Annotation of embedaddon/php/Zend/tests/class_alias_016.phpt, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: --TEST--
! 2: Testing creation of alias to global scope
! 3: --FILE--
! 4: <?php
! 5:
! 6: namespace foo;
! 7:
! 8: class bar {
! 9: }
! 10:
! 11: class_alias('foo\bar', 'foo');
! 12:
! 13: var_dump(new \foo);
! 14: var_dump(new foo);
! 15:
! 16: ?>
! 17: --EXPECTF--
! 18: object(foo\bar)#%d (0) {
! 19: }
! 20:
! 21: Fatal error: Class 'foo\foo' not found in %s on line %d
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