Diff for /embedaddon/pcre/doc/pcreunicode.3 between versions 1.1 and

version 1.1, 2012/02/21 23:05:52 version, 2012/10/09 09:19:17
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.TH PCREUNICODE 3.TH PCREUNICODE 3 "14 April 2012" "PCRE 8.30"
 PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions  PCRE - Perl-compatible regular expressions
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In order process UTF-8 strings, you must build PCRE to include UTF-8 support inFrom Release 8.30, in addition to its previous UTF-8 support, PCRE also
the code, and, in addition, you must callsupports UTF-16 by means of a separate 16-bit library. This can be built as
 well as, or instead of, the 8-bit library.
 In order process UTF-8 strings, you must build PCRE's 8-bit library with UTF
 support, and, in addition, you must call
 .\" HREF  .\" HREF
 \fBpcre_compile()\fP  \fBpcre_compile()\fP
 .\"  .\"
 with the PCRE_UTF8 option flag, or the pattern must start with the sequence  with the PCRE_UTF8 option flag, or the pattern must start with the sequence
 (*UTF8). When either of these is the case, both the pattern and any subject  (*UTF8). When either of these is the case, both the pattern and any subject
 strings that are matched against it are treated as UTF-8 strings instead of  strings that are matched against it are treated as UTF-8 strings instead of
strings of 1-byte characters. PCRE does not support any other formats (instrings of 1-byte characters.
particular, it does not support UTF-16)..
If you compile PCRE with UTF-8 support, but do not use it at run time, the.SH "UTF-16 SUPPORT"
 In order process UTF-16 strings, you must build PCRE's 16-bit library with UTF
 support, and, in addition, you must call
 .\" HTML <a href="pcre_compile.html">
 .\" </a>
 with the PCRE_UTF16 option flag, or the pattern must start with the sequence
 (*UTF16). When either of these is the case, both the pattern and any subject
 strings that are matched against it are treated as UTF-16 strings instead of
 strings of 16-bit characters.
 If you compile PCRE with UTF support, but do not use it at run time, the
 library will be a bit bigger, but the additional run time overhead is limited  library will be a bit bigger, but the additional run time overhead is limited
to testing the PCRE_UTF8 flag occasionally, so should not be very big.to testing the PCRE_UTF8/16 flag occasionally, so should not be very big.
If PCRE is built with Unicode character property support (which implies UTF-8.
support), the escape sequences \ep{..}, \eP{..}, and \eX are supported..SH "UNICODE PROPERTY SUPPORT"
 If PCRE is built with Unicode character property support (which implies UTF
 support), the escape sequences \ep{..}, \eP{..}, and \eX can be used.
 The available properties that can be tested are limited to the general  The available properties that can be tested are limited to the general
 category properties such as Lu for an upper case letter or Nd for a decimal  category properties such as Lu for an upper case letter or Nd for a decimal
 number, the Unicode script names such as Arabic or Han, and the derived  number, the Unicode script names such as Arabic or Han, and the derived
Line 38  compatibility with Perl 5.6. PCRE does not support thi Line 68  compatibility with Perl 5.6. PCRE does not support thi
 .SS "Validity of UTF-8 strings"  .SS "Validity of UTF-8 strings"
 .rs  .rs
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When you set the PCRE_UTF8 flag, the strings passed as patterns and subjectsWhen you set the PCRE_UTF8 flag, the byte strings passed as patterns and
are (by default) checked for validity on entry to the relevant functions. Fromsubjects are (by default) checked for validity on entry to the relevant
release 7.3 of PCRE, the check is according the rules of RFC 3629, which arefunctions. The entire string is checked before any other processing takes
themselves derived from the Unicode specification. Earlier releases of PCREplace. From release 7.3 of PCRE, the check is according the rules of RFC 3629,
followed the rules of RFC 2279, which allows the full range of 31-bit values (0which are themselves derived from the Unicode specification. Earlier releases
to 0x7FFFFFFF). The current check allows only values in the range U+0 toof PCRE followed the rules of RFC 2279, which allows the full range of 31-bit
U+10FFFF, excluding U+D800 to U+DFFF.values (0 to 0x7FFFFFFF). The current check allows only values in the range U+0
 to U+10FFFF, excluding U+D800 to U+DFFF.
