Diff for /embedaddon/pcre/doc/pcrepattern.3 between versions and

version, 2012/02/21 23:50:25 version, 2014/06/15 19:46:05
Line 1 Line 1
.TH PCREPATTERN 3.TH PCREPATTERN 3 "03 December 2013" "PCRE 8.34"
 PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions  PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
Line 20  have copious examples. Jeffrey Friedl's "Mastering Reg Line 20  have copious examples. Jeffrey Friedl's "Mastering Reg
 published by O'Reilly, covers regular expressions in great detail. This  published by O'Reilly, covers regular expressions in great detail. This
 description of PCRE's regular expressions is intended as reference material.  description of PCRE's regular expressions is intended as reference material.
 .P  .P
   This document discusses the patterns that are supported by PCRE when one its
   main matching functions, \fBpcre_exec()\fP (8-bit) or \fBpcre[16|32]_exec()\fP
   (16- or 32-bit), is used. PCRE also has alternative matching functions,
   \fBpcre_dfa_exec()\fP and \fBpcre[16|32_dfa_exec()\fP, which match using a
   different algorithm that is not Perl-compatible. Some of the features discussed
   below are not available when DFA matching is used. The advantages and
   disadvantages of the alternative functions, and how they differ from the normal
   functions, are discussed in the
   .\" HREF
   A number of options that can be passed to \fBpcre_compile()\fP can also be set
   by special items at the start of a pattern. These are not Perl-compatible, but
   are provided to make these options accessible to pattern writers who are not
   able to change the program that processes the pattern. Any number of these
   items may appear, but they must all be together right at the start of the
   pattern string, and the letters must be in upper case.
   .SS "UTF support"
 The original operation of PCRE was on strings of one-byte characters. However,  The original operation of PCRE was on strings of one-byte characters. However,
there is now also support for UTF-8 strings in the original library, and athere is now also support for UTF-8 strings in the original library, an
second library that supports 16-bit and UTF-16 character strings. To use theseextra library that supports 16-bit and UTF-16 character strings, and a
 third library that supports 32-bit and UTF-32 character strings. To use these
 features, PCRE must be built to include appropriate support. When using UTF  features, PCRE must be built to include appropriate support. When using UTF
strings you must either call the compiling function with the PCRE_UTF8 orstrings you must either call the compiling function with the PCRE_UTF8,
PCRE_UTF16 option, or the pattern must start with one of these specialPCRE_UTF16, or PCRE_UTF32 option, or the pattern must start with one of
sequences:these special sequences:
 .sp  .sp
   (*UTF8)    (*UTF8)
   (*UTF16)    (*UTF16)
 .sp  .sp
   (*UTF) is a generic sequence that can be used with any of the libraries.
 Starting a pattern with such a sequence is equivalent to setting the relevant  Starting a pattern with such a sequence is equivalent to setting the relevant
option. This feature is not Perl-compatible. How setting a UTF mode affectsoption. How setting a UTF mode affects pattern matching is mentioned in several
pattern matching is mentioned in several places below. There is also a summaryplaces below. There is also a summary of features in the
of features in the 
 .\" HREF  .\" HREF
 \fBpcreunicode\fP  \fBpcreunicode\fP
 .\"  .\"
 page.  page.
 .P  .P
Another special sequence that may appear at the start of a pattern or inSome applications that allow their users to supply patterns may wish to
combination with (*UTF8) or (*UTF16) is:restrict them to non-UTF data for security reasons. If the PCRE_NEVER_UTF
 option is set at compile time, (*UTF) etc. are not allowed, and their
 appearance causes an error.
 .SS "Unicode property support"
 .sp  .sp
  (*UCP)Another special sequence that may appear at the start of a pattern is (*UCP).
 This has the same effect as setting the PCRE_UCP option: it causes sequences  This has the same effect as setting the PCRE_UCP option: it causes sequences
 such as \ed and \ew to use Unicode properties to determine character types,  such as \ed and \ew to use Unicode properties to determine character types,
 instead of recognizing only characters with codes less than 128 via a lookup  instead of recognizing only characters with codes less than 128 via a lookup
 table.  table.
 .SS "Disabling auto-possessification"
 If a pattern starts with (*NO_AUTO_POSSESS), it has the same effect as setting
 the PCRE_NO_AUTO_POSSESS option at compile time. This stops PCRE from making
 quantifiers possessive when what follows cannot match the repeated item. For
 example, by default a+b is treated as a++b. For more details, see the
 .\" HREF
 .SS "Disabling start-up optimizations"
 If a pattern starts with (*NO_START_OPT), it has the same effect as setting the  If a pattern starts with (*NO_START_OPT), it has the same effect as setting the
PCRE_NO_START_OPTIMIZE option either at compile or matching time. There arePCRE_NO_START_OPTIMIZE option either at compile or matching time. This disables
also some more of these special sequences that are concerned with the handlingseveral optimizations for quickly reaching "no match" results. For more
of newlines; they are described below.details, see the
The remainder of this document discusses the patterns that are supported by 
PCRE when one its main matching functions, \fBpcre_exec()\fP (8-bit) or 
\fBpcre16_exec()\fP (16-bit), is used. PCRE also has alternative matching 
functions, \fBpcre_dfa_exec()\fP and \fBpcre16_dfa_exec()\fP, which match using 
a different algorithm that is not Perl-compatible. Some of the features 
discussed below are not available when DFA matching is used. The advantages and 
disadvantages of the alternative functions, and how they differ from the normal 
functions, are discussed in the 
 .\" HREF  .\" HREF
 .\"  .\"
 .  .
 .  .
 .\" HTML <a name="newlines"></a>  .\" HTML <a name="newlines"></a>
.SH "NEWLINE CONVENTIONS".SS "Newline conventions"
 .rs  .rs
 .sp  .sp
 PCRE supports five different conventions for indicating line breaks in  PCRE supports five different conventions for indicating line breaks in
Line 103  example, on a Unix system where LF is the default newl Line 147  example, on a Unix system where LF is the default newl
   (*CR)a.b    (*CR)a.b
 .sp  .sp
 changes the convention to CR. That pattern matches "a\enb" because LF is no  changes the convention to CR. That pattern matches "a\enb" because LF is no
longer a newline. Note that these special settings, which are notlonger a newline. If more than one of these settings is present, the last one
Perl-compatible, are recognized only at the very start of a pattern, and that 
they must be in upper case. If more than one of them is present, the last one 
 is used.  is used.
 .P  .P
The newline convention affects the interpretation of the dot metacharacter whenThe newline convention affects where the circumflex and dollar assertions are
PCRE_DOTALL is not set, and also the behaviour of \eN. However, it does nottrue. It also affects the interpretation of the dot metacharacter when
affect what the \eR escape sequence matches. By default, this is any UnicodePCRE_DOTALL is not set, and the behaviour of \eN. However, it does not affect
newline sequence, for Perl compatibility. However, this can be changed; see thewhat the \eR escape sequence matches. By default, this is any Unicode newline
 sequence, for Perl compatibility. However, this can be changed; see the
 description of \eR in the section entitled  description of \eR in the section entitled
 .\" HTML <a href="#newlineseq">  .\" HTML <a href="#newlineseq">
 .\" </a>  .\" </a>
Line 121  below. A change of \eR setting can be combined with a  Line 164  below. A change of \eR setting can be combined with a 
 convention.  convention.
 .  .
 .  .
   .SS "Setting match and recursion limits"
   The caller of \fBpcre_exec()\fP can set a limit on the number of times the
   internal \fBmatch()\fP function is called and on the maximum depth of
   recursive calls. These facilities are provided to catch runaway matches that
   are provoked by patterns with huge matching trees (a typical example is a
   pattern with nested unlimited repeats) and to avoid running out of system stack
   by too much recursion. When one of these limits is reached, \fBpcre_exec()\fP
   gives an error return. The limits can also be set by items at the start of the
   pattern of the form
   where d is any number of decimal digits. However, the value of the setting must
   be less than the value set (or defaulted) by the caller of \fBpcre_exec()\fP
   for it to have any effect. In other words, the pattern writer can lower the
   limits set by the programmer, but not raise them. If there is more than one
   setting of one of these limits, the lower value is used.
   PCRE can be compiled to run in an environment that uses EBCDIC as its character
   code rather than ASCII or Unicode (typically a mainframe system). In the
   sections below, character code values are ASCII or Unicode; in an EBCDIC
   environment these characters may have different code values, and there are no
   code points greater than 255.
 .rs  .rs
 .sp  .sp
Line 198  In a UTF mode, only ASCII numbers and letters have any Line 273  In a UTF mode, only ASCII numbers and letters have any
 backslash. All other characters (in particular, those whose codepoints are  backslash. All other characters (in particular, those whose codepoints are
 greater than 127) are treated as literals.  greater than 127) are treated as literals.
 .P  .P
If a pattern is compiled with the PCRE_EXTENDED option, whitespace in theIf a pattern is compiled with the PCRE_EXTENDED option, most white space in the
pattern (other than in a character class) and characters between a # outsidepattern (other than in a character class), and characters between a # outside a
a character class and the next newline are ignored. An escaping backslash cancharacter class and the next newline, inclusive, are ignored. An escaping
be used to include a whitespace or # character as part of the pattern.backslash can be used to include a white space or # character as part of the
 .P  .P
 If you want to remove the special meaning from a sequence of characters, you  If you want to remove the special meaning from a sequence of characters, you
 can do so by putting them between \eQ and \eE. This is different from Perl in  can do so by putting them between \eQ and \eE. This is different from Perl in
Line 237  one of the following escape sequences than the binary  Line 313  one of the following escape sequences than the binary 
   \ea        alarm, that is, the BEL character (hex 07)    \ea        alarm, that is, the BEL character (hex 07)
   \ecx       "control-x", where x is any ASCII character    \ecx       "control-x", where x is any ASCII character
   \ee        escape (hex 1B)    \ee        escape (hex 1B)
  \ef        formfeed (hex 0C)  \ef        form feed (hex 0C)
   \en        linefeed (hex 0A)    \en        linefeed (hex 0A)
   \er        carriage return (hex 0D)    \er        carriage return (hex 0D)
   \et        tab (hex 09)    \et        tab (hex 09)
     \e0dd      character with octal code 0dd
   \eddd      character with octal code ddd, or back reference    \eddd      character with octal code ddd, or back reference
     \eo{ddd..} character with octal code ddd..
