File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / php / ext / dom / tests / bug28721.phpt
Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs - revision graph
Tue Feb 21 23:47:54 2012 UTC (13 years ago) by misho
Branches: php, MAIN
CVS tags: v5_4_3elwix, v5_4_29p0, v5_4_29, v5_4_20p0, v5_4_20, v5_4_17p0, v5_4_17, v5_3_10, HEAD

Bug #28721 (appendChild() and insertBefore() unset DOMText)
<?php require_once(''); ?>
function print_node(DomNode $node) {
  echo "name (value): " . $node->nodeName . " (" . $node->nodeValue . ")\n";

function print_node_r(DomNode $node) {
  static $indent = "";
  echo "\n" . $indent;

  echo $indent . "parent: ";
  if ( $node->parentNode )
    echo "NULL\n";

  echo $indent . "previousSibling: ";
  if ( $node->previousSibling )
    echo "NULL\n";
  echo $indent . "nextSibling: ";
  if ( $node->nextSibling )
    echo "NULL\n";

  if ( !$node->hasChildNodes() )
  foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) {

    $old_indent  = $indent;
    $indent .= "  ";
    $indent = $old_indent;

function err_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
  echo "Error ($errno) on line $errline: $errstr\n";

// Record 'DocumentFragment is empty' warnings
set_error_handler("err_handler", E_WARNING);

$xml = new DomDocument();

$p = $xml->createElement("p");

$p->appendChild($t1 = $xml->createTextNode(" t1 "));
$p->appendChild($b = $xml->createElement("b"));
$p->appendChild($t2 = $xml->createTextNode(" t2 "));
$p->appendChild($xml->createTextNode(" xxx "));


echo "\nAppend t1 to p:\n";
$ret = $p->appendChild($t1);

echo "\n";

echo "t1 == ret: ";
var_dump( $t1 === $ret );

$d = $xml->createElement("div");
$d->appendChild($t3 = $xml->createTextNode(" t3 "));
$d->appendChild($b = $xml->createElement("b"));
$d->appendChild($t4 = $xml->createTextNode(" t4 "));
$d->appendChild($xml->createTextNode(" xxx "));

echo "\ndiv:\n";

echo "\nInsert t4 before t3:\n";

$ret = $d->insertBefore($t4, $t3);

echo "\n";

$frag = $xml->createDocumentFragment();

$t5 = $frag->appendChild($xml->createTextNode(" t5 "));
$frag->appendChild($i = $xml->createElement("i"));
$i->appendChild($xml->createTextNode(" frob "));
$frag->appendChild($xml->createTextNOde(" t6 "));

echo "\np:\n";
echo "\nFragment:\n";

echo "\nAppending fragment to p:\n";

echo "\nFragment:\n";

echo "\ndiv:\n";
echo "\nInserting fragment before t4\n";
$d->insertBefore($frag, $t4);

echo "\np:\n";


name (value): p ( t1 X t2  xxx )
parent: NULL
previousSibling: NULL
nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t1 )
  parent: name (value): p ( t1 X t2  xxx )
  previousSibling: NULL
  nextSibling: name (value): b (X)

  name (value): b (X)
  parent: name (value): p ( t1 X t2  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t1 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t2 )

    name (value): #text (X)
    parent: name (value): b (X)
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t2 )
  parent: name (value): p ( t1 X t2  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): b (X)
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )

  name (value): #text ( xxx )
  parent: name (value): p ( t1 X t2  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t2 )
  nextSibling: NULL

Append t1 to p:

name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1 )
parent: NULL
previousSibling: NULL
nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): b (X)
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1 )
  previousSibling: NULL
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t2 )

    name (value): #text (X)
    parent: name (value): b (X)
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t2 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1 )
  previousSibling: name (value): b (X)
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )

  name (value): #text ( xxx )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t2 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t1 )

  name (value): #text ( t1 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )
  nextSibling: NULL

t1 == ret: bool(true)


name (value): div ( t3  t4  xxx )
parent: NULL
previousSibling: NULL
nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t3 )
  parent: name (value): div ( t3  t4  xxx )
  previousSibling: NULL
  nextSibling: name (value): b ()

  name (value): b ()
  parent: name (value): div ( t3  t4  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t3 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t4 )

    name (value): X ()
    parent: name (value): b ()
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t4 )
  parent: name (value): div ( t3  t4  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): b ()
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )

  name (value): #text ( xxx )
  parent: name (value): div ( t3  t4  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t4 )
  nextSibling: NULL

