Annotation of embedaddon/php/Zend/tests/bug49472.phpt, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: --TEST--
! 2: Bug #49472 (Constants defined in Interfaces can be overridden)
! 3: --FILE--
! 4: <?php
! 5:
! 6: interface ia {
! 7: const c = 'Sea';
! 8: const y = 2;
! 9: }
! 10:
! 11: class Foo implements ia {
! 12: }
! 13:
! 14: class FooBar extends Foo implements ia {
! 15: const x = 1;
! 16: const c = 'Ocean';
! 17:
! 18: public function show() {
! 19: return ia::c;
! 20: }
! 21: }
! 22:
! 23: new FooBar;
! 24:
! 25: ?>
! 26: --EXPECTF--
! 27: Fatal error: Cannot inherit previously-inherited or override constant c from interface ia in %s on line %d
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