Diff for /embedaddon/pcre/doc/pcregrep.txt between versions 1.1 and

version 1.1, 2012/02/21 23:05:51 version, 2012/10/09 09:19:17
        so treated.         so treated.
          By default, a file that contains a binary zero byte  within  the  first
          1024  bytes is identified as a binary file, and is processed specially.
          (GNU grep also  identifies  binary  files  in  this  manner.)  See  the
          --binary-files  option for a means of changing the way binary files are
        The order in which some of the options appear can  affect  the  output.         The order in which some of the options appear can  affect  the  output.
Line 121  OPTIONS Line 130  OPTIONS
                  pcregrep guarantees to have up to 8K of following text avail-                   pcregrep guarantees to have up to 8K of following text avail-
                  able for context output.                   able for context output.
          -a, --text
                    Treat binary files as text. This is equivalent  to  --binary-
        -B number, --before-context=number         -B number, --before-context=number
                 Output number lines of context before each matching line.  If                 Output  number lines of context before each matching line. If
                  filenames and/or line numbers are being output, a hyphen sep-                   filenames and/or line numbers are being output, a hyphen sep-
                 arator is used instead of a colon for the  context  lines.  A                 arator  is  used  instead of a colon for the context lines. A
                 line  containing  "--" is output between each group of lines,                 line containing "--" is output between each group  of  lines,
                 unless they are in fact contiguous in  the  input  file.  The                 unless  they  are  in  fact contiguous in the input file. The
                 value  of number is expected to be relatively small. However,                 value of number is expected to be relatively small.  However,
                  pcregrep guarantees to have up to 8K of preceding text avail-                   pcregrep guarantees to have up to 8K of preceding text avail-
                  able for context output.                   able for context output.
                    Specify how binary files are to be processed. If the word  is
                    "binary"  (the  default),  pattern  matching  is performed on
                    binary files, but the only  output  is  "Binary  file  <name>
                    matches"  when a match succeeds. If the word is "text", which
                    is equivalent to the -a or --text option,  binary  files  are
                    processed  in  the  same way as any other file. In this case,
                    when a match succeeds, the  output  may  be  binary  garbage,
                    which  can  have  nasty effects if sent to a terminal. If the
                    word is  "without-match",  which  is  equivalent  to  the  -I
                    option,  binary  files  are  not  processed  at all; they are
                    assumed not to be of interest.
        --buffer-size=number         --buffer-size=number
                 Set  the  parameter that controls how much memory is used for                 Set the parameter that controls how much memory is  used  for
                  buffering files that are being scanned.                   buffering files that are being scanned.
        -C number, --context=number         -C number, --context=number
                 Output number lines of context both  before  and  after  each                 Output  number  lines  of  context both before and after each
                 matching  line.  This is equivalent to setting both -A and -B                 matching line.  This is equivalent to setting both -A and  -B
                  to the same value.                   to the same value.
        -c, --count         -c, --count
                 Do not output individual lines from the files that are  being                 Do  not output individual lines from the files that arbeing
                  scanned; instead output the number of lines that would other-                   scanned; instead output the number of lines that would other-
                 wise have been shown. If no lines are  selected,  the  number                 wise  have  been  shown. If no lines are selected, the number
                 zero  is  output.  If  several files are are being scanned, a                 zero is output. If several files are  are  being  scanned,  a
                 count is output for each of them. However,  if  the  --files-                 count  is  output  for each of them. However, if the --files-
                 with-matches  option  is  also  used,  only those files whose                 with-matches option is also  used,  only  those  files  whose
                  counts are greater than zero are listed. When -c is used, the                   counts are greater than zero are listed. When -c is used, the
                  -A, -B, and -C options are ignored.                   -A, -B, and -C options are ignored.
        --colour, --color         --colour, --color
                  If this option is given without any data, it is equivalent to                   If this option is given without any data, it is equivalent to
                 "--colour=auto".  If data is required, it must  be  given  in                 "--colour=auto".   If  data  is required, it must be given in
                  the same shell item, separated by an equals sign.                   the same shell item, separated by an equals sign.
        --colour=value, --color=value         --colour=value, --color=value
                  This option specifies under what circumstances the parts of a                   This option specifies under what circumstances the parts of a
                  line that matched a pattern should be coloured in the output.                   line that matched a pattern should be coloured in the output.
