Annotation of embedaddon/php/ext/pdo/php_pdo_driver.h, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: /*
        !             2:   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
        !             3:   | PHP Version 5                                                        |
        !             4:   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
        !             5:   | Copyright (c) 1997-2012 The PHP Group                                |
        !             6:   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
        !             7:   | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
        !             8:   | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
        !             9:   | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
        !            10:   |                                  |
        !            11:   | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
        !            12:   | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
        !            13:   | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
        !            14:   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
        !            15:   | Author: Wez Furlong <>                                    |
        !            16:   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
        !            17: */
        !            18: 
        !            19: /* $Id: php_pdo_driver.h 321634 2012-01-01 13:15:04Z felipe $ */
        !            20: 
        !            21: #ifndef PHP_PDO_DRIVER_H
        !            22: #define PHP_PDO_DRIVER_H
        !            23: 
        !            24: #include "php_pdo.h"
        !            25: 
        !            26: /* forward declarations */
        !            27: typedef struct _pdo_dbh_t      pdo_dbh_t;
        !            28: typedef struct _pdo_stmt_t     pdo_stmt_t;
        !            29: struct pdo_bound_param_data;
        !            30: 
        !            31: #ifdef PHP_WIN32
        !            32: typedef __int64 pdo_int64_t;
        !            33: typedef unsigned __int64 pdo_uint64_t;
        !            34: #else
        !            35: typedef long long int pdo_int64_t;
        !            36: typedef unsigned long long int pdo_uint64_t;
        !            37: #endif
        !            38: PDO_API char *php_pdo_int64_to_str(pdo_int64_t i64 TSRMLS_DC);
        !            39: 
        !            40: #ifndef TRUE
        !            41: # define TRUE 1
        !            42: #endif
        !            43: #ifndef FALSE
        !            44: # define FALSE 0
        !            45: #endif
        !            46: 
        !            47: #define PDO_DRIVER_API 20080721
        !            48: 
        !            49: enum pdo_param_type {
        !            50:        PDO_PARAM_NULL,
        !            51: 
        !            52:        /* int as in long (the php native int type).
        !            53:         * If you mark a column as an int, PDO expects get_col to return
        !            54:         * a pointer to a long */
        !            55:        PDO_PARAM_INT,
        !            56: 
        !            57:        /* get_col ptr should point to start of the string buffer */
        !            58:        PDO_PARAM_STR,
        !            59: 
        !            60:        /* get_col: when len is 0 ptr should point to a php_stream *,
        !            61:         * otherwise it should behave like a string. Indicate a NULL field
        !            62:         * value by setting the ptr to NULL */
        !            63:        PDO_PARAM_LOB,
        !            64: 
        !            65:        /* get_col: will expect the ptr to point to a new PDOStatement object handle,
        !            66:         * but this isn't wired up yet */
        !            67:        PDO_PARAM_STMT, /* hierarchical result set */
        !            68: 
        !            69:        /* get_col ptr should point to a zend_bool */
        !            70:        PDO_PARAM_BOOL,
        !            71: 
        !            72:        /* get_col ptr should point to a zval*
        !            73:           and the driver is responsible for adding correct type information to get_column_meta()
        !            74:         */
        !            75:        PDO_PARAM_ZVAL
        !            76: };
        !            77: 
        !            78: /* magic flag to denote a parameter as being input/output */
        !            79: #define        PDO_PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT  0x80000000      
        !            80: 
        !            81: #define PDO_PARAM_FLAGS                        0xFFFF0000
        !            82: 
        !            83: #define PDO_PARAM_TYPE(x)              ((x) & ~PDO_PARAM_FLAGS)
        !            84: 
        !            85: enum pdo_fetch_type {
        !            86:        PDO_FETCH_USE_DEFAULT,
        !            87:        PDO_FETCH_LAZY,
        !            88:        PDO_FETCH_ASSOC,
        !            89:        PDO_FETCH_NUM,
        !            90:        PDO_FETCH_BOTH,
