Annotation of embedaddon/php/Zend/tests/argument_restriction_002.phpt, revision

1.1       misho       1: --TEST--
                      2: Bug #55719 (Argument restriction should come with a more specific error message)
                      3: --FILE--
                      4: <?php
                      5: Abstract Class Base {
                      6:        public function test($foo, array &$bar, $option = NULL, $extra = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105  ) {
                      7:        }       
                      8: }
                     10: class Sub extends Base {
                     11:        public function test($foo, array &$bar) {
                     12:        }       
                     13: }
                     14: ?>
                     15: --EXPECTF--
                     16: Strict Standards: Declaration of Sub::test() should be compatible with Base::test($foo, array &$bar, $option = NULL, $extra = 3.1415926535898) in %sargument_restriction_002.php on line %d

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