/* * Stack-less Just-In-Time compiler * * Copyright 2009-2012 Zoltan Herczeg (hzmester@freemail.hu). All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE SLJIT_CONST char* sljit_get_platform_name() { return "MIPS" SLJIT_CPUINFO; } /* Latest MIPS architecture. */ /* Detect SLJIT_MIPS_32_64 */ /* Length of an instruction word Both for mips-32 and mips-64 */ typedef sljit_ui sljit_ins; #define TMP_REG1 (SLJIT_NO_REGISTERS + 1) #define TMP_REG2 (SLJIT_NO_REGISTERS + 2) #define TMP_REG3 (SLJIT_NO_REGISTERS + 3) /* For position independent code, t9 must contain the function address. */ #define PIC_ADDR_REG TMP_REG2 /* TMP_EREG1 is used mainly for literal encoding on 64 bit. */ #define TMP_EREG1 15 #define TMP_EREG2 24 /* Floating point status register. */ #define FCSR_REG 31 /* Return address register. */ #define RETURN_ADDR_REG 31 /* Flags are keept in volatile registers. */ #define EQUAL_FLAG 7 /* And carry flag as well. */ #define ULESS_FLAG 10 #define UGREATER_FLAG 11 #define LESS_FLAG 12 #define GREATER_FLAG 13 #define OVERFLOW_FLAG 14 #define TMP_FREG1 (SLJIT_FLOAT_REG4 + 1) #define TMP_FREG2 (SLJIT_FLOAT_REG4 + 2) /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Instrucion forms */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define S(s) (reg_map[s] << 21) #define T(t) (reg_map[t] << 16) #define D(d) (reg_map[d] << 11) /* Absolute registers. */ #define SA(s) ((s) << 21) #define TA(t) ((t) << 16) #define DA(d) ((d) << 11) #define FT(t) ((t) << (16 + 1)) #define FS(s) ((s) << (11 + 1)) #define FD(d) ((d) << (6 + 1)) #define IMM(imm) ((imm) & 0xffff) #define SH_IMM(imm) ((imm & 0x1f) << 6) #define DR(dr) (reg_map[dr]) #define HI(opcode) ((opcode) << 26) #define LO(opcode) (opcode) #define FMT_D (17 << 21) #define ABS_D (HI(17) | FMT_D | LO(5)) #define ADD_D (HI(17) | FMT_D | LO(0)) #define ADDU (HI(0) | LO(33)) #define ADDIU (HI(9)) #define AND (HI(0) | LO(36)) #define ANDI (HI(12)) #define B (HI(4)) #define BAL (HI(1) | (17 << 16)) #define BC1F (HI(17) | (8 << 21)) #define BC1T (HI(17) | (8 << 21) | (1 << 16)) #define BEQ (HI(4)) #define BGEZ (HI(1) | (1 << 16)) #define BGTZ (HI(7)) #define BLEZ (HI(6)) #define BLTZ (HI(1) | (0 << 16)) #define BNE (HI(5)) #define BREAK (HI(0) | LO(13)) #define C_UN_D (HI(17) | FMT_D | LO(49)) #define C_UEQ_D (HI(17) | FMT_D | LO(51)) #define C_ULE_D (HI(17) | FMT_D | LO(55)) #define C_ULT_D (HI(17) | FMT_D | LO(53)) #define DIV (HI(0) | LO(26)) #define DIVU (HI(0) | LO(27)) #define DIV_D (HI(17) | FMT_D | LO(3)) #define J (HI(2)) #define JAL (HI(3)) #define JALR (HI(0) | LO(9)) #define JR (HI(0) | LO(8)) #define LD (HI(55)) #define LDC1 (HI(53)) #define LUI (HI(15)) #define LW (HI(35)) #define NEG_D (HI(17) | FMT_D | LO(7)) #define MFHI (HI(0) | LO(16)) #define MFLO (HI(0) | LO(18)) #define MOV_D (HI(17) | FMT_D | LO(6)) #define CFC1 (HI(17) | (2 << 21)) #define MOVN (HI(0) | LO(11)) #define MOVZ (HI(0) | LO(10)) #define MUL_D (HI(17) | FMT_D | LO(2)) #define MULT (HI(0) | LO(24)) #define MULTU (HI(0) | LO(25)) #define NOP (HI(0) | LO(0)) #define NOR (HI(0) | LO(39)) #define OR (HI(0) | LO(37)) #define ORI (HI(13)) #define SD (HI(63)) #define SDC1 (HI(61)) #define SLT (HI(0) | LO(42)) #define SLTI (HI(10)) #define SLTIU (HI(11)) #define SLTU (HI(0) | LO(43)) #define SLL (HI(0) | LO(0)) #define SLLV (HI(0) | LO(4)) #define SRL (HI(0) | LO(2)) #define SRLV (HI(0) | LO(6)) #define SRA (HI(0) | LO(3)) #define SRAV (HI(0) | LO(7)) #define SUB_D (HI(17) | FMT_D | LO(1)) #define SUBU (HI(0) | LO(35)) #define SW (HI(43)) #define XOR (HI(0) | LO(38)) #define XORI (HI(14)) #if (defined SLJIT_MIPS_32_64 && SLJIT_MIPS_32_64) #define CLZ (HI(28) | LO(32)) #define MUL (HI(28) | LO(2)) #define SEB (HI(31) | (16 << 6) | LO(32)) #define SEH (HI(31) | (24 << 6) | LO(32)) #endif #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) #define ADDU_W ADDU #define ADDIU_W ADDIU #define SLL_W SLL #define SUBU_W SUBU #else #define ADDU_W DADDU #define ADDIU_W DADDIU #define SLL_W DSLL #define SUBU_W DSUBU #endif #define SIMM_MAX (0x7fff) #define SIMM_MIN (-0x8000) #define UIMM_MAX (0xffff) static SLJIT_CONST sljit_ub reg_map[SLJIT_NO_REGISTERS + 6] = { 0, 2, 5, 6, 3, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 4, 25, 9 }; /* dest_reg is the absolute name of the register Useful for reordering instructions in the delay slot. */ static int push_inst(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, sljit_ins ins, int delay_slot) { sljit_ins *ptr = (sljit_ins*)ensure_buf(compiler, sizeof(sljit_ins)); FAIL_IF(!ptr); *ptr = ins; compiler->size++; compiler->delay_slot = delay_slot; return SLJIT_SUCCESS; } static SLJIT_INLINE sljit_ins invert_branch(int flags) { return (flags & IS_BIT26_COND) ? (1 << 26) : (1 << 16); } static SLJIT_INLINE sljit_ins* optimize_jump(struct sljit_jump *jump, sljit_ins *code_ptr, sljit_ins *code) { sljit_w diff; sljit_uw target_addr; sljit_ins *inst; sljit_ins saved_inst; if (jump->flags & SLJIT_REWRITABLE_JUMP) return code_ptr; if (jump->flags & JUMP_ADDR) target_addr = jump->u.target; else { SLJIT_ASSERT(jump->flags & JUMP_LABEL); target_addr = (sljit_uw)(code + jump->u.label->size); } inst = (sljit_ins*)jump->addr; if (jump->flags & IS_COND) inst--; /* B instructions. */ if (jump->flags & IS_MOVABLE) { diff = ((sljit_w)target_addr - (sljit_w)(inst)) >> 2; if (diff <= SIMM_MAX && diff >= SIMM_MIN) { jump->flags |= PATCH_B; if (!(jump->flags & IS_COND)) { inst[0] = inst[-1]; inst[-1] = (jump->flags & IS_JAL) ? BAL : B; jump->addr -= sizeof(sljit_ins); return inst; } saved_inst = inst[0]; inst[0] = inst[-1]; inst[-1] = saved_inst ^ invert_branch(jump->flags); jump->addr -= 2 * sizeof(sljit_ins); return inst; } } diff = ((sljit_w)target_addr - (sljit_w)(inst + 1)) >> 2; if (diff <= SIMM_MAX && diff >= SIMM_MIN) { jump->flags |= PATCH_B; if (!(jump->flags & IS_COND)) { inst[0] = (jump->flags & IS_JAL) ? BAL : B; inst[1] = NOP; return inst + 1; } inst[0] = inst[0] ^ invert_branch(jump->flags); inst[1] = NOP; jump->addr -= sizeof(sljit_ins); return inst + 1; } if (jump->flags & IS_COND) { if ((target_addr & ~0xfffffff) == ((jump->addr + 3 * sizeof(sljit_ins)) & ~0xfffffff)) { jump->flags |= PATCH_J; inst[0] = (inst[0] & 0xffff0000) | 3; inst[1] = NOP; inst[2] = J; inst[3] = NOP; jump->addr += sizeof(sljit_ins); return inst + 3; } return code_ptr; } /* J instuctions. */ if (jump->flags & IS_MOVABLE) { if ((target_addr & ~0xfffffff) == (jump->addr & ~0xfffffff)) { jump->flags |= PATCH_J; inst[0] = inst[-1]; inst[-1] = (jump->flags & IS_JAL) ? JAL : J; jump->addr -= sizeof(sljit_ins); return inst; } } if ((target_addr & ~0xfffffff) == ((jump->addr + sizeof(sljit_ins)) & ~0xfffffff)) { jump->flags |= PATCH_J; inst[0] = (jump->flags & IS_JAL) ? JAL : J; inst[1] = NOP; return inst + 1; } return code_ptr; } #ifdef __GNUC__ static __attribute__ ((noinline)) void sljit_cache_flush(void* code, void* code_ptr) { SLJIT_CACHE_FLUSH(code, code_ptr); } #endif SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE void* sljit_generate_code(struct sljit_compiler *compiler) { struct sljit_memory_fragment *buf; sljit_ins *code; sljit_ins *code_ptr; sljit_ins *buf_ptr; sljit_ins *buf_end; sljit_uw word_count; sljit_uw addr; struct sljit_label *label; struct sljit_jump *jump; struct sljit_const *const_; CHECK_ERROR_PTR(); check_sljit_generate_code(compiler); reverse_buf(compiler); code = (sljit_ins*)SLJIT_MALLOC_EXEC(compiler->size * sizeof(sljit_ins)); PTR_FAIL_WITH_EXEC_IF(code); buf = compiler->buf; code_ptr = code; word_count = 0; label = compiler->labels; jump = compiler->jumps; const_ = compiler->consts; do { buf_ptr = (sljit_ins*)buf->memory; buf_end = buf_ptr + (buf->used_size >> 2); do { *code_ptr = *buf_ptr++; SLJIT_ASSERT(!label || label->size >= word_count); SLJIT_ASSERT(!jump || jump->addr >= word_count); SLJIT_ASSERT(!const_ || const_->addr >= word_count); /* These structures are ordered by their address. */ if (label && label->size == word_count) { /* Just recording the address. */ label->addr = (sljit_uw)code_ptr; label->size = code_ptr - code; label = label->next; } if (jump && jump->addr == word_count) { #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) jump->addr = (sljit_uw)(code_ptr - 3); #else jump->addr = (sljit_uw)(code_ptr - 6); #endif code_ptr = optimize_jump(jump, code_ptr, code); jump = jump->next; } if (const_ && const_->addr == word_count) { /* Just recording the address. */ const_->addr = (sljit_uw)code_ptr; const_ = const_->next; } code_ptr ++; word_count ++; } while (buf_ptr < buf_end); buf = buf->next; } while (buf); if (label && label->size == word_count) { label->addr = (sljit_uw)code_ptr; label->size = code_ptr - code; label = label->next; } SLJIT_ASSERT(!label); SLJIT_ASSERT(!jump); SLJIT_ASSERT(!const_); SLJIT_ASSERT(code_ptr - code <= (int)compiler->size); jump = compiler->jumps; while (jump) { do { addr = (jump->flags & JUMP_LABEL) ? jump->u.label->addr : jump->u.target; buf_ptr = (sljit_ins*)jump->addr; if (jump->flags & PATCH_B) { addr = (sljit_w)(addr - (jump->addr + sizeof(sljit_ins))) >> 2; SLJIT_ASSERT((sljit_w)addr <= SIMM_MAX && (sljit_w)addr >= SIMM_MIN); buf_ptr[0] = (buf_ptr[0] & 0xffff0000) | (addr & 0xffff); break; } if (jump->flags & PATCH_J) { SLJIT_ASSERT((addr & ~0xfffffff) == ((jump->addr + sizeof(sljit_ins)) & ~0xfffffff)); buf_ptr[0] |= (addr >> 2) & 0x03ffffff; break; } /* Set the fields of immediate loads. */ #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) buf_ptr[0] = (buf_ptr[0] & 0xffff0000) | ((addr >> 16) & 0xffff); buf_ptr[1] = (buf_ptr[1] & 0xffff0000) | (addr & 0xffff); #else buf_ptr[0] = (buf_ptr[0] & 0xffff0000) | ((addr >> 48) & 0xffff); buf_ptr[1] = (buf_ptr[1] & 0xffff0000) | ((addr >> 32) & 0xffff); buf_ptr[3] = (buf_ptr[3] & 0xffff0000) | ((addr >> 16) & 0xffff); buf_ptr[4] = (buf_ptr[4] & 0xffff0000) | (addr & 0xffff); #endif } while (0); jump = jump->next; } compiler->error = SLJIT_ERR_COMPILED; compiler->executable_size = compiler->size * sizeof(sljit_ins); #ifndef __GNUC__ SLJIT_CACHE_FLUSH(code, code_ptr); #else /* GCC workaround for invalid code generation with -O2. */ sljit_cache_flush(code, code_ptr); #endif return code; } /* Creates an index in data_transfer_insts array. */ #define WORD_DATA 0x00 #define BYTE_DATA 0x01 #define HALF_DATA 0x02 #define INT_DATA 0x03 #define SIGNED_DATA 0x04 #define LOAD_DATA 0x08 #define MEM_MASK 0x0f #define WRITE_BACK 0x00010 #define ARG_TEST 0x00020 #define CUMULATIVE_OP 0x00040 #define LOGICAL_OP 0x00080 #define IMM_OP 0x00100 #define SRC2_IMM 0x00200 #define UNUSED_DEST 0x00400 #define REG_DEST 0x00800 #define REG1_SOURCE 0x01000 #define REG2_SOURCE 0x02000 #define SLOW_SRC1 0x04000 #define SLOW_SRC2 0x08000 #define SLOW_DEST 0x10000 /* Only these flags are set. UNUSED_DEST is not set when no flags should be set. */ #define CHECK_FLAGS(list) \ (!(flags & UNUSED_DEST) || (op & GET_FLAGS(~(list)))) #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) #include "sljitNativeMIPS_32.c" #else #include "sljitNativeMIPS_64.c" #endif #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) #define STACK_STORE SW #define STACK_LOAD LW #else #define STACK_STORE SD #define STACK_LOAD LD #endif static int emit_op(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int op, int inp_flags, int dst, sljit_w dstw, int src1, sljit_w src1w, int src2, sljit_w src2w); SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_enter(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int args, int temporaries, int saveds, int local_size) { sljit_ins base; CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_enter(compiler, args, temporaries, saveds, local_size); compiler->temporaries = temporaries; compiler->saveds = saveds; #if (defined SLJIT_DEBUG && SLJIT_DEBUG) compiler->logical_local_size = local_size; #endif local_size += (saveds + 1 + 4) * sizeof(sljit_w); local_size = (local_size + 15) & ~0xf; compiler->local_size = local_size; if (local_size <= SIMM_MAX) { /* Frequent case. */ FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDIU_W | S(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG) | T(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG) | IMM(-local_size), DR(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG))); base = S(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG); } else { FAIL_IF(load_immediate(compiler, DR(TMP_REG1), local_size)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG) | TA(0) | D(TMP_REG2), DR(TMP_REG2))); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, SUBU_W | S(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG) | T(TMP_REG1) | D(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG), DR(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG))); base = S(TMP_REG2); local_size = 0; } FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_STORE | base | TA(RETURN_ADDR_REG) | IMM(local_size - 1 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), MOVABLE_INS)); if (saveds >= 1) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_STORE | base | T(SLJIT_SAVED_REG1) | IMM(local_size - 2 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), MOVABLE_INS)); if (saveds >= 2) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_STORE | base | T(SLJIT_SAVED_REG2) | IMM(local_size - 3 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), MOVABLE_INS)); if (saveds >= 3) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_STORE | base | T(SLJIT_SAVED_REG3) | IMM(local_size - 4 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), MOVABLE_INS)); if (saveds >= 4) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_STORE | base | T(SLJIT_SAVED_EREG1) | IMM(local_size - 5 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), MOVABLE_INS)); if (saveds >= 5) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_STORE | base | T(SLJIT_SAVED_EREG2) | IMM(local_size - 6 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), MOVABLE_INS)); if (args >= 1) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | SA(4) | TA(0) | D(SLJIT_SAVED_REG1), DR(SLJIT_SAVED_REG1))); if (args >= 2) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | SA(5) | TA(0) | D(SLJIT_SAVED_REG2), DR(SLJIT_SAVED_REG2))); if (args >= 3) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | SA(6) | TA(0) | D(SLJIT_SAVED_REG3), DR(SLJIT_SAVED_REG3))); return SLJIT_SUCCESS; } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE void sljit_set_context(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int args, int temporaries, int saveds, int local_size) { CHECK_ERROR_VOID(); check_sljit_set_context(compiler, args, temporaries, saveds, local_size); compiler->temporaries = temporaries; compiler->saveds = saveds; #if (defined SLJIT_DEBUG && SLJIT_DEBUG) compiler->logical_local_size = local_size; #endif local_size += (saveds + 1 + 4) * sizeof(sljit_w); compiler->local_size = (local_size + 15) & ~0xf; } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_return(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int op, int src, sljit_w srcw) { int local_size; sljit_ins base; CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_return(compiler, op, src, srcw); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(src, srcw); FAIL_IF(emit_mov_before_return(compiler, op, src, srcw)); local_size = compiler->local_size; if (local_size <= SIMM_MAX) base = S(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG); else { FAIL_IF(load_immediate(compiler, DR(TMP_REG1), local_size)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG) | T(TMP_REG1) | D(TMP_REG1), DR(TMP_REG1))); base = S(TMP_REG1); local_size = 0; } FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_LOAD | base | TA(RETURN_ADDR_REG) | IMM(local_size - 1 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), RETURN_ADDR_REG)); if (compiler->saveds >= 5) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_LOAD | base | T(SLJIT_SAVED_EREG2) | IMM(local_size - 6 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), DR(SLJIT_SAVED_EREG2))); if (compiler->saveds >= 4) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_LOAD | base | T(SLJIT_SAVED_EREG1) | IMM(local_size - 5 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), DR(SLJIT_SAVED_EREG1))); if (compiler->saveds >= 3) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_LOAD | base | T(SLJIT_SAVED_REG3) | IMM(local_size - 4 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), DR(SLJIT_SAVED_REG3))); if (compiler->saveds >= 2) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_LOAD | base | T(SLJIT_SAVED_REG2) | IMM(local_size - 3 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), DR(SLJIT_SAVED_REG2))); if (compiler->saveds >= 1) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, STACK_LOAD | base | T(SLJIT_SAVED_REG1) | IMM(local_size - 2 * (int)sizeof(sljit_w)), DR(SLJIT_SAVED_REG1))); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, JR | SA(RETURN_ADDR_REG), UNMOVABLE_INS)); if (compiler->local_size <= SIMM_MAX) return push_inst(compiler, ADDIU_W | S(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG) | T(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG) | IMM(compiler->local_size), UNMOVABLE_INS); else return push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(TMP_REG1) | TA(0) | D(SLJIT_LOCALS_REG), UNMOVABLE_INS); } #undef STACK_STORE #undef STACK_LOAD /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Operators */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) #define ARCH_DEPEND(a, b) a #else #define ARCH_DEPEND(a, b) b #endif static SLJIT_CONST sljit_ins data_transfer_insts[16] = { /* s u w */ ARCH_DEPEND(HI(43) /* sw */, HI(63) /* sd */), /* s u b */ HI(40) /* sb */, /* s u h */ HI(41) /* sh*/, /* s u i */ HI(43) /* sw */, /* s s w */ ARCH_DEPEND(HI(43) /* sw */, HI(63) /* sd */), /* s s b */ HI(40) /* sb */, /* s s h */ HI(41) /* sh*/, /* s s i */ HI(43) /* sw */, /* l u w */ ARCH_DEPEND(HI(35) /* lw */, HI(55) /* ld */), /* l u b */ HI(36) /* lbu */, /* l u h */ HI(37) /* lhu */, /* l u i */ ARCH_DEPEND(HI(35) /* lw */, HI(39) /* lwu */), /* l s w */ ARCH_DEPEND(HI(35) /* lw */, HI(55) /* ld */), /* l s b */ HI(32) /* lb */, /* l s h */ HI(33) /* lh */, /* l s i */ HI(35) /* lw */, }; /* reg_ar is an absoulute register! */ /* Can perform an operation using at most 1 instruction. */ static int getput_arg_fast(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int flags, int reg_ar, int arg, sljit_w argw) { SLJIT_ASSERT(arg & SLJIT_MEM); if (!(flags & WRITE_BACK) && !(arg & 0xf0) && argw <= SIMM_MAX && argw >= SIMM_MIN) { /* Works for both absoulte and relative addresses. */ if (SLJIT_UNLIKELY(flags & ARG_TEST)) return 1; FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | S(arg & 0xf) | TA(reg_ar) | IMM(argw), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS)); return -1; } return (flags & ARG_TEST) ? SLJIT_SUCCESS : 0; } /* See getput_arg below. Note: can_cache is called only for binary operators. Those operators always uses word arguments without write back. */ static int can_cache(int arg, sljit_w argw, int next_arg, sljit_w next_argw) { if (!(next_arg & SLJIT_MEM)) return 0; /* Simple operation except for updates. */ if (arg & 0xf0) { argw &= 0x3; next_argw &= 0x3; if (argw && argw == next_argw && (arg == next_arg || (arg & 0xf0) == (next_arg & 0xf0))) return 1; return 0; } if (arg == next_arg) { if (((sljit_uw)(next_argw - argw) <= SIMM_MAX && (sljit_uw)(next_argw - argw) >= SIMM_MIN)) return 1; return 0; } return 0; } /* Emit the necessary instructions. See can_cache above. */ static int getput_arg(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int flags, int reg_ar, int arg, sljit_w argw, int next_arg, sljit_w next_argw) { int tmp_ar; int base; SLJIT_ASSERT(arg & SLJIT_MEM); if (!(next_arg & SLJIT_MEM)) { next_arg = 0; next_argw = 0; } tmp_ar = (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : DR(TMP_REG3); base = arg & 0xf; if (SLJIT_UNLIKELY(arg & 0xf0)) { argw &= 0x3; if ((flags & WRITE_BACK) && reg_ar == DR(base)) { SLJIT_ASSERT(!(flags & LOAD_DATA) && DR(TMP_REG1) != reg_ar); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | SA(reg_ar) | TA(0) | D(TMP_REG1), DR(TMP_REG1))); reg_ar = DR(TMP_REG1); } /* Using the cache. */ if (argw == compiler->cache_argw) { if (!(flags & WRITE_BACK)) { if (arg == compiler->cache_arg) return push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | S(TMP_REG3) | TA(reg_ar), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS); if ((SLJIT_MEM | (arg & 0xf0)) == compiler->cache_arg) { if (arg == next_arg && argw == (next_argw & 0x3)) { compiler->cache_arg = arg; compiler->cache_argw = argw; FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(base) | T(TMP_REG3) | D(TMP_REG3), DR(TMP_REG3))); return push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | S(TMP_REG3) | TA(reg_ar), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS); } FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(base) | T(TMP_REG3) | DA(tmp_ar), tmp_ar)); return push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | SA(tmp_ar) | TA(reg_ar), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS); } } else { if ((SLJIT_MEM | (arg & 0xf0)) == compiler->cache_arg) { FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(base) | T(TMP_REG3) | D(base), DR(base))); return push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | S(base) | TA(reg_ar), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS); } } } if (SLJIT_UNLIKELY(argw)) { compiler->cache_arg = SLJIT_MEM | (arg & 0xf0); compiler->cache_argw = argw; FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, SLL_W | T((arg >> 4) & 0xf) | D(TMP_REG3) | SH_IMM(argw), DR(TMP_REG3))); } if (!(flags & WRITE_BACK)) { if (arg == next_arg && argw == (next_argw & 0x3)) { compiler->cache_arg = arg; compiler->cache_argw = argw; FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(base) | T(!argw ? ((arg >> 4) & 0xf) : TMP_REG3) | D(TMP_REG3), DR(TMP_REG3))); tmp_ar = DR(TMP_REG3); } else FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(base) | T(!argw ? ((arg >> 4) & 0xf) : TMP_REG3) | DA(tmp_ar), tmp_ar)); return push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | SA(tmp_ar) | TA(reg_ar), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS); } FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(base) | T(!argw ? ((arg >> 4) & 0xf) : TMP_REG3) | D(base), DR(base))); return push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | S(base) | TA(reg_ar), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS); } if (SLJIT_UNLIKELY(flags & WRITE_BACK) && base) { /* Update only applies if a base register exists. */ if (reg_ar == DR(base)) { SLJIT_ASSERT(!