Annotation of embedaddon/php/ext/filter/docs/filter.txt, revision

1.1       misho       1: Input Filter Extension
                      2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                      4: Introduction
                      5: ============
                      6: We all know that you should always check input variables, but PHP does not
                      7: offer really good functionality for doing this in a safe way. The Input Filter
                      8: extension is meant to address this issue by implementing a set of filters and
                      9: mechanisms that users can use to safely access their input data. 
                     12: Change Log
                     13: ==========
                     14: 2005-10-27
                     15:     * Updated filter_data prototype
                     16:     * Added filter constants
                     17:     * Fixed minor problems
                     18:     * Changes by David Tulloh
                     20: 2005-10-05
                     21:     * Changed "input_filter.paranoid_admin_default_filter" to
                     22:       "filter.default".
                     23:     * Updated API prototypes to reflect implementation.
                     24:     * Added 'on' and 'off' to the boolean filter.
                     25:     * Removed min_range and max_range flags from the float filter.
                     26:     * Added validate_url, validate_email and validate_ip filters.
                     27:     * Updated allows flags for all filters.
                     29: 2005-08-15
                     30:     * Unmade *source* a bitmask, it doesn't make sense to do.
                     31:     * Changed return value of filters which got invalid data from 'false' to
                     32:       'null.
                     33:     * Failed filters do not throw an E_NOTICE any longer.
                     34:     * Added a magic_quotes sanitizing filter.
                     37: General Considerations
                     38: ======================
                     39: * If the filter's expected input data mask does not match the provided data
                     40:   for logical filters the filter function returns "false". If the data was
                     41:   not found, "null" is returned.
                     42: * Character filters always return a string.
                     43: * With the input filter extension enabled, and the
                     44:   input_filter.paranoid_admin_default_filter is set to something != 'raw',
                     45:   then all entries in the affected super globals will be passed through the
                     46:   configured filter. The 'callback' filter can not be used here, as that
                     47:   requieres a PHP script to be running already.
                     48: * As the input filter acts on input data before the magic quotes function
                     49:   mangles data, all access through the filter() function will not have any
                     50:   quotes or slashes added - it will be the pure data as send by the browser.
                     51: * All flags mentioned here should be prepended with `FILTER_FLAG_` when used
                     52:   with PHP.
                     55: API
                     56: ===
                     57: mixed *input_get* (int *source*, string *name*, [, int *filter* [, mixed *filter_options*, [ string *characterset* ] ]);
                     58:     Returns the filtered variable *$name* from source *$source*. It uses the
                     59:     filter as specified in *$filter* with a constant, and additional options
                     60:     to the filter through *$filter_options*.
                     62: mixed *input_get_args* (array *definitions*, int *source*, [, array *data*]);
                     63:     Returns an array with all filtered variables defined in 'definition'.
                     64:     The keys are used as the name of the argument. The value can be either
                     65:     an integer (flags) or an array of options. This array can contain 
                     66:     the 'filter' type, the 'flags', the 'otptions' or the 'charset'
                     68: bool *input_has_variable (int *source*, string *name*);
                     69:     Returns *true* if the variable with the name *name* exists in *source*, or
                     70:     *false* otherwise.
                     72: array *input_filters_list* ();
                     73:     Returns a list with all supported filter names.
                     75: mixed *filter_data* (mixed *variable*, int *filter* [, mixed *filter_options*, [ string *characterset* ] ]);
                     76:     Filters the user supplied variable *$variable* in the same manner as
                     77:     *input_get*.
                     79: *$source*:
                     81: * INPUT_POST     0
                     82: * INPUT_GET      1
                     83: * INPUT_COOKIE   2
                     84: * INPUT_ENV      4
                     85: * INPUT_SERVER   5 (not implemented yet)
                     86: * INPUT_SESSION  6 (not implemented yet)
                     89: General flags
                     90: =============
                     92: * FILTER_FLAG_SCALAR
                     93: * FILTER_FLAG_ARRAY
                     95: These two constants define whether to allow arrays in the source values. The
                     96: default value is SCALAR for input_get_args and ARRAY for the other functions
                     97: (< 0.9.5). These constants also insure that the function returns the correct
                     98: type, if you ask for an array, you will get an array even if the source is
                     99: only one value. However, if you ask for a scalar and the source is an array,
                    100: the result will be FALSE (invalid).
                    103: Logical Filters
                    104: ===============
                    106: These filters check whether passed data was valid, and do never mangle input
                    107: variables, but ofcourse they can deny the whole input variable getting to the
                    108: application by returning false.
                    110: The constants should be prepended by `FILTER_VALIDATE_` when used with php.