   \exhh      character with hex code hh    \exhh      character with hex code hh
   \ex{hhh..} character with hex code hhh.. (non-JavaScript mode)    \ex{hhh..} character with hex code hhh.. (non-JavaScript mode)
   \euhhhh    character with hex code hhhh (JavaScript mode only)    \euhhhh    character with hex code hhhh (JavaScript mode only)
 .sp  .sp
The precise effect of \ecx is as follows: if x is a lower case letter, itThe precise effect of \ecx on ASCII characters is as follows: if x is a lower
is converted to upper case. Then bit 6 of the character (hex 40) is inverted.case letter, it is converted to upper case. Then bit 6 of the character (hex
Thus \ecz becomes hex 1A (z is 7A), but \ec{ becomes hex 3B ({ is 7B), while40) is inverted. Thus \ecA to \ecZ become hex 01 to hex 1A (A is 41, Z is 5A),
\ec; becomes hex 7B (; is 3B). If the byte following \ec has a value greaterbut \ec{ becomes hex 3B ({ is 7B), and \ec; becomes hex 7B (; is 3B). If the
than 127, a compile-time error occurs. This locks out non-ASCII characters indata item (byte or 16-bit value) following \ec has a value greater than 127, a
all modes. (When PCRE is compiled in EBCDIC mode, all byte values are valid. Acompile-time error occurs. This locks out non-ASCII characters in all modes.
lower case letter is converted to upper case, and then the 0xc0 bits are 
 .P  .P
By default, after \ex, from zero to two hexadecimal digits are read (lettersThe \ec facility was designed for use with ASCII characters, but with the
can be in upper or lower case). Any number of hexadecimal digits may appearextension to Unicode it is even less useful than it once was. It is, however,
between \ex{ and }, but the character code is constrained as follows:recognized when PCRE is compiled in EBCDIC mode, where data items are always
.spbytes. In this mode, all values are valid after \ec. If the next character is a
  8-bit non-UTF mode    less than 0x100lower case letter, it is converted to upper case. Then the 0xc0 bits of the
  8-bit UTF-8 mode      less than 0x10ffff and a valid codepointbyte are inverted. Thus \ecA becomes hex 01, as in ASCII (A is C1), but because
  16-bit non-UTF mode   less than 0x10000the EBCDIC letters are disjoint, \ecZ becomes hex 29 (Z is E9), and other
  16-bit UTF-16 mode    less than 0x10ffff and a valid codepointcharacters also generate different values.
Invalid Unicode codepoints are the range 0xd800 to 0xdfff (the so-called 
"surrogate" codepoints). 
 .P  .P
 If characters other than hexadecimal digits appear between \ex{ and }, or if  
 there is no terminating }, this form of escape is not recognized. Instead, the  
 initial \ex will be interpreted as a basic hexadecimal escape, with no  
 following digits, giving a character whose value is zero.  
 If the PCRE_JAVASCRIPT_COMPAT option is set, the interpretation of \ex is  
 as just described only when it is followed by two hexadecimal digits.  
 Otherwise, it matches a literal "x" character. In JavaScript mode, support for  
 code points greater than 256 is provided by \eu, which must be followed by  
 four hexadecimal digits; otherwise it matches a literal "u" character.  
 Characters whose value is less than 256 can be defined by either of the two  
 syntaxes for \ex (or by \eu in JavaScript mode). There is no difference in the  
 way they are handled. For example, \exdc is exactly the same as \ex{dc} (or  
 \eu00dc in JavaScript mode).  
 After \e0 up to two further octal digits are read. If there are fewer than two  After \e0 up to two further octal digits are read. If there are fewer than two
 digits, just those that are present are used. Thus the sequence \e0\ex\e07  digits, just those that are present are used. Thus the sequence \e0\ex\e07
 specifies two binary zeros followed by a BEL character (code value 7). Make  specifies two binary zeros followed by a BEL character (code value 7). Make
 sure you supply two digits after the initial zero if the pattern character that  sure you supply two digits after the initial zero if the pattern character that
 follows is itself an octal digit.  follows is itself an octal digit.
 .P  .P
The handling of a backslash followed by a digit other than 0 is complicated.The escape \eo must be followed by a sequence of octal digits, enclosed in
Outside a character class, PCRE reads it and any following digits as a decimalbraces. An error occurs if this is not the case. This escape is a recent
number. If the number is less than 10, or if there have been at least that manyaddition to Perl; it provides way of specifying character code points as octal
 numbers greater than 0777, and it also allows octal numbers and back references
 to be unambiguously specified.
 For greater clarity and unambiguity, it is best to avoid following \e by a
 digit greater than zero. Instead, use \eo{} or \ex{} to specify character
 numbers, and \eg{} to specify back references. The following paragraphs
 describe the old, ambiguous syntax.
 The handling of a backslash followed by a digit other than 0 is complicated,
 and Perl has changed in recent releases, causing PCRE also to change. Outside a
 character class, PCRE reads the digit and any following digits as a decimal
 number. If the number is less than 8, or if there have been at least that many
 previous capturing left parentheses in the expression, the entire sequence is  previous capturing left parentheses in the expression, the entire sequence is
 taken as a \fIback reference\fP. A description of how this works is given  taken as a \fIback reference\fP. A description of how this works is given
 .\" HTML <a href="#backreferences">  .\" HTML <a href="#backreferences">
Line 304  following the discussion of Line 373  following the discussion of
 parenthesized subpatterns.  parenthesized subpatterns.
 .\"  .\"
 .P  .P
Inside a character class, or if the decimal number is greater than 9 and thereInside a character class, or if the decimal number following \e is greater than
have not been that many capturing subpatterns, PCRE re-reads up to three octal7 and there have not been that many capturing subpatterns, PCRE handles \e8 and
digits following the backslash, and uses them to generate a data character. Any\e9 as the literal characters "8" and "9", and otherwise re-reads up to three
subsequent digits stand for themselves. The value of the character isoctal digits following the backslash, using them to generate a data character.
constrained in the same way as characters specified in hexadecimal.Any subsequent digits stand for themselves. For example:
For example: 
 .sp  .sp
  \e040   is another way of writing a space  \e040   is another way of writing an ASCII space
 .\" JOIN  .\" JOIN
   \e40    is the same, provided there are fewer than 40    \e40    is the same, provided there are fewer than 40
             previous capturing subpatterns              previous capturing subpatterns
Line 328  For example: Line 396  For example:
   \e377   might be a back reference, otherwise    \e377   might be a back reference, otherwise
             the value 255 (decimal)              the value 255 (decimal)
 .\" JOIN  .\" JOIN
  \e81    is either a back reference, or a binary zero  \e81    is either a back reference, or the two
            followed by the two characters "8" and "1"            characters "8" and "1"
 .sp  .sp
Note that octal values of 100 or greater must not be introduced by a leadingNote that octal values of 100 or greater that are specified using this syntax
zero, because no more than three octal digits are ever read.must not be introduced by a leading zero, because no more than three octal
 digits are ever read.
 .P  .P
   By default, after \ex that is not followed by {, from zero to two hexadecimal
   digits are read (letters can be in upper or lower case). Any number of
   hexadecimal digits may appear between \ex{ and }. If a character other than
   a hexadecimal digit appears between \ex{ and }, or if there is no terminating
   }, an error occurs.
   If the PCRE_JAVASCRIPT_COMPAT option is set, the interpretation of \ex is
   as just described only when it is followed by two hexadecimal digits.
   Otherwise, it matches a literal "x" character. In JavaScript mode, support for
   code points greater than 256 is provided by \eu, which must be followed by
   four hexadecimal digits; otherwise it matches a literal "u" character.
   Characters whose value is less than 256 can be defined by either of the two
   syntaxes for \ex (or by \eu in JavaScript mode). There is no difference in the
   way they are handled. For example, \exdc is exactly the same as \ex{dc} (or
   \eu00dc in JavaScript mode).
   .SS "Constraints on character values"
   Characters that are specified using octal or hexadecimal numbers are
   limited to certain values, as follows:
     8-bit non-UTF mode    less than 0x100
     8-bit UTF-8 mode      less than 0x10ffff and a valid codepoint
     16-bit non-UTF mode   less than 0x10000
     16-bit UTF-16 mode    less than 0x10ffff and a valid codepoint
     32-bit non-UTF mode   less than 0x100000000
     32-bit UTF-32 mode    less than 0x10ffff and a valid codepoint
   Invalid Unicode codepoints are the range 0xd800 to 0xdfff (the so-called
   "surrogate" codepoints), and 0xffef.
   .SS "Escape sequences in character classes"
 All the sequences that define a single character value can be used both inside  All the sequences that define a single character value can be used both inside
 and outside character classes. In addition, inside a character class, \eb is  and outside character classes. In addition, inside a character class, \eb is
 interpreted as the backspace character (hex 08).  interpreted as the backspace character (hex 08).
Line 399  Another use of backslash is for specifying generic cha Line 506  Another use of backslash is for specifying generic cha
 .sp  .sp
   \ed     any decimal digit    \ed     any decimal digit
   \eD     any character that is not a decimal digit    \eD     any character that is not a decimal digit
  \eh     any horizontal whitespace character  \eh     any horizontal white space character
  \eH     any character that is not a horizontal whitespace character  \eH     any character that is not a horizontal white space character
  \es     any whitespace character  \es     any white space character
  \eS     any character that is not a whitespace character  \eS     any character that is not a white space character
  \ev     any vertical whitespace character  \ev     any vertical white space character
  \eV     any character that is not a vertical whitespace character  \eV     any character that is not a vertical white space character
   \ew     any "word" character    \ew     any "word" character
   \eW     any "non-word" character    \eW     any "non-word" character
 .sp  .sp
Line 424  classes. They each match one character of the appropri Line 531  classes. They each match one character of the appropri
 matching point is at the end of the subject string, all of them fail, because  matching point is at the end of the subject string, all of them fail, because
 there is no character to match.  there is no character to match.
