Annotation of embedaddon/php/ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_fetch_array.phpt, revision

1.1       misho       1: --TEST--
                      2: mysqli_fetch_array() - all datatypes but BIT
                      3: --SKIPIF--
                      4: <?php
                      5: require_once('');
                      6: require_once('');
                      7: require_once('');
                      8: ?>
                      9: --FILE--
                     10: <?php
                     11:        require_once("");
                     12:        $tmp    = NULL;
                     13:        $link   = NULL;
                     15:        if (!is_null($tmp = @mysqli_fetch_array()))
                     16:                printf("[001] Expecting NULL, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
                     18:        if (!is_null($tmp = @mysqli_fetch_array($link)))
                     19:                printf("[002] Expecting NULL, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
                     21:        require('');
                     22:        if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY id LIMIT 5")) {
                     23:                printf("[004] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
                     24:        }
                     26:        print "[005]\n";
                     27:        var_dump(mysqli_fetch_array($res));
                     29:        print "[006]\n";
                     30:        var_dump(mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_NUM));
                     32:        print "[007]\n";
                     33:        var_dump(mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_BOTH));
                     35:        print "[008]\n";
                     36:        var_dump(mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC));
                     38:        print "[009]\n";
                     39:        var_dump(mysqli_fetch_array($res));
                     41:        mysqli_free_result($res);
                     43:        if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS a, 3 AS c, 4 AS C, NULL AS d, true AS e")) {
                     44:                printf("[010] Cannot run query, [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), $mysqli_error($link));
                     45:        }
                     46:        print "[011]\n";
                     47:        var_dump(mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_BOTH));
                     49:        mysqli_free_result($res);
                     50:        if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b, 3 AS c, 4 AS C")) {
                     51:                printf("[012] Cannot run query, [%d] %s\n",
                     52:                        mysqli_errno($link), $mysqli_error($link));
                     53:                exit(1);
                     54:        }
                     56:        do {
                     57:                $illegal_mode = mt_rand(-10000, 10000);
                     58:        } while (in_array($illegal_mode, array(MYSQLI_ASSOC, MYSQLI_NUM, MYSQLI_BOTH)));
                     59:        // NOTE: for BC reasons with ext/mysql, ext/mysqli accepts invalid result modes.
                     60:        $tmp = mysqli_fetch_array($res, $illegal_mode);
                     61:        if (false !== $tmp)
                     62:                        printf("[013] Expecting boolean/false although, got %s/%s. [%d] %s\n",
                     63:                                gettype($tmp), $tmp, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
                     65:        $tmp = mysqli_fetch_array($res, $illegal_mode);
                     66:        if (false !== $tmp)
                     67:                printf("[014] Expecting boolean/false, got %s/%s. [%d] %s\n",
                     68:                                gettype($tmp), $tmp, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
                     70:        mysqli_free_result($res);
                     72:        function func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, $sql_type, $sql_value, $php_value, $offset, $regexp_comparison = NULL, $binary_type = false) {
                     74:                if (!mysqli_query($link, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test")) {
                     75:                        printf("[%04d] [%d] %s\n", $offset, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
                     76:                        return false;
                     77:                }
                     79:                if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql = sprintf("CREATE TABLE test(id INT NOT NULL, label %s, PRIMARY KEY(id)) ENGINE = %s", $sql_type, $engine))) {
                     80:                                // don't bail, engine might not support the datatype
                     81:                                return false;
                     82:                }
                     84:                if (is_null($php_value)) {
                     85:                        if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, NULL)"))) {
                     86:                                printf("[%04d] [%d] %s\n", $offset + 1, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
                     87:                                return false;
                     88:                        }
                     89:                } else {
                     90:                        if (is_string($sql_value)) {
                     91:                                if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql = "INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, '" . $sql_value . "')")) {
                     92:                                        printf("[%04ds] [%d] %s - %s\n", $offset + 1, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link), $sql);
                     93:                                        return false;
                     94:                                }
                     95:                        } else {
                     96:                                if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, '%d')", $sql_value))) {
                     97:                                        printf("[%04di] [%d] %s\n", $offset + 1, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
                     98:                                        return false;
                     99:                                }
                    100:                        }
                    101:                }
                    102:                if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, label FROM test")) {
                    103:                        printf("[%04d] [%d] %s\n", $offset + 2, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
                    104:                        return false;
                    105:                }
                    107:                if (!$row = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_BOTH)) {
                    108:                        printf("[%04d] [%d] %s\n", $offset + 3, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
                    109:                        return false;
                    110:                }
                    112:                if ($regexp_comparison) {
                    113:                        if (!preg_match($regexp_comparison, (string)$row['label']) || !preg_match($regexp_comparison, (string)$row[1])) {
                    114:                                printf("[%04d] Expecting %s/%s [reg exp = %s], got %s/%s resp. %s/%s. [%d] %s\n", $offset + 4,
                    115:                                        gettype($php_value), $php_value, $regexp_comparison,
                    116:                                        gettype($row[1]), $row[1],
                    117:                                        gettype($row['label']), $row['label'], mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
                    118:                                return false;
                    119:                        }
                    120:                } else if ((gettype($php_value) == 'unicode') && $binary_type) {
                    121:                        // Unicode is on and we are told that the MySQL column type is a binary type.