                 By  default,  the output is not coloured. The value (which is                 By default, the output is not coloured. The value  (which  is
                 optional, see above) may be "never", "always", or "auto".  In                 optional,  see above) may be "never", "always", or "auto". In
                 the  latter case, colouring happens only if the standard out-                 the latter case, colouring happens only if the standard  out-
                 put is connected to a terminal. More resources are used  when                 put  is connected to a terminal. More resources are used when
                 colouring  is enabled, because pcregrep has to search for all                 colouring is enabled, because pcregrep has to search for  all
                 possible matches in a line, not just one, in order to  colour                 possible  matches in a line, not just one, in order to colour
                  them all.                   them all.
                  The colour that is used can be specified by setting the envi-                   The colour that is used can be specified by setting the envi-
                  ronment variable PCREGREP_COLOUR or PCREGREP_COLOR. The value                   ronment variable PCREGREP_COLOUR or PCREGREP_COLOR. The value
                  of this variable should be a string of two numbers, separated                   of this variable should be a string of two numbers, separated
                 by a semicolon. They are copied  directly  into  the  control                 by  a  semicolon.  They  are copied directly into the control
                 string  for  setting  colour  on  a  terminal,  so it is your                 string for setting colour  on  a  terminal,  so  it  is  your
                 responsibility to ensure that they make sense. If neither  of                 responsibility  to ensure that they make sense. If neither of
                 the  environment  variables  is  set,  the default is "1;31",                 the environment variables is  set,  the  default  is  "1;31",
                  which gives red.                   which gives red.
        -D action, --devices=action         -D action, --devices=action
                 If an input path is  not  a  regular  file  or  a  directory,                 If  an  input  path  is  not  a  regular file or a directory,
                 "action"  specifies  how  it is to be processed. Valid values                 "action" specifies how it is to be  processed.  Valid  values
                  are "read" (the default) or "skip" (silently skip the path).                   are "read" (the default) or "skip" (silently skip the path).
        -d action, --directories=action         -d action, --directories=action
                  If an input path is a directory, "action" specifies how it is                   If an input path is a directory, "action" specifies how it is
                 to  be  processed.   Valid  values  are "read" (the default),                 to be processed.  Valid  values  are  "read"  (the  default),
                 "recurse" (equivalent to the -r option), or "skip"  (silently                 "recurse"  (equivalent to the -r option), or "skip" (silently
                 skip  the path). In the default case, directories are read as                 skip the path). In the default case, directories are read  as
                 if they were ordinary files. In some  operating  systems  the                 if  they  were  ordinary files. In some operating systems the
                 effect  of reading a directory like this is an immediate end-                 effect of reading a directory like this is an immediate  end-
                  of-file.                   of-file.
        -e pattern, --regex=pattern, --regexp=pattern         -e pattern, --regex=pattern, --regexp=pattern
                  Specify a pattern to be matched. This option can be used mul-                   Specify a pattern to be matched. This option can be used mul-
                  tiple times in order to specify several patterns. It can also                   tiple times in order to specify several patterns. It can also
                 be used as a way of specifying a single pattern  that  starts                 be  used  as a way of specifying a single pattern that starts
                 with  a hyphen. When -e is used, no argument pattern is taken                 with a hyphen. When -e is used, no argument pattern is  taken
                 from the command line; all  arguments  are  treated  as  file                 from  the  command  line;  all  arguments are treated as file
                 names.  There is an overall maximum of 100 patterns. They are                 names. There is an overall maximum of 100 patterns. They  are
                 applied to each line in the order in which they  are  defined                 applied  to  each line in the order in which they are defined
                  until one matches (or fails to match if -v is used). If -f is                   until one matches (or fails to match if -v is used). If -f is
                 used with -e, the command line patterns  are  matched  first,                 used  with  -e,  the command line patterns are matched first,
                 followed  by  the  patterns from the file, independent of the                 followed by the patterns from the file,  independent  of  the
                 order in which these options are specified. Note that  multi-                 order  in which these options are specified. Note that multi-
                  ple use of -e is not the same as a single pattern with alter-                   ple use of -e is not the same as a single pattern with alter-
                  natives. For example, X|Y finds the first character in a line                   natives. For example, X|Y finds the first character in a line
                 that  is  X or Y, whereas if the two patterns are given sepa-                 that is X or Y, whereas if the two patterns are  given  sepa-
                  rately, pcregrep finds X if it is present, even if it follows                   rately, pcregrep finds X if it is present, even if it follows
                 Y  in the line. It finds Y only if there is no X in the line.                 Y in the line. It finds Y only if there is no X in the  line.