        !            91:        PDO_FETCH_OBJ,
        !            92:        PDO_FETCH_BOUND, /* return true/false only; rely on bound columns */
        !            93:        PDO_FETCH_COLUMN,       /* fetch a numbered column only */
        !            94:        PDO_FETCH_CLASS,        /* create an instance of named class, call ctor and set properties */
        !            95:        PDO_FETCH_INTO,         /* fetch row into an existing object */
        !            96:        PDO_FETCH_FUNC,         /* fetch into function and return its result */
        !            97:        PDO_FETCH_NAMED,    /* like PDO_FETCH_ASSOC, but can handle duplicate names */
        !            98:        PDO_FETCH_KEY_PAIR,     /* fetch into an array where the 1st column is a key and all subsequent columns are values */
        !            99:        PDO_FETCH__MAX /* must be last */
        !           100: };
        !           101: 
        !           102: #define PDO_FETCH_FLAGS     0xFFFF0000  /* fetchAll() modes or'd to PDO_FETCH_XYZ */
        !           103: #define PDO_FETCH_GROUP     0x00010000  /* fetch into groups */
        !           104: #define PDO_FETCH_UNIQUE    0x00030000  /* fetch into groups assuming first col is unique */
        !           105: #define PDO_FETCH_CLASSTYPE 0x00040000  /* fetch class gets its class name from 1st column */
        !           106: #define PDO_FETCH_SERIALIZE 0x00080000  /* fetch class instances by calling serialize */
        !           107: #define PDO_FETCH_PROPS_LATE 0x00100000  /* fetch props after calling ctor */
        !           108: 
        !           109: /* fetch orientation for scrollable cursors */
        !           110: enum pdo_fetch_orientation {
        !           111:        PDO_FETCH_ORI_NEXT,             /* default: fetch the next available row */
        !           112:        PDO_FETCH_ORI_PRIOR,    /* scroll back to prior row and fetch that */
        !           113:        PDO_FETCH_ORI_FIRST,    /* scroll to the first row and fetch that */
        !           114:        PDO_FETCH_ORI_LAST,             /* scroll to the last row and fetch that */
        !           115:        PDO_FETCH_ORI_ABS,              /* scroll to an absolute numbered row and fetch that */
        !           116:        PDO_FETCH_ORI_REL               /* scroll relative to the current row, and fetch that */
        !           117: };
        !           118: 
        !           119: enum pdo_attribute_type {
        !           120:        PDO_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT,    /* use to turn on or off auto-commit mode */
        !           121:        PDO_ATTR_PREFETCH,              /* configure the prefetch size for drivers that support it. Size is in KB */
        !           122:        PDO_ATTR_TIMEOUT,               /* connection timeout in seconds */
        !           123:        PDO_ATTR_ERRMODE,               /* control how errors are handled */
        !           124:        PDO_ATTR_SERVER_VERSION,        /* database server version */
        !           125:        PDO_ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION,        /* client library version */
        !           126:        PDO_ATTR_SERVER_INFO,           /* server information */
        !           127:        PDO_ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS,     /* connection status */
        !           128:        PDO_ATTR_CASE,                          /* control case folding for portability */
        !           129:        PDO_ATTR_CURSOR_NAME,           /* name a cursor for use in "WHERE CURRENT OF <name>" */
        !           130:        PDO_ATTR_CURSOR,                        /* cursor type */
        !           131:        PDO_ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS,          /* convert empty strings to NULL */
        !           132:        PDO_ATTR_PERSISTENT,            /* pconnect style connection */
        !           133:        PDO_ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS,       /* array(classname, array(ctor_args)) to specify the class of the constructed statement */
        !           134:        PDO_ATTR_FETCH_TABLE_NAMES, /* include table names in the column names, where available */
        !           135:        PDO_ATTR_FETCH_CATALOG_NAMES, /* include the catalog/db name names in the column names, where available */
        !           136:        PDO_ATTR_DRIVER_NAME,             /* name of the driver (as used in the constructor) */
        !           137:        PDO_ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES,     /* converts integer/float types to strings during fetch */
        !           138:        PDO_ATTR_MAX_COLUMN_LEN,        /* make database calculate maximum length of data found in a column */
        !           139:        PDO_ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, /* Set the default fetch mode */
        !           140:        PDO_ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES,  /* use query emulation rather than native */
        !           141: 
        !           142:        /* this defines the start of the range for driver specific options.