 .P  .P
For compatibility with Perl, \es does not match the VT character (code 11).For compatibility with Perl, \es did not used to match the VT character (code
This makes it different from the the POSIX "space" class. The \es characters11), which made it different from the the POSIX "space" class. However, Perl
are HT (9), LF (10), FF (12), CR (13), and space (32). If "use locale;" isadded VT at release 5.18, and PCRE followed suit at release 8.34. The default
included in a Perl script, \es may match the VT character. In PCRE, it never\es characters are now HT (9), LF (10), VT (11), FF (12), CR (13), and space
does.(32), which are defined as white space in the "C" locale. This list may vary if
 locale-specific matching is taking place. For example, in some locales the
 "non-breaking space" character (\exA0) is recognized as white space, and in
 others the VT character is not.
 .P  .P
 A "word" character is an underscore or any character that is a letter or digit.  A "word" character is an underscore or any character that is a letter or digit.
 By default, the definition of letters and digits is controlled by PCRE's  By default, the definition of letters and digits is controlled by PCRE's
Line 443  in the Line 553  in the
 \fBpcreapi\fP  \fBpcreapi\fP
 .\"  .\"
 page). For example, in a French locale such as "fr_FR" in Unix-like systems,  page). For example, in a French locale such as "fr_FR" in Unix-like systems,
or "french" in Windows, some character codes greater than 128 are used foror "french" in Windows, some character codes greater than 127 are used for
 accented letters, and these are then matched by \ew. The use of locales with  accented letters, and these are then matched by \ew. The use of locales with
 Unicode is discouraged.  Unicode is discouraged.
 .P  .P
By default, in a UTF mode, characters with values greater than 128 never matchBy default, characters whose code points are greater than 127 never match \ed,
\ed, \es, or \ew, and always match \eD, \eS, and \eW. These sequences retain\es, or \ew, and always match \eD, \eS, and \eW, although this may vary for
their original meanings from before UTF support was available, mainly forcharacters in the range 128-255 when locale-specific matching is happening.
efficiency reasons. However, if PCRE is compiled with Unicode property support,These escape sequences retain their original meanings from before Unicode
and the PCRE_UCP option is set, the behaviour is changed so that Unicodesupport was available, mainly for efficiency reasons. If PCRE is compiled with
properties are used to determine character types, as follows:Unicode property support, and the PCRE_UCP option is set, the behaviour is
 changed so that Unicode properties are used to determine character types, as
 .sp  .sp
  \ed  any character that \ep{Nd} matches (decimal digit)  \ed  any character that matches \ep{Nd} (decimal digit)
  \es  any character that \ep{Z} matches, plus HT, LF, FF, CR  \es  any character that matches \ep{Z} or \eh or \ev
  \ew  any character that \ep{L} or \ep{N} matches, plus underscore  \ew  any character that matches \ep{L} or \ep{N}, plus underscore
 .sp  .sp
 The upper case escapes match the inverse sets of characters. Note that \ed  The upper case escapes match the inverse sets of characters. Note that \ed
 matches only decimal digits, whereas \ew matches any Unicode digit, as well as  matches only decimal digits, whereas \ew matches any Unicode digit, as well as
Line 466  is noticeably slower when PCRE_UCP is set. Line 578  is noticeably slower when PCRE_UCP is set.
 .P  .P
 The sequences \eh, \eH, \ev, and \eV are features that were added to Perl at  The sequences \eh, \eH, \ev, and \eV are features that were added to Perl at
 release 5.10. In contrast to the other sequences, which match only ASCII  release 5.10. In contrast to the other sequences, which match only ASCII
characters by default, these always match certain high-valued codepoints,characters by default, these always match certain high-valued code points,
 whether or not PCRE_UCP is set. The horizontal space characters are:  whether or not PCRE_UCP is set. The horizontal space characters are:
 .sp  .sp
  U+0009     Horizontal tab  U+0009     Horizontal tab (HT)
   U+0020     Space    U+0020     Space
   U+00A0     Non-break space    U+00A0     Non-break space
   U+1680     Ogham space mark    U+1680     Ogham space mark
Line 491  whether or not PCRE_UCP is set. The horizontal space c Line 603  whether or not PCRE_UCP is set. The horizontal space c
 .sp  .sp
 The vertical space characters are:  The vertical space characters are:
 .sp  .sp
  U+000A     Linefeed  U+000A     Linefeed (LF)
  U+000B     Vertical tab  U+000B     Vertical tab (VT)
  U+000C     Formfeed  U+000C     Form feed (FF)
  U+000D     Carriage return  U+000D     Carriage return (CR)
  U+0085     Next line  U+0085     Next line (NEL)
   U+2028     Line separator    U+2028     Line separator
   U+2029     Paragraph separator    U+2029     Paragraph separator
 .sp  .sp
Line 520  below. Line 632  below.
 .\"  .\"
 This particular group matches either the two-character sequence CR followed by  This particular group matches either the two-character sequence CR followed by
 LF, or one of the single characters LF (linefeed, U+000A), VT (vertical tab,  LF, or one of the single characters LF (linefeed, U+000A), VT (vertical tab,
U+000B), FF (formfeed, U+000C), CR (carriage return, U+000D), or NEL (nextU+000B), FF (form feed, U+000C), CR (carriage return, U+000D), or NEL (next
 line, U+0085). The two-character sequence is treated as a single unit that  line, U+0085). The two-character sequence is treated as a single unit that
 cannot be split.  cannot be split.
 .P  .P
Line 549  change of newline convention; for example, a pattern c Line 661  change of newline convention; for example, a pattern c
 .sp  .sp
 .sp  .sp
They can also be combined with the (*UTF8), (*UTF16), or (*UCP) specialThey can also be combined with the (*UTF8), (*UTF16), (*UTF32), (*UTF) or
sequences. Inside a character class, \eR is treated as an unrecognized escape(*UCP) special sequences. Inside a character class, \eR is treated as an
sequence, and so matches the letter "R" by default, but causes an error ifunrecognized escape sequence, and so matches the letter "R" by default, but
PCRE_EXTRA is set.causes an error if PCRE_EXTRA is set.
 .  .
 .  .
 .\" HTML <a name="uniextseq"></a>  .\" HTML <a name="uniextseq"></a>
Line 567  The extra escape sequences are: Line 679  The extra escape sequences are:
 .sp  .sp
   \ep{\fIxx\fP}   a character with the \fIxx\fP property    \ep{\fIxx\fP}   a character with the \fIxx\fP property
   \eP{\fIxx\fP}   a character without the \fIxx\fP property    \eP{\fIxx\fP}   a character without the \fIxx\fP property
  \eX       an extended Unicode sequence  \eX       a Unicode extended grapheme cluster
 .sp  .sp
 The property names represented by \fIxx\fP above are limited to the Unicode  The property names represented by \fIxx\fP above are limited to the Unicode
 script names, the general category properties, "Any", which matches any  script names, the general category properties, "Any", which matches any
Line 596  Armenian, Line 708  Armenian,
 Avestan,  Avestan,
 Balinese,  Balinese,
 Bamum,  Bamum,
 Bengali,  Bengali,
 Bopomofo,  Bopomofo,
 Braille,  Braille,
 Buginese,  Buginese,
 Buhid,  Buhid,
 Canadian_Aboriginal,  Canadian_Aboriginal,
 Carian,  Carian,
 Cham,  Cham,
 Cherokee,  Cherokee,
 Common,  Common,
Line 645  Lisu, Line 760  Lisu,
 Lycian,  Lycian,
 Lydian,  Lydian,
 Malayalam,  Malayalam,
 Meetei_Mayek,  Meetei_Mayek,
 Mongolian,  Mongolian,
 Myanmar,  Myanmar,
 New_Tai_Lue,  New_Tai_Lue,
Line 664  Rejang, Line 783  Rejang,
 Runic,  Runic,
 Samaritan,  Samaritan,
 Saurashtra,  Saurashtra,
 Shavian,  Shavian,
 Sinhala,  Sinhala,
 Sundanese,  Sundanese,
 Syloti_Nagri,  Syloti_Nagri,
 Syriac,  Syriac,
Line 674  Tagbanwa, Line 795  Tagbanwa,
 Tai_Le,  Tai_Le,
 Tai_Tham,  Tai_Tham,
 Tai_Viet,  Tai_Viet,
 Tamil,  Tamil,
 Telugu,  Telugu,
 Thaana,  Thaana,
Line 750  a modifier or "other". Line 872  a modifier or "other".
 The Cs (Surrogate) property applies only to characters in the range U+D800 to  The Cs (Surrogate) property applies only to characters in the range U+D800 to
 U+DFFF. Such characters are not valid in Unicode strings and so  U+DFFF. Such characters are not valid in Unicode strings and so
 cannot be tested by PCRE, unless UTF validity checking has been turned off  cannot be tested by PCRE, unless UTF validity checking has been turned off
(see the discussion of PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK and PCRE_NO_UTF16_CHECK in the(see the discussion of PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK, PCRE_NO_UTF16_CHECK and
 .\" HREF  .\" HREF
 \fBpcreapi\fP  \fBpcreapi\fP
 .\"  .\"
Line 765  Instead, this property is assumed for any code point t Line 888  Instead, this property is assumed for any code point t
 Unicode table.  Unicode table.
 .P  .P
 Specifying caseless matching does not affect these escape sequences. For  Specifying caseless matching does not affect these escape sequences. For
example, \ep{Lu} always matches only upper case letters.example, \ep{Lu} always matches only upper case letters. This is different from
 the behaviour of current versions of Perl.
 .P  .P
The \eX escape matches any number of Unicode characters that form an extendedMatching characters by Unicode property is not fast, because PCRE has to do a
Unicode sequence. \eX is equivalent tomultistage table lookup in order to find a character's property. That is why
 the traditional escape sequences such as \ed and \ew do not use Unicode
 properties in PCRE by default, though you can make them do so by setting the
 PCRE_UCP option or by starting the pattern with (*UCP).
