Annotation of embedaddon/php/ext/dom/dom_fe.h, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: /*
        !             2:    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
        !             3:    | PHP Version 5                                                        |
        !             4:    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
        !             5:    | Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Group                                |
        !             6:    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
        !             7:    | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
        !             8:    | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
        !             9:    | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
        !            10:    |                                  |
        !            11:    | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
        !            12:    | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
        !            13:    | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
        !            14:    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
        !            15:    | Authors: Christian Stocker <>                          |
        !            16:    |          Rob Richards <>                            |
        !            17:    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
        !            18: */
        !            19: 
        !            20: /* $Id: dom_fe.h 321634 2012-01-01 13:15:04Z felipe $ */
        !            21: #ifndef DOM_FE_H
        !            22: #define DOM_FE_H
        !            23: 
        !            24: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_domexception_class_functions[];
        !            25: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_domstringlist_class_functions[];
        !            26: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_namelist_class_functions[];
        !            27: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_domimplementationlist_class_functions[];
        !            28: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_domimplementationsource_class_functions[];
        !            29: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_domimplementation_class_functions[];
        !            30: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_documentfragment_class_functions[];
        !            31: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_document_class_functions[];
        !            32: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_node_class_functions[];
        !            33: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_nodelist_class_functions[];
        !            34: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_namednodemap_class_functions[];
        !            35: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_characterdata_class_functions[];
        !            36: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_attr_class_functions[];
        !            37: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_element_class_functions[];
        !            38: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_text_class_functions[];
        !            39: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_comment_class_functions[];
        !            40: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_typeinfo_class_functions[];
        !            41: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_userdatahandler_class_functions[];
        !            42: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_domerror_class_functions[];
        !            43: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_domerrorhandler_class_functions[];
        !            44: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_domlocator_class_functions[];
        !            45: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_domconfiguration_class_functions[];
        !            46: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_cdatasection_class_functions[];
        !            47: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_documenttype_class_functions[];
        !            48: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_notation_class_functions[];
        !            49: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_entity_class_functions[];
        !            50: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_entityreference_class_functions[];
        !            51: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_processinginstruction_class_functions[];
        !            52: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_string_extend_class_functions[];
        !            53: extern const zend_function_entry php_dom_xpath_class_functions[];
        !            54: 
        !            55: /* domexception errors */
        !            56: typedef enum {
        !            57: /* PHP_ERR is non-spec code for PHP errors: */
        !            58:        PHP_ERR                        = 0,
        !            59:        INDEX_SIZE_ERR                 = 1,
        !            60:        DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR             = 2,
        !            61:        HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR          = 3,
        !            62:        WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR             = 4,
        !            63:        INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR          = 5,
        !            64:        NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR            = 6,
        !            65:        NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR    = 7,
        !            66:        NOT_FOUND_ERR                  = 8,
        !            67:        NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR              = 9,
        !            68:        INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR            = 10,
        !            69: /* Introduced in DOM Level 2: */
        !            70:        INVALID_STATE_ERR              = 11,
        !            71: /* Introduced in DOM Level 2: */
        !            72:        SYNTAX_ERR                     = 12,
        !            73: /* Introduced in DOM Level 2: */
        !            74:        INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR       = 13,
        !            75: /* Introduced in DOM Level 2: */
        !            76:        NAMESPACE_ERR                  = 14,
        !            77: /* Introduced in DOM Level 2: */
        !            78:        INVALID_ACCESS_ERR             = 15,
        !            79: /* Introduced in DOM Level 3: */
        !            80:        VALIDATION_ERR                 = 16
        !            81: } dom_exception_code;
        !            82: 
        !            83: /* domstringlist methods */
        !            84: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_domstringlist_item);
        !            85: 
        !            86: /* domnamelist methods */
        !            87: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_namelist_get_name);
        !            88: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_namelist_get_namespace_uri);
        !            89: 
        !            90: /* domimplementationlist methods */
        !            91: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_domimplementationlist_item);
        !            92: 
        !            93: /* domimplementationsource methods */
        !            94: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_domimplementationsource_get_domimplementation);
        !            95: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_domimplementationsource_get_domimplementations);
        !            96: 
        !            97: /* domimplementation methods */
        !            98: PHP_METHOD(domimplementation, hasFeature);
        !            99: PHP_METHOD(domimplementation, createDocumentType);
        !           100: PHP_METHOD(domimplementation, createDocument);
        !           101: PHP_METHOD(domimplementation, getFeature);
        !           102: 
        !           103: /* domdocumentfragment methods */
        !           104: PHP_METHOD(domdocumentfragment, __construct);
        !           105: PHP_METHOD(domdocumentfragment, appendXML);
        !           106: 
        !           107: /* domdocument methods */
        !           108: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_create_element);
        !           109: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_create_document_fragment);
        !           110: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_create_text_node);
        !           111: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_create_comment);
        !           112: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_create_cdatasection);
        !           113: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_create_processing_instruction);
        !           114: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_create_attribute);
        !           115: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_create_entity_reference);
        !           116: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_get_elements_by_tag_name);
        !           117: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_import_node);
        !           118: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_create_element_ns);
        !           119: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_create_attribute_ns);
        !           120: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_get_elements_by_tag_name_ns);
        !           121: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_get_element_by_id);
        !           122: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_adopt_node);
        !           123: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_normalize_document);
        !           124: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_rename_node);
        !           125: PHP_METHOD(domdocument, __construct);
        !           126:        /* convienience methods */
        !           127: PHP_METHOD(domdocument, load);
        !           128: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_save);
        !           129: PHP_METHOD(domdocument, loadXML);
        !           130: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_savexml);