        !           143:         * Drivers should define their own attribute constants beginning with this
        !           144:         * value. */
        !           145:        PDO_ATTR_DRIVER_SPECIFIC = 1000
        !           146: };
        !           147: 
        !           148: enum pdo_cursor_type {
        !           149:        PDO_CURSOR_FWDONLY,             /* forward only cursor (default) */
        !           150:        PDO_CURSOR_SCROLL               /* scrollable cursor */
        !           151: };
        !           152: 
        !           153: /* SQL-92 SQLSTATE error codes.
        !           154: 
        !           155: The character string value returned for an SQLSTATE consists of a two-character
        !           156: class value followed by a three-character subclass value. A class value of 01
        !           157: indicates a warning and is accompanied by a return code of
        !           158: SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO.
        !           159: 
        !           160: Class values other than '01', except for the class 'IM',
        !           161: indicate an error and are accompanied by a return code of SQL_ERROR. The class
        !           162: 'IM' is specific to warnings and errors that derive from the implementation of
        !           163: ODBC itself.
        !           164: 
        !           165: The subclass value '000' in any class indicates that there is no
        !           166: subclass for that SQLSTATE. The assignment of class and subclass values is
        !           167: defined by SQL-92.
        !           168: */
        !           169: 
        !           170: typedef char pdo_error_type[6]; /* SQLSTATE */
        !           171: 
        !           172: 
        !           173: #define PDO_ERR_NONE                           "00000"
        !           174: 
        !           175: enum pdo_error_mode {
        !           176:        PDO_ERRMODE_SILENT,             /* just set error codes */
        !           177:        PDO_ERRMODE_WARNING,    /* raise E_WARNING */
        !           178:        PDO_ERRMODE_EXCEPTION   /* throw exceptions */
        !           179: };
        !           180: 
        !           181: enum pdo_case_conversion {
        !           182:        PDO_CASE_NATURAL,
        !           183:        PDO_CASE_UPPER,
        !           184:        PDO_CASE_LOWER
        !           185: };
        !           186: 
        !           187: /* oracle interop settings */
        !           188: enum pdo_null_handling {
        !           189:        PDO_NULL_NATURAL = 0,
        !           190:        PDO_NULL_EMPTY_STRING = 1,
        !           191:        PDO_NULL_TO_STRING = 2
        !           192: };
        !           193: 
        !           194: /* {{{ utils for reading attributes set as driver_options */
        !           195: static inline long pdo_attr_lval(zval *options, enum pdo_attribute_type option_name, long defval TSRMLS_DC)
        !           196: {
        !           197:        zval **v;
        !           198: 
        !           199:        if (options && SUCCESS == zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(options), option_name, (void**)&v)) {
        !           200:                convert_to_long_ex(v);
        !           201:                return Z_LVAL_PP(v);
        !           202:        }
        !           203:        return defval;
        !           204: }
        !           205: static inline char *pdo_attr_strval(zval *options, enum pdo_attribute_type option_name, char *defval TSRMLS_DC)
        !           206: {
        !           207:        zval **v;
        !           208: 
        !           209:        if (options && SUCCESS == zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(options), option_name, (void**)&v)) {
        !           210:                convert_to_string_ex(v);
        !           211:                return estrndup(Z_STRVAL_PP(v), Z_STRLEN_PP(v));
        !           212:        }
        !           213:        return defval ? estrdup(defval) : NULL;
        !           214: }
        !           215: /* }}} */
        !           216: 
        !           217: /* This structure is registered with PDO when a PDO driver extension is
        !           218:  * initialized */
        !           219: typedef struct {
        !           220:        const char              *driver_name;
        !           221:        unsigned long   driver_name_len;
        !           222:        unsigned long   api_version; /* needs to be compatible with PDO */
        !           223: 
        !           224: #define PDO_DRIVER_HEADER(name)        \
        !           225:        #name, sizeof(#name)-1, \
        !           226:        PDO_DRIVER_API
        !           227:        
        !           228:        /* create driver specific portion of the database handle and stash it into
        !           229:         * the dbh.  dbh contains the data source string and flags for this
        !           230:         * instance.  You MUST respect dbh->is_persistent and pass that flag to
        !           231:         * pemalloc() for all allocations that are stored in the dbh or your instance
        !           232:         * data in the db, otherwise you will crash PHP when persistent connections
        !           233:         * are used.