 .SS Extended grapheme clusters
 .sp  .sp
  (?>\ePM\epM*)The \eX escape matches any number of Unicode characters that form an "extended
.spgrapheme cluster", and treats the sequence as an atomic group
That is, it matches a character without the "mark" property, followed by zero 
or more characters with the "mark" property, and treats the sequence as an 
atomic group 
 .\" HTML <a href="#atomicgroup">  .\" HTML <a href="#atomicgroup">
 .\" </a>  .\" </a>
 (see below).  (see below).
 .\"  .\"
Characters with the "mark" property are typically accents that affect theUp to and including release 8.31, PCRE matched an earlier, simpler definition
preceding character. None of them have codepoints less than 256, so inthat was equivalent to
8-bit non-UTF-8 mode \eX matches any one character..sp
 That is, it matched a character without the "mark" property, followed by zero
 or more characters with the "mark" property. Characters with the "mark"
 property are typically non-spacing accents that affect the preceding character.
 .P  .P
Note that recent versions of Perl have changed \eX to match what Unicode callsThis simple definition was extended in Unicode to include more complicated
an "extended grapheme cluster", which has a more complicated definition.kinds of composite character by giving each character a grapheme breaking
 property, and creating rules that use these properties to define the boundaries
 of extended grapheme clusters. In releases of PCRE later than 8.31, \eX matches
 one of these clusters.
 .P  .P
Matching characters by Unicode property is not fast, because PCRE has to search\eX always matches at least one character. Then it decides whether to add
a structure that contains data for over fifteen thousand characters. That isadditional characters according to the following rules for ending a cluster:
why the traditional escape sequences such as \ed and \ew do not use Unicode.P
properties in PCRE by default, though you can make them do so by setting the1. End at the end of the subject string.
PCRE_UCP option or by starting the pattern with (*UCP)..P
 2. Do not end between CR and LF; otherwise end after any control character.
 3. Do not break Hangul (a Korean script) syllable sequences. Hangul characters
 are of five types: L, V, T, LV, and LVT. An L character may be followed by an
 L, V, LV, or LVT character; an LV or V character may be followed by a V or T
 character; an LVT or T character may be follwed only by a T character.
 4. Do not end before extending characters or spacing marks. Characters with
 the "mark" property always have the "extend" grapheme breaking property.
 5. Do not end after prepend characters.
 6. Otherwise, end the cluster.
 .  .
 .  .
 .\" HTML <a name="extraprops"></a>  .\" HTML <a name="extraprops"></a>
 .SS PCRE's additional properties  .SS PCRE's additional properties
 .rs  .rs
 .sp  .sp
As well as the standard Unicode properties described in the previousAs well as the standard Unicode properties described above, PCRE supports four
section, PCRE supports four more that make it possible to convert traditionalmore that make it possible to convert traditional escape sequences such as \ew
escape sequences such as \ew and \es and POSIX character classes to use Unicodeand \es to use Unicode properties. PCRE uses these non-standard, non-Perl
properties. PCRE uses these non-standard, non-Perl properties internally whenproperties internally when PCRE_UCP is set. However, they may also be used
PCRE_UCP is set. They are:explicitly. These properties are:
 .sp  .sp
   Xan   Any alphanumeric character    Xan   Any alphanumeric character
   Xps   Any POSIX space character    Xps   Any POSIX space character
Line 809  PCRE_UCP is set. They are: Line 958  PCRE_UCP is set. They are:
   Xwd   Any Perl "word" character    Xwd   Any Perl "word" character
 .sp  .sp
 Xan matches characters that have either the L (letter) or the N (number)  Xan matches characters that have either the L (letter) or the N (number)
property. Xps matches the characters tab, linefeed, vertical tab, formfeed, orproperty. Xps matches the characters tab, linefeed, vertical tab, form feed, or
 carriage return, and any other character that has the Z (separator) property.  carriage return, and any other character that has the Z (separator) property.
Xsp is the same as Xps, except that vertical tab is excluded. Xwd matches theXsp is the same as Xps; it used to exclude vertical tab, for Perl
same characters as Xan, plus underscore.compatibility, but Perl changed, and so PCRE followed at release 8.34. Xwd
 matches the same characters as Xan, plus underscore.
 There is another non-standard property, Xuc, which matches any character that
 can be represented by a Universal Character Name in C++ and other programming
 languages. These are the characters $, @, ` (grave accent), and all characters
 with Unicode code points greater than or equal to U+00A0, except for the
 surrogates U+D800 to U+DFFF. Note that most base (ASCII) characters are
 excluded. (Universal Character Names are of the form \euHHHH or \eUHHHHHHHH
 where H is a hexadecimal digit. Note that the Xuc property does not match these
 sequences but the characters that they represent.)
 .  .
 .  .
 .\" HTML <a name="resetmatchstart"></a>  .\" HTML <a name="resetmatchstart"></a>
Line 918  regular expression. Line 1077  regular expression.
 .rs  .rs
 .sp  .sp
   The circumflex and dollar metacharacters are zero-width assertions. That is,
   they test for a particular condition being true without consuming any
   characters from the subject string.
 Outside a character class, in the default matching mode, the circumflex  Outside a character class, in the default matching mode, the circumflex
character is an assertion that is true only if the current matching point ischaracter is an assertion that is true only if the current matching point is at
at the start of the subject string. If the \fIstartoffset\fP argument ofthe start of the subject string. If the \fIstartoffset\fP argument of
 \fBpcre_exec()\fP is non-zero, circumflex can never match if the PCRE_MULTILINE  \fBpcre_exec()\fP is non-zero, circumflex can never match if the PCRE_MULTILINE
 option is unset. Inside a character class, circumflex has an entirely different  option is unset. Inside a character class, circumflex has an entirely different
 meaning  meaning
Line 937  constrained to match only at the start of the subject, Line 1100  constrained to match only at the start of the subject,
 "anchored" pattern. (There are also other constructs that can cause a pattern  "anchored" pattern. (There are also other constructs that can cause a pattern
 to be anchored.)  to be anchored.)
 .P  .P
A dollar character is an assertion that is true only if the current matchingThe dollar character is an assertion that is true only if the current matching
point is at the end of the subject string, or immediately before a newlinepoint is at the end of the subject string, or immediately before a newline at
at the end of the string (by default). Dollar need not be the last character ofthe end of the string (by default). Note, however, that it does not actually
the pattern if a number of alternatives are involved, but it should be the lastmatch the newline. Dollar need not be the last character of the pattern if a
item in any branch in which it appears. Dollar has no special meaning in anumber of alternatives are involved, but it should be the last item in any
character class.branch in which it appears. Dollar has no special meaning in a character class.
 .P  .P
 The meaning of dollar can be changed so that it matches only at the very end of  The meaning of dollar can be changed so that it matches only at the very end of
 the string, by setting the PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY option at compile time. This  the string, by setting the PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY option at compile time. This
Line 1003  name; PCRE does not support this. Line 1166  name; PCRE does not support this.
 .sp  .sp
 Outside a character class, the escape sequence \eC matches any one data unit,  Outside a character class, the escape sequence \eC matches any one data unit,
 whether or not a UTF mode is set. In the 8-bit library, one data unit is one  whether or not a UTF mode is set. In the 8-bit library, one data unit is one
byte; in the 16-bit library it is a 16-bit unit. Unlike a dot, \eC alwaysbyte; in the 16-bit library it is a 16-bit unit; in the 32-bit library it is
 a 32-bit unit. Unlike a dot, \eC always
 matches line-ending characters. The feature is provided in Perl in order to  matches line-ending characters. The feature is provided in Perl in order to
 match individual bytes in UTF-8 mode, but it is unclear how it can usefully be  match individual bytes in UTF-8 mode, but it is unclear how it can usefully be
 used. Because \eC breaks up characters into individual data units, matching one  used. Because \eC breaks up characters into individual data units, matching one
 unit with \eC in a UTF mode means that the rest of the string may start with a  unit with \eC in a UTF mode means that the rest of the string may start with a
 malformed UTF character. This has undefined results, because PCRE assumes that  malformed UTF character. This has undefined results, because PCRE assumes that
 it is dealing with valid UTF strings (and by default it checks this at the  it is dealing with valid UTF strings (and by default it checks this at the
start of processing unless the PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK option is used).start of processing unless the PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK, PCRE_NO_UTF16_CHECK or
 PCRE_NO_UTF32_CHECK option is used).
 .P  .P
 PCRE does not allow \eC to appear in lookbehind assertions  PCRE does not allow \eC to appear in lookbehind assertions
 .\" HTML <a href="#lookbehind">  .\" HTML <a href="#lookbehind">
Line 1069  circumflex is not an assertion; it still consumes a ch Line 1234  circumflex is not an assertion; it still consumes a ch
 string, and therefore it fails if the current pointer is at the end of the  string, and therefore it fails if the current pointer is at the end of the
 string.  string.
 .P  .P
In UTF-8 (UTF-16) mode, characters with values greater than 255 (0xffff) can beIn UTF-8 (UTF-16, UTF-32) mode, characters with values greater than 255 (0xffff)
included in a class as a literal string of data units, or by using the \ex{can be included in a class as a literal string of data units, or by using the
escaping mechanism.\ex{ escaping mechanism.
 .P  .P
 When caseless matching is set, any letters in a class represent both their  When caseless matching is set, any letters in a class represent both their
 upper case and lower case versions, so for example, a caseless [aeiou] matches  upper case and lower case versions, so for example, a caseless [aeiou] matches
Line 1093  The minus (hyphen) character can be used to specify a  Line 1258  The minus (hyphen) character can be used to specify a 
 character class. For example, [d-m] matches any letter between d and m,  character class. For example, [d-m] matches any letter between d and m,
 inclusive. If a minus character is required in a class, it must be escaped with  inclusive. If a minus character is required in a class, it must be escaped with
 a backslash or appear in a position where it cannot be interpreted as  a backslash or appear in a position where it cannot be interpreted as
indicating a range, typically as the first or last character in the class.indicating a range, typically as the first or last character in the class, or
 immediately after a range. For example, [b-d-z] matches letters in the range b
 to d, a hyphen character, or z.