(flags & LOAD_DATA) && DR(TMP_REG1) != reg_ar); if (argw <= SIMM_MAX && argw >= SIMM_MIN) { FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | S(base) | TA(reg_ar) | IMM(argw), MOVABLE_INS)); if (argw) return push_inst(compiler, ADDIU_W | S(base) | T(base) | IMM(argw), DR(base)); return SLJIT_SUCCESS; } FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | SA(reg_ar) | TA(0) | D(TMP_REG1), DR(TMP_REG1))); reg_ar = DR(TMP_REG1); } if (argw <= SIMM_MAX && argw >= SIMM_MIN) { if (argw) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDIU_W | S(base) | T(base) | IMM(argw), DR(base))); } else { if (compiler->cache_arg == SLJIT_MEM && argw - compiler->cache_argw <= SIMM_MAX && argw - compiler->cache_argw >= SIMM_MIN) { if (argw != compiler->cache_argw) { FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDIU_W | S(TMP_REG3) | T(TMP_REG3) | IMM(argw - compiler->cache_argw), DR(TMP_REG3))); compiler->cache_argw = argw; } FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(base) | T(TMP_REG3) | D(base), DR(base))); } else { compiler->cache_arg = SLJIT_MEM; compiler->cache_argw = argw; FAIL_IF(load_immediate(compiler, DR(TMP_REG3), argw)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(base) | T(TMP_REG3) | D(base), DR(base))); } } return push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | S(base) | TA(reg_ar), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS); } if (compiler->cache_arg == arg && argw - compiler->cache_argw <= SIMM_MAX && argw - compiler->cache_argw >= SIMM_MIN) { if (argw != compiler->cache_argw) { FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDIU_W | S(TMP_REG3) | T(TMP_REG3) | IMM(argw - compiler->cache_argw), DR(TMP_REG3))); compiler->cache_argw = argw; } return push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | S(TMP_REG3) | TA(reg_ar), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS); } if (compiler->cache_arg == SLJIT_MEM && argw - compiler->cache_argw <= SIMM_MAX && argw - compiler->cache_argw >= SIMM_MIN) { if (argw != compiler->cache_argw) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDIU_W | S(TMP_REG3) | T(TMP_REG3) | IMM(argw - compiler->cache_argw), DR(TMP_REG3))); } else { compiler->cache_arg = SLJIT_MEM; FAIL_IF(load_immediate(compiler, DR(TMP_REG3), argw)); } compiler->cache_argw = argw; if (!base) return push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | S(TMP_REG3) | TA(reg_ar), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS); if (arg == next_arg && next_argw - argw <= SIMM_MAX && next_argw - argw >= SIMM_MIN) { compiler->cache_arg = arg; FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(TMP_REG3) | T(base) | D(TMP_REG3), DR(TMP_REG3))); return push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | S(TMP_REG3) | TA(reg_ar), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS); } FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(TMP_REG3) | T(base) | DA(tmp_ar), tmp_ar)); return push_inst(compiler, data_transfer_insts[flags & MEM_MASK] | SA(tmp_ar) | TA(reg_ar), (flags & LOAD_DATA) ? reg_ar : MOVABLE_INS); } static SLJIT_INLINE int emit_op_mem(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int flags, int reg_ar, int arg, sljit_w argw) { if (getput_arg_fast(compiler, flags, reg_ar, arg, argw)) return compiler->error; compiler->cache_arg = 0; compiler->cache_argw = 0; return getput_arg(compiler, flags, reg_ar, arg, argw, 0, 0); } static int emit_op(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int op, int flags, int dst, sljit_w dstw, int src1, sljit_w src1w, int src2, sljit_w src2w) { /* arg1 goes to TMP_REG1 or src reg arg2 goes to TMP_REG2, imm or src reg TMP_REG3 can be used for caching result goes to TMP_REG2, so put result can use TMP_REG1 and TMP_REG3. */ int dst_r = TMP_REG2; int src1_r; sljit_w src2_r = 0; int sugg_src2_r = TMP_REG2; compiler->cache_arg = 0; compiler->cache_argw = 0; if (dst >= SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1 && dst <= TMP_REG3) { dst_r = dst; flags |= REG_DEST; if (GET_OPCODE(op) >= SLJIT_MOV && GET_OPCODE(op) <= SLJIT_MOVU_SI) sugg_src2_r = dst_r; } else if (dst == SLJIT_UNUSED) { if (op >= SLJIT_MOV && op <= SLJIT_MOVU_SI && !(src2 & SLJIT_MEM)) return SLJIT_SUCCESS; if (GET_FLAGS(op)) flags |= UNUSED_DEST; } else if ((dst & SLJIT_MEM) && !getput_arg_fast(compiler, flags | ARG_TEST, DR(TMP_REG1), dst, dstw)) flags |= SLOW_DEST; if (flags & IMM_OP) { if ((src2 & SLJIT_IMM) && src2w) { if ((!(flags & LOGICAL_OP) && (src2w <= SIMM_MAX && src2w >= SIMM_MIN)) || ((flags & LOGICAL_OP) && !(src2w & ~UIMM_MAX))) { flags |= SRC2_IMM; src2_r = src2w; } } if ((src1 & SLJIT_IMM) && src1w && (flags & CUMULATIVE_OP) && !(flags & SRC2_IMM)) { if ((!(flags & LOGICAL_OP) && (src1w <= SIMM_MAX && src1w >= SIMM_MIN)) || ((flags & LOGICAL_OP) && !(src1w & ~UIMM_MAX))) { flags |= SRC2_IMM; src2_r = src1w; /* And swap arguments. */ src1 = src2; src1w = src2w; src2 = SLJIT_IMM; /* src2w = src2_r unneeded. */ } } } /* Source 1. */ if (src1 >= SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1 && src1 <= TMP_REG3) { src1_r = src1; flags |= REG1_SOURCE; } else if (src1 & SLJIT_IMM) { if (src1w) { FAIL_IF(load_immediate(compiler, DR(TMP_REG1), src1w)); src1_r = TMP_REG1; } else src1_r = 0; } else { if (getput_arg_fast(compiler, flags | LOAD_DATA, DR(TMP_REG1), src1, src1w)) FAIL_IF(compiler->error); else flags |= SLOW_SRC1; src1_r = TMP_REG1; } /* Source 2. */ if (src2 >= SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1 && src2 <= TMP_REG3) { src2_r = src2; flags |= REG2_SOURCE; if (!(flags & REG_DEST) && GET_OPCODE(op) >= SLJIT_MOV && GET_OPCODE(op) <= SLJIT_MOVU_SI) dst_r = src2_r; } else if (src2 & SLJIT_IMM) { if (!(flags & SRC2_IMM)) { if (src2w || (GET_OPCODE(op) >= SLJIT_MOV && GET_OPCODE(op) <= SLJIT_MOVU_SI)) { FAIL_IF(load_immediate(compiler, DR(sugg_src2_r), src2w)); src2_r = sugg_src2_r; } else src2_r = 0; } } else { if (getput_arg_fast(compiler, flags | LOAD_DATA, DR(sugg_src2_r), src2, src2w)) FAIL_IF(compiler->error); else flags |= SLOW_SRC2; src2_r = sugg_src2_r; } if ((flags & (SLOW_SRC1 | SLOW_SRC2)) == (SLOW_SRC1 | SLOW_SRC2)) { SLJIT_ASSERT(src2_r == TMP_REG2); if (!can_cache(src1, src1w, src2, src2w) && can_cache(src1, src1w, dst, dstw)) { FAIL_IF(getput_arg(compiler, flags | LOAD_DATA, DR(TMP_REG2), src2, src2w, src1, src1w)); FAIL_IF(getput_arg(compiler, flags | LOAD_DATA, DR(TMP_REG1), src1, src1w, dst, dstw)); } else { FAIL_IF(getput_arg(compiler, flags | LOAD_DATA, DR(TMP_REG1), src1, src1w, src2, src2w)); FAIL_IF(getput_arg(compiler, flags | LOAD_DATA, DR(TMP_REG2), src2, src2w, dst, dstw)); } } else if (flags & SLOW_SRC1) FAIL_IF(getput_arg(compiler, flags | LOAD_DATA, DR(TMP_REG1), src1, src1w, dst, dstw)); else if (flags & SLOW_SRC2) FAIL_IF(getput_arg(compiler, flags | LOAD_DATA, DR(sugg_src2_r), src2, src2w, dst, dstw)); FAIL_IF(emit_single_op(compiler, op, flags, dst_r, src1_r, src2_r)); if (dst & SLJIT_MEM) { if (!(flags & SLOW_DEST)) { getput_arg_fast(compiler, flags, DR(dst_r), dst, dstw); return compiler->error; } return getput_arg(compiler, flags, DR(dst_r), dst, dstw, 0, 0); } return SLJIT_SUCCESS; } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_op0(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int op) { CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_op0(compiler, op); op = GET_OPCODE(op); switch (op) { case SLJIT_BREAKPOINT: return push_inst(compiler, BREAK, UNMOVABLE_INS); case SLJIT_NOP: return push_inst(compiler, NOP, UNMOVABLE_INS); case SLJIT_UMUL: case SLJIT_SMUL: FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, (op == SLJIT_UMUL ? MULTU : MULT) | S(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1) | T(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG2), MOVABLE_INS)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, MFLO | D(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1), DR(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1))); return push_inst(compiler, MFHI | D(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG2), DR(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG2)); case SLJIT_UDIV: case SLJIT_SDIV: #if !