        !           234:         */
        !           235:        int (*db_handle_factory)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, zval *driver_options TSRMLS_DC);
        !           236: 
        !           237: } pdo_driver_t;
        !           238: 
        !           239: /* {{{ methods for a database handle */
        !           240: 
        !           241: /* close or otherwise disconnect the database */
        !           242: typedef int (*pdo_dbh_close_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh TSRMLS_DC);
        !           243: 
        !           244: /* prepare a statement and stash driver specific portion into stmt */
        !           245: typedef int (*pdo_dbh_prepare_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, const char *sql, long sql_len, pdo_stmt_t *stmt, zval *driver_options TSRMLS_DC);
        !           246: 
        !           247: /* execute a statement (that does not return a result set) */
        !           248: typedef long (*pdo_dbh_do_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, const char *sql, long sql_len TSRMLS_DC);
        !           249: 
        !           250: /* quote a string */
        !           251: typedef int (*pdo_dbh_quote_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, const char *unquoted, int unquotedlen, char **quoted, int *quotedlen, enum pdo_param_type paramtype TSRMLS_DC);
        !           252: 
        !           253: /* transaction related */
        !           254: typedef int (*pdo_dbh_txn_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh TSRMLS_DC);
        !           255: 
        !           256: /* setting of attributes */
        !           257: typedef int (*pdo_dbh_set_attr_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, long attr, zval *val TSRMLS_DC);
        !           258: 
        !           259: /* return last insert id.  NULL indicates error condition, otherwise, the return value
        !           260:  * MUST be an emalloc'd NULL terminated string. */
        !           261: typedef char *(*pdo_dbh_last_id_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, const char *name, unsigned int *len TSRMLS_DC);
        !           262: 
        !           263: /* fetch error information.  if stmt is not null, fetch information pertaining
        !           264:  * to the statement, otherwise fetch global error information.  The driver
        !           265:  * should add the following information to the array "info" in this order:
        !           266:  * - native error code
        !           267:  * - string representation of the error code ... any other optional driver
        !           268:  *   specific data ...  */
        !           269: typedef        int (*pdo_dbh_fetch_error_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, pdo_stmt_t *stmt, zval *info TSRMLS_DC);
        !           270: 
        !           271: /* fetching of attributes */
        !           272: typedef int (*pdo_dbh_get_attr_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, long attr, zval *val TSRMLS_DC);
        !           273: 
        !           274: /* checking/pinging persistent connections; return SUCCESS if the connection
        !           275:  * is still alive and ready to be used, FAILURE otherwise.
        !           276:  * You may set this handler to NULL, which is equivalent to returning SUCCESS. */
        !           277: typedef int (*pdo_dbh_check_liveness_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh TSRMLS_DC);
        !           278: 
        !           279: /* called at request end for each persistent dbh; this gives the driver
        !           280:  * the opportunity to safely release resources that only have per-request
        !           281:  * scope */
        !           282: typedef void (*pdo_dbh_request_shutdown)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh TSRMLS_DC);
        !           283: 
        !           284: /* for adding methods to the dbh or stmt objects 
        !           285: pointer to a list of driver specific functions. The convention is
        !           286: to prefix the function names using the PDO driver name; this will
        !           287: reduce the chance of collisions with future functionality in the
        !           288: PDO class or in user code (they can extend the PDO object).
