Input Filter Extension ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introduction ============ We all know that you should always check input variables, but PHP does not offer really good functionality for doing this in a safe way. The Input Filter extension is meant to address this issue by implementing a set of filters and mechanisms that users can use to safely access their input data. Change Log ========== 2005-10-27 * Updated filter_data prototype * Added filter constants * Fixed minor problems * Changes by David Tulloh 2005-10-05 * Changed "input_filter.paranoid_admin_default_filter" to "filter.default". * Updated API prototypes to reflect implementation. * Added 'on' and 'off' to the boolean filter. * Removed min_range and max_range flags from the float filter. * Added validate_url, validate_email and validate_ip filters. * Updated allows flags for all filters. 2005-08-15 * Unmade *source* a bitmask, it doesn't make sense to do. * Changed return value of filters which got invalid data from 'false' to 'null. * Failed filters do not throw an E_NOTICE any longer. * Added a magic_quotes sanitizing filter. General Considerations ====================== * If the filter's expected input data mask does not match the provided data for logical filters the filter function returns "false". If the data was not found, "null" is returned. * Character filters always return a string. * With the input filter extension enabled, and the input_filter.paranoid_admin_default_filter is set to something != 'raw', then all entries in the affected super globals will be passed through the configured filter. The 'callback' filter can not be used here, as that requieres a PHP script to be running already. * As the input filter acts on input data before the magic quotes function mangles data, all access through the filter() function will not have any quotes or slashes added - it will be the pure data as send by the browser. * All flags mentioned here should be prepended with `FILTER_FLAG_` when used with PHP. API === mixed *input_get* (int *source*, string *name*, [, int *filter* [, mixed *filter_options*, [ string *characterset* ] ]); Returns the filtered variable *$name* from source *$source*. It uses the filter as specified in *$filter* with a constant, and additional options to the filter through *$filter_options*. mixed *input_get_args* (array *definitions*, int *source*, [, array *data*]); Returns an array with all filtered variables defined in 'definition'. The keys are used as the name of the argument. The value can be either an integer (flags) or an array of options. This array can contain the 'filter' type, the 'flags', the 'otptions' or the 'charset' bool *input_has_variable (int *source*, string *name*); Returns *true* if the variable with the name *name* exists in *source*, or *false* otherwise. array *input_filters_list* (); Returns a list with all supported filter names. mixed *filter_data* (mixed *variable*, int *filter* [, mixed *filter_options*, [ string *characterset* ] ]); Filters the user supplied variable *$variable* in the same manner as *input_get*. *$source*: * INPUT_POST 0 * INPUT_GET 1 * INPUT_COOKIE 2 * INPUT_ENV 4 * INPUT_SERVER 5 (not implemented yet) * INPUT_SESSION 6 (not implemented yet) General flags ============= * FILTER_FLAG_SCALAR * FILTER_FLAG_ARRAY These two constants define whether to allow arrays in the source values. The default value is SCALAR for input_get_args and ARRAY for the other functions (< 0.9.5). These constants also insure that the function returns the correct type, if you ask for an array, you will get an array even if the source is only one value. However, if you ask for a scalar and the source is an array, the result will be FALSE (invalid). Logical Filters =============== These filters check whether passed data was valid, and do never mangle input variables, but ofcourse they can deny the whole input variable getting to the application by returning false. The constants should be prepended by `FILTER_VALIDATE_` when used with php. ================ ========== =========== ================================================== Name Constant Return Type Description ================ ========== =========== ================================================== int INT integer Returns the input variable as an integer $filter_options - an array with the optional elements: * min_range: Minimal number that is allowed (inclusive) * max_range: Maximum number that is allowed (inclusive) * flags: A bitmask supporting the following flags: - ALLOW_OCTAL: allow octal numbers with the format 0nn as input too. - ALLOW_HEX: allow hexadecimal numbers with the format 0xnn or 0Xnn too. boolean BOOLEAN boolean Returns *true* for '1', 'on' and 'true' and *false* for '0', 'off' and 'false' float FLOAT float Returns the input variable as a floating point value validate_regexp REGEXP string Matches the input value as a string against the regular expression. If there is a match then the string is returned, otherwise the filter returns *null*. Remarks: Only available if pcre has been compiled into PHP. validate_url URL string Validates an URL's format. $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the following flags: * SCHEME_REQUIRED: The 'schema' part of the URL needs to in the passed URL. * HOST_REQUIRED: The 'host' part of the URL needs to in the passed URL. * PATH_REQUIRED: The 'path' part of the URL needs to in the passed URL. * QUERY_REQUIRED: The 'query' part of the URL needs to in the passed URL. validate_email EMAIL string Validates the passed string against a reasonably good regular expression for validating an email address. validate_ip IP string Validates a string representing an IP address. $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the following flags: * IPV4: Allows IPv4 addresses. * IPV6: Allows IPv6 addresses. * NO_RES_RANGE: Disallows addresses in reversed ranges (IPv4 only) * NO_PRIV_RANGE: Disallows