Annotation of embedaddon/php/ext/oci8/tests/refcur_prefetch_1.phpt, revision

1.1       misho       1: --TEST--
                      2: Prefetch with REF cursor. Test different values for prefetch with oci_set_prefetch().
                      3: --SKIPIF--
                      4: <?php if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) die("skip no oci8 extension");
                      5: if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) die("skip no oci8 extension");
                      6: require(dirname(__FILE__)."/");
                      7: if (preg_match('/Release 1[012]\./', oci_server_version($c), $matches) !== 1) {
                      8:        die("skip expected output only valid when using Oracle 10g or greater databases");
                      9: } else if (preg_match('/^(11\.2|12)\./', oci_client_version()) != 1) {
                     10:     die("skip test expected to work only with Oracle 11gR2 or greater version of client");
                     11: }
                     12: ?>
                     13: --FILE--
                     14: <?php
                     15: require(dirname(__FILE__)."/");
                     17: // Creates the necessary package and tables. 
                     18: $stmtarray = array(
                     19:           "DROP TABLE refcurtest",
                     20:           "CREATE TABLE refcurtest (c1 NUMBER, c2 VARCHAR(20))",
                     21:            "CREATE or REPLACE PACKAGE refcurpkg is
                     22:            type refcursortype is ref cursor;
                     23:            procedure open_ref_cur(cur1 out refcursortype);
                     24:            procedure fetch_ref_cur(cur1 in refcursortype, c1 out number,c2 out varchar2);
                     25:            end refcurpkg;",
                     26:           "CREATE or REPLACE PACKAGE body refcurpkg is
                     27:            procedure open_ref_cur(cur1 out refcursortype) is
                     28:               begin
                     29:                open cur1 for select * from refcurtest order by c1;
                     30:              end open_ref_cur;
                     31:             procedure fetch_ref_cur(cur1 in refcursortype, c1 out number,
                     32:                c2 out varchar2) is
                     33:              begin
                     34:                fetch cur1 into c1,c2;
                     35:            end fetch_ref_cur;
                     36:          end refcurpkg;"
                     37:        );
                     39: oci8_test_sql_execute($c, $stmtarray);
                     41: // Insert 500 rows into the table.
                     42: $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO refcurtest (c1, c2) VALUES (:c1,:c2)";
                     43: if (!($s = oci_parse($c, $insert_sql))) {
                     44:     die("oci_parse(insert) failed!\n");
                     45: }
                     47: for ($i = 0; $i<=500; $i++) {
                     48:     $val2 = 'test'.$i;
                     49:     oci_bind_by_name($s,':c1',$i);
                     50:     oci_bind_by_name($s,':c2',$val2);
                     51:     if (!oci_execute($s)) {
                     52:         die("oci_execute(insert) failed!\n");
                     53:     }
                     54: }
                     56: // Various values for prefetch
                     57: $pref = array(0,1,501,499,250,12345,-12345,-1);
                     58: foreach($pref as $value) {
                     59:     echo"-----------------------------------------------\n";
                     60:     echo "Test with Prefetch value set to $value \n";
                     61:     echo"-----------------------------------------------\n";
                     62:     $cur1 = oci_new_cursor($c);
                     63:     fetch_frm_php($c,$cur1,$value);
                     64:     fetch_frm_plsql($c,$cur1);
                     65: }
                     68: // This function sets the prefetch count to the given $value and fetches one row .
                     70: function fetch_frm_php($c,$cur1,$value) {
                     71:     $sql1 = "begin refcurpkg.open_ref_cur(:cur1); end;";
                     72:     $s1 = oci_parse($c,$sql1);
                     73:     if (!oci_bind_by_name($s1,":cur1",$cur1,-1,SQLT_RSET)) {
                     74:         die("oci_bind_by_name(sql1) failed!\n");
                     75:     }
                     76:     oci_execute($s1);
                     77:     oci_set_prefetch($cur1,$value);
                     78:     oci_execute($cur1);
                     79:     echo "Fetch Row from PHP\n";
                     80:     var_dump(oci_fetch_row($cur1));
                     81: }
                     83: // This function calls the fetch_ref_cur procedure to get the values from the REF cur.