        !           289: */
        !           290: enum {
        !           291:        PDO_DBH_DRIVER_METHOD_KIND_DBH = 0,
        !           292:        PDO_DBH_DRIVER_METHOD_KIND_STMT,
        !           293:        PDO_DBH_DRIVER_METHOD_KIND__MAX
        !           294: };
        !           295: 
        !           296: typedef const zend_function_entry *(*pdo_dbh_get_driver_methods_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, int kind TSRMLS_DC);
        !           297: 
        !           298: struct pdo_dbh_methods {
        !           299:        pdo_dbh_close_func              closer;
        !           300:        pdo_dbh_prepare_func    preparer;
        !           301:        pdo_dbh_do_func                 doer;
        !           302:        pdo_dbh_quote_func              quoter;
        !           303:        pdo_dbh_txn_func                begin;
        !           304:        pdo_dbh_txn_func                commit;
        !           305:        pdo_dbh_txn_func                rollback;
        !           306:        pdo_dbh_set_attr_func   set_attribute;
        !           307:        pdo_dbh_last_id_func            last_id;
        !           308:        pdo_dbh_fetch_error_func        fetch_err;
        !           309:        pdo_dbh_get_attr_func           get_attribute;
        !           310:        pdo_dbh_check_liveness_func     check_liveness;
        !           311:        pdo_dbh_get_driver_methods_func get_driver_methods;
        !           312:        pdo_dbh_request_shutdown        persistent_shutdown;
        !           313: };
        !           314: 
        !           315: /* }}} */
        !           316: 
        !           317: /* {{{ methods for a statement handle */
        !           318: 
        !           319: /* free the statement handle */
        !           320: typedef int (*pdo_stmt_dtor_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt TSRMLS_DC);
        !           321: 
        !           322: /* start the query */
        !           323: typedef int (*pdo_stmt_execute_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt TSRMLS_DC);
        !           324: 
        !           325: /* causes the next row in the set to be fetched; indicates if there are no
        !           326:  * more rows.  The ori and offset params modify which row should be returned,
        !           327:  * if the stmt represents a scrollable cursor */
        !           328: typedef int (*pdo_stmt_fetch_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, 
        !           329:        enum pdo_fetch_orientation ori, long offset TSRMLS_DC);
        !           330: 
        !           331: /* queries information about the type of a column, by index (0 based).
        !           332:  * Driver should populate stmt->columns[colno] with appropriate info */
        !           333: typedef int (*pdo_stmt_describe_col_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, int colno TSRMLS_DC);
        !           334: 
        !           335: /* retrieves pointer and size of the value for a column.
        !           336:  * Note that PDO expects the driver to manage the lifetime of this data;
        !           337:  * it will copy the value into a zval on behalf of the script.
        !           338:  * If the driver sets caller_frees, ptr should point to emalloc'd memory
        !           339:  * and PDO will free it as soon as it is done using it.
        !           340:  */
        !           341: typedef int (*pdo_stmt_get_col_data_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, int colno, char **ptr, unsigned long *len, int *caller_frees TSRMLS_DC);
        !           342: 
        !           343: /* hook for bound params */
        !           344: enum pdo_param_event {
        !           345:        PDO_PARAM_EVT_ALLOC,
        !           346:        PDO_PARAM_EVT_FREE,
        !           347:        PDO_PARAM_EVT_EXEC_PRE,
        !           348:        PDO_PARAM_EVT_EXEC_POST,
        !           349:        PDO_PARAM_EVT_FETCH_PRE,
        !           350:        PDO_PARAM_EVT_FETCH_POST,
        !           351:        PDO_PARAM_EVT_NORMALIZE
        !           352: };
        !           353: 
        !           354: typedef int (*pdo_stmt_param_hook_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, struct pdo_bound_param_data *param, enum pdo_param_event event_type TSRMLS_DC);
        !           355: 
        !           356: /* setting of attributes */
        !           357: typedef int (*pdo_stmt_set_attr_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, long attr, zval *val TSRMLS_DC);
        !           358: 
        !           359: /* fetching of attributes */
        !           360: typedef int (*pdo_stmt_get_attr_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, long attr, zval *val TSRMLS_DC);
        !           361: 
        !           362: /* retrieves meta data for a numbered column.
        !           363:  * Returns SUCCESS/FAILURE.
        !           364:  * On SUCCESS, fill in return_value with an array with the following fields.
        !           365:  * If a particular field is not supported, then the driver simply does not add it to
        !           366:  * the array, so that scripts can use isset() to check for it.
        !           367:  *
        !           368:  * ### this is just a rough first cut, and subject to change ###
        !           369:  *
        !           370:  * these are added by PDO itself, based on data from the describe handler:
        !           371:  *   name => the column name
        !           372:  *   len => the length/size of the column
        !           373:  *   precision => precision of the column
        !           374:  *   pdo_type => an integer, one of the PDO_PARAM_XXX values
        !           375:  *
        !           376:  *   scale => the floating point scale
        !           377:  *   table => the table for that column
        !           378:  *   type => a string representation of the type, mapped to the PHP equivalent type name
        !           379:  *   native_type => a string representation of the type, native style, if different from
        !           380:  *                  the mapped name.