(defined SLJIT_MIPS_32_64 && SLJIT_MIPS_32_64) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, NOP, UNMOVABLE_INS)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, NOP, UNMOVABLE_INS)); #endif FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, (op == SLJIT_UDIV ? DIVU : DIV) | S(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1) | T(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG2), MOVABLE_INS)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, MFLO | D(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1), DR(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1))); return push_inst(compiler, MFHI | D(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG2), DR(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG2)); } return SLJIT_SUCCESS; } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_op1(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int op, int dst, sljit_w dstw, int src, sljit_w srcw) { #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) #define inp_flags 0 #endif CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_op1(compiler, op, dst, dstw, src, srcw); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(dst, dstw); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(src, srcw); SLJIT_COMPILE_ASSERT(SLJIT_MOV + 7 == SLJIT_MOVU, movu_offset); switch (GET_OPCODE(op)) { case SLJIT_MOV: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV, inp_flags | WORD_DATA, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, srcw); case SLJIT_MOV_UI: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_UI, inp_flags | INT_DATA, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, srcw); case SLJIT_MOV_SI: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_SI, inp_flags | INT_DATA | SIGNED_DATA, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, srcw); case SLJIT_MOV_UB: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_UB, inp_flags | BYTE_DATA, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, (src & SLJIT_IMM) ? (unsigned char)srcw : srcw); case SLJIT_MOV_SB: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_SB, inp_flags | BYTE_DATA | SIGNED_DATA, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, (src & SLJIT_IMM) ? (signed char)srcw : srcw); case SLJIT_MOV_UH: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_UH, inp_flags | HALF_DATA, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, (src & SLJIT_IMM) ? (unsigned short)srcw : srcw); case SLJIT_MOV_SH: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_SH, inp_flags | HALF_DATA | SIGNED_DATA, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, (src & SLJIT_IMM) ? (signed short)srcw : srcw); case SLJIT_MOVU: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV, inp_flags | WORD_DATA | WRITE_BACK, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, srcw); case SLJIT_MOVU_UI: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_UI, inp_flags | INT_DATA | WRITE_BACK, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, srcw); case SLJIT_MOVU_SI: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_SI, inp_flags | INT_DATA | SIGNED_DATA | WRITE_BACK, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, srcw); case SLJIT_MOVU_UB: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_UB, inp_flags | BYTE_DATA | WRITE_BACK, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, (src & SLJIT_IMM) ? (unsigned char)srcw : srcw); case SLJIT_MOVU_SB: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_SB, inp_flags | BYTE_DATA | SIGNED_DATA | WRITE_BACK, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, (src & SLJIT_IMM) ? (signed char)srcw : srcw); case SLJIT_MOVU_UH: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_UH, inp_flags | HALF_DATA | WRITE_BACK, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, (src & SLJIT_IMM) ? (unsigned short)srcw : srcw); case SLJIT_MOVU_SH: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV_SH, inp_flags | HALF_DATA | SIGNED_DATA | WRITE_BACK, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, (src & SLJIT_IMM) ? (signed short)srcw : srcw); case SLJIT_NOT: return emit_op(compiler, op, inp_flags, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, srcw); case SLJIT_NEG: return emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_SUB | GET_ALL_FLAGS(op), inp_flags | IMM_OP, dst, dstw, SLJIT_IMM, 0, src, srcw); case SLJIT_CLZ: return emit_op(compiler, op, inp_flags, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, src, srcw); } return SLJIT_SUCCESS; #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) #undef inp_flags #endif } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_op2(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int op, int dst, sljit_w dstw, int src1, sljit_w src1w, int src2, sljit_w src2w) { #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) #define inp_flags 0 #endif CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_op2(compiler, op, dst, dstw, src1, src1w, src2, src2w); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(dst, dstw); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(src1, src1w); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(src2, src2w); switch (GET_OPCODE(op)) { case SLJIT_ADD: case SLJIT_ADDC: return emit_op(compiler, op, inp_flags | CUMULATIVE_OP | IMM_OP, dst, dstw, src1, src1w, src2, src2w); case SLJIT_SUB: case SLJIT_SUBC: return emit_op(compiler, op, inp_flags | IMM_OP, dst, dstw, src1, src1w, src2, src2w); case SLJIT_MUL: return emit_op(compiler, op, inp_flags | CUMULATIVE_OP, dst, dstw, src1, src1w, src2, src2w); case SLJIT_AND: case SLJIT_OR: case SLJIT_XOR: return emit_op(compiler, op, inp_flags | CUMULATIVE_OP | LOGICAL_OP | IMM_OP, dst, dstw, src1, src1w, src2, src2w); case SLJIT_SHL: case SLJIT_LSHR: case SLJIT_ASHR: #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) if (src2 & SLJIT_IMM) src2w &= 0x1f; #else if (src2 & SLJIT_IMM) src2w &= 0x3f; #endif return emit_op(compiler, op, inp_flags | IMM_OP, dst, dstw, src1, src1w, src2, src2w); } return SLJIT_SUCCESS; #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) #undef inp_flags #endif } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_get_register_index(int reg) { check_sljit_get_register_index(reg); return reg_map[reg]; } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_op_custom(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, void *instruction, int size) { CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, size); SLJIT_ASSERT(size == 4); return push_inst(compiler, *(sljit_ins*)instruction, UNMOVABLE_INS); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Floating point operators */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_is_fpu_available(void) { #if (defined SLJIT_QEMU && SLJIT_QEMU) /* Qemu says fir is 0 by default. */ return 1; #elif defined(__GNUC__) sljit_w fir; asm ("cfc1 %0, $0" : "=r"(fir)); return (fir >> 22) & 0x1; #else #error "FIR check is not implemented for this architecture" #endif } static int emit_fpu_data_transfer(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int fpu_reg, int load, int arg, sljit_w argw) { int hi_reg; SLJIT_ASSERT(arg & SLJIT_MEM); /* Fast loads and stores. */ if (!