version, 2012/02/21 23:05:52
version, 2012/10/09 09:19:18
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/-- This test is run only when JIT support is not available. It checks that an | /-- This set of tests is for UTF-8 support, and is relevant only to the 8-bit |
attempt to use it has the expected behaviour. It also tests things that | library. --/ |
are different without JIT. --/ | |
| |
/abc/S+I | |
/a*/SI | /X(\C{3})/8 |
| X\x{1234} |
| |
| /X(\C{4})/8 |
| X\x{1234}YZ |
| |
| /X\C*/8 |
| XYZabcdce |
| |
| /X\C*?/8 |
| XYZabcde |
| |
| /X\C{3,5}/8 |
| Xabcdefg |
| X\x{1234} |
| X\x{1234}YZ |
| X\x{1234}\x{512} |
| X\x{1234}\x{512}YZ |
| |
| /X\C{3,5}?/8 |
| Xabcdefg |
| X\x{1234} |
| X\x{1234}YZ |
| X\x{1234}\x{512} |
| |
| /a\Cb/8 |
| aXb |
| a\nb |
| |
| /a\C\Cb/8 |
| a\x{100}b |
| |
| /ab\Cde/8 |
| abXde |
| |
| /a\C\Cb/8 |
| a\x{100}b |
| ** Failers |
| a\x{12257}b |
| |
| /[]/8 |
| |
| //8 |
| |
| /xxx/8 |
| |
| /xxx/8?DZSS |
| |
| /abc/8 |
| ] |
| |
| |
| \? |
| \xe1\x88 |
| \P\xe1\x88 |
| \P\P\xe1\x88 |
| XX\xea |
| \O0XX\xea |
| \O1XX\xea |
| \O2XX\xea |
| XX\xf1 |
| XX\xf8 |
| XX\xfc |
| ZZ\xea\xaf\x20YY |
| ZZ\xfd\xbf\xbf\x2f\xbf\xbfYY |
| ZZ\xfd\xbf\xbf\xbf\x2f\xbfYY |
| ZZ\xfd\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf\x2fYY |
| ZZ\xffYY |
| ZZ\xfeYY |
| |
| /anything/8 |
| \xc0\x80 |
| \xc1\x8f |
| \xe0\x9f\x80 |
| \xf0\x8f\x80\x80 |
| \xf8\x87\x80\x80\x80 |
| \xfc\x83\x80\x80\x80\x80 |
| \xfe\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80 |
| \xff\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80 |
| \xc3\x8f |
| \xe0\xaf\x80 |
| \xe1\x80\x80 |
| \xf0\x9f\x80\x80 |
| \xf1\x8f\x80\x80 |
| \xf8\x88\x80\x80\x80 |
| \xf9\x87\x80\x80\x80 |
| \xfc\x84\x80\x80\x80\x80 |
| \xfd\x83\x80\x80\x80\x80 |
| \?\xf8\x88\x80\x80\x80 |
| \?\xf9\x87\x80\x80\x80 |
| \?\xfc\x84\x80\x80\x80\x80 |
| \?\xfd\x83\x80\x80\x80\x80 |
| |
| /\x{100}/8DZ |
| |
| /\x{1000}/8DZ |
| |
| /\x{10000}/8DZ |
| |
| /\x{100000}/8DZ |
| |
| /\x{10ffff}/8DZ |
| |
| /[\x{ff}]/8DZ |
| |
| /[\x{100}]/8DZ |
| |
| /\x80/8DZ |
| |
| /\xff/8DZ |
| |
| /\x{D55c}\x{ad6d}\x{C5B4}/DZ8 |
| \x{D55c}\x{ad6d}\x{C5B4} |
| |
| /\x{65e5}\x{672c}\x{8a9e}/DZ8 |
| \x{65e5}\x{672c}\x{8a9e} |
| |
| /\x{80}/DZ8 |
| |
| /\x{084}/DZ8 |
| |
| /\x{104}/DZ8 |
| |
| /\x{861}/DZ8 |
| |
| /\x{212ab}/DZ8 |
| |
| /-- This one is here not because it's different to Perl, but because the way |
| the captured single-byte is displayed. (In Perl it becomes a character, and you |
| can't tell the difference.) --/ |
| |
| /X(\C)(.*)/8 |
| X\x{1234} |
| X\nabc |
