Annotation of embedaddon/php/ext/gmp/config.w32, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: // $Id: config.w32 291937 2009-12-10 02:25:47Z pajoye $
! 2: // vim:ft=javascript
! 3:
! 4: ARG_WITH("gmp", "Include GNU MP support.", "no");
! 5:
! 6: if (PHP_GMP != "no") {
! 7: if (CHECK_LIB("mpir_a.lib", "gmp", PHP_GMP) &&
! 8: CHECK_HEADER_ADD_INCLUDE("gmp.h", "CFLAGS_GMP", PHP_GMP + ";" + PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\include\\mpir")) {
! 9: EXTENSION("gmp", "gmp.c");
! 10: AC_DEFINE('HAVE_GMP', 1, 'GMP support');
! 11: AC_DEFINE('HAVE_MPIR', 1, 'MPIR support');
! 12: } else {
! 13: WARNING("GMP not enabled; libraries and headers not found");
! 14: }
! 15: }
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