 .P  .P
 It is not possible to have the literal character "]" as the end character of a  It is not possible to have the literal character "]" as the end character of a
 range. A pattern such as [W-]46] is interpreted as a class of two characters  range. A pattern such as [W-]46] is interpreted as a class of two characters
Line 1103  the end of range, so [W-\e]46] is interpreted as a cla Line 1270  the end of range, so [W-\e]46] is interpreted as a cla
 followed by two other characters. The octal or hexadecimal representation of  followed by two other characters. The octal or hexadecimal representation of
 "]" can also be used to end a range.  "]" can also be used to end a range.
 .P  .P
   An error is generated if a POSIX character class (see below) or an escape
   sequence other than one that defines a single character appears at a point
   where a range ending character is expected. For example, [z-\exff] is valid,
   but [A-\ed] and [A-[:digit:]] are not.
 Ranges operate in the collating sequence of character values. They can also be  Ranges operate in the collating sequence of character values. They can also be
 used for characters specified numerically, for example [\e000-\e037]. Ranges  used for characters specified numerically, for example [\e000-\e037]. Ranges
 can include any characters that are valid for the current mode.  can include any characters that are valid for the current mode.
Line 1141  something AND NOT ...". Line 1313  something AND NOT ...".
 The only metacharacters that are recognized in character classes are backslash,  The only metacharacters that are recognized in character classes are backslash,
 hyphen (only where it can be interpreted as specifying a range), circumflex  hyphen (only where it can be interpreted as specifying a range), circumflex
 (only at the start), opening square bracket (only when it can be interpreted as  (only at the start), opening square bracket (only when it can be interpreted as
introducing a POSIX class name - see the next section), and the terminatingintroducing a POSIX class name, or for a special compatibility feature - see
closing square bracket. However, escaping other non-alphanumeric charactersthe next two sections), and the terminating closing square bracket. However,
does no harm.escaping other non-alphanumeric characters does no harm.
 .  .
 .  .
Line 1168  are: Line 1340  are:
   lower    lower case letters    lower    lower case letters
   print    printing characters, including space    print    printing characters, including space
   punct    printing characters, excluding letters and digits and space    punct    printing characters, excluding letters and digits and space
  space    white space (not quite the same as \es)  space    white space (the same as \es from PCRE 8.34)
   upper    upper case letters    upper    upper case letters
   word     "word" characters (same as \ew)    word     "word" characters (same as \ew)
   xdigit   hexadecimal digits    xdigit   hexadecimal digits
 .sp  .sp
The "space" characters are HT (9), LF (10), VT (11), FF (12), CR (13), andThe default "space" characters are HT (9), LF (10), VT (11), FF (12), CR (13),
space (32). Notice that this list includes the VT character (code 11). Thisand space (32). If locale-specific matching is taking place, the list of space
makes "space" different to \es, which does not include VT (for Perlcharacters may be different; there may be fewer or more of them. "Space" used
compatibility).to be different to \es, which did not include VT, for Perl compatibility.
 However, Perl changed at release 5.18, and PCRE followed at release 8.34.
 "Space" and \es now match the same set of characters.
 .P  .P
 The name "word" is a Perl extension, and "blank" is a GNU extension from Perl  The name "word" is a Perl extension, and "blank" is a GNU extension from Perl
 5.8. Another Perl extension is negation, which is indicated by a ^ character  5.8. Another Perl extension is negation, which is indicated by a ^ character
Line 1188  matches "1", "2", or any non-digit. PCRE (and Perl) al Line 1362  matches "1", "2", or any non-digit. PCRE (and Perl) al
 syntax [.ch.] and [=ch=] where "ch" is a "collating element", but these are not  syntax [.ch.] and [=ch=] where "ch" is a "collating element", but these are not
 supported, and an error is given if they are encountered.  supported, and an error is given if they are encountered.
 .P  .P
By default, in UTF modes, characters with values greater than 128 do not matchBy default, characters with values greater than 128 do not match any of the
any of the POSIX character classes. However, if the PCRE_UCP option is passedPOSIX character classes. However, if the PCRE_UCP option is passed to
to \fBpcre_compile()\fP, some of the classes are changed so that Unicode\fBpcre_compile()\fP, some of the classes are changed so that Unicode character
character properties are used. This is achieved by replacing the POSIX classesproperties are used. This is achieved by replacing certain POSIX classes by
by other sequences, as follows:other sequences, as follows:
 .sp  .sp
   [:alnum:]  becomes  \ep{Xan}    [:alnum:]  becomes  \ep{Xan}
   [:alpha:]  becomes  \ep{L}    [:alpha:]  becomes  \ep{L}
Line 1203  by other sequences, as follows: Line 1377  by other sequences, as follows:
   [:upper:]  becomes  \ep{Lu}    [:upper:]  becomes  \ep{Lu}
   [:word:]   becomes  \ep{Xwd}    [:word:]   becomes  \ep{Xwd}
 .sp  .sp
Negated versions, such as [:^alpha:] use \eP instead of \ep. The other POSIXNegated versions, such as [:^alpha:] use \eP instead of \ep. Three other POSIX
classes are unchanged, and match only characters with code points less thanclasses are handled specially in UCP mode:
128..TP 10
 This matches characters that have glyphs that mark the page when printed. In
 Unicode property terms, it matches all characters with the L, M, N, P, S, or Cf
 properties, except for:
   U+061C           Arabic Letter Mark
   U+180E           Mongolian Vowel Separator
   U+2066 - U+2069  Various "isolate"s
 .TP 10
 This matches the same characters as [:graph:] plus space characters that are
 not controls, that is, characters with the Zs property.
 .TP 10
 This matches all characters that have the Unicode P (punctuation) property,
 plus those characters whose code points are less than 128 that have the S
 (Symbol) property.
 The other POSIX classes are unchanged, and match only characters with code
 points less than 128.
 .  .
 .  .
   In the POSIX.2 compliant library that was included in 4.4BSD Unix, the ugly
   syntax [[:<:]] and [[:>:]] is used for matching "start of word" and "end of
   word". PCRE treats these items as follows:
     [[:<:]]  is converted to  \eb(?=\ew)
     [[:>:]]  is converted to  \eb(?<=\ew)
   Only these exact character sequences are recognized. A sequence such as
   [a[:<:]b] provokes error for an unrecognized POSIX class name. This support is
   not compatible with Perl. It is provided to help migrations from other
   environments, and is best not used in any new patterns. Note that \eb matches
   at the start and the end of a word (see
   .\" HTML <a href="#smallassertions">
   .\" </a>
   "Simple assertions"
   above), and in a Perl-style pattern the preceding or following character
   normally shows which is wanted, without the need for the assertions that are
   used above in order to give exactly the POSIX behaviour.
 .rs  .rs
 .sp  .sp
Line 1284  the section entitled Line 1503  the section entitled
 .\" </a>  .\" </a>
 "Newline sequences"  "Newline sequences"
 .\"  .\"
above. There are also the (*UTF8), (*UTF16), and (*UCP) leading sequences thatabove. There are also the (*UTF8), (*UTF16),(*UTF32), and (*UCP) leading
can be used to set UTF and Unicode property modes; they are equivalent tosequences that can be used to set UTF and Unicode property modes; they are
setting the PCRE_UTF8, PCRE_UTF16, and the PCRE_UCP options, respectively.equivalent to setting the PCRE_UTF8, PCRE_UTF16, PCRE_UTF32 and the PCRE_UCP
 options, respectively. The (*UTF) sequence is a generic version that can be
 used with any of the libraries. However, the application can set the
 PCRE_NEVER_UTF option, which locks out the use of the (*UTF) sequences.
 .  .
 .  .
 .\" HTML <a name="subpattern"></a>  .\" HTML <a name="subpattern"></a>
Line 1422  conditions, Line 1644  conditions,
 .\"  .\"
 can be made by name as well as by number.  can be made by name as well as by number.
 .P  .P
Names consist of up to 32 alphanumeric characters and underscores. NamedNames consist of up to 32 alphanumeric characters and underscores, but must
capturing parentheses are still allocated numbers as well as names, exactly asstart with a non-digit. Named capturing parentheses are still allocated numbers
if the names were not present. The PCRE API provides function calls foras well as names, exactly as if the names were not present. The PCRE API
extracting the name-to-number translation table from a compiled pattern. Thereprovides function calls for extracting the name-to-number translation table
is also a convenience function for extracting a captured substring by name.from a compiled pattern. There is also a convenience function for extracting a
 captured substring by name.
 .P  .P
 By default, a name must be unique within a pattern, but it is possible to relax  By default, a name must be unique within a pattern, but it is possible to relax
 this constraint by setting the PCRE_DUPNAMES option at compile time. (Duplicate  this constraint by setting the PCRE_DUPNAMES option at compile time. (Duplicate
Line 1452  for the first (and in this example, the only) subpatte Line 1675  for the first (and in this example, the only) subpatte
 matched. This saves searching to find which numbered subpattern it was.  matched. This saves searching to find which numbered subpattern it was.
 .P  .P
 If you make a back reference to a non-unique named subpattern from elsewhere in  If you make a back reference to a non-unique named subpattern from elsewhere in
the pattern, the one that corresponds to the first occurrence of the name isthe pattern, the subpatterns to which the name refers are checked in the order
used. In the absence of duplicate numbers (see the previous section) this isin which they appear in the overall pattern. The first one that is set is used
the one with the lowest number. If you use a named reference in a conditionfor the reference. For example, this pattern matches both "foofoo" and
 "barbar" but not "foobar" or "barfoo":
 If you make a subroutine call to a non-unique named subpattern, the one that
 corresponds to the first occurrence of the name is used. In the absence of
 duplicate numbers (see the previous section) this is the one with the lowest
 If you use a named reference in a condition
 test (see the  test (see the
 .\"  .\"
 .\" HTML <a href="#conditions">  .\" HTML <a href="#conditions">
Line 1474  documentation. Line 1708  documentation.
 \fBWarning:\fP You cannot use different names to distinguish between two  \fBWarning:\fP You cannot use different names to distinguish between two
 subpatterns with the same number because PCRE uses only the numbers when  subpatterns with the same number because PCRE uses only the numbers when
 matching. For this reason, an error is given at compile time if different names  matching. For this reason, an error is given at compile time if different names
are given to subpatterns with the same number. However, you can give the sameare given to subpatterns with the same number. However, you can always give the
name to subpatterns with the same number, even when PCRE_DUPNAMES is not set.same name to subpatterns with the same number, even when PCRE_DUPNAMES is not
 .  .