(arg & 0xf0)) { /* Both for (arg & 0xf) == SLJIT_UNUSED and (arg & 0xf) != SLJIT_UNUSED. */ if (argw <= SIMM_MAX && argw >= SIMM_MIN) return push_inst(compiler, (load ? LDC1 : SDC1) | S(arg & 0xf) | FT(fpu_reg) | IMM(argw), MOVABLE_INS); } if (arg & 0xf0) { argw &= 0x3; hi_reg = (arg >> 4) & 0xf; if (argw) { FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, SLL_W | T(hi_reg) | D(TMP_REG1) | SH_IMM(argw), DR(TMP_REG1))); hi_reg = TMP_REG1; } FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(hi_reg) | T(arg & 0xf) | D(TMP_REG1), DR(TMP_REG1))); return push_inst(compiler, (load ? LDC1 : SDC1) | S(TMP_REG1) | FT(fpu_reg) | IMM(0), MOVABLE_INS); } /* Use cache. */ if (compiler->cache_arg == arg && argw - compiler->cache_argw <= SIMM_MAX && argw - compiler->cache_argw >= SIMM_MIN) return push_inst(compiler, (load ? LDC1 : SDC1) | S(TMP_REG3) | FT(fpu_reg) | IMM(argw - compiler->cache_argw), MOVABLE_INS); /* Put value to cache. */ compiler->cache_arg = arg; compiler->cache_argw = argw; FAIL_IF(load_immediate(compiler, DR(TMP_REG3), argw)); if (arg & 0xf) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(TMP_REG3) | T(arg & 0xf) | D(TMP_REG3), DR(TMP_REG3))); return push_inst(compiler, (load ? LDC1 : SDC1) | S(TMP_REG3) | FT(fpu_reg) | IMM(0), MOVABLE_INS); } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_fop1(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int op, int dst, sljit_w dstw, int src, sljit_w srcw) { int dst_fr; CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_fop1(compiler, op, dst, dstw, src, srcw); compiler->cache_arg = 0; compiler->cache_argw = 0; if (GET_OPCODE(op) == SLJIT_FCMP) { if (dst > SLJIT_FLOAT_REG4) { FAIL_IF(emit_fpu_data_transfer(compiler, TMP_FREG1, 1, dst, dstw)); dst = TMP_FREG1; } if (src > SLJIT_FLOAT_REG4) { FAIL_IF(emit_fpu_data_transfer(compiler, TMP_FREG2, 1, src, srcw)); src = TMP_FREG2; } /* src and dst are swapped. */ if (op & SLJIT_SET_E) { FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, C_UEQ_D | FT(src) | FS(dst), UNMOVABLE_INS)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, CFC1 | TA(EQUAL_FLAG) | DA(FCSR_REG), EQUAL_FLAG)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, SRL | TA(EQUAL_FLAG) | DA(EQUAL_FLAG) | SH_IMM(23), EQUAL_FLAG)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ANDI | SA(EQUAL_FLAG) | TA(EQUAL_FLAG) | IMM(1), EQUAL_FLAG)); } if (op & SLJIT_SET_S) { /* Mixing the instructions for the two checks. */ FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, C_ULT_D | FT(src) | FS(dst), UNMOVABLE_INS)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, CFC1 | TA(ULESS_FLAG) | DA(FCSR_REG), ULESS_FLAG)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, C_ULT_D | FT(dst) | FS(src), UNMOVABLE_INS)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, SRL | TA(ULESS_FLAG) | DA(ULESS_FLAG) | SH_IMM(23), ULESS_FLAG)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ANDI | SA(ULESS_FLAG) | TA(ULESS_FLAG) | IMM(1), ULESS_FLAG)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, CFC1 | TA(UGREATER_FLAG) | DA(FCSR_REG), UGREATER_FLAG)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, SRL | TA(UGREATER_FLAG) | DA(UGREATER_FLAG) | SH_IMM(23), UGREATER_FLAG)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ANDI | SA(UGREATER_FLAG) | TA(UGREATER_FLAG) | IMM(1), UGREATER_FLAG)); } return push_inst(compiler, C_UN_D | FT(src) | FS(dst), FCSR_FCC); } dst_fr = (dst > SLJIT_FLOAT_REG4) ? TMP_FREG1 : dst; if (src > SLJIT_FLOAT_REG4) { FAIL_IF(emit_fpu_data_transfer(compiler, dst_fr, 1, src, srcw)); src = dst_fr; } switch (op) { case SLJIT_FMOV: if (src != dst_fr && dst_fr != TMP_FREG1) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, MOV_D | FS(src) | FD(dst_fr), MOVABLE_INS)); break; case SLJIT_FNEG: FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, NEG_D | FS(src) | FD(dst_fr), MOVABLE_INS)); break; case SLJIT_FABS: FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ABS_D | FS(src) | FD(dst_fr), MOVABLE_INS)); break; } if (dst_fr == TMP_FREG1) FAIL_IF(emit_fpu_data_transfer(compiler, src, 0, dst, dstw)); return SLJIT_SUCCESS; } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_fop2(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int op, int dst, sljit_w dstw, int src1, sljit_w src1w, int src2, sljit_w src2w) { int dst_fr; CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_fop2(compiler, op, dst, dstw, src1, src1w, src2, src2w); compiler->cache_arg = 0; compiler->cache_argw = 0; dst_fr = (dst > SLJIT_FLOAT_REG4) ? TMP_FREG1 : dst; if (src2 > SLJIT_FLOAT_REG4) { FAIL_IF(emit_fpu_data_transfer(compiler, TMP_FREG2, 1, src2, src2w)); src2 = TMP_FREG2; } if (src1 > SLJIT_FLOAT_REG4) { FAIL_IF(emit_fpu_data_transfer(compiler, TMP_FREG1, 1, src1, src1w)); src1 = TMP_FREG1; } switch (op) { case SLJIT_FADD: FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADD_D | FT(src2) | FS(src1) | FD(dst_fr), MOVABLE_INS)); break; case SLJIT_FSUB: FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, SUB_D | FT(src2) | FS(src1) | FD(dst_fr), MOVABLE_INS)); break; case SLJIT_FMUL: FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, MUL_D | FT(src2) | FS(src1) | FD(dst_fr), MOVABLE_INS)); break; case SLJIT_FDIV: FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, DIV_D | FT(src2) | FS(src1) | FD(dst_fr), MOVABLE_INS)); break; } if (dst_fr == TMP_FREG1) FAIL_IF(emit_fpu_data_transfer(compiler, TMP_FREG1, 0, dst, dstw)); return SLJIT_SUCCESS; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Other instructions */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_fast_enter(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int dst, sljit_w dstw) { CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_fast_enter(compiler, dst, dstw); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(dst, dstw); if (dst >= SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1 && dst <= SLJIT_NO_REGISTERS) return push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | SA(RETURN_ADDR_REG) | TA(0) | D(dst), DR(dst)); else if (dst & SLJIT_MEM) return emit_op_mem(compiler, WORD_DATA, RETURN_ADDR_REG, dst, dstw); return SLJIT_SUCCESS; } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_fast_return(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int src, sljit_w srcw) { CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_fast_return(compiler, src, srcw); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(src, srcw); if (src >= SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1 && src <= SLJIT_NO_REGISTERS) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(src) | TA(0) | DA(RETURN_ADDR_REG), RETURN_ADDR_REG)); else if (src & SLJIT_MEM) FAIL_IF(emit_op_mem(compiler, WORD_DATA | LOAD_DATA, RETURN_ADDR_REG, src, srcw)); else if (src & SLJIT_IMM) FAIL_IF(load_immediate(compiler, RETURN_ADDR_REG, srcw)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, JR | SA(RETURN_ADDR_REG), UNMOVABLE_INS)); return push_inst(compiler, NOP, UNMOVABLE_INS); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Conditional instructions */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE struct sljit_label* sljit_emit_label(struct sljit_compiler *compiler) { struct sljit_label *label; CHECK_ERROR_PTR(); check_sljit_emit_label(compiler); if (compiler->last_label && compiler->last_label->size == compiler->size) return compiler->last_label; label = (struct sljit_label*)ensure_abuf(compiler, sizeof(struct sljit_label)); PTR_FAIL_IF(!label); set_label(label, compiler); compiler->delay_slot = UNMOVABLE_INS; return label; } #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32 && SLJIT_CONFIG_MIPS_32) #define JUMP_LENGTH 4 #else #define JUMP_LENGTH 7 #endif #define BR_Z(src) \ inst = BEQ | SA(src) | TA(0) | JUMP_LENGTH; \ flags = IS_BIT26_COND; \ delay_check = src; #define BR_NZ(src) \ inst = BNE | SA(src) | TA(0) | JUMP_LENGTH; \ flags = IS_BIT26_COND; \ delay_check = src; #define BR_T() \ inst = BC1T | JUMP_LENGTH; \ flags = IS_BIT16_COND; \ delay_check = FCSR_FCC; #define BR_F() \ inst = BC1F | JUMP_LENGTH; \ flags = IS_BIT16_COND; \ delay_check = FCSR_FCC; SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE struct sljit_jump* sljit_emit_jump(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int type) { struct sljit_jump *jump; sljit_ins inst; int flags = 0; int delay_check = UNMOVABLE_INS; CHECK_ERROR_PTR(); check_sljit_emit_jump(compiler, type); jump = (struct sljit_jump*)ensure_abuf(compiler, sizeof(struct sljit_jump)); PTR_FAIL_IF(!jump); set_jump(jump, compiler, type & SLJIT_REWRITABLE_JUMP); type &= 0xff; switch (type) { case SLJIT_C_EQUAL: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_NOT_EQUAL: BR_NZ(EQUAL_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_NOT_EQUAL: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_EQUAL: BR_Z(EQUAL_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_LESS: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_LESS: BR_Z(ULESS_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_GREATER_EQUAL: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_GREATER_EQUAL: BR_NZ(ULESS_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_GREATER: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_GREATER: BR_Z(UGREATER_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_LESS_EQUAL: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_LESS_EQUAL: BR_NZ(UGREATER_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_LESS: BR_Z(LESS_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_GREATER_EQUAL: BR_NZ(LESS_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_GREATER: BR_Z(GREATER_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_LESS_EQUAL: BR_NZ(GREATER_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_OVERFLOW: case SLJIT_C_MUL_OVERFLOW: BR_Z(OVERFLOW_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_NOT_OVERFLOW: case SLJIT_C_MUL_NOT_OVERFLOW: BR_NZ(OVERFLOW_FLAG); break; case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_NAN: BR_F(); break; case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_NOT_NAN: BR_T(); break; default: /* Not conditional branch. */ inst = 0; break; } jump->flags |= flags; if (compiler->delay_slot == MOVABLE_INS || (compiler->delay_slot != UNMOVABLE_INS && compiler->delay_slot != delay_check)) jump->flags |= IS_MOVABLE; if (inst) PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, inst, UNMOVABLE_INS)); PTR_FAIL_IF(emit_const(compiler, TMP_REG2, 0)); if (type <= SLJIT_JUMP) { PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, JR | S(TMP_REG2), UNMOVABLE_INS)); jump->addr = compiler->size; PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, NOP, UNMOVABLE_INS)); } else { SLJIT_ASSERT(DR(PIC_ADDR_REG) == 25 && PIC_ADDR_REG == TMP_REG2); /* Cannot be optimized out if type is >= CALL0. */ jump->flags |= IS_JAL | (type >= SLJIT_CALL0 ? SLJIT_REWRITABLE_JUMP : 0); PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, JALR | S(TMP_REG2) | DA(RETURN_ADDR_REG), UNMOVABLE_INS)); jump->addr = compiler->size; /* A NOP if type < CALL1. */ PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1) | TA(0) | DA(4), UNMOVABLE_INS)); } return jump; } #define RESOLVE_IMM1() \ if (src1 & SLJIT_IMM) { \ if (src1w) { \ PTR_FAIL_IF(load_immediate(compiler, DR(TMP_REG1), src1w)); \ src1 = TMP_REG1; \ } \ else \ src1 = 0; \ } #define RESOLVE_IMM2() \ if (src2 & SLJIT_IMM) { \ if (src2w) { \ PTR_FAIL_IF(load_immediate(compiler, DR(TMP_REG2), src2w)); \ src2 = TMP_REG2; \ } \ else \ src2 = 0; \ } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE struct sljit_jump* sljit_emit_cmp(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int type, int src1, sljit_w src1w, int src2, sljit_w src2w) { struct sljit_jump *jump; int flags; sljit_ins inst; CHECK_ERROR_PTR(); check_sljit_emit_cmp(compiler, type, src1, src1w, src2, src2w); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(src1, src1w); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(src2, src2w); compiler->cache_arg = 0; compiler->cache_argw = 0; flags = ((type & SLJIT_INT_OP) ? INT_DATA : WORD_DATA) | LOAD_DATA; if (src1 & SLJIT_MEM) { if (getput_arg_fast(compiler, flags, DR(TMP_REG1), src1, src1w)) PTR_FAIL_IF(compiler->error); else PTR_FAIL_IF(getput_arg(compiler, flags, DR(TMP_REG1), src1, src1w, src2, src2w)); src1 = TMP_REG1; } if (src2 & SLJIT_MEM) { if (getput_arg_fast(compiler, flags, DR(TMP_REG2), src2, src2w)) PTR_FAIL_IF(compiler->error); else PTR_FAIL_IF(getput_arg(compiler, flags, DR(TMP_REG2), src2, src2w, 0, 0)); src2 = TMP_REG2; } jump = (struct sljit_jump*)ensure_abuf(compiler, sizeof(struct sljit_jump)); PTR_FAIL_IF(!jump); set_jump(jump, compiler, type & SLJIT_REWRITABLE_JUMP); type &= 0xff; if (type <= SLJIT_C_NOT_EQUAL) { RESOLVE_IMM1(); RESOLVE_IMM2(); jump->flags |= IS_BIT26_COND; if (compiler->delay_slot == MOVABLE_INS || (compiler->delay_slot != UNMOVABLE_INS && compiler->delay_slot != DR(src1) && compiler->delay_slot != DR(src2))) jump->flags |= IS_MOVABLE; PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, (type == SLJIT_C_EQUAL ? BNE : BEQ) | S(src1) | T(src2) | JUMP_LENGTH, UNMOVABLE_INS)); } else if (type >= SLJIT_C_SIG_LESS && (((src1 & SLJIT_IMM) && (src1w == 0)) || ((src2 & SLJIT_IMM) && (src2w == 0)))) { inst = NOP; if ((src1 & SLJIT_IMM) && (src1w == 0)) { RESOLVE_IMM2(); switch (type) { case SLJIT_C_SIG_LESS: inst = BLEZ; jump->flags |= IS_BIT26_COND; break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_GREATER_EQUAL: inst = BGTZ; jump->flags |= IS_BIT26_COND; break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_GREATER: inst = BGEZ; jump->flags |= IS_BIT16_COND; break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_LESS_EQUAL: inst = BLTZ; jump->flags |= IS_BIT16_COND; break; } src1 = src2; } else { RESOLVE_IMM1(); switch (type) { case SLJIT_C_SIG_LESS: inst = BGEZ; jump->flags |= IS_BIT16_COND; break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_GREATER_EQUAL: inst = BLTZ; jump->flags |= IS_BIT16_COND; break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_GREATER: inst = BLEZ; jump->flags |= IS_BIT26_COND; break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_LESS_EQUAL: inst = BGTZ; jump->flags |= IS_BIT26_COND; break; } } PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, inst | S(src1) | JUMP_LENGTH, UNMOVABLE_INS)); } else { if (type == SLJIT_C_LESS || type == SLJIT_C_GREATER_EQUAL || type == SLJIT_C_SIG_LESS || type == SLJIT_C_SIG_GREATER_EQUAL) { RESOLVE_IMM1(); if ((src2 & SLJIT_IMM) && src2w <= SIMM_MAX && src2w >= SIMM_MIN) PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, (type <= SLJIT_C_LESS_EQUAL ? SLTIU : SLTI) | S(src1) | T(TMP_REG1) | IMM(src2w), DR(TMP_REG1))); else { RESOLVE_IMM2(); PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, (type <= SLJIT_C_LESS_EQUAL ? SLTU : SLT) | S(src1) | T(src2) | D(TMP_REG1), DR(TMP_REG1))); } type = (type == SLJIT_C_LESS || type == SLJIT_C_SIG_LESS) ? SLJIT_C_NOT_EQUAL : SLJIT_C_EQUAL; } else { RESOLVE_IMM2(); if ((src1 & SLJIT_IMM) && src1w <= SIMM_MAX && src1w >= SIMM_MIN) PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, (type <= SLJIT_C_LESS_EQUAL ? SLTIU : SLTI) | S(src2) | T(TMP_REG1) | IMM(src1w), DR(TMP_REG1))); else { RESOLVE_IMM1(); PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, (type <= SLJIT_C_LESS_EQUAL ? SLTU : SLT) | S(src2) | T(src1) | D(TMP_REG1), DR(TMP_REG1))); } type = (type == SLJIT_C_GREATER || type == SLJIT_C_SIG_GREATER) ? SLJIT_C_NOT_EQUAL : SLJIT_C_EQUAL; } jump->flags |= IS_BIT26_COND; PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, (type == SLJIT_C_EQUAL ? BNE : BEQ) | S(TMP_REG1) | TA(0) | JUMP_LENGTH, UNMOVABLE_INS)); } PTR_FAIL_IF(emit_const(compiler, TMP_REG2, 0)); PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, JR | S(TMP_REG2), UNMOVABLE_INS)); jump->addr = compiler->size; PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, NOP, UNMOVABLE_INS)); return jump; } #undef RESOLVE_IMM1 #undef RESOLVE_IMM2 SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE struct sljit_jump* sljit_emit_fcmp(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int type, int src1, sljit_w src1w, int src2, sljit_w src2w) { struct sljit_jump *jump; sljit_ins inst; int if_true; CHECK_ERROR_PTR(); check_sljit_emit_fcmp(compiler, type, src1, src1w, src2, src2w); compiler->cache_arg = 0; compiler->cache_argw = 0; if (src1 > SLJIT_FLOAT_REG4) { PTR_FAIL_IF(emit_fpu_data_transfer(compiler, TMP_FREG1, 1, src1, src1w)); src1 = TMP_FREG1; } if (src2 > SLJIT_FLOAT_REG4) { PTR_FAIL_IF(emit_fpu_data_transfer(compiler, TMP_FREG2, 