 .P  .P
The excluded code points are the "Low Surrogate Area" of Unicode, of which theThe excluded code points are the "Surrogate Area" of Unicode. They are reserved
Unicode Standard says this: "The Low Surrogate Area does not contain anyfor use by UTF-16, where they are used in pairs to encode codepoints with
character assignments, consequently no character code charts or namelists arevalues greater than 0xFFFF. The code points that are encoded by UTF-16 pairs
provided for this area. Surrogates are reserved for use with UTF-16 and thenare available independently in the UTF-8 encoding. (In other words, the whole
must be used in pairs." The code points that are encoded by UTF-16 pairs aresurrogate thing is a fudge for UTF-16 which unfortunately messes up UTF-8.)
available as independent code points in the UTF-8 encoding. (In other words, 
the whole surrogate thing is a fudge for UTF-16 which unfortunately messes up 
 .P  .P
 If an invalid UTF-8 string is passed to PCRE, an error return is given. At  If an invalid UTF-8 string is passed to PCRE, an error return is given. At
 compile time, the only additional information is the offset to the first byte  compile time, the only additional information is the offset to the first byte
of the failing character. The runtime functions \fBpcre_exec()\fP andof the failing character. The run-time functions \fBpcre_exec()\fP and
 \fBpcre_dfa_exec()\fP also pass back this information, as well as a more  \fBpcre_dfa_exec()\fP also pass back this information, as well as a more
 detailed reason code if the caller has provided memory in which to do this.  detailed reason code if the caller has provided memory in which to do this.
 .P  .P
 In some situations, you may already know that your strings are valid, and  In some situations, you may already know that your strings are valid, and
therefore want to skip these checks in order to improve performance. If you settherefore want to skip these checks in order to improve performance, for
the PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK flag at compile time or at run time, PCRE assumes thatexample in the case of a long subject string that is being scanned repeatedly
the pattern or subject it is given (respectively) contains only valid UTF-8with different patterns. If you set the PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK flag at compile time
codes. In this case, it does not diagnose an invalid UTF-8 string.or at run time, PCRE assumes that the pattern or subject it is given
 (respectively) contains only valid UTF-8 codes. In this case, it does not
 diagnose an invalid UTF-8 string.
 .P  .P
 If you pass an invalid UTF-8 string when PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK is set, what  If you pass an invalid UTF-8 string when PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK is set, what
 happens depends on why the string is invalid. If the string conforms to the  happens depends on why the string is invalid. If the string conforms to the
Line 85  situation, you will have to apply your own validity ch Line 115  situation, you will have to apply your own validity ch
 JIT optimization.  JIT optimization.
 .  .
 .  .
.SS "General comments about UTF-8 mode".\" HTML <a name="utf16strings"></a>
 .SS "Validity of UTF-16 strings"
 .rs  .rs
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1. An unbraced hexadecimal escape sequence (such as \exb3) matches a two-byteWhen you set the PCRE_UTF16 flag, the strings of 16-bit data units that are
UTF-8 character if the value is greater than 127.passed as patterns and subjects are (by default) checked for validity on entry
 to the relevant functions. Values other than those in the surrogate range
 U+D800 to U+DFFF are independent code points. Values in the surrogate range
 must be used in pairs in the correct manner.
 .P  .P
2. Octal numbers up to \e777 are recognized, and match two-byte UTF-8If an invalid UTF-16 string is passed to PCRE, an error return is given. At
characters for values greater than \e177.compile time, the only additional information is the offset to the first data
 unit of the failing character. The run-time functions \fBpcre16_exec()\fP and
 \fBpcre16_dfa_exec()\fP also pass back this information, as well as a more
 detailed reason code if the caller has provided memory in which to do this.
 .P  .P
3. Repeat quantifiers apply to complete UTF-8 characters, not to individualIn some situations, you may already know that your strings are valid, and
bytes, for example: \ex{100}{3}.therefore want to skip these checks in order to improve performance. If you set
 the PCRE_NO_UTF16_CHECK flag at compile time or at run time, PCRE assumes that
 the pattern or subject it is given (respectively) contains only valid UTF-16
 sequences. In this case, it does not diagnose an invalid UTF-16 string.
 .SS "General comments about UTF modes"
 1. Codepoints less than 256 can be specified by either braced or unbraced
 hexadecimal escape sequences (for example, \ex{b3} or \exb3). Larger values
 have to use braced sequences.
