Annotation of embedaddon/php/ext/intl/doc/Tutorial.txt, revision

1.1       misho       1: 1. Collator::getAvailableLocales().
                      2: Return the locales available at the time of the call, including registered locales.
                      3: If a sever error occurs (such as out of memory condition) this will return null.
                      4: If there is no locale data, an empty enumeration will be returned. 
                      5: Returned locales list is a strings in format of RFC4646 standart (see
                      6: Examle of locales format: 'en_US', 'ru_UA', 'ua_UA' (see
                      9: 2. Collator::getDisplayName( $obj_locale, $disp_locale ). ! misho      10: Get name of the object for the desired Locale, in the desired language. Both arguments 
1.1       misho      11: must be from getAvailableLocales method.
                     13:      @param  string  $obj_locale   Locale to get display name for.
                     14:      @param  string  $disp_locale  Specifies the desired locale for output
                     16: Both parameters are case insensitive.
                     17: For locale format see RFC4647 standart in
                     19: 3. Collator::getLocaleByType( $type ).
                     20: Allow user to select whether she wants information on requested, valid or actual locale.
                     21: Returned locale tag is a string formatted to a RFC4646 standart and normalize to normal form -
                     22: value is a string from 
                     23: For example, a collator for "en_US_CALIFORNIA" was requested. In the current state of ICU (2.0), 
                     24: the requested locale is "en_US_CALIFORNIA", the valid locale is "en_US" (most specific locale 
                     25: supported by ICU) and the actual locale is "root" (the collation data comes unmodified from the UCA) 
                     26: The locale is considered supported by ICU if there is a core ICU bundle for that locale (although 
                     27: it may be empty). 
                     30: 4. VariableTop
                     31: The Variable_Top attribute is only meaningful if the Alternate attribute is not set to NonIgnorable.
                     32: In such a case, it controls which characters count as ignorable. The string value specifies 
                     33: the "highest" character (in UCA order) weight that is to be considered ignorable.
                     34: Thus, for example, if a user wanted whitespace to be ignorable, but not any visible characters, 
                     35: then s/he would use the value Variable_Top="\u0020" (space). The string should only be a 
                     36: single character. All characters of the same primary weight are equivalent, so 
                     37: Variable_Top="\u3000" (ideographic space) has the same effect as Variable_Top="\u0020".
                     38: This setting (alone) has little impact on string comparison performance; setting it lower or higher
                     39: will make sort keys slightly shorter or longer respectively.
                     42: 5. Strength
                     43: The ICU Collation Service supports many levels of comparison (named "Levels", but also
                     44: known as "Strengths"). Having these categories enables ICU to sort strings precisely
                     45: according to local conventions. However, by allowing the levels to be selectively
                     46: employed, searching for a string in text can be performed with various matching
                     47: conditions.
                     48: Performance optimizations have been made for ICU collation with the default level
                     49: settings. Performance specific impacts are discussed in the Performance section below.
                     50: Following is a list of the names for each level and an example usage:
                     52: 1. Primary Level: Typically, this is used to denote differences between base characters
                     53: (for example, "a" < "b"). It is the strongest difference. For example, dictionaries are
                     54: divided into different sections by base character. This is also called the level1
                     55: strength.
                     57: 2. Secondary Level: Accents in the characters are considered secondary differences (for
                     58: example, "as" < "as" < "at"). Other differences between letters can also be considered
                     59: secondary differences, depending on the language. A secondary difference is ignored
                     60: when there is a primary difference anywhere in the strings. This is also called the
                     61: level2 strength.
                     62: Note: In some languages (such as Danish), certain accented letters are considered to
                     63: be separate base characters. In most languages, however, an accented letter only has a
                     64: secondary difference from the unaccented version of that letter.
                     66: 3. Tertiary Level: Upper and lower case differences in characters are distinguished at the
                     67: tertiary level (for example, "ao" < "Ao" < "ao"). In addition, a variant of a letter differs
                     68: from the base form on the tertiary level (such as "A" and " "). Another ? example is the
                     69: difference between large and small Kana. A tertiary difference is ignored when there is
                     70: a primary or secondary difference anywhere in the strings. This is also called the level3
                     71: strength.
                     73: 4. Quaternary Level: When punctuation is ignored (see Ignoring Punctuations ) at level
                     74: 13, an additional level can be used to distinguish words with and without punctuation
                     75: (for example, "ab" < "a-b" < "aB"). This difference is ignored when there is a primary,
                     76: secondary or tertiary difference. This is also known as the level4 strength. The
                     77: quaternary level should only be used if ignoring punctuation is required or when
                     78: processing Japanese text (see Hiragana processing).