                    122:                        // Don't expect a unicode value from the database, you'll get binary string
                    123:                        if (($row['label'] != $php_value) || ($row[1] != $php_value)) {
                    124:                                printf("[%04d] Expecting %s/%s, got %s/%s resp. %s/%s. [%d] %s\n", $offset + 5,
                    125:                                        gettype($php_value), $php_value,
                    126:                                        gettype($row[1]), $row[1],
                    127:                                        gettype($row['label']), $row['label'], mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
                    128:                                return false;
                    129:                        }
                    130:                        if (gettype($row['label']) == 'unicode') {
                    131:                                var_dump(mysqli_fetch_field_direct($res, 1), $row['label']);
                    132:                                printf("[%04d] SQL Type: '%s', binary columns are supposed to return binary string and not unicode\n",
                    133:                                        $offset + 6, $sql_type);
                    134:                                return false;
                    135:                        }
                    136:                } else {
                    137:                        if (($row['label'] !== $php_value) || ($row[1] != $php_value)) {
                    138:                                printf("[%04d] Expecting %s/%s, got %s/%s resp. %s/%s. [%d] %s\n", $offset + 7,
                    139:                                        gettype($php_value), $php_value,
                    140:                                        gettype($row[1]), $row[1],
                    141:                                        gettype($row['label']), $row['label'], mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
                    142:                                return false;
                    143:                        }
                    144:                }
                    145:                return true;
                    146:        }
                    148:        function func_mysqli_fetch_array_make_string($len) {
                    150:                $ret = '';
                    151:                for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
                    152:                                $ret .= chr(mt_rand(65, 90));
                    154:                return $ret;
                    155:        }
                    157:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TINYINT", -11, "-11", 20);
                    158:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TINYINT", NULL, NULL, 30);
                    159:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TINYINT UNSIGNED", 1, "1", 40);
                    160:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TINYINT UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 50);
                    162:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BOOL", 1, "1", 60);
                    163:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BOOL", NULL, NULL, 70);
                    164:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BOOLEAN", 0, "0", 80);
                    165:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BOOLEAN", NULL, NULL, 90);
                    167:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "SMALLINT", -32768, "-32768", 100);
                    168:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "SMALLINT", 32767, "32767", 110);
                    169:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "SMALLINT", NULL, NULL, 120);
                    170:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "SMALLINT UNSIGNED", 65535, "65535", 130);
                    171:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "SMALLINT UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 140);
                    173:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "MEDIUMINT", -8388608, "-8388608", 150);
                    174:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "MEDIUMINT", 8388607, "8388607", 160);
                    175:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "MEDIUMINT", NULL, NULL, 170);
                    176:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED", 16777215, "16777215", 180);
                    177:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 190);
                    179:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "INTEGER", -2147483648, "-2147483648", 200);
                    180:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "INTEGER", 2147483647, "2147483647", 210);
                    181:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "INTEGER", NULL, NULL, 220);
                    182:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "INTEGER UNSIGNED", "4294967295", "4294967295", 230);
                    183:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "INTEGER UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 240);
                    185:        if ($IS_MYSQLND ||
                    186:                ((mysqli_get_server_version($link) >= 51000) &&
                    187:                (mysqli_get_client_version($link) >= 51000))) {
                    188:                func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BIGINT", "-9223372036854775808", "-9223372036854775808", 250);
                    189:                func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BIGINT", NULL, NULL, 260);
                    190:                func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BIGINT UNSIGNED", "18446744073709551615", "18446744073709551615", 260);
                    191:                func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BIGINT UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 280);
                    192:        }