        !           381:  *   flags => an array of flags including zero or more of the following:
        !           382:  *            primary_key, not_null, unique_key, multiple_key, unsigned, auto_increment, blob
        !           383:  *
        !           384:  * Any driver specific data should be returned using a prefixed key or value.
        !           385:  * Eg: custom data for the mysql driver would use either
        !           386:  *   'mysql:foobar' => 'some data' // to add a new key to the array
        !           387:  * or
        !           388:  *   'flags' => array('not_null', 'mysql:some_flag'); // to add data to an existing key
        !           389:  */
        !           390: typedef int (*pdo_stmt_get_column_meta_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, long colno, zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
        !           391: 
        !           392: /* advances the statement to the next rowset of the batch.
        !           393:  * If it returns 1, PDO will tear down its idea of columns
        !           394:  * and meta data.  If it returns 0, PDO will indicate an error
        !           395:  * to the caller. */
        !           396: typedef int (*pdo_stmt_next_rowset_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt TSRMLS_DC);
        !           397: 
        !           398: /* closes the active cursor on a statement, leaving the prepared
        !           399:  * statement ready for re-execution.  Useful to explicitly state
        !           400:  * that you are done with a given rowset, without having to explicitly
        !           401:  * fetch all the rows. */
        !           402: typedef int (*pdo_stmt_cursor_closer_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt TSRMLS_DC);
        !           403: 
        !           404: struct pdo_stmt_methods {
        !           405:        pdo_stmt_dtor_func                      dtor;
        !           406:        pdo_stmt_execute_func           executer;
        !           407:        pdo_stmt_fetch_func                     fetcher;
        !           408:        pdo_stmt_describe_col_func      describer;
        !           409:        pdo_stmt_get_col_data_func      get_col;
        !           410:        pdo_stmt_param_hook_func        param_hook;
        !           411:        pdo_stmt_set_attr_func          set_attribute;
        !           412:        pdo_stmt_get_attr_func          get_attribute;
        !           413:        pdo_stmt_get_column_meta_func get_column_meta;
        !           414:        pdo_stmt_next_rowset_func               next_rowset;
        !           415:        pdo_stmt_cursor_closer_func     cursor_closer;
        !           416: };
        !           417: 
        !           418: /* }}} */
        !           419: 
        !           420: enum pdo_placeholder_support {
        !           421:        PDO_PLACEHOLDER_NONE=0,
        !           422:        PDO_PLACEHOLDER_NAMED=1,
        !           423:        PDO_PLACEHOLDER_POSITIONAL=2
        !           424: };
        !           425: 
        !           426: /* represents a connection to a database */
        !           427: struct _pdo_dbh_t {
        !           428:        /* these items must appear in this order at the beginning of the
        !           429:        struct so that this can be cast as a zend_object.  we need this
        !           430:        to allow the extending class to escape all the custom handlers
        !           431:           that PDO declares.