 .P  .P
4. The dot metacharacter matches one UTF-8 character instead of a single byte.2. Octal numbers up to \e777 are recognized, and in UTF-8 mode, they match
 two-byte characters for values greater than \e177.
 .P  .P
5. The escape sequence \eC can be used to match a single byte in UTF-8 mode,3. Repeat quantifiers apply to complete UTF characters, not to individual
but its use can lead to some strange effects because it breaks up multibytedata units, for example: \ex{100}{3}.
characters (see the description of \eC in the.P
 4. The dot metacharacter matches one UTF character instead of a single data
 5. The escape sequence \eC can be used to match a single byte in UTF-8 mode, or
 a single 16-bit data unit in UTF-16 mode, but its use can lead to some strange
 effects because it breaks up multi-unit characters (see the description of \eC
 in the
 .\" HREF  .\" HREF
 \fBpcrepattern\fP  \fBpcrepattern\fP
 .\"  .\"
 documentation). The use of \eC is not supported in the alternative matching  documentation). The use of \eC is not supported in the alternative matching
function \fBpcre_dfa_exec()\fP, nor is it supported in UTF-8 mode by the JITfunction \fBpcre[16]_dfa_exec()\fP, nor is it supported in UTF mode by the JIT
optimization of \fBpcre_exec()\fP. If JIT optimization is requested for a UTF-8optimization of \fBpcre[16]_exec()\fP. If JIT optimization is requested for a
pattern that contains \eC, it will not succeed, and so the matching will beUTF pattern that contains \eC, it will not succeed, and so the matching will
carried out by the normal interpretive function.be carried out by the normal interpretive function.
 .P  .P
 6. The character escapes \eb, \eB, \ed, \eD, \es, \eS, \ew, and \eW correctly  6. The character escapes \eb, \eB, \ed, \eD, \es, \eS, \ew, and \eW correctly
 test characters of any code value, but, by default, the characters that PCRE  test characters of any code value, but, by default, the characters that PCRE
recognizes as digits, spaces, or word characters remain the same set as before,recognizes as digits, spaces, or word characters remain the same set as in
all with values less than 256. This remains true even when PCRE is built tonon-UTF mode, all with values less than 256. This remains true even when PCRE
include Unicode property support, because to do otherwise would slow down PCREis built to include Unicode property support, because to do otherwise would
in many common cases. Note in particular that this applies to \eb and \eB,slow down PCRE in many common cases. Note in particular that this applies to
because they are defined in terms of \ew and \eW. If you really want to test\eb and \eB, because they are defined in terms of \ew and \eW. If you really
for a wider sense of, say, "digit", you can use explicit Unicode property testswant to test for a wider sense of, say, "digit", you can use explicit Unicode
such as \ep{Nd}. Alternatively, if you set the PCRE_UCP option, the way thatproperty tests such as \ep{Nd}. Alternatively, if you set the PCRE_UCP option,
the character escapes work is changed so that Unicode properties are used tothe way that the character escapes work is changed so that Unicode properties
determine which characters match. There are more details in the section onare used to determine which characters match. There are more details in the
 section on
 .\" HTML <a href="pcrepattern.html#genericchartypes">  .\" HTML <a href="pcrepattern.html#genericchartypes">
 .\" </a>  .\" </a>
 generic character types  generic character types
Line 135  documentation. Line 192  documentation.
 7. Similarly, characters that match the POSIX named character classes are all  7. Similarly, characters that match the POSIX named character classes are all
 low-valued characters, unless the PCRE_UCP option is set.  low-valued characters, unless the PCRE_UCP option is set.
 .P  .P
8. However, the horizontal and vertical whitespace matching escapes (\eh, \eH,8. However, the horizontal and vertical white space matching escapes (\eh, \eH,
 \ev, and \eV) do match all the appropriate Unicode characters, whether or not  \ev, and \eV) do match all the appropriate Unicode characters, whether or not
 PCRE_UCP is set.  PCRE_UCP is set.
 .P  .P
Line 163  Cambridge CB2 3QH, England. Line 220  Cambridge CB2 3QH, England.
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Last updated: 19 October 2011Last updated: 14 April 2012
Copyright (c) 1997-2011 University of Cambridge.Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge.
 .fi  .fi

Removed from v.1.1  
changed lines
  Added in v.

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