File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / php / Zend / tests / bug60573.phpt
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Tue May 29 12:34:36 2012 UTC (12 years, 9 months ago) by misho
Branches: php, MAIN
CVS tags: v5_4_3elwix, v5_4_29p0, v5_4_29, v5_4_20p0, v5_4_20, v5_4_17p0, v5_4_17, HEAD
php 5.4.3+patches

Bug #60573 (type hinting with "self" keyword causes weird errors)
class Foo1 {

public function setSelf(self $s) { }


class Bar1 extends Foo1 {

public function setSelf(parent $s) { }


class Foo2 {

public function setSelf(Foo2 $s) { }


class Bar2 extends Foo2 {

public function setSelf(parent $s) { }


class Base {

class Foo3 extends Base{

public function setSelf(parent $s) { }


class Bar3 extends Foo3 {

public function setSelf(Base $s) { }


class Foo4 {

public function setSelf(self $s) { }


class Bar4 extends Foo4 {

public function setSelf(self $s) { }


class Foo5 extends Base {

public function setSelf(parent $s) { }


class Bar5 extends Foo5 {

public function setSelf(parent $s) { }


abstract class Foo6 extends Base {

abstract public function setSelf(parent $s);


class Bar6 extends Foo6 {

public function setSelf(Foo6 $s) { }

Strict Standards: Declaration of Bar4::setSelf() should be compatible with Foo4::setSelf(Foo4 $s) in %sbug60573.php on line %d

Strict Standards: Declaration of Bar5::setSelf() should be compatible with Foo5::setSelf(Base $s) in %sbug60573.php on line %d

Fatal error: Declaration of Bar6::setSelf() must be compatible with Foo6::setSelf(Base $s) in %sbug60573.php on line %d

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