                 This really matters only if you are  using  -o  to  show  the                 This  really  matters  only  if  you are using -o to show the
                  part(s) of the line that matched.                   part(s) of the line that matched.
        --exclude=pattern         --exclude=pattern
                  When pcregrep is searching the files in a directory as a con-                   When pcregrep is searching the files in a directory as a con-
                 sequence of the -r (recursive  search)  option,  any  regular                 sequence  of  the  -r  (recursive search) option, any regular
                  files whose names match the pattern are excluded. Subdirecto-                   files whose names match the pattern are excluded. Subdirecto-
                 ries are not excluded  by  this  option;  they  are  searched                 ries  are  not  excluded  by  this  option; they are searched
                 recursively,  subject  to the --exclude-dir and --include_dir                 recursively, subject to the --exclude-dir  and  --include_dir
                 options. The pattern is a PCRE  regular  expression,  and  is                 options.  The  pattern  is  a PCRE regular expression, and is
                  matched against the final component of the file name (not the                   matched against the final component of the file name (not the
                 entire path). If a  file  name  matches  both  --include  and                 entire  path).  If  a  file  name  matches both --include and
                 --exclude,  it  is excluded.  There is no short form for this                 --exclude, it is excluded.  There is no short form  for  this
                  option.                   option.
        --exclude-dir=pattern         --exclude-dir=pattern
                 When pcregrep is searching the contents of a directory  as  a                 When  pcregrep  is searching the contents of a directory as a
                 consequence  of  the -r (recursive search) option, any subdi-                 consequence of the -r (recursive search) option,  any  subdi-
                 rectories whose names match the pattern are  excluded.  (Note                 rectories  whose  names match the pattern are excluded. (Note
                 that  the  --exclude  option does not affect subdirectories.)                 that the --exclude option does  not  affect  subdirectories.)
                 The pattern is a PCRE  regular  expression,  and  is  matched                 The  pattern  is  a  PCRE  regular expression, and is matched
                 against  the  final  component  of  the  name (not the entire                 against the final component  of  the  name  (not  the  entire
                 path). If a subdirectory name matches both --include-dir  and                 path).  If a subdirectory name matches both --include-dir and
                 --exclude-dir,  it  is  excluded.  There is no short form for                 --exclude-dir, it is excluded. There is  no  short  form  for
                  this option.                   this option.
        -F, --fixed-strings         -F, --fixed-strings
                 Interpret each pattern as a list of fixed strings,  separated                 Interpret  each pattern as a list of fixed strings, separated
                 by  newlines,  instead  of  as  a  regular expression. The -w                 by newlines, instead of  as  a  regular  expression.  The  -w
                 (match as a word) and -x (match whole line)  options  can  be                 (match  as  a  word) and -x (match whole line) options can be
                  used with -F. They apply to each of the fixed strings. A line                   used with -F. They apply to each of the fixed strings. A line
                  is selected if any of the fixed strings are found in it (sub-                   is selected if any of the fixed strings are found in it (sub-
                  ject to -w or -x, if present).                   ject to -w or -x, if present).
        -f filename, --file=filename         -f filename, --file=filename
                 Read  a  number  of patterns from the file, one per line, and                 Read a number of patterns from the file, one  per  line,  and
                 match them against each line of input. A data line is  output                 match  them against each line of input. A data line is output
                  if any of the patterns match it. The filename can be given as                   if any of the patterns match it. The filename can be given as
                  "-" to refer to the standard input. When -f is used, patterns                   "-" to refer to the standard input. When -f is used, patterns
                 specified  on  the command line using -e may also be present;                 specified on the command line using -e may also  be  present;
                  they are tested before the file's patterns. However, no other                   they are tested before the file's patterns. However, no other
                 pattern  is  taken  from  the command line; all arguments are                 pattern is taken from the command  line;  all  arguments  are
                 treated as file names. There is an  overall  maximum  of  100                 treated  as  the  names  of paths to be searched. There is an
                 patterns. Trailing white space is removed from each line, and                 overall maximum of 100  patterns.  Trailing  white  space  is
                 blank lines are ignored. An empty file contains  no  patterns                 removed from each line, and blank lines are ignored. An empty
                 and  therefore  matches  nothing. See also the comments about                 file contains no patterns and therefore matches nothing.  See
                 multiple patterns versus a single pattern  with  alternatives                 also  the  comments  about  multiple patterns versus a single
                 in the description of -e above.                 pattern with alternatives in the description of -e above.