Insert t4 before t3:

name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
parent: NULL
previousSibling: NULL
nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t4 )
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: NULL
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t3 )

  name (value): #text ( t3 )
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t4 )
  nextSibling: name (value): b ()

  name (value): b ()
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t3 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )

    name (value): X ()
    parent: name (value): b ()
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( xxx )
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): b ()
  nextSibling: NULL


name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1 )
parent: NULL
previousSibling: NULL
nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): b (X)
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1 )
  previousSibling: NULL
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t2 )

    name (value): #text (X)
    parent: name (value): b (X)
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t2 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1 )
  previousSibling: name (value): b (X)
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )

  name (value): #text ( xxx )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t2 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t1 )

  name (value): #text ( t1 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )
  nextSibling: NULL


name (value): #document-fragment ()
parent: NULL
previousSibling: NULL
nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t5 )
  parent: name (value): #document-fragment ()
  previousSibling: NULL
  nextSibling: name (value): i ( frob )

  name (value): i ( frob )
  parent: name (value): #document-fragment ()
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t5 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t6 )

    name (value): #text ( frob )
    parent: name (value): i ( frob )
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t6 )
  parent: name (value): #document-fragment ()
  previousSibling: name (value): i ( frob )
  nextSibling: NULL

Appending fragment to p:

name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
parent: NULL
previousSibling: NULL
nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): b (X)
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: NULL
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t2 )

    name (value): #text (X)
    parent: name (value): b (X)
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t2 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): b (X)
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )

  name (value): #text ( xxx )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t2 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t1 )

  name (value): #text ( t1 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t5 )

  name (value): #text ( t5 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t1 )
  nextSibling: name (value): i ( frob )

  name (value): i ( frob )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t5 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t6 )

    name (value): #text ( frob )
    parent: name (value): i ( frob )
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t6 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): i ( frob )
  nextSibling: NULL


name (value): #document-fragment ()
parent: NULL
previousSibling: NULL
nextSibling: NULL


name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
parent: NULL
previousSibling: NULL
nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t4 )
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: NULL
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t3 )

  name (value): #text ( t3 )
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t4 )
  nextSibling: name (value): b ()

  name (value): b ()
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t3 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )

    name (value): X ()
    parent: name (value): b ()
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( xxx )
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): b ()
  nextSibling: NULL

Inserting fragment before t4
Error (2) on line 109: DOMNode::insertBefore(): Document Fragment is empty

name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
parent: NULL
previousSibling: NULL
nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t4 )
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: NULL
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t3 )

  name (value): #text ( t3 )
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t4 )
  nextSibling: name (value): b ()

  name (value): b ()
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t3 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )

    name (value): X ()
    parent: name (value): b ()
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( xxx )
  parent: name (value): div ( t4  t3  xxx )
  previousSibling: name (value): b ()
  nextSibling: NULL


name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
parent: NULL
previousSibling: NULL
nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): b (X)
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: NULL
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t2 )

    name (value): #text (X)
    parent: name (value): b (X)
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t2 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): b (X)
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )

  name (value): #text ( xxx )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t2 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t1 )

  name (value): #text ( t1 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( xxx )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t5 )

  name (value): #text ( t5 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t1 )
  nextSibling: name (value): i ( frob )

  name (value): i ( frob )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): #text ( t5 )
  nextSibling: name (value): #text ( t6 )

    name (value): #text ( frob )
    parent: name (value): i ( frob )
    previousSibling: NULL
    nextSibling: NULL

  name (value): #text ( t6 )
  parent: name (value): p (X t2  xxx  t1  t5  frob  t6 )
  previousSibling: name (value): i ( frob )
  nextSibling: NULL

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