Annotation of embedaddon/php/Zend/tests/bug29890.phpt, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: --TEST--
! 2: Bug #29890 (crash if error handler fails)
! 3: --FILE--
! 4: <?php
! 5: function customErrorHandler($fErrNo,$fErrStr,$fErrFile,$fErrLine,&$fClass) {
! 6: echo "error :".$fErrStr."\n";
! 7: }
! 8:
! 9: set_time_limit(5);
! 10:
! 11: error_reporting(E_ALL);
! 12:
! 13: set_error_handler("customErrorHandler");
! 14:
! 15: define("TEST",2);
! 16:
! 17: //should return a notice that the constant is already defined
! 18:
! 19: define("TEST",3);
! 20:
! 21: ?>
! 22: --EXPECT--
! 23: error :Constant TEST already defined
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