Annotation of embedaddon/php/Zend/tests/bug53511.phpt, revision
1.1 misho 1: --TEST--
2: Bug #53511 (Exceptions are lost in case an exception is thrown in catch operator)
3: --FILE--
4: <?php
5: class Foo {
6: function __destruct() {
7: throw new Exception("ops 1");
8: }
9: }
11: function test() {
12: $e = new Foo();
13: try {
14: throw new Exception("ops 2");
15: } catch (Exception $e) {
16: echo $e->getMessage()."\n";
17: }
18: }
20: test();
21: echo "bug\n";
22: --EXPECTF--
23: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'ops 2' in %sbug53511.php:11
24: Stack trace:
25: #0 %sbug53511.php(17): test()
26: #1 {main}
28: Next exception 'Exception' with message 'ops 1' in %sbug53511.php:4
29: Stack trace:
30: #0 %sbug53511.php(12): Foo->__destruct()
31: #1 %sbug53511.php(17): test()
32: #2 {main}
33: thrown in %sbug53511.php on line 4
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