                     80: 5. Identical Level: When all other levels are equal, the identical level is used as a
                     81: tiebreaker. The Unicode code point values of the NFD form of each string are
                     82: compared at this level, just in case there is no difference at levels 14
                     83: . For example, Hebrew cantillation marks are only distinguished at this level. This level should be
                     84: used sparingly, as only code point values differences between two strings is an
                     85: extremely rare occurrence. Using this level substantially decreases the performance for
                     86: both incremental comparison and sort key generation (as well as increasing the sort
                     87: key length). It is also known as level 5 strength.
                     89: For example, people may choose to ignore accents or ignore accents and case when searching
                     90: for text. Almost all characters are distinguished by the first three levels, and in most
                     91: locales the default value is thus Tertiary. However, if Alternate is set to be Shifted,
                     92: then the Quaternary strength can be used to break ties among whitespace, punctuation, and
                     93: symbols that would otherwise be ignored. If very fine distinctions among characters are required,
                     94: then the Identical strength can be used (for example, Identical Strength distinguishes
                     95: between the Mathematical Bold Small A and the Mathematical Italic Small A.). However, using
                     96: levels higher than Tertiary the Identical strength result in significantly longer sort
                     97: keys, and slower string comparison performance for equal strings.
                    101: 6. Collator::__construct( $locale ).
                    102: The Locale attribute is typically the most important attribute for correct sorting and matching,
                    103: according to the user expectations in different countries and regions. The default UCA
                    104: ordering will only sort a few languages such as Dutch and Portuguese correctly ("correctly"
                    105: meaning according to the normal expectations for users of the languages).
                    106: Otherwise, you need to supply the locale to UCA in order to properly collate text for a
                    107: given language. Thus a locale needs to be supplied so as to choose a collator that is correctly
                    108: tailored for that locale. The choice of a locale will automatically preset the values for
                    109: all of the attributes to something that is reasonable for that locale. Thus most of the time the
                    110: other attributes do not need to be explicitly set. In some cases, the choice of locale will make a
                    111: difference in string comparison performance and/or sort key length.
                    112: In short attribute names, <language>_<script>_<region>_<keyword>.
                    113: Not all the elements are required. Valid values for locale elements are general valid values
                    114: for RFC4646 locale naming, and RFC 4647 lookup algorithm.
                    115: Example:
                    116: Locale="sv" (Swedish) "Kypper" < "Kopfe"
                    117: Locale="de" (German) "Kopfe" < "Kypper"
                    120: 7. Collator::get/setAttribute.
                    121: ICU uses UCA as a default starting point for ordering. Not all languages have sorting sequences
                    122: that correspond with the UCA because UCA cannot simultaneously encompass the specifics of all
                    123: the languages currently in use. Therefore, ICU provides a data-driven, flexible, and run-time
                    124: customizable mechanism called "tailoring". Tailoring overrides the default order of code points
                    125: and the values of the ICU Collation Service attributes.
                    126: Collator have followed attributes:
                    127:    - FRENCH_COLLATION, possible values are: 
                    128:        ON
                    129:        OFF (default)
                    130:        DEFAULT
                    132:    - CASE_FIRST, possible values are:
                    133:        OFF (default)
                    134:        LOWER_FIRST
                    135:        UPPER_FIRST
                    136:        DEFAULT
                    138:    - CASE_LEVEL, possible values are:
                    139:        OFF (default)
                    140:        ON
                    141:        DEFAULT
                    143:    - NORMALIZATION_MODE, possible values are:
                    144:        OFF (default)
                    145:        ON
                    146:        DEFAULT
                    148:    - STRENGTH, possible values are:
                    149:        PRIMARY
                    150:        SECONDARY
                    151:        TERTIARY (default)
                    152:        QUATERNARY
                    153:        IDENTICAL
                    154:        DEFAULT
                    156:    - ALTERNATE_HANDLING, possible values are:
                    157:        NON_IGNORABLE (default)
                    158:        SHIFTED
                    159:        DEFAULT
                    161:    - HIRAGANA_QUATERNARY_MODE, possible values are:
                    162:        ON
                    163:        OFF (default)
                    164:        DEFAULT
                    166:    - NUMERIC_COLLATION, possible values are:
                    167:        ON
                    168:        OFF (default)
                    169:        DEFAULT
                    171: Description of all of this attributes:
                    173: FRENCH_COLLATION - Sort strings with different accents from the back of the string. This attribute
                    174: is automatically set to On for the French locales and a few others. Users normally would
                    175: not need to explicitly set this attribute. There is a string comparison performance cost when
                    176: it is set On, but sort key length is unaffected.