 .  .
Line 1521  quantifier, but a literal string of four characters. Line 1756  quantifier, but a literal string of four characters.
 In UTF modes, quantifiers apply to characters rather than to individual data  In UTF modes, quantifiers apply to characters rather than to individual data
 units. Thus, for example, \ex{100}{2} matches two characters, each of  units. Thus, for example, \ex{100}{2} matches two characters, each of
 which is represented by a two-byte sequence in a UTF-8 string. Similarly,  which is represented by a two-byte sequence in a UTF-8 string. Similarly,
\eX{3} matches three Unicode extended sequences, each of which may be several\eX{3} matches three Unicode extended grapheme clusters, each of which may be
data units long (and they may be of different lengths).several data units long (and they may be of different lengths).
 .P  .P
 The quantifier {0} is permitted, causing the expression to behave as if the  The quantifier {0} is permitted, causing the expression to behave as if the
 previous item and the quantifier were not present. This may be useful for  previous item and the quantifier were not present. This may be useful for
Line 1608  In cases where it is known that the subject string con Line 1843  In cases where it is known that the subject string con
 worth setting PCRE_DOTALL in order to obtain this optimization, or  worth setting PCRE_DOTALL in order to obtain this optimization, or
 alternatively using ^ to indicate anchoring explicitly.  alternatively using ^ to indicate anchoring explicitly.
 .P  .P
However, there is one situation where the optimization cannot be used. When .*However, there are some cases where the optimization cannot be used. When .*
 is inside capturing parentheses that are the subject of a back reference  is inside capturing parentheses that are the subject of a back reference
 elsewhere in the pattern, a match at the start may fail where a later one  elsewhere in the pattern, a match at the start may fail where a later one
 succeeds. Consider, for example:  succeeds. Consider, for example:
Line 1618  succeeds. Consider, for example: Line 1853  succeeds. Consider, for example:
 If the subject is "xyz123abc123" the match point is the fourth character. For  If the subject is "xyz123abc123" the match point is the fourth character. For
 this reason, such a pattern is not implicitly anchored.  this reason, such a pattern is not implicitly anchored.
 .P  .P
   Another case where implicit anchoring is not applied is when the leading .* is
   inside an atomic group. Once again, a match at the start may fail where a later
   one succeeds. Consider this pattern:
   It matches "ab" in the subject "aab". The use of the backtracking control verbs
   (*PRUNE) and (*SKIP) also disable this optimization.
 When a capturing subpattern is repeated, the value captured is the substring  When a capturing subpattern is repeated, the value captured is the substring
 that matched the final iteration. For example, after  that matched the final iteration. For example, after
 .sp  .sp
Line 1832  Because there may be many capturing parentheses in a p Line 2076  Because there may be many capturing parentheses in a p
 following a backslash are taken as part of a potential back reference number.  following a backslash are taken as part of a potential back reference number.
 If the pattern continues with a digit character, some delimiter must be used to  If the pattern continues with a digit character, some delimiter must be used to
 terminate the back reference. If the PCRE_EXTENDED option is set, this can be  terminate the back reference. If the PCRE_EXTENDED option is set, this can be
whitespace. Otherwise, the \eg{ syntax or an empty comment (seewhite space. Otherwise, the \eg{ syntax or an empty comment (see
 .\" HTML <a href="#comments">  .\" HTML <a href="#comments">
 .\" </a>  .\" </a>
 "Comments"  "Comments"
Line 1886  except that it does not cause the current matching pos Line 2130  except that it does not cause the current matching pos
 Assertion subpatterns are not capturing subpatterns. If such an assertion  Assertion subpatterns are not capturing subpatterns. If such an assertion
 contains capturing subpatterns within it, these are counted for the purposes of  contains capturing subpatterns within it, these are counted for the purposes of
 numbering the capturing subpatterns in the whole pattern. However, substring  numbering the capturing subpatterns in the whole pattern. However, substring
capturing is carried out only for positive assertions, because it does not makecapturing is carried out only for positive assertions. (Perl sometimes, but not
sense for negative assertions.always, does do capturing in negative assertions.)
 .P  .P
 For compatibility with Perl, assertion subpatterns may be repeated; though  For compatibility with Perl, assertion subpatterns may be repeated; though
 it makes no sense to assert the same thing several times, the side effect of  it makes no sense to assert the same thing several times, the side effect of
Line 2137  This makes the fragment independent of the parentheses Line 2381  This makes the fragment independent of the parentheses
 .sp  .sp
 Perl uses the syntax (?(<name>)...) or (?('name')...) to test for a used  Perl uses the syntax (?(<name>)...) or (?('name')...) to test for a used
 subpattern by name. For compatibility with earlier versions of PCRE, which had  subpattern by name. For compatibility with earlier versions of PCRE, which had
this facility before Perl, the syntax (?(name)...) is also recognized. However,this facility before Perl, the syntax (?(name)...) is also recognized.
there is a possible ambiguity with this syntax, because subpattern names may 
consist entirely of digits. PCRE looks first for a named subpattern; if it 
cannot find one and the name consists entirely of digits, PCRE looks for a 
subpattern of that number, which must be greater than zero. Using subpattern 
names that consist entirely of digits is not recommended. 
 .P  .P
 Rewriting the above example to use a named subpattern gives this:  Rewriting the above example to use a named subpattern gives this:
 .sp  .sp
Line 2189  subroutines that can be referenced from elsewhere. (Th Line 2428  subroutines that can be referenced from elsewhere. (Th
 subroutines  subroutines
 .\"  .\"
 is described below.) For example, a pattern to match an IPv4 address such as  is described below.) For example, a pattern to match an IPv4 address such as
"" could be written like this (ignore whitespace and line"" could be written like this (ignore white space and line
 breaks):  breaks):
 .sp  .sp
   (?(DEFINE) (?<byte> 2[0-4]\ed | 25[0-5] | 1\ed\ed | [1-9]?\ed) )    (?(DEFINE) (?<byte> 2[0-4]\ed | 25[0-5] | 1\ed\ed | [1-9]?\ed) )
Line 2539  same pair of parentheses when there is a repetition. Line 2778  same pair of parentheses when there is a repetition.
 PCRE provides a similar feature, but of course it cannot obey arbitrary Perl  PCRE provides a similar feature, but of course it cannot obey arbitrary Perl
 code. The feature is called "callout". The caller of PCRE provides an external  code. The feature is called "callout". The caller of PCRE provides an external
 function by putting its entry point in the global variable \fIpcre_callout\fP  function by putting its entry point in the global variable \fIpcre_callout\fP
(8-bit library) or \fIpcre16_callout\fP (16-bit library). By default, this(8-bit library) or \fIpcre[16|32]_callout\fP (16-bit or 32-bit library).
variable contains NULL, which disables all calling out.By default, this variable contains NULL, which disables all calling out.
 .P  .P
 Within a regular expression, (?C) indicates the points at which the external  Within a regular expression, (?C) indicates the points at which the external
 function is to be called. If you want to identify different callout points, you  function is to be called. If you want to identify different callout points, you
Line 2551  For example, this pattern has two callout points: Line 2790  For example, this pattern has two callout points:
 .sp  .sp
 If the PCRE_AUTO_CALLOUT flag is passed to a compiling function, callouts are  If the PCRE_AUTO_CALLOUT flag is passed to a compiling function, callouts are
 automatically installed before each item in the pattern. They are all numbered  automatically installed before each item in the pattern. They are all numbered
255.255. If there is a conditional group in the pattern whose condition is an
 assertion, an additional callout is inserted just before the condition. An
 explicit callout may also be set at this position, as in this example:
 Note that this applies only to assertion conditions, not to other types of
 .P  .P
 During matching, when PCRE reaches a callout point, the external function is  During matching, when PCRE reaches a callout point, the external function is
 called. It is provided with the number of the callout, the position in the  called. It is provided with the number of the callout, the position in the
 pattern, and, optionally, one item of data originally supplied by the caller of  pattern, and, optionally, one item of data originally supplied by the caller of
 the matching function. The callout function may cause matching to proceed, to  the matching function. The callout function may cause matching to proceed, to
backtrack, or to fail altogether. A complete description of the interface tobacktrack, or to fail altogether.
the callout function is given in the.P
 By default, PCRE implements a number of optimizations at compile time and
 matching time, and one side-effect is that sometimes callouts are skipped. If
 you need all possible callouts to happen, you need to set options that disable
 the relevant optimizations. More details, and a complete description of the
 interface to the callout function, are given in the
 .\" HREF  .\" HREF
 \fBpcrecallout\fP  \fBpcrecallout\fP
 .\"  .\"
Line 2570  documentation. Line 2821  documentation.
 .rs  .rs
 .sp  .sp
 Perl 5.10 introduced a number of "Special Backtracking Control Verbs", which  Perl 5.10 introduced a number of "Special Backtracking Control Verbs", which
are described in the Perl documentation as "experimental and subject to changeare still described in the Perl documentation as "experimental and subject to
or removal in a future version of Perl". It goes on to say: "Their usage inchange or removal in a future version of Perl". It goes on to say: "Their usage
production code should be noted to avoid problems during upgrades." The samein production code should be noted to avoid problems during upgrades." The same
 remarks apply to the PCRE features described in this section.  remarks apply to the PCRE features described in this section.
 .P  .P
 Since these verbs are specifically related to backtracking, most of them can be  
 used only when the pattern is to be matched using one of the traditional  
 matching functions, which use a backtracking algorithm. With the exception of  
 (*FAIL), which behaves like a failing negative assertion, they cause an error  
 if encountered by a DFA matching function.  
 If any of these verbs are used in an assertion or in a subpattern that is  
 called as a subroutine (whether or not recursively), their effect is confined  
 to that subpattern; it does not extend to the surrounding pattern, with one  
 exception: the name from a *(MARK), (*PRUNE), or (*THEN) that is encountered in  
 a successful positive assertion \fIis\fP passed back when a match succeeds  
 (compare capturing parentheses in assertions). Note that such subpatterns are  
 processed as anchored at the point where they are tested. Note also that Perl's  
 treatment of subroutines is different in some cases.  