                    194:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "FLOAT", (string)(-9223372036854775808 - 1.1), "-9.22337e+18", 290, "/-9\.22337e\+?[0]?18/iu");
                    195:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "FLOAT", NULL, NULL, 300);
                    196:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "FLOAT UNSIGNED", (string)(18446744073709551615 + 1.1), "1.84467e+?19", 310, "/1\.84467e\+?[0]?19/iu");
                    197:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "FLOAT UNSIGNED ", NULL, NULL, 320);
                    199:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DOUBLE(10,2)", "-99999999.99", "-99999999.99", 330);
                    200:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DOUBLE(10,2)", NULL, NULL, 340);
                    201:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DOUBLE(10,2) UNSIGNED", "99999999.99", "99999999.99", 350);
                    202:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DOUBLE(10,2) UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 360);
                    204:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DECIMAL(10,2)", "-99999999.99", "-99999999.99", 370);
                    205:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DECIMAL(10,2)", NULL, NULL, 380);
                    206:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DECIMAL(10,2)", "99999999.99", "99999999.99", 390);
                    207:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DECIMAL(10,2)", NULL, NULL, 400);
                    209:                // don't care about date() strict TZ warnings...
                    210:        $date = @date('Y-m-d');
                    211:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DATE",$date, $date, 410);
                    212:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DATE NOT NULL",$date, $date, 420);
                    213:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DATE", NULL, NULL, 430);
                    215:        $date = @date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                    216:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DATETIME", $date, $date, 440);
                    217:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DATETIME NOT NULL", $date, $date, 450);
                    218:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "DATETIME", NULL, NULL, 460);
                    219:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TIMESTAMP", $date, $date, 470);
                    221:        $date = @date('H:i:s');
                    222:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TIME", $date, $date, 480);
                    223:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TIME NOT NULL", $date, $date, 490);
                    224:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TIME", NULL, NULL, 500);
                    226:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "YEAR", @date('Y'), @date('Y'), 510);
                    227:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "YEAR NOT NULL", @date('Y'), @date('Y'), 520);
                    228:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "YEAR", NULL, NULL, 530);
                    230:        $string255 = func_mysqli_fetch_array_make_string(255);
                    231:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "CHAR(1)", "a", "a", 540);
                    232:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "CHAR(255)", $string255,  $string255, 550);
                    233:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "CHAR(1) NOT NULL", "a", "a", 560);
                    234:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "CHAR(1)", NULL, NULL, 570);
                    236:        $string65k = func_mysqli_fetch_array_make_string(65400);
                    237:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "VARCHAR(1)", "a", "a", 580);
                    238:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "VARCHAR(255)", $string255, $string255, 590);
                    239:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "VARCHAR(65400)", $string65k, $string65k, 600);
                    240:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL", "a", "a", 610);
                    241:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "VARCHAR(1)", NULL, NULL, 620);
                    243:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BINARY(1)", "a", "a", 630, null, true);
                    244:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BINARY(2)", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 640, null, true);
                    245:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BINARY(1) NOT NULL", "b", "b", 650, null, true);
                    246:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BINARY(1)", NULL, NULL, 660, null, true);
                    248:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "VARBINARY(1)", "a", "a", 670, null, true);
                    249:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "VARBINARY(2)", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 680, null, true);
                    250:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "VARBINARY(1) NOT NULL", "b", "b", 690, null, true);
                    251:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "VARBINARY(1)", NULL, NULL, 700, null, true);
                    253:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TINYBLOB", "a", "a", 710, null, true);
                    254:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TINYBLOB", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 720, null, true);
                    255:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TINYBLOB NOT NULL", "b", "b", 730, null, true);
                    256:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TINYBLOB", NULL, NULL, 740, null, true);
                    258:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TINYTEXT", "a", "a", 750);
                    259:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TINYTEXT NOT NULL", "a", "a", 760);
