Annotation of embedaddon/php/ext/gd/tests/bug48555.phpt, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: --TEST--
! 2: Bug #48555 (ImageFTBBox() differs from previous versions for texts with new lines)
! 3: --SKIPIF--
! 4: <?php
! 5: if(!extension_loaded('gd')){ die('skip gd extension not available'); }
! 6: if(!function_exists('imageftbbox')) die('skip imageftbbox() not available');
! 7: ?>
! 8: --FILE--
! 9: <?php
! 10: $cwd = dirname(__FILE__);
! 11: $font = "$cwd/Tuffy.ttf";
! 12: $box = ImageFTBBox(14, 0, $font, "Text without line-break");
! 13: echo 'Top without line-break: ' . $box[7] . "\n";
! 14: $box = ImageFTBBox(14, 0, $font, "Text with\nline-break\none more");
! 15: echo 'Top with line-break: ' . $box[7] . "\n";
! 16: ?>
! 17: --EXPECTF--
! 18: Top without line-break: -14
! 19: Top with line-break: -14
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