 The new verbs make use of what was previously invalid syntax: an opening  The new verbs make use of what was previously invalid syntax: an opening
 parenthesis followed by an asterisk. They are generally of the form  parenthesis followed by an asterisk. They are generally of the form
(*VERB) or (*VERB:NAME). Some may take either form, with differing behaviour,(*VERB) or (*VERB:NAME). Some may take either form, possibly behaving
depending on whether or not an argument is present. A name is any sequence ofdifferently depending on whether or not a name is present. A name is any
characters that does not include a closing parenthesis. If the name is empty,sequence of characters that does not include a closing parenthesis. The maximum
that is, if the closing parenthesis immediately follows the colon, the effectlength of name is 255 in the 8-bit library and 65535 in the 16-bit and 32-bit
is as if the colon were not there. Any number of these verbs may occur in alibraries. If the name is empty, that is, if the closing parenthesis
pattern.immediately follows the colon, the effect is as if the colon were not there.
 Any number of these verbs may occur in a pattern.
 .P  .P
   Since these verbs are specifically related to backtracking, most of them can be
   used only when the pattern is to be matched using one of the traditional
   matching functions, because these use a backtracking algorithm. With the
   exception of (*FAIL), which behaves like a failing negative assertion, the
   backtracking control verbs cause an error if encountered by a DFA matching
   The behaviour of these verbs in
   .\" HTML <a href="#btrepeat">
   .\" </a>
   repeated groups,
   .\" HTML <a href="#btassert">
   .\" </a>
   and in
   .\" HTML <a href="#btsub">
   .\" </a>
   subpatterns called as subroutines
   (whether or not recursively) is documented below.
   .\" HTML <a name="nooptimize"></a>
   .SS "Optimizations that affect backtracking verbs"
 PCRE contains some optimizations that are used to speed up matching by running  PCRE contains some optimizations that are used to speed up matching by running
 some checks at the start of each match attempt. For example, it may know the  some checks at the start of each match attempt. For example, it may know the
 minimum length of matching subject, or that a particular character must be  minimum length of matching subject, or that a particular character must be
present. When one of these optimizations suppresses the running of a match, anypresent. When one of these optimizations bypasses the running of a match, any
 included backtracking verbs will not, of course, be processed. You can suppress  included backtracking verbs will not, of course, be processed. You can suppress
 the start-of-match optimizations by setting the PCRE_NO_START_OPTIMIZE option  the start-of-match optimizations by setting the PCRE_NO_START_OPTIMIZE option
 when calling \fBpcre_compile()\fP or \fBpcre_exec()\fP, or by starting the  when calling \fBpcre_compile()\fP or \fBpcre_exec()\fP, or by starting the
pattern with (*NO_START_OPT).pattern with (*NO_START_OPT). There is more discussion of this option in the
 section entitled
 .\" HTML <a href="pcreapi.html#execoptions">
 .\" </a>
 "Option bits for \fBpcre_exec()\fP"
 in the
 .\" HREF
 .P  .P
 Experiments with Perl suggest that it too has similar optimizations, sometimes  Experiments with Perl suggest that it too has similar optimizations, sometimes
 leading to anomalous results.  leading to anomalous results.
Line 2623  followed by a name. Line 2898  followed by a name.
 This verb causes the match to end successfully, skipping the remainder of the  This verb causes the match to end successfully, skipping the remainder of the
 pattern. However, when it is inside a subpattern that is called as a  pattern. However, when it is inside a subpattern that is called as a
 subroutine, only that subpattern is ended successfully. Matching then continues  subroutine, only that subpattern is ended successfully. Matching then continues
at the outer level. If (*ACCEPT) is inside capturing parentheses, the data soat the outer level. If (*ACCEPT) in triggered in a positive assertion, the
far is captured. For example:assertion succeeds; in a negative assertion, the assertion fails.
 If (*ACCEPT) is inside capturing parentheses, the data so far is captured. For
 .sp  .sp
   A((?:A|B(*ACCEPT)|C)D)    A((?:A|B(*ACCEPT)|C)D)
 .sp  .sp
Line 2657  starting point (see (*SKIP) below). Line 2935  starting point (see (*SKIP) below).
 A name is always required with this verb. There may be as many instances of  A name is always required with this verb. There may be as many instances of
 (*MARK) as you like in a pattern, and their names do not have to be unique.  (*MARK) as you like in a pattern, and their names do not have to be unique.
 .P  .P
When a match succeeds, the name of the last-encountered (*MARK) on the matchingWhen a match succeeds, the name of the last-encountered (*MARK:NAME),
path is passed back to the caller as described in the section entitled(*PRUNE:NAME), or (*THEN:NAME) on the matching path is passed back to the
 caller as described in the section entitled
 .\" HTML <a href="pcreapi.html#extradata">  .\" HTML <a href="pcreapi.html#extradata">
 .\" </a>  .\" </a>
 "Extra data for \fBpcre_exec()\fP"  "Extra data for \fBpcre_exec()\fP"
Line 2683  indicates which of the two alternatives matched. This  Line 2962  indicates which of the two alternatives matched. This 
 of obtaining this information than putting each alternative in its own  of obtaining this information than putting each alternative in its own
 capturing parentheses.  capturing parentheses.
 .P  .P
If (*MARK) is encountered in a positive assertion, its name is recorded andIf a verb with a name is encountered in a positive assertion that is true, the
passed back if it is the last-encountered. This does not happen for negativename is recorded and passed back if it is the last-encountered. This does not
assertions.happen for negative assertions or failing positive assertions.
 .P  .P
After a partial match or a failed match, the name of the last encounteredAfter a partial match or a failed match, the last encountered name in the
(*MARK) in the entire match process is returned. For example:entire match process is returned. For example:
 .sp  .sp
     re> /X(*MARK:A)Y|X(*MARK:B)Z/K      re> /X(*MARK:A)Y|X(*MARK:B)Z/K
   data> XP    data> XP
   No match, mark = B    No match, mark = B
 .sp  .sp
 Note that in this unanchored example the mark is retained from the match  Note that in this unanchored example the mark is retained from the match
attempt that started at the letter "X". Subsequent match attempts starting atattempt that started at the letter "X" in the subject. Subsequent match
"P" and then with an empty string do not get as far as the (*MARK) item, butattempts starting at "P" and then with an empty string do not get as far as the
nevertheless do not reset it.(*MARK) item, but nevertheless do not reset it.
 If you are interested in (*MARK) values after failed matches, you should
 probably set the PCRE_NO_START_OPTIMIZE option
 .\" HTML <a href="#nooptimize">
 .\" </a>
 (see above)
 to ensure that the match is always attempted.
 .  .
 .  .
 .SS "Verbs that act after backtracking"  .SS "Verbs that act after backtracking"
Line 2706  nevertheless do not reset it. Line 2993  nevertheless do not reset it.
 The following verbs do nothing when they are encountered. Matching continues  The following verbs do nothing when they are encountered. Matching continues
 with what follows, but if there is no subsequent match, causing a backtrack to  with what follows, but if there is no subsequent match, causing a backtrack to
 the verb, a failure is forced. That is, backtracking cannot pass to the left of  the verb, a failure is forced. That is, backtracking cannot pass to the left of
the verb. However, when one of these verbs appears inside an atomic group, itsthe verb. However, when one of these verbs appears inside an atomic group or an
effect is confined to that group, because once the group has been matched,assertion that is true, its effect is confined to that group, because once the
there is never any backtracking into it. In this situation, backtracking cangroup has been matched, there is never any backtracking into it. In this
"jump back" to the left of the entire atomic group. (Remember also, as statedsituation, backtracking can "jump back" to the left of the entire atomic group
above, that this localization also applies in subroutine calls and assertions.)or assertion. (Remember also, as stated above, that this localization also
 applies in subroutine calls.)
 .P  .P
 These verbs differ in exactly what kind of failure occurs when backtracking  These verbs differ in exactly what kind of failure occurs when backtracking
reaches them.reaches them. The behaviour described below is what happens when the verb is
 not in a subroutine or an assertion. Subsequent sections cover these special
 .sp  .sp
   (*COMMIT)    (*COMMIT)
 .sp  .sp
 This verb, which may not be followed by a name, causes the whole match to fail  This verb, which may not be followed by a name, causes the whole match to fail
outright if the rest of the pattern does not match. Even if the pattern isoutright if there is a later matching failure that causes backtracking to reach
unanchored, no further attempts to find a match by advancing the starting pointit. Even if the pattern is unanchored, no further attempts to find a match by
take place. Once (*COMMIT) has been passed, \fBpcre_exec()\fP is committed toadvancing the starting point take place. If (*COMMIT) is the only backtracking
finding a match at the current starting point, or not at all. For example:verb that is encountered, once it has been passed \fBpcre_exec()\fP is
 committed to finding a match at the current starting point, or not at all. For
 .sp  .sp
   a+(*COMMIT)b    a+(*COMMIT)b
 .sp  .sp
Line 2730  dynamic anchor, or "I've started, so I must finish." T Line 3022  dynamic anchor, or "I've started, so I must finish." T
 recently passed (*MARK) in the path is passed back when (*COMMIT) forces a  recently passed (*MARK) in the path is passed back when (*COMMIT) forces a
 match failure.  match failure.
 .P  .P
   If there is more than one backtracking verb in a pattern, a different one that
   follows (*COMMIT) may be triggered first, so merely passing (*COMMIT) during a
   match does not always guarantee that a match must be at this starting point.
 Note that (*COMMIT) at the start of a pattern is not the same as an anchor,  Note that (*COMMIT) at the start of a pattern is not the same as an anchor,
 unless PCRE's start-of-match optimizations are turned off, as shown in this  unless PCRE's start-of-match optimizations are turned off, as shown in this
 \fBpcretest\fP example:  \fBpcretest\fP example:
Line 2749  starting points. Line 3045  starting points.