                    260:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TINYTEXT", NULL, NULL, 770);
                    262:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BLOB", "a", "a", 780, null, true);
                    263:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BLOB", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 780, null, true);
                    264:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "BLOB", NULL, NULL, 790, null, true);
                    266:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TEXT", "a", "a", 800);
                    267:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TEXT", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 810);
                    268:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "TEXT", NULL, NULL, 820);
                    270:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "MEDIUMBLOB", "a", "a", 830, null, true);
                    271:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "MEDIUMBLOB", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 840, null, true);
                    272:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "MEDIUMBLOB", NULL, NULL, 850, null, true);
                    274:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "MEDIUMTEXT", "a", "a", 860);
                    275:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "MEDIUMTEXT", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 870);
                    276:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "MEDIUMTEXT", NULL, NULL, 880);
                    278:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "LONGBLOB", "a", "a", 890, null, true);
                    279:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "LONGTEXT", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 900);
                    280:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "LONGBLOB", NULL, NULL, 910, null, true);
                    282:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "ENUM('a', 'b')", "a", "a", 920);
                    283:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "ENUM('a', 'b')", NULL, NULL, 930);
                    285:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "SET('a', 'b')", "a", "a", 940);
                    286:        func_mysqli_fetch_array($link, $engine, "SET('a', 'b')", NULL, NULL, 950);
                    288:        mysqli_close($link);
                    290:        if (null !== ($tmp = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC)))
                    291:                printf("[015] Expecting NULL, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
                    293:        print "done!";
                    294: ?>
                    295: --EXPECTF--
                    296: [005]
                    297: array(4) {
                    298:   [0]=>
                    299:   %unicode|string%(1) "1"
                    300:   [%u|b%"id"]=>
                    301:   %unicode|string%(1) "1"
                    302:   [1]=>
                    303:   %unicode|string%(1) "a"
                    304:   [%u|b%"label"]=>
                    305:   %unicode|string%(1) "a"
                    306: }
                    307: [006]
                    308: array(2) {
                    309:   [0]=>
                    310:   %unicode|string%(1) "2"
                    311:   [1]=>
                    312:   %unicode|string%(1) "b"
                    313: }
                    314: [007]
                    315: array(4) {
                    316:   [0]=>
                    317:   %unicode|string%(1) "3"
                    318:   [%u|b%"id"]=>
                    319:   %unicode|string%(1) "3"
                    320:   [1]=>
                    321:   %unicode|string%(1) "c"
                    322:   [%u|b%"label"]=>
                    323:   %unicode|string%(1) "c"
                    324: }
                    325: [008]
                    326: array(2) {
                    327:   [%u|b%"id"]=>
                    328:   %unicode|string%(1) "4"
                    329:   [%u|b%"label"]=>
                    330:   %unicode|string%(1) "d"
                    331: }
                    332: [009]
                    333: array(4) {
                    334:   [0]=>
                    335:   %unicode|string%(1) "5"
                    336:   [%u|b%"id"]=>
                    337:   %unicode|string%(1) "5"
                    338:   [1]=>
                    339:   %unicode|string%(1) "e"
                    340:   [%u|b%"label"]=>
                    341:   %unicode|string%(1) "e"
                    342: }
                    343: [011]
                    344: array(11) {
                    345:   [0]=>
                    346:   %unicode|string%(1) "1"
                    347:   [%u|b%"a"]=>
                    348:   %unicode|string%(1) "2"
                    349:   [1]=>
                    350:   %unicode|string%(1) "2"
                    351:   [2]=>
                    352:   %unicode|string%(1) "3"
                    353:   [%u|b%"c"]=>
                    354:   %unicode|string%(1) "3"
                    355:   [3]=>
                    356:   %unicode|string%(1) "4"
                    357:   [%u|b%"C"]=>
                    358:   %unicode|string%(1) "4"
                    359:   [4]=>
                    360:   NULL
                    361:   [%u|b%"d"]=>
                    362:   NULL
                    363:   [5]=>
                    364:   %unicode|string%(1) "1"
                    365:   [%u|b%"e"]=>
                    366:   %unicode|string%(1) "1"
                    367: }
                    369: Warning: mysqli_fetch_array(): The result type should be either MYSQLI_NUM, MYSQLI_ASSOC or MYSQLI_BOTH in %s on line %d
                    371: Warning: mysqli_fetch_array(): The result type should be either MYSQLI_NUM, MYSQLI_ASSOC or MYSQLI_BOTH in %s on line %d
                    373: Warning: mysqli_fetch_array(): Couldn't fetch mysqli_result in %s on line %d
                    374: done!

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