File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / php / Zend / tests / closure_042.phpt
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Tue May 29 12:34:36 2012 UTC (12 years, 9 months ago) by misho
Branches: php, MAIN
CVS tags: v5_4_3elwix, v5_4_29p0, v5_4_29, v5_4_20p0, v5_4_20, v5_4_17p0, v5_4_17, HEAD
php 5.4.3+patches

Closure 042: Binding an instance to a non-scoped non-static closures gives it a dummy scope
<?php if(!extension_loaded("reflection")) print "skip no reflection"; ?>

$c = function() { var_dump($this); };
$d = $c->bindTo(new stdClass);
$rm = new ReflectionFunction($d);
var_dump($rm->getClosureScopeClass()->name); //dummy sope is Closure

//should have the same effect
$d = $c->bindTo(new stdClass, NULL);
$rm = new ReflectionFunction($d);
var_dump($rm->getClosureScopeClass()->name); //dummy sope is Closure

echo "Done.\n";

object(stdClass)#%d (0) {
string(7) "Closure"
object(stdClass)#%d (0) {
string(7) "Closure"

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