   (*PRUNE) or (*PRUNE:NAME)    (*PRUNE) or (*PRUNE:NAME)
 .sp  .sp
 This verb causes the match to fail at the current starting position in the  This verb causes the match to fail at the current starting position in the
subject if the rest of the pattern does not match. If the pattern issubject if there is a later matching failure that causes backtracking to reach
unanchored, the normal "bumpalong" advance to the next starting character thenit. If the pattern is unanchored, the normal "bumpalong" advance to the next
happens. Backtracking can occur as usual to the left of (*PRUNE), before it isstarting character then happens. Backtracking can occur as usual to the left of
reached, or when matching to the right of (*PRUNE), but if there is no match to(*PRUNE), before it is reached, or when matching to the right of (*PRUNE), but
the right, backtracking cannot cross (*PRUNE). In simple cases, the use ofif there is no match to the right, backtracking cannot cross (*PRUNE). In
(*PRUNE) is just an alternative to an atomic group or possessive quantifier,simple cases, the use of (*PRUNE) is just an alternative to an atomic group or
but there are some uses of (*PRUNE) that cannot be expressed in any other way.possessive quantifier, but there are some uses of (*PRUNE) that cannot be
The behaviour of (*PRUNE:NAME) is the same as (*MARK:NAME)(*PRUNE). In anexpressed in any other way. In an anchored pattern (*PRUNE) has the same effect
anchored pattern (*PRUNE) has the same effect as (*COMMIT).as (*COMMIT).
 The behaviour of (*PRUNE:NAME) is the not the same as (*MARK:NAME)(*PRUNE).
 It is like (*MARK:NAME) in that the name is remembered for passing back to the
 caller. However, (*SKIP:NAME) searches only for names set with (*MARK).
 .sp  .sp
   (*SKIP)    (*SKIP)
 .sp  .sp
Line 2778  instead of skipping on to "c". Line 3078  instead of skipping on to "c".
 .sp  .sp
 .sp  .sp
When (*SKIP) has an associated name, its behaviour is modified. If theWhen (*SKIP) has an associated name, its behaviour is modified. When it is
following pattern fails to match, the previous path through the pattern istriggered, the previous path through the pattern is searched for the most
searched for the most recent (*MARK) that has the same name. If one is found,recent (*MARK) that has the same name. If one is found, the "bumpalong" advance
the "bumpalong" advance is to the subject position that corresponds to thatis to the subject position that corresponds to that (*MARK) instead of to where
(*MARK) instead of to where (*SKIP) was encountered. If no (*MARK) with a(*SKIP) was encountered. If no (*MARK) with a matching name is found, the
matching name is found, the (*SKIP) is ignored.(*SKIP) is ignored.
 Note that (*SKIP:NAME) searches only for names set by (*MARK:NAME). It ignores
 names that are set by (*PRUNE:NAME) or (*THEN:NAME).
 .sp  .sp
   (*THEN) or (*THEN:NAME)    (*THEN) or (*THEN:NAME)
 .sp  .sp
This verb causes a skip to the next innermost alternative if the rest of theThis verb causes a skip to the next innermost alternative when backtracking
pattern does not match. That is, it cancels pending backtracking, but onlyreaches it. That is, it cancels any further backtracking within the current
within the current alternative. Its name comes from the observation that it canalternative. Its name comes from the observation that it can be used for a
be used for a pattern-based if-then-else block:pattern-based if-then-else block:
 .sp  .sp
   ( COND1 (*THEN) FOO | COND2 (*THEN) BAR | COND3 (*THEN) BAZ ) ...    ( COND1 (*THEN) FOO | COND2 (*THEN) BAR | COND3 (*THEN) BAZ ) ...
 .sp  .sp
 If the COND1 pattern matches, FOO is tried (and possibly further items after  If the COND1 pattern matches, FOO is tried (and possibly further items after
 the end of the group if FOO succeeds); on failure, the matcher skips to the  the end of the group if FOO succeeds); on failure, the matcher skips to the
second alternative and tries COND2, without backtracking into COND1. Thesecond alternative and tries COND2, without backtracking into COND1. If that
behaviour of (*THEN:NAME) is exactly the same as (*MARK:NAME)(*THEN).succeeds and BAR fails, COND3 is tried. If subsequently BAZ fails, there are no
If (*THEN) is not inside an alternation, it acts like (*PRUNE).more alternatives, so there is a backtrack to whatever came before the entire
 group. If (*THEN) is not inside an alternation, it acts like (*PRUNE).
 .P  .P
Note that a subpattern that does not contain a | character is just a part ofThe behaviour of (*THEN:NAME) is the not the same as (*MARK:NAME)(*THEN).
the enclosing alternative; it is not a nested alternation with only oneIt is like (*MARK:NAME) in that the name is remembered for passing back to the
 caller. However, (*SKIP:NAME) searches only for names set with (*MARK).
 A subpattern that does not contain a | character is just a part of the
 enclosing alternative; it is not a nested alternation with only one
 alternative. The effect of (*THEN) extends beyond such a subpattern to the  alternative. The effect of (*THEN) extends beyond such a subpattern to the
 enclosing alternative. Consider this pattern, where A, B, etc. are complex  enclosing alternative. Consider this pattern, where A, B, etc. are complex
 pattern fragments that do not contain any | characters at this level:  pattern fragments that do not contain any | characters at this level:
Line 2820  in C, matching moves to (*FAIL), which causes the whol Line 3128  in C, matching moves to (*FAIL), which causes the whol
 because there are no more alternatives to try. In this case, matching does now  because there are no more alternatives to try. In this case, matching does now
 backtrack into A.  backtrack into A.
 .P  .P
Note also that a conditional subpattern is not considered as having twoNote that a conditional subpattern is not considered as having two
 alternatives, because only one is ever used. In other words, the | character in  alternatives, because only one is ever used. In other words, the | character in
 a conditional subpattern has a different meaning. Ignoring white space,  a conditional subpattern has a different meaning. Ignoring white space,
 consider:  consider:
Line 2842  starting position, but allowing an advance to the next Line 3150  starting position, but allowing an advance to the next
 unanchored pattern). (*SKIP) is similar, except that the advance may be more  unanchored pattern). (*SKIP) is similar, except that the advance may be more
 than one character. (*COMMIT) is the strongest, causing the entire match to  than one character. (*COMMIT) is the strongest, causing the entire match to
 fail.  fail.
If more than one such verb is present in a pattern, the "strongest" one wins..
For example, consider this pattern, where A, B, etc. are complex pattern.SS "More than one backtracking verb"
 .sp  .sp
  (A(*COMMIT)B(*THEN)C|D)If more than one backtracking verb is present in a pattern, the one that is
 backtracked onto first acts. For example, consider this pattern, where A, B,
 etc. are complex pattern fragments:
 .sp  .sp
Once A has matched, PCRE is committed to this match, at the current starting  (A(*COMMIT)B(*THEN)C|ABD)
position. If subsequently B matches, but C does not, the normal (*THEN) action.sp
of trying the next alternative (that is, D) does not happen because (*COMMIT)If A matches but B fails, the backtrack to (*COMMIT) causes the entire match to
overrides.fail. However, if A and B match, but C fails, the backtrack to (*THEN) causes
 the next alternative (ABD) to be tried. This behaviour is consistent, but is
 not always the same as Perl's. It means that if two or more backtracking verbs
 appear in succession, all the the last of them has no effect. Consider this
 If there is a matching failure to the right, backtracking onto (*PRUNE) causes
 it to be triggered, and its action is taken. There can never be a backtrack
 onto (*COMMIT).
 .  .
 .  .
   .\" HTML <a name="btrepeat"></a>
   .SS "Backtracking verbs in repeated groups"
   PCRE differs from Perl in its handling of backtracking verbs in repeated
   groups. For example, consider:
   If the subject is "abac", Perl matches, but PCRE fails because the (*COMMIT) in
   the second repeat of the group acts.
   .\" HTML <a name="btassert"></a>
   .SS "Backtracking verbs in assertions"
   (*FAIL) in an assertion has its normal effect: it forces an immediate backtrack.
   (*ACCEPT) in a positive assertion causes the assertion to succeed without any
   further processing. In a negative assertion, (*ACCEPT) causes the assertion to
   fail without any further processing.
   The other backtracking verbs are not treated specially if they appear in a
   positive assertion. In particular, (*THEN) skips to the next alternative in the
   innermost enclosing group that has alternations, whether or not this is within
   the assertion.
   Negative assertions are, however, different, in order to ensure that changing a
   positive assertion into a negative assertion changes its result. Backtracking
   into (*COMMIT), (*SKIP), or (*PRUNE) causes a negative assertion to be true,
   without considering any further alternative branches in the assertion.
   Backtracking into (*THEN) causes it to skip to the next enclosing alternative
   within the assertion (the normal behaviour), but if the assertion does not have
   such an alternative, (*THEN) behaves like (*PRUNE).
   .\" HTML <a name="btsub"></a>
   .SS "Backtracking verbs in subroutines"
   These behaviours occur whether or not the subpattern is called recursively.
   Perl's treatment of subroutines is different in some cases.
   (*FAIL) in a subpattern called as a subroutine has its normal effect: it forces
   an immediate backtrack.
   (*ACCEPT) in a subpattern called as a subroutine causes the subroutine match to
   succeed without any further processing. Matching then continues after the
   subroutine call.
   (*COMMIT), (*SKIP), and (*PRUNE) in a subpattern called as a subroutine cause
   the subroutine match to fail.
   (*THEN) skips to the next alternative in the innermost enclosing group within
   the subpattern that has alternatives. If there is no such group within the
   subpattern, (*THEN) causes the subroutine match to fail.
 .rs  .rs
 .sp  .sp
 \fBpcreapi\fP(3), \fBpcrecallout\fP(3), \fBpcrematching\fP(3),  \fBpcreapi\fP(3), \fBpcrecallout\fP(3), \fBpcrematching\fP(3),
\fBpcresyntax\fP(3), \fBpcre\fP(3), \fBpcre16(3)\fP.\fBpcresyntax\fP(3), \fBpcre\fP(3), \fBpcre16(3)\fP, \fBpcre32(3)\fP.
 .  .
 .  .
Line 2876  Cambridge CB2 3QH, England. Line 3255  Cambridge CB2 3QH, England.
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 .sp  .sp
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Last updated: 09 January 2012Last updated: 03 December 2013
Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge.Copyright (c) 1997-2013 University of Cambridge.
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