1, src2, src2w)); src2 = TMP_FREG2; } jump = (struct sljit_jump*)ensure_abuf(compiler, sizeof(struct sljit_jump)); PTR_FAIL_IF(!jump); set_jump(jump, compiler, type & SLJIT_REWRITABLE_JUMP); jump->flags |= IS_BIT16_COND; type &= 0xff; switch (type) { case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_EQUAL: inst = C_UEQ_D; if_true = 1; break; case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_NOT_EQUAL: inst = C_UEQ_D; if_true = 0; break; case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_LESS: inst = C_ULT_D; if_true = 1; break; case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_GREATER_EQUAL: inst = C_ULT_D; if_true = 0; break; case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_GREATER: inst = C_ULE_D; if_true = 0; break; case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_LESS_EQUAL: inst = C_ULE_D; if_true = 1; break; case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_NAN: inst = C_UN_D; if_true = 1; break; case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_NOT_NAN: default: /* Make compilers happy. */ inst = C_UN_D; if_true = 0; break; } PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, inst | FT(src2) | FS(src1), UNMOVABLE_INS)); /* Intentionally the other opcode. */ PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, (if_true ? BC1F : BC1T) | JUMP_LENGTH, UNMOVABLE_INS)); PTR_FAIL_IF(emit_const(compiler, TMP_REG2, 0)); PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, JR | S(TMP_REG2), UNMOVABLE_INS)); jump->addr = compiler->size; PTR_FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, NOP, UNMOVABLE_INS)); return jump; } #undef JUMP_LENGTH #undef BR_Z #undef BR_NZ #undef BR_T #undef BR_F SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_ijump(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int type, int src, sljit_w srcw) { int src_r = TMP_REG2; struct sljit_jump *jump = NULL; CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_ijump(compiler, type, src, srcw); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(src, srcw); if (src >= SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1 && src <= SLJIT_NO_REGISTERS) { if (DR(src) != 4) src_r = src; else FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(src) | TA(0) | D(TMP_REG2), DR(TMP_REG2))); } if (type >= SLJIT_CALL0) { SLJIT_ASSERT(DR(PIC_ADDR_REG) == 25 && PIC_ADDR_REG == TMP_REG2); if (src & (SLJIT_IMM | SLJIT_MEM)) { if (src & SLJIT_IMM) FAIL_IF(load_immediate(compiler, DR(PIC_ADDR_REG), srcw)); else { SLJIT_ASSERT(src_r == TMP_REG2 && (src & SLJIT_MEM)); FAIL_IF(emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV, WORD_DATA, TMP_REG2, 0, TMP_REG1, 0, src, srcw)); } FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, JALR | S(PIC_ADDR_REG) | DA(RETURN_ADDR_REG), UNMOVABLE_INS)); /* We need an extra instruction in any case. */ return push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1) | TA(0) | DA(4), UNMOVABLE_INS); } /* Register input. */ if (type >= SLJIT_CALL1) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1) | TA(0) | DA(4), 4)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, JALR | S(src_r) | DA(RETURN_ADDR_REG), UNMOVABLE_INS)); return push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | S(src_r) | TA(0) | D(PIC_ADDR_REG), UNMOVABLE_INS); } if (src & SLJIT_IMM) { jump = (struct sljit_jump*)ensure_abuf(compiler, sizeof(struct sljit_jump)); FAIL_IF(!jump); set_jump(jump, compiler, JUMP_ADDR | ((type >= SLJIT_FAST_CALL) ? IS_JAL : 0)); jump->u.target = srcw; if (compiler->delay_slot != UNMOVABLE_INS) jump->flags |= IS_MOVABLE; FAIL_IF(emit_const(compiler, TMP_REG2, 0)); } else if (src & SLJIT_MEM) FAIL_IF(emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV, WORD_DATA, TMP_REG2, 0, TMP_REG1, 0, src, srcw)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, JR | S(src_r), UNMOVABLE_INS)); if (jump) jump->addr = compiler->size; FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, NOP, UNMOVABLE_INS)); return SLJIT_SUCCESS; } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE int sljit_emit_cond_value(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int op, int dst, sljit_w dstw, int type) { int sugg_dst_ar, dst_ar; CHECK_ERROR(); check_sljit_emit_cond_value(compiler, op, dst, dstw, type); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(dst, dstw); if (dst == SLJIT_UNUSED) return SLJIT_SUCCESS; sugg_dst_ar = DR((op == SLJIT_MOV && dst >= SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1 && dst <= SLJIT_NO_REGISTERS) ? dst : TMP_REG2); switch (type) { case SLJIT_C_EQUAL: case SLJIT_C_NOT_EQUAL: FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, SLTIU | SA(EQUAL_FLAG) | TA(sugg_dst_ar) | IMM(1), sugg_dst_ar)); dst_ar = sugg_dst_ar; break; case SLJIT_C_LESS: case SLJIT_C_GREATER_EQUAL: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_LESS: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_GREATER_EQUAL: dst_ar = ULESS_FLAG; break; case SLJIT_C_GREATER: case SLJIT_C_LESS_EQUAL: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_GREATER: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_LESS_EQUAL: dst_ar = UGREATER_FLAG; break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_LESS: case SLJIT_C_SIG_GREATER_EQUAL: dst_ar = LESS_FLAG; break; case SLJIT_C_SIG_GREATER: case SLJIT_C_SIG_LESS_EQUAL: dst_ar = GREATER_FLAG; break; case SLJIT_C_OVERFLOW: case SLJIT_C_NOT_OVERFLOW: dst_ar = OVERFLOW_FLAG; break; case SLJIT_C_MUL_OVERFLOW: case SLJIT_C_MUL_NOT_OVERFLOW: FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, SLTIU | SA(OVERFLOW_FLAG) | TA(sugg_dst_ar) | IMM(1), sugg_dst_ar)); dst_ar = sugg_dst_ar; type ^= 0x1; /* Flip type bit for the XORI below. */ break; case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_EQUAL: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_NOT_EQUAL: dst_ar = EQUAL_FLAG; break; case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_NAN: case SLJIT_C_FLOAT_NOT_NAN: FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, CFC1 | TA(sugg_dst_ar) | DA(FCSR_REG), sugg_dst_ar)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, SRL | TA(sugg_dst_ar) | DA(sugg_dst_ar) | SH_IMM(23), sugg_dst_ar)); FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ANDI | SA(sugg_dst_ar) | TA(sugg_dst_ar) | IMM(1), sugg_dst_ar)); dst_ar = sugg_dst_ar; break; default: SLJIT_ASSERT_STOP(); dst_ar = sugg_dst_ar; break; } if (type & 0x1) { FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, XORI | SA(dst_ar) | TA(sugg_dst_ar) | IMM(1), sugg_dst_ar)); dst_ar = sugg_dst_ar; } if (GET_OPCODE(op) == SLJIT_OR) { if (DR(TMP_REG2) != dst_ar) FAIL_IF(push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | SA(dst_ar) | TA(0) | D(TMP_REG2), DR(TMP_REG2))); return emit_op(compiler, op, CUMULATIVE_OP | LOGICAL_OP | IMM_OP, dst, dstw, dst, dstw, TMP_REG2, 0); } if (dst & SLJIT_MEM) return emit_op_mem(compiler, WORD_DATA, dst_ar, dst, dstw); if (sugg_dst_ar != dst_ar) return push_inst(compiler, ADDU_W | SA(dst_ar) | TA(0) | DA(sugg_dst_ar), sugg_dst_ar); return SLJIT_SUCCESS; } SLJIT_API_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE struct sljit_const* sljit_emit_const(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, int dst, sljit_w dstw, sljit_w init_value) { struct sljit_const *const_; int reg; CHECK_ERROR_PTR(); check_sljit_emit_const(compiler, dst, dstw, init_value); ADJUST_LOCAL_OFFSET(dst, dstw); const_ = (struct sljit_const*)ensure_abuf(compiler, sizeof(struct sljit_const)); PTR_FAIL_IF(!const_); set_const(const_, compiler); reg = (dst >= SLJIT_TEMPORARY_REG1 && dst <= SLJIT_NO_REGISTERS) ? dst : TMP_REG2; PTR_FAIL_IF(emit_const(compiler, reg, init_value)); if (dst & SLJIT_MEM) PTR_FAIL_IF(emit_op(compiler, SLJIT_MOV, WORD_DATA, dst, dstw, TMP_REG1, 0, TMP_REG2, 0)); return const_; }