Annotation of embedaddon/php/Zend/tests/gc_017.phpt, revision

1.1       misho       1: --TEST--
                      2: GC 017: GC and destructors with unset
                      3: --INI--
                      4: zend.enable_gc=1
                      5: --FILE--
                      6: <?php
                      7: class Node {
                      8:        public $name;
                      9:        public $children;
                     10:        public $parent;
                     11:        function __construct($name) {
                     12:                $this->name = $name;
                     13:                $this->children = array();
                     14:                $this->parent = null;
                     15:        }
                     16:        function insert($node) {
                     17:                $node->parent = $this;
                     18:                $this->children[] = $node;
                     19:        }
                     20:        function __destruct() {
                     21:                var_dump($this->name);
                     22:                unset($this->name);
                     23:                unset($this->children);
                     24:                unset($this->parent);
                     25:        }
                     26: }
                     27: $a = new Node('A');
                     28: $b = new Node('B');
                     29: $c = new Node('C');
                     30: $a->insert($b);
                     31: $a->insert($c);
                     32: unset($a);
                     33: unset($b);
                     34: unset($c);
                     35: var_dump(gc_collect_cycles());
                     36: echo "ok\n"
                     37: ?>
                     38: --EXPECTF--
                     39: string(1) "%s"
                     40: string(1) "%s"
                     41: string(1) "%s"
                     42: int(10)
                     43: ok

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