        !           131: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_validate);
        !           132: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_xinclude);
        !           133: PHP_METHOD(domdocument, registerNodeClass);
        !           134: 
        !           135: #if defined(LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED)
        !           136: PHP_METHOD(domdocument, loadHTML);
        !           137: PHP_METHOD(domdocument, loadHTMLFile);
        !           138: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_save_html);
        !           139: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_save_html_file);
        !           140: #endif  /* defined(LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED) */
        !           141: 
        !           142: #if defined(LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED)
        !           143: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_schema_validate_file);
        !           144: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_schema_validate_xml);
        !           145: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_relaxNG_validate_file);
        !           146: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_document_relaxNG_validate_xml);
        !           147: #endif
        !           148: 
        !           149: /* domnode methods */
        !           150: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_insert_before);
        !           151: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_replace_child);
        !           152: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_remove_child);
        !           153: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_append_child);
        !           154: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_has_child_nodes);
        !           155: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_clone_node);
        !           156: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_normalize);
        !           157: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_is_supported);
        !           158: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_has_attributes);
        !           159: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_compare_document_position);
        !           160: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_is_same_node);
        !           161: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_lookup_prefix);
        !           162: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_is_default_namespace);
        !           163: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_lookup_namespace_uri);
        !           164: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_is_equal_node);
        !           165: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_get_feature);
        !           166: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_set_user_data);
        !           167: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_node_get_user_data);
        !           168: PHP_METHOD(domnode, C14N);
        !           169: PHP_METHOD(domnode, C14NFile);
        !           170: PHP_METHOD(domnode, getNodePath);
        !           171: PHP_METHOD(domnode, getLineNo);
        !           172: 
        !           173: /* domnodelist methods */
        !           174: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_nodelist_item);
        !           175: 
        !           176: /* domnamednodemap methods */
        !           177: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_namednodemap_get_named_item);
        !           178: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_namednodemap_set_named_item);
        !           179: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_namednodemap_remove_named_item);
        !           180: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_namednodemap_item);
        !           181: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_namednodemap_get_named_item_ns);
        !           182: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_namednodemap_set_named_item_ns);
        !           183: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_namednodemap_remove_named_item_ns);
        !           184: 
        !           185: /* domcharacterdata methods */
        !           186: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_characterdata_substring_data);
        !           187: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_characterdata_append_data);
        !           188: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_characterdata_insert_data);
        !           189: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_characterdata_delete_data);
        !           190: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_characterdata_replace_data);
        !           191: 
        !           192: /* domattr methods */
        !           193: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_attr_is_id);
        !           194: PHP_METHOD(domattr, __construct);
        !           195: 
        !           196: /* domelement methods */
        !           197: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_get_attribute);
        !           198: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_set_attribute);
        !           199: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_remove_attribute);
        !           200: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_get_attribute_node);
        !           201: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_set_attribute_node);
        !           202: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_remove_attribute_node);
        !           203: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_get_elements_by_tag_name);
        !           204: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_get_attribute_ns);
        !           205: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_set_attribute_ns);
        !           206: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_remove_attribute_ns);
        !           207: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_get_attribute_node_ns);
        !           208: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_set_attribute_node_ns);
        !           209: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_get_elements_by_tag_name_ns);
        !           210: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_has_attribute);
        !           211: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_has_attribute_ns);
        !           212: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_set_id_attribute);
        !           213: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_set_id_attribute_ns);
        !           214: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_element_set_id_attribute_node);
        !           215: PHP_METHOD(domelement, __construct);
        !           216: 
        !           217: /* domtext methods */
        !           218: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_text_split_text);
        !           219: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_text_is_whitespace_in_element_content);
        !           220: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_text_replace_whole_text);
        !           221: PHP_METHOD(domtext, __construct);
        !           222: 
        !           223: /* domcomment methods */
        !           224: PHP_METHOD(domcomment, __construct);
        !           225: 
        !           226: /* domtypeinfo methods */
        !           227: 
        !           228: /* domuserdatahandler methods */
        !           229: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_userdatahandler_handle);
        !           230: 
        !           231: /* domdomerror methods */
        !           232: 
        !           233: /* domerrorhandler methods */
        !           234: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_domerrorhandler_handle_error);
        !           235: 
        !           236: /* domlocator methods */
        !           237: 
        !           238: /* domconfiguration methods */
        !           239: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_domconfiguration_set_parameter);
        !           240: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_domconfiguration_get_parameter);
        !           241: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_domconfiguration_can_set_parameter);
        !           242: 
        !           243: /* domcdatasection methods */
        !           244: PHP_METHOD(domcdatasection, __construct);
        !           245: 
        !           246: /* domdocumenttype methods */
        !           247: 
        !           248: /* domnotation methods */
        !           249: 
        !           250: /* domentity methods */
        !           251: 
        !           252: /* domentityreference methods */
        !           253: PHP_METHOD(domentityreference, __construct);
        !           254: 
        !           255: /* domprocessinginstruction methods */
        !           256: PHP_METHOD(domprocessinginstruction, __construct);
        !           257: 
        !           258: /* string_extend methods */
        !           259: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_string_extend_find_offset16);
        !           260: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_string_extend_find_offset32);
        !           261: 
        !           262: #if defined(LIBXML_XPATH_ENABLED)
        !           263: /* xpath methods */
        !           264: PHP_METHOD(domxpath, __construct);
        !           265: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_xpath_register_ns);
        !           266: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_xpath_query);
        !           267: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_xpath_evaluate);
        !           268: PHP_FUNCTION(dom_xpath_register_php_functions);
        !           269: #endif
        !           270: 
        !           271: #endif /* DOM_FE_H */
        !           272: 
        !           273: /*
        !           274:  * Local variables:
        !           275:  * tab-width: 4
        !           276:  * c-basic-offset: 4
        !           277:  * End:
        !           278:  * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
        !           279:  * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4
        !           280:  */

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