                    Read a list of files to be searched from the given file,  one
                    per line. Trailing white space is removed from each line, and
                    blank lines are ignored. These files are searched before  any
                    others  that  may be listed on the command line. The filename
                    can be given as "-" to refer to the standard input. If --file
                    and  --file-list are both specified as "-", patterns are read
                    first. This is useful only when the standard input is a  ter-
                    minal,  from  which  further lines (the list of files) can be
                    read after an end-of-file indication.
        --file-offsets         --file-offsets
                 Instead  of  showing lines or parts of lines that match, show                 Instead of showing lines or parts of lines that  match,  show
                 each match as an offset from the start  of  the  file  and  a                 each  match  as  an  offset  from the start of the file and a
                 length,  separated  by  a  comma. In this mode, no context is                 length, separated by a comma. In this  mode,  no  context  is
                 shown. That is, the -A, -B, and -C options  are  ignored.  If                 shown.  That  is,  the -A, -B, and -C options are ignored. If
                  there is more than one match in a line, each of them is shown                   there is more than one match in a line, each of them is shown
                 separately. This option is mutually  exclusive  with  --line-                 separately.  This  option  is mutually exclusive with --line-
                  offsets and --only-matching.                   offsets and --only-matching.
        -H, --with-filename         -H, --with-filename
                 Force  the  inclusion  of the filename at the start of output                 Force the inclusion of the filename at the  start  of  output
                 lines when searching a single file. By default, the  filename                 lines  when searching a single file. By default, the filename
                 is  not  shown in this case. For matching lines, the filename                 is not shown in this case. For matching lines,  the  filename
                  is followed by a colon; for context lines, a hyphen separator                   is followed by a colon; for context lines, a hyphen separator
                 is  used.  If  a line number is also being output, it follows                 is used. If a line number is also being  output,  it  follows
                  the file name.                   the file name.
        -h, --no-filename         -h, --no-filename
                 Suppress the output filenames when searching multiple  files.                 Suppress  the output filenames when searching multiple files.
                 By  default,  filenames  are  shown  when  multiple files are                 By default, filenames  are  shown  when  multiple  files  are
                 searched. For matching lines, the filename is followed  by  a                 searched.  For  matching lines, the filename is followed by a
                 colon;  for  context lines, a hyphen separator is used.  If a                 colon; for context lines, a hyphen separator is used.   If  a
                  line number is also being output, it follows the file name.                   line number is also being output, it follows the file name.
       --help    Output a help message, giving brief details  of  the  command       --help    Output  a  help  message, giving brief details of the command
                  options and file type support, and then exit.                   options and file type support, and then exit.
          -I        Treat binary files as never matching. This is  equivalent  to
        -i, --ignore-case         -i, --ignore-case
                  Ignore upper/lower case distinctions during comparisons.                   Ignore upper/lower case distinctions during comparisons.
Line 540  NEWLINES Line 580  NEWLINES
        Many  of the short and long forms of pcregrep's options are the same as         Many  of the short and long forms of pcregrep's options are the same as
       in the GNU grep program (version 2.5.4). Any long option  of  the  form       in the GNU grep program. Any long option of the form --xxx-regexp  (GNU
       --xxx-regexp  (GNU  terminology) is also available as --xxx-regex (PCRE       terminology)  is also available as --xxx-regex (PCRE terminology). How-
       terminology). However, the --file-offsets,  --include-dir,  --line-off-       ever, the --file-list, --file-offsets,  --include-dir,  --line-offsets,
       sets, --locale, --match-limit, -M, --multiline, -N, --newline, --recur-       --locale,  --match-limit,  -M, --multiline, -N, --newline, --recursion-
       sion-limit, -u, and --utf-8 options are specific to pcregrep, as is the       limit, -u, and --utf-8 options are specific to pcregrep, as is the  use
       use of the --only-matching option with a capturing parentheses number.       of the --only-matching option with a capturing parentheses number.
        Although  most  of the common options work the same way, a few are dif-         Although  most  of the common options work the same way, a few are dif-
        ferent in pcregrep. For example, the --include option's argument  is  a         ferent in pcregrep. For example, the --include option's argument  is  a
Line 626  AUTHOR Line 666  AUTHOR
       Last updated: 06 September 2011       Last updated: 04 March 2012
       Copyright (c) 1997-2011 University of Cambridge.       Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge.

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