                    112: ================ ========== =========== ==================================================
                    113: Name             Constant   Return Type Description      
                    114: ================ ========== =========== ==================================================
                    115: int              INT        integer     Returns the input variable as an integer
                    117:                                         $filter_options - an array with the optional
                    118:                                         elements:
                    120:                                         * min_range: Minimal number that is allowed
                    121:                                           (inclusive)
                    122:                                         * max_range: Maximum number that is allowed
                    123:                                           (inclusive)
                    124:                                         * flags: A bitmask supporting the following flags:
                    126:                                           - ALLOW_OCTAL: allow octal numbers with the format
                    127:                                             0nn as input too.
                    128:                                           - ALLOW_HEX: allow hexadecimal numbers with the
                    129:                                             format 0xnn or 0Xnn too.
                    131: boolean          BOOLEAN    boolean     Returns *true* for '1', 'on' and 'true' and *false*
                    132:                                         for '0', 'off' and 'false'
                    134: float            FLOAT      float       Returns the input variable as a floating point value
                    136: validate_regexp  REGEXP     string      Matches the input value as a string against the
                    137:                                         regular expression. If there is a match then the
                    138:                                         string is returned, otherwise the filter returns
                    139:                                         *null*.
                    140:                                         Remarks: Only available if pcre has been compiled
                    141:                                         into PHP.
                    143: validate_url     URL        string      Validates an URL's format.
                    145:                                         $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the
                    146:                                         following flags:
                    148:                                         * SCHEME_REQUIRED: The 'schema' part of the URL
                    149:                                           needs to in the passed URL.
                    150:                                         * HOST_REQUIRED: The 'host' part of the URL
                    151:                                           needs to in the passed URL.
                    152:                                         * PATH_REQUIRED: The 'path' part of the URL
                    153:                                           needs to in the passed URL.
                    154:                                         * QUERY_REQUIRED: The 'query' part of the URL
                    155:                                           needs to in the passed URL.
                    157: validate_email   EMAIL      string      Validates the passed string against a reasonably
                    158:                                         good regular expression for validating an email
                    159:                                         address.
                    161: validate_ip      IP         string      Validates a string representing an IP address.
                    163:                                         $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the
                    164:                                         following flags:
                    166:                                         * IPV4: Allows IPv4 addresses.
                    167:                                         * IPV6: Allows IPv6 addresses.
                    168:                                         * NO_RES_RANGE: Disallows addresses in reversed
                    169:                                           ranges (IPv4 only)
                    170:                                         * NO_PRIV_RANGE: Disallows addresses in private
                    171:                                           ranges (IPv4 only)
                    172: ================ ========== =========== ==================================================
                    175: Sanitizing Filters
                    176: ==================
                    178: These filters remove data, or change data depending on the filter, and the
                    179: set rules for this specific filter. Instead of taking an *options* array, they
                    180: use this parameter for flags for the specific filter.
                    182: The constants should be prepended by `FILTER_SANITIZE_` when used with php.
                    184: ============= ================ =========== =====================================================
                    185: Name          Constant         Return Type Description      
                    186: ============= ================ =========== =====================================================
                    187: string        STRING           string      Returns the input variable as a string after it has
                    188:                                            been stripped of XML/HTML tags and other evil things
                    189:                                            that can cause XSS problems.
                    191:                                            $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the
                    192:                                            following flags:
                    194:                                            * NO_ENCODE_QUOTES: Prevents single and double
                    195:                                              quotes from being encoded as numerical HTML
                    196:                                              entities.
                    197:                                            * STRIP_LOW: excludes all characters < 0x20 from the
                    198:                                              allowed character list
                    199:                                            * STRIP_HIGH: excludes all characters >= 0x80 from
                    200:                                              the allowed character list
                    201:                                            * ENCODE_LOW: allows characters < 0x20 but encodes
                    202:                                              them as numerical HTML entities
                    203:                                            * ENCODE_HIGH: allows characters >= 0x80 but encodes
                    204:                                              them as numerical HTML entities
                    205:                                            * ENCODE_AMP: encodes & as &amp;
                    207:                                            The flags STRIP_LOW and ENCODE_LOW are mutual
                    208:                                            exclusive, and so are STRIP_HIGH and ENCODE_HIGH. In
                    209:                                            the case they clash, the characters will be
                    210:                                            stripped.
                    212: stripped      STRIPPED         string      Alias for 'string'.
                    214: encoded       ENCODED          string      Encodes all characters outside the range
                    215:                                            "a-zA-Z0-9-._" as URL encoded values.
                    217:                                            $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the
                    218:                                            following flags:
                    220:                                            * STRIP_LOW: excludes all characters < 0x20 from the
                    221:                                              allowed character list
                    222:                                            * STRIP_HIGH: excludes all characters >= 0x80 from
                    223:                                              the allowed character list
                    224:                                            * ENCODE_LOW: allows characters < 0x20 but encodes
                    225:                                              them as numerical HTML entities
                    226:                                            * ENCODE_HIGH: allows characters >= 0x80 but encodes
                    227:                                              them as numerical HTML entities
                    229: special_chars SPECIAL_CHARS    string      Encodes the 'special' characters ' " < > &, \0 and
                    230:                                            everything below 0x20 as numerical HTML entities.
