Annotation of embedaddon/php/Zend/tests/bug44069.phpt, revision

1.1       misho       1: --TEST--
                      2: Bug #44069 (Huge memory usage with concatenation using . instead of .=)
                      3: --FILE--
                      4: <?php
                      5: $array = array();
                      6: $newstring = "";
                      7: $string = str_repeat('This is a teststring.', 50);
                      8: for($i = 1; $i <= 2000; $i++)
                      9: {
                     10: //     $newstring .= $string; //This uses an expected amount of mem.
                     11:        $newstring = $newstring . $string; //This uses very much mem.
                     13:        for($j = 1; $j <= 10; $j++)
                     14:        {
                     15:                $array[] = 'test';
                     16:        }
                     17: }
                     18: echo "ok\n";
                     19: ?>
                     20: --EXPECT--
                     21: ok

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