folder resides), e.g.:
        !           405: 
        !           406:    set srcdir=C:\pcre\pcre-8.20
        !           407: 
        !           408: 3. In a Windows command environment, chdir to the location of your bat and
        !           409: exe programs.
        !           410: 
        !           411: 4. Run RunTest.bat. Test outputs will automatically be compared to expected
        !           412: results, and discrepancies will be identified in the console output.
        !           413: 
        !           414: To independently test the just-in-time compiler, run pcre_jit_test.exe.
        !           415: To test pcrecpp, run pcrecpp_unittest.exe, pcre_stringpiece_unittest.exe and
        !           416: pcre_scanner_unittest.exe.
        !           417: 
        !           418: BUILDING UNDER WINDOWS WITH BCC5.5
        !           419: 
        !           420: Michael Roy sent these comments about building PCRE under Windows with BCC5.5:
        !           421: 
        !           422:   Some of the core BCC libraries have a version of PCRE from 1998 built in,
        !           423:   which can lead to pcre_exec() giving an erroneous PCRE_ERROR_NULL from a
        !           424:   version mismatch. I'm including an easy workaround below, if you'd like to
        !           425:   include it in the non-unix instructions:
        !           426: 
        !           427:   When linking a project with BCC5.5, pcre.lib must be included before any of
        !           428:   the libraries cw32.lib, cw32i.lib, cw32mt.lib, and cw32mti.lib on the command
        !           429:   line.
        !           430: 
        !           431: 
        !           433: 
        !           434: Vincent Richomme sent a zip archive of files to help with this process. They
        !           435: can be found in the file "" in the Contrib directory of the FTP
        !           436: site.
        !           437: 
        !           438: 
        !           439: BUILDING PCRE ON OPENVMS
        !           440: 
        !           441: Dan Mooney sent the following comments about building PCRE on OpenVMS. They
        !           442: relate to an older version of PCRE that used fewer source files, so the exact
        !           443: commands will need changing. See the current list of source files above.
        !           444: 
        !           445: "It was quite easy to compile and link the library. I don't have a formal
        !           446: make file but the attached file [reproduced below] contains the OpenVMS DCL
        !           447: commands I used to build the library. I had to add #define
        !           448: POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD 10 to pcre.h since it was not defined anywhere.
        !           449: 
        !           450: The library was built on:
        !           451: O/S: HP OpenVMS v7.3-1
        !           452: Compiler: Compaq C v6.5-001-48BCD
        !           453: Linker: vA13-01
        !           454: 
        !           455: The test results did not match 100% due to the issues you mention in your
        !           456: documentation regarding isprint(), iscntrl(), isgraph() and ispunct(). I
        !           457: modified some of the character tables temporarily and was able to get the
        !           458: results to match. Tests using the fr locale did not match since I don't have
        !           459: that locale loaded. The study size was always reported to be 3 less than the
        !           460: value in the standard test output files."
        !           461: 
        !           462: =========================
        !           463: $! This DCL procedure builds PCRE on OpenVMS
        !           464: $!
        !           465: $! I followed the instructions in the non-unix-use file in the distribution.
        !           466: $!
        !           468: $ COMPILE DFTABLES.C
        !           469: $ LINK/EXE=DFTABLES.EXE DFTABLES.OBJ
        !           470: $ RUN DFTABLES.EXE/OUTPUT=CHARTABLES.C
        !           471: $ COMPILE MAKETABLES.C
        !           472: $ COMPILE GET.C
        !           473: $ COMPILE STUDY.C
        !           474: $! I had to set POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD to 10 in PCRE.H since the symbol
        !           475: $! did not seem to be defined anywhere.
        !           476: $! I edited pcre.h and added #DEFINE SUPPORT_UTF8 to enable UTF8 support.
        !           477: $ COMPILE PCRE.C
        !           479: $! I had to set POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD to 10 in PCRE.H since the symbol
        !           480: $! did not seem to be defined anywhere.
        !           481: $ COMPILE PCREPOSIX.C
        !           482: $ LIB/CREATE PCREPOSIX PCREPOSIX.OBJ
        !           483: $ COMPILE PCRETEST.C
        !           485: $! C programs that want access to command line arguments must be
        !           486: $! defined as a symbol
        !           488: $! Arguments must be enclosed in quotes.
        !           489: $ PCRETEST "-C"
        !           490: $! Test results:
        !           491: $!
        !           492: $!   The test results did not match 100%. The functions isprint(), iscntrl(),
        !           493: $!   isgraph() and ispunct() on OpenVMS must not produce the same results
        !           494: $!   as the system that built the test output files provided with the
        !           495: $!   distribution.
        !           496: $!
        !           497: $!   The study size did not match and was always 3 less on OpenVMS.
        !           498: $!
        !           499: $!   Locale could not be set to fr
        !           500: $!
        !           501: =========================
        !           502: 
        !           503: 
        !           504: BUILDING PCRE ON STRATUS OPENVOS
        !           505: 
        !           506: These notes on the port of PCRE to VOS (lightly edited) were supplied by
        !           507: Ashutosh Warikoo, whose email address has the local part awarikoo and the
        !           508: domain The port was for version 7.9 in August 2009.
        !           509: 
        !           510: 1.   Building PCRE
        !           511: 
        !           512: I built pcre on OpenVOS Release 17.0.1at using GNU Tools 3.4a without any
        !           513: problems. I used the following packages to build PCRE:
        !           514: 
        !           515:
        !           516: 
        !           517: Please read and follow the instructions that come with these packages. To start
        !           518: the build of pcre, from the root of the package type:
        !           519: 
        !           520:   ./
        !           521: 
        !           522: 2. Installing PCRE
        !           523: 
        !           524: Once you have successfully built PCRE, login to the SysAdmin group, switch to
        !           525: the root user, and type
        !           526: 
        !           527:   [ !create_dir (master_disk)>usr   --if needed ]
        !           528:   [ !create_dir (master_disk)>usr>local   --if needed ]
        !           529:     !gmake install
        !           530: 
        !           531: This installs PCRE and its man pages into /usr/local. You can add
        !           532: (master_disk)>usr>local>bin to your command search paths, or if you are in
        !           533: BASH, add /usr/local/bin to the PATH environment variable.
        !           534: 
        !           535: 4. Restrictions
        !           536: 
        !           537: This port requires readline library optionally. However during the build I
        !           538: faced some yet unexplored errors while linking with readline. As it was an
        !           539: optional component I chose to disable it.
        !           540: 
        !           541: 5. Known Problems
        !           542: 
        !           543: I ran the test suite, but you will have to be your own judge of whether this
        !           544: command, and this port, suits your purposes. If you find any problems that
        !           545: appear to be related to the port itself, please let me know. Please see the
        !           546: build.log file in the root of the package also.
        !           547: 
        !           548: 
        !           549: =========================
        !           550: Last Updated: 9 October 2011
        !           551: ****

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