| |
| /-- This one is here because Perl gives out a grumbly error message (quite |
| correctly, but that messes up comparisons). --/ |
| |
| /a\Cb/8 |
| *** Failers |
| a\x{100}b |
| |
| /[^ab\xC0-\xF0]/8SDZ |
| \x{f1} |
| \x{bf} |
| \x{100} |
| \x{1000} |
| *** Failers |
| \x{c0} |
| \x{f0} |
| |
| /Ā{3,4}/8SDZ |
| \x{100}\x{100}\x{100}\x{100\x{100} |
| |
| /(\x{100}+|x)/8SDZ |
| |
| /(\x{100}*a|x)/8SDZ |
| |
| /(\x{100}{0,2}a|x)/8SDZ |
| |
| /(\x{100}{1,2}a|x)/8SDZ |
| |
| /\x{100}/8DZ |
| |
| /a\x{100}\x{101}*/8DZ |
| |
| /a\x{100}\x{101}+/8DZ |
| |
| /[^\x{c4}]/DZ |
| |
| /[\x{100}]/8DZ |
| \x{100} |
| Z\x{100} |
| \x{100}Z |
| *** Failers |
| |
| /[\xff]/DZ8 |
| >\x{ff}< |
| |
| /[^\xff]/8DZ |
| |
| /\x{100}abc(xyz(?1))/8DZ |
| |
| /a\x{1234}b/P8 |
| a\x{1234}b |
| |
| /\777/8I |
| \x{1ff} |
| \777 |
| |
| /\x{100}+\x{200}/8DZ |
| |
| /\x{100}+X/8DZ |
| |
| /^[\QĀ\E-\QŐ\E/BZ8 |
| |
| /-- This tests the stricter UTF-8 check according to RFC 3629. --/ |
| |
| /X/8 |
| \x{0}\x{d7ff}\x{e000}\x{10ffff} |
| \x{d800} |
| \x{d800}\? |
| \x{da00} |
| \x{da00}\? |
| \x{dfff} |
| \x{dfff}\? |
| \x{110000} |
| \x{110000}\? |
| \x{2000000} |
| \x{2000000}\? |
| \x{7fffffff} |
| \x{7fffffff}\? |
| |
| /(*UTF8)\x{1234}/ |
| abcd\x{1234}pqr |
| |
| /(*CRLF)(*UTF8)(*BSR_UNICODE)a\Rb/I |
| |
| /\h/SI8 |
| ABC\x{09} |
| ABC\x{20} |
| ABC\x{a0} |
| ABC\x{1680} |
| ABC\x{180e} |
| ABC\x{2000} |
| ABC\x{202f} |
| ABC\x{205f} |
| ABC\x{3000} |
| |
| /\v/SI8 |
| ABC\x{0a} |
| ABC\x{0b} |
| ABC\x{0c} |
| ABC\x{0d} |
| ABC\x{85} |
| ABC\x{2028} |
| |
| /\h*A/SI8 |
| |
| /\v+A/SI8 |
| |
| /\s?xxx\s/8SI |
| |
| /\sxxx\s/I8ST1 |
| AB\x{85}xxx\x{a0}XYZ |
| AB\x{a0}xxx\x{85}XYZ |
| |
| /\S \S/I8ST1 |
| \x{a2} \x{84} |
| A Z |
| |
| /a+/8 |
| a\x{123}aa\>1 |
| a\x{123}aa\>2 |
| a\x{123}aa\>3 |
| a\x{123}aa\>4 |
| a\x{123}aa\>5 |
| a\x{123}aa\>6 |
| |
| /\x{1234}+/iS8I |
| |
| /\x{1234}+?/iS8I |
| |
| /\x{1234}++/iS8I |
| |
| /\x{1234}{2}/iS8I |
| |
| /[^\x{c4}]/8DZ |
| |
| /X+\x{200}/8DZ |
| |
| /\R/SI8 |
| |
| /\777/8DZ |
| |
| /\w+\x{C4}/8BZ |
| a\x{C4}\x{C4} |
| |
| /\w+\x{C4}/8BZT1 |
| a\x{C4}\x{C4} |
| |
| /\W+\x{C4}/8BZ |
| !\x{C4} |
| |
| /\W+\x{C4}/8BZT1 |
| !\x{C4} |
| |
| /\W+\x{A1}/8BZ |
| !\x{A1} |
| |
| /\W+\x{A1}/8BZT1 |
| !\x{A1} |
| |
| /X\s+\x{A0}/8BZ |
| X\x20\x{A0}\x{A0} |
| |
| /X\s+\x{A0}/8BZT1 |
| X\x20\x{A0}\x{A0} |
| |
| /\S+\x{A0}/8BZ |
| X\x{A0}\x{A0} |
| |
| /\S+\x{A0}/8BZT1 |
| X\x{A0}\x{A0} |
| |
| /\x{a0}+\s!/8BZ |
| \x{a0}\x20! |
| |
| /\x{a0}+\s!/8BZT1 |
| \x{a0}\x20! |
/-- End of testinput15 --/ |
/-- End of testinput15 --/ |