Annotation of embedaddon/php/ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_real_query.phpt, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: --TEST--
        !             2: mysqli_real_query()
        !             3: --SKIPIF--
        !             4: <?php
        !             5: require_once('');
        !             6: require_once('');
        !             7: ?>
        !             8: --FILE--
        !             9: <?php
        !            10:        require_once("");
        !            11: 
        !            12:        $tmp    = NULL;
        !            13:        $link   = NULL;
        !            14: 
        !            15:        if (!is_null($tmp = @mysqli_real_query()))
        !            16:                printf("[001] Expecting NULL, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
        !            17: 
        !            18:        if (!is_null($tmp = @mysqli_real_query($link)))
        !            19:                printf("[002] Expecting NULL, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
        !            20: 
        !            21:        require('');
        !            22: 
        !            23:        if (NULL !== ($tmp = @mysqli_real_query($link, "SELECT 1 AS a", MYSQLI_USE_RESULT, "foo")))
        !            24:                printf("[003] Expecting NULL, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
        !            25: 
        !            26:        if (false !== ($tmp = mysqli_real_query($link, 'THIS IS NOT SQL')))
        !            27:                printf("[004] Expecting boolean/false, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
        !            28: 
        !            29:        if (false !== ($tmp = mysqli_real_query($link, "SELECT 'this is sql but with backslash g'\g")))
        !            30:                printf("[005] Expecting boolean/false, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
        !            31: 
        !            32:        if ((0 === mysqli_errno($link)) || ('' == mysqli_error($link)))
        !            33:                printf("[006] mysqli_errno()/mysqli_error should return some error\n");
        !            34: 
        !            35:        if (!mysqli_real_query($link, "SELECT 'this is sql but with semicolon' AS valid ; "))
        !            36:                printf("[007] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
        !            37: 
        !            38:        if (!is_object($res = mysqli_use_result($link)))
        !            39:        printf("[008] Expecting reseult object, got %s/%s [%d] %s\n", gettype($res), $res, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
        !            40: 
        !            41:        var_dump(mysqli_fetch_assoc($res));
        !            42:        mysqli_free_result($res);
        !            43: 
        !            44:        if (false !== ($res = mysqli_real_query($link, "SELECT 'this is sql but with semicolon' AS valid ; SHOW VARIABLES")))
        !            45:                printf("[008] Expecting boolean/false, got %s/%s, [%d] %s\n", gettype($res), $res,
        !            46:                        mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
        !            47: 
        !            48:        if (mysqli_get_server_version($link) > 50000) {
        !            49:                // let's try to play with stored procedures
        !            50:                mysqli_real_query($link, 'DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p');
        !            51:                if (mysqli_real_query($link, 'CREATE PROCEDURE p(OUT ver_param VARCHAR(25)) BEGIN SELECT VERSION() INTO ver_param;
        !            52: END;')) {
        !            53:                        mysqli_real_query($link, 'CALL p(@version)');
        !            54:                        mysqli_real_query($link, 'SELECT @version AS p_version');
        !            55:                        $res = mysqli_store_result($link);
        !            56: 
        !            57:                        $tmp = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
        !            58:                        if (!is_array($tmp) || empty($tmp) || !isset($tmp['p_version']) || ('' == $tmp['p_version'])) {
        !            59:                                printf("[008a] Expecting array [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
        !            60:                                var_dump($tmp);
        !            61:                        }
        !            62: 
        !            63:                        mysqli_free_result($res);
        !            64:                } else {
        !            65:                                printf("[009] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
        !            66:                }
        !            67:                mysqli_real_query($link, 'DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f');
        !            68:                if (mysqli_real_query($link, 'CREATE FUNCTION f( ver_param VARCHAR(25)) RETURNS VARCHAR(25) DETERMINISTIC RETURN
        !            69: ver_param;')) {
        !            70:                        mysqli_real_query($link, 'SELECT f(VERSION()) AS f_version');
        !            71:                        $res = mysqli_store_result($link);
        !            72: 
        !            73:                        $tmp = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
        !            74:                        if (!is_array($tmp) || empty($tmp) || !isset($tmp['f_version']) || ('' == $tmp['f_version'])) {
        !            75:                                printf("[009a] Expecting array [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
        !            76:                                var_dump($tmp);
        !            77:                        }
        !            78: 
        !            79:                        mysqli_free_result($res);
        !            80:                } else {
        !            81:                        printf("[010] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
        !            82:                }
        !            83:        }
        !            84: 
        !            85:        mysqli_close($link);
        !            86: 
        !            87:        if (NULL !== ($tmp = mysqli_real_query($link, "SELECT id FROM test")))
        !            88:                printf("[011] Expecting NULL, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
        !            89: 
        !            90:        print "done!";
        !            91: ?>
        !            92: --CLEAN--
        !            93: <?php
        !            94: require_once("");
        !            95: if (!$link = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket))
        !            96:    printf("[c001] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error());
        !            97: 
        !            98: if (!mysqli_query($link, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test"))
        !            99:        printf("[c002] Cannot drop table, [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
        !           100: 
        !           101: @mysqli_query($link, "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p");
        !           102: @mysqli_query($link, "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f");
        !           103: 
        !           104: mysqli_close($link);
        !           105: ?>
        !           106: --EXPECTF--
        !           107: array(1) {
        !           108:   [%u|b%"valid"]=>
        !           109:   %unicode|string%(30) "this is sql but with semicolon"
        !           110: }
        !           111: 
        !           112: Warning: mysqli_real_query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in %s on line %d
        !           113: done!

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