                     85: function fetch_frm_plsql($c,$cur1) {
                     86:     $sql2 = "begin refcurpkg.fetch_ref_cur(:curs1,:c1,:c2); end;";
                     87:     $s2 = oci_parse($c,$sql2);
                     88:     if (!oci_bind_by_name($s2,":curs1",$cur1,-1,SQLT_RSET)) {
                     89:         die("oci_bind_by_name(sql2) failed!\n");
                     90:     }
                     91:     if (!oci_bind_by_name($s2,":c1",$c1,-1,SQLT_INT)) {
                     92:         die("oci_bind_by_name(sql2) failed!\n");
                     93:     }
                     94:     if (!oci_bind_by_name($s2,":c2",$c2,20,SQLT_CHR)) {
                     95:         die("oci_bind_by_name(sql2) failed!\n");
                     96:     }
                     97:     oci_execute($s2);
                     98:     echo "Fetch Row from PL/SQL\n";
                     99:     var_dump($c1);
                    100:     var_dump($c2);
                    101: }
                    103: // Clean up  here
                    105: $stmtarray = array(
                    106:     "drop package refcurpkg",
                    107:     "drop table refcurtest"
                    108: );
                    110: oci8_test_sql_execute($c, $stmtarray);
                    112: echo "Done\n";
                    113: ?>
                    114: --EXPECTF--
                    115: -----------------------------------------------
                    116: Test with Prefetch value set to 0 
                    117: -----------------------------------------------
                    118: Fetch Row from PHP
                    119: array(2) {
                    120:   [0]=>
                    121:   string(%d) "0"
                    122:   [1]=>
                    123:   string(%d) "test0"
                    124: }
                    125: Fetch Row from PL/SQL
                    126: int(1)
                    127: string(%d) "test1"
                    128: -----------------------------------------------
                    129: Test with Prefetch value set to 1 
                    130: -----------------------------------------------
                    131: Fetch Row from PHP
                    132: array(2) {
                    133:   [0]=>
                    134:   string(%d) "0"
                    135:   [1]=>
                    136:   string(%d) "test0"
                    137: }
                    138: Fetch Row from PL/SQL
                    139: int(2)
                    140: string(%d) "test2"
                    141: -----------------------------------------------
                    142: Test with Prefetch value set to 501 
                    143: -----------------------------------------------
                    144: Fetch Row from PHP
                    145: array(2) {
                    146:   [0]=>
                    147:   string(%d) "0"
                    148:   [1]=>
                    149:   string(%d) "test0"
                    150: }
                    152: Warning: oci_execute(): ORA-01002: %s
                    153: ORA-06512: at "%s.REFCURPKG", line %d
                    154: ORA-06512: at line %d in %s on line %d
                    155: Fetch Row from PL/SQL
                    156: int(0)
                    157: NULL
                    158: -----------------------------------------------
                    159: Test with Prefetch value set to 499 
                    160: -----------------------------------------------
                    161: Fetch Row from PHP
                    162: array(2) {
                    163:   [0]=>
                    164:   string(%d) "0"
                    165:   [1]=>
                    166:   string(%d) "test0"
                    167: }
                    168: Fetch Row from PL/SQL
                    169: int(500)
                    170: string(%d) "test500"
                    171: -----------------------------------------------
                    172: Test with Prefetch value set to 250 
                    173: -----------------------------------------------
                    174: Fetch Row from PHP
                    175: array(2) {
                    176:   [0]=>
                    177:   string(%d) "0"
                    178:   [1]=>
                    179:   string(%d) "test0"
                    180: }
                    181: Fetch Row from PL/SQL
                    182: int(251)
                    183: string(%d) "test251"
                    184: -----------------------------------------------
                    185: Test with Prefetch value set to 12345 
                    186: -----------------------------------------------
                    187: Fetch Row from PHP
                    188: array(2) {
                    189:   [0]=>
                    190:   string(%d) "0"
                    191:   [1]=>
                    192:   string(%d) "test0"
                    193: }
                    195: Warning: oci_execute(): ORA-01002: %s
                    196: ORA-06512: at "%s.REFCURPKG", line %d
                    197: ORA-06512: at line %d in %s on line %d
                    198: Fetch Row from PL/SQL
                    199: int(0)
                    200: NULL
                    201: -----------------------------------------------
                    202: Test with Prefetch value set to -12345 
                    203: -----------------------------------------------
                    205: Warning: oci_set_prefetch(): Number of rows to be prefetched has to be greater than or equal to 0 in %s on line %d
                    206: Fetch Row from PHP
                    207: array(2) {
                    208:   [0]=>
                    209:   string(%d) "0"
                    210:   [1]=>
                    211:   string(%d) "test0"
                    212: }
                    213: Fetch Row from PL/SQL
                    214: int(101)
                    215: string(%d) "test101"
                    216: -----------------------------------------------
                    217: Test with Prefetch value set to -1 
                    218: -----------------------------------------------
                    220: Warning: oci_set_prefetch(): Number of rows to be prefetched has to be greater than or equal to 0 in %s on line %d
                    221: Fetch Row from PHP
                    222: array(2) {
                    223:   [0]=>
                    224:   string(%d) "0"
                    225:   [1]=>
                    226:   string(%d) "test0"
                    227: }
                    228: Fetch Row from PL/SQL
                    229: int(101)
                    230: string(%d) "test101"
                    231: Done

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