addresses in private ranges (IPv4 only) ================ ========== =========== ================================================== Sanitizing Filters ================== These filters remove data, or change data depending on the filter, and the set rules for this specific filter. Instead of taking an *options* array, they use this parameter for flags for the specific filter. The constants should be prepended by `FILTER_SANITIZE_` when used with php. ============= ================ =========== ===================================================== Name Constant Return Type Description ============= ================ =========== ===================================================== string STRING string Returns the input variable as a string after it has been stripped of XML/HTML tags and other evil things that can cause XSS problems. $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the following flags: * NO_ENCODE_QUOTES: Prevents single and double quotes from being encoded as numerical HTML entities. * STRIP_LOW: excludes all characters < 0x20 from the allowed character list * STRIP_HIGH: excludes all characters >= 0x80 from the allowed character list * ENCODE_LOW: allows characters < 0x20 but encodes them as numerical HTML entities * ENCODE_HIGH: allows characters >= 0x80 but encodes them as numerical HTML entities * ENCODE_AMP: encodes & as & The flags STRIP_LOW and ENCODE_LOW are mutual exclusive, and so are STRIP_HIGH and ENCODE_HIGH. In the case they clash, the characters will be stripped. stripped STRIPPED string Alias for 'string'. encoded ENCODED string Encodes all characters outside the range "a-zA-Z0-9-._" as URL encoded values. $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the following flags: * STRIP_LOW: excludes all characters < 0x20 from the allowed character list * STRIP_HIGH: excludes all characters >= 0x80 from the allowed character list * ENCODE_LOW: allows characters < 0x20 but encodes them as numerical HTML entities * ENCODE_HIGH: allows characters >= 0x80 but encodes them as numerical HTML entities special_chars SPECIAL_CHARS string Encodes the 'special' characters ' " < > &, \0 and everything below 0x20 as numerical HTML entities. $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the following flags: * STRIP_LOW: excludes all characters < 0x20 from the allowed character list. If this is not set, then those characters are encoded as numerical HTML entities * STRIP_HIGH: excludes all characters >= 0x80 from the allowed character list * ENCODE_HIGH: allows characters >= 0x80 but encodes them as numerical HTML entities unsafe_raw UNSAFE_RAW string Returns the input variable as a string without XML/HTML being stripped from the input value. $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the following flags: * STRIP_LOW: excludes all characters < 0x20 from the allowed character list * STRIP_HIGH: excludes all characters >= 0x80 from the allowed character list * ENCODE_LOW: allows characters < 0x20 but encodes them as numerical HTML entities * ENCODE_HIGH: allows characters >= 0x80 but encodes them as numerical HTML entities * ENCODE_AMP: encodes & as & The flags STRIP_LOW and ENCODE_LOW are mutual exclusive, and so are STRIP_HIGH and ENCODE_HIGH. In the case they clash, the characters will be stripped. email EMAIL string Removes all characters that can not be part of a correctly formed e-mail address (exception are comments in the email address) (a-z A-Z 0-9 " ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ @ . [ ]). This filter does `not` validate if the e-mail address has the correct format, use the validate_email filter for that. url URL string Removes all characters that can not be part of a correctly formed URI. (a-z A-Z 0-9 $ - _ . + ! * ' ( ) , { } | \ ^ ~ [ ] ` < > # % " ; / ? : @ & =) This filter does `not` validate if a URI has the correct format, use the validate_url filter for that. number_int NUMBER_INT int Removes all characters that are [^0-9+-]. number_float NUMBER_FLOAT float Removes all characters that are [^0-9+-]. $filter_options - an bitmask that supports the following flags: * ALLOW_FRACTION: adds "." to the characters that are not stripped. * ALLOW_THOUSAND: adds "," to the characters that are not stripped. * ALLOW_SCIENTIFIC: adds "eE" to the characters that are not stripped. magic_quotes MAGIC_QUOTES string BC filter for people who like magic quotes. ============= ================ =========== ===================================================== Callback Filter =============== This filter will callback to the specified callback function as specified with the *filter_options* parameter. All variants of callback functions are supported: * function with *'functionname'* * static method with *array('classname', 'methodname')* * dynamic method with *array(&$this, 'methodname')* The constants should be prepended by `FILTER_` when used with php. ============= =========== =========== ===================================================== Name Constant Return Type Description ============= =========== =========== ===================================================== callback CALLBACK mixed Calls the callback function/method with the input variable's value by reference which can do filtering and modifying of the input value. If the callback function returns "false" then the input value is supposed to be incorrect and the returned value will be 'false' (and an E_NOTICE will be raised). ============= =========== =========== ===================================================== The callback function's prototype is: boolean callback(&$value, $characterset); With *$value* being a reference to the input variable and *$characterset* containing the same value as this parameter's value in the call to *input_get()* or *input_get_array()*. If the *$characterset* parameter was not passed, it defaults to *'null'*. Version: $Id: filter.txt,v 2012/02/21 23:47:56 misho Exp $ .. vim: et syn=rst tw=78