                    177: Example:
                    178: F=X cote < cote < cote < cote
                    179: F=O cote < cote < cote < cote
                    181: CASE_FIRST - The Case_First attribute is used to control whether uppercase letters come before
                    182: lowercase letters or vice versa, in the absence of other differences in the strings. The possible
                    183: values are Uppercase_First (U) and Lowercase_First (L), plus the standard Default and Off.
                    184: There is almost no difference between the Off and Lowercase_First options in terms of results,
                    185: so typically users will not use Lowercase_First: only Off or Uppercase_First. (People interested
                    186: in the detailed differences between X and L should consult the Collation Customization).
                    187: Specifying either L or U won't affect string comparison performance, but will affect the sort key
                    188: length.
                    189: Example:
                    190: C=X or C=L "china" < "China" < "denmark" <
                    191: "Denmark"
                    192: C=U "China" < "china" < "Denmark" < "denmark"
                    194: CASE_LEVEL - The Case_Level attribute is used when ignoring accents but not case. In such a situation,
                    195: set Strength to be Primary, and Case_Level to be On. In most locales, this setting is Off by default.
                    196: There is a small string comparison performance and sort key impact if this attribute is set to be On.
                    197: Example:
                    198: S=1, E=X role = Role = role
                    199: S=1, E=O role = role < Role
                    201: NORMALIZATION_MODE - The Normalization setting determines whether text is thoroughly normalized
                    202: or not in comparison. Even if the setting is off (which is the default for many locales), text as
                    203: represented in common usage will compare correctly (for details, see UTN #5). Only if the accent
                    204: marks are in noncanonical order will there be a problem. If the setting is On, then the best
                    205: results are guaranteed for all possible text input. There is a medium string comparison performance
                    206: cost if this attribute is On, depending on the frequency of sequences that require normalization.
                    207: There is no significant effect on sort key length. If the input text is known to be in NFD or NFKD
                    208: normalization forms, there is no need to enable this Normalization option.
                    210: STRENGTH - see Collator::setStrength chapter.
                    212: ALTERNATE_HANDLING - The Alternate attribute is used to control the handling of the socalled
                    213: variable characters in the UCA: whitespace, punctuation and symbols. If Alternate is set to
                    214: NonIgnorable (N), then differences among these characters are of the same importance as
                    215: differences among letters. If Alternate is set to Shifted (S), then these characters are of only
                    216: minor importance. The Shifted value is often used in combination with Strength set to Quaternary.
                    217: In such a case, whitespace, punctuation, and symbols are considered when comparing strings,
                    218: but only if all other aspects of the strings (base letters, accents, and case) are identical.
                    219: If Alternate is not set to Shifted, then there is no difference between a Strength of 3 and
                    220: a Strength of 4. For more information and examples, see
                    221: Variable_Weighting in the UCA (
                    222: The reason the Alternate values are not simply On and Off is that additional Alternate values
                    223: may be added in the future. The UCA option Blanked is expressed with Strength set to 3,
                    224: and Alternate set to Shifted. The default for most locales is NonIgnorable. If Shifted is selected,
                    225: it may be slower if there are many strings that are the same except for punctuation;
                    226: sort key length will not be affected unless the strength level is also increased.
                    227: Example:
                    228: S=3, A=N di Silva < Di Silva < diSilva < U.S.A. < USA
                    229: S=3, A=S di Silva = diSilva < Di Silva < U.S.A. = USA
                    230: S=4, A=S di Silva < diSilva < Di Silva < U.S.A. < USA
                    232: HIRAGANA_QUATERNARY_MODE - Compatibility with JIS x 4061 requires the introduction of an additional
                    233: level to distinguish Hiragana and Katakana characters. If compatibility with that standard is required,
                    234: then this attribute should be set On, and the strength set to Quaternary. This will affect sort key
                    235: length and string comparison string comparison performance.
                    237: NUMERIC_COLLATION - When turned on, this attribute generates a collation key for the
                    238: numeric value of substrings of digits. This is a way to get '100' to sort AFTER '2'.

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