                    232:                                            $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the
                    233:                                            following flags:
                    235:                                            * STRIP_LOW: excludes all characters < 0x20 from the
                    236:                                              allowed character list. If this is not set, then
                    237:                                              those characters are encoded as numerical HTML
                    238:                                              entities
                    239:                                            * STRIP_HIGH: excludes all characters >= 0x80 from
                    240:                                              the allowed character list
                    241:                                            * ENCODE_HIGH: allows characters >= 0x80 but encodes
                    242:                                              them as numerical HTML entities
                    244: unsafe_raw    UNSAFE_RAW       string      Returns the input variable as a string without
                    245:                                            XML/HTML being stripped from the input value.
                    247:                                            $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the
                    248:                                            following flags:
                    250:                                            * STRIP_LOW: excludes all characters < 0x20 from the
                    251:                                              allowed character list
                    252:                                            * STRIP_HIGH: excludes all characters >= 0x80 from
                    253:                                              the allowed character list
                    254:                                            * ENCODE_LOW: allows characters < 0x20 but encodes
                    255:                                              them as numerical HTML entities
                    256:                                            * ENCODE_HIGH: allows characters >= 0x80 but encodes
                    257:                                              them as numerical HTML entities
                    258:                                            * ENCODE_AMP: encodes & as &amp;
                    260:                                            The flags STRIP_LOW and ENCODE_LOW are mutual
                    261:                                            exclusive, and so are STRIP_HIGH and ENCODE_HIGH. In
                    262:                                            the case they clash, the characters will be
                    263:                                            stripped.
                    265: email         EMAIL            string      Removes all characters that can not be part of a
                    266:                                            correctly formed e-mail address (exception are
                    267:                                            comments in the email address) (a-z A-Z 0-9 " ! # $
                    268:                                            % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ @ . [ ]). This
                    269:                                            filter does `not` validate if the e-mail address has
                    270:                                            the correct format, use the validate_email filter
                    271:                                            for that.
                    273: url           URL              string      Removes all characters that can not be part of a
                    274:                                            correctly formed URI. (a-z A-Z 0-9 $ - _ . + ! * ' (
                    275:                                            ) , { } | \ ^ ~ [ ] ` < > # % " ; / ? : @ & =) This
                    276:                                            filter does `not` validate if a URI has the correct
                    277:                                            format, use the validate_url filter for that.
                    279: number_int    NUMBER_INT       int         Removes all characters that are [^0-9+-].
                    281: number_float  NUMBER_FLOAT     float       Removes all characters that are [^0-9+-].
                    283:                                            $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the
                    284:                                            following flags:
                    286:                                            * ALLOW_FRACTION: adds "." to the characters that
                    287:                                              are not stripped.
                    288:                                            * ALLOW_THOUSAND: adds "," to the characters that
                    289:                                              are not stripped.
                    290:                                            * ALLOW_SCIENTIFIC: adds "eE" to the characters that
                    291:                                              are not stripped.
                    293: magic_quotes  MAGIC_QUOTES     string      BC filter for people who like magic quotes.
                    294: ============= ================ =========== =====================================================
                    297: Callback Filter
                    298: ===============
                    300: This filter will callback to the specified callback function as specified with
                    301: the *filter_options* parameter. All variants of callback functions are
                    302: supported:
                    304: * function with *'functionname'*
                    305: * static method with *array('classname', 'methodname')*
                    306: * dynamic method with *array(&$this, 'methodname')*
                    308: The constants should be prepended by `FILTER_` when used with php.
                    310: ============= =========== =========== =====================================================
                    311: Name          Constant    Return Type Description      
                    312: ============= =========== =========== =====================================================
                    313: callback      CALLBACK    mixed       Calls the callback function/method with the input
                    314:                                       variable's value by reference which can do filtering
                    315:                                       and modifying of the input value. If the callback
                    316:                                       function returns "false" then the input value is
                    317:                                       supposed to be incorrect and the returned value will
                    318:                                       be 'false' (and an E_NOTICE will be raised).
                    319: ============= =========== =========== =====================================================
                    321: The callback function's prototype is:
                    323: boolean callback(&$value, $characterset);
                    324:     With *$value* being a reference to the input variable and *$characterset*
                    325:     containing the same value as this parameter's value in the call to
                    326:     *input_get()* or *input_get_array()*. If the *$characterset* parameter was
                    327:     not passed, it defaults to *'null'*.
                    329: Version: $Id: filter.txt 213641 2006-05-24 11:51:55Z pajoye $
                    330: .. vim: et syn=rst tw=78

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