        !           432:     */
        !           433:        zend_class_entry *ce; 
        !           434:        HashTable *properties;
        !           435:        unsigned int in_get:1;
        !           436:        unsigned int in_set:1;
        !           437: 
        !           438:        /* driver specific methods */
        !           439:        struct pdo_dbh_methods *methods;
        !           440:        /* driver specific data */
        !           441:        void *driver_data;
        !           442: 
        !           443:        /* credentials */
        !           444:        char *username, *password;
        !           445:        
        !           446:        /* if true, then data stored and pointed at by this handle must all be
        !           447:         * persistently allocated */
        !           448:        unsigned is_persistent:1;
        !           449: 
        !           450:        /* if true, driver should act as though a COMMIT were executed between
        !           451:         * each executed statement; otherwise, COMMIT must be carried out manually
        !           452:         * */
        !           453:        unsigned auto_commit:1;
        !           454: 
        !           455:        /* if true, the handle has been closed and will not function anymore */
        !           456:        unsigned is_closed:1;
        !           457: 
        !           458:        /* if true, the driver requires that memory be allocated explicitly for
        !           459:         * the columns that are returned */
        !           460:        unsigned alloc_own_columns:1;
        !           461: 
        !           462:        /* if true, commit or rollBack is allowed to be called */
        !           463:        unsigned in_txn:1;
        !           464: 
        !           465:        /* max length a single character can become after correct quoting */
        !           466:        unsigned max_escaped_char_length:3;
        !           467: 
        !           468:        /* oracle compat; see enum pdo_null_handling */
        !           469:        unsigned oracle_nulls:2;
        !           470: 
        !           471:        /* when set, convert int/floats to strings */
        !           472:        unsigned stringify:1;
        !           473: 
        !           474:        /* the sum of the number of bits here and the bit fields preceeding should
        !           475:         * equal 32 */
        !           476:        unsigned _reserved_flags:21;
        !           477: 
        !           478:        /* data source string used to open this handle */
        !           479:        const char *data_source;
        !           480:        unsigned long data_source_len;
        !           481: 
        !           482:        /* the global error code. */
        !           483:        pdo_error_type error_code;
        !           484: 
        !           485:        enum pdo_error_mode error_mode;
        !           486: 
        !           487:        enum pdo_case_conversion native_case, desired_case;
        !           488: 
        !           489:        /* persistent hash key associated with this handle */
        !           490:        const char *persistent_id;
        !           491:        int persistent_id_len;
        !           492:        unsigned int refcount;
        !           493: 
        !           494:        /* driver specific "class" methods for the dbh and stmt */
        !           495:        HashTable *cls_methods[PDO_DBH_DRIVER_METHOD_KIND__MAX];
        !           496: 
        !           497:        pdo_driver_t *driver;
        !           498:        
        !           499:        zend_class_entry *def_stmt_ce;
        !           500: 
        !           501:        zval *def_stmt_ctor_args;
        !           502: 
        !           503:        /* when calling PDO::query(), we need to keep the error
        !           504:         * context from the statement around until we next clear it.
        !           505:         * This will allow us to report the correct error message
        !           506:         * when PDO::query() fails */
        !           507:        pdo_stmt_t *query_stmt;
        !           508:        zval query_stmt_zval;
        !           509: 
        !           510:        /* defaults for fetches */
        !           511:        enum pdo_fetch_type default_fetch_type;
        !           512: };
        !           513: 
        !           514: /* describes a column */
        !           515: struct pdo_column_data {
        !           516:        char *name;
        !           517:        int namelen;
        !           518:        unsigned long maxlen;
        !           519:        enum pdo_param_type param_type;
        !           520:        unsigned long precision;
        !           521: 
        !           522:        /* don't touch this unless your name is dbdo */
        !           523:        void *dbdo_data;
        !           524: };
        !           525: 
        !           526: /* describes a bound parameter */
        !           527: struct pdo_bound_param_data {
        !           528:        long paramno; /* if -1, then it has a name, and we don't know the index *yet* */
        !           529:        char *name;
        !           530:        int namelen;
        !           531: 
        !           532:        long max_value_len;     /* as a hint for pre-allocation */
        !           533:        
        !           534:        zval *parameter;                                /* the variable itself */
        !           535:        enum pdo_param_type param_type; /* desired or suggested type */
        !           536: 
        !           537:        zval *driver_params;                    /* optional parameter(s) for the driver */
        !           538:        void *driver_data;
        !           539: 
        !           540:        pdo_stmt_t *stmt;       /* for convenience in dtor */
        !           541:        int is_param;           /* parameter or column ? */
        !           542: };
        !           543: 
        !           544: /* represents a prepared statement */
        !           545: struct _pdo_stmt_t {
        !           546:        /* these items must appear in this order at the beginning of the
        !           547:        struct so that this can be cast as a zend_object.  we need this
        !           548:        to allow the extending class to escape all the custom handlers
        !           549:           that PDO declares.
        !           550:     */
        !           551:        zend_class_entry *ce; 
        !           552:        HashTable *properties;
        !           553:        unsigned int in_get:1;
        !           554:        unsigned int in_set:1;
        !           555: 
        !           556:        /* driver specifics */
        !           557:        struct pdo_stmt_methods *methods;
        !           558:        void *driver_data;
        !           559: 
        !           560:        /* if true, we've already successfully executed this statement at least
        !           561:         * once */
        !           562:        unsigned executed:1;
        !           563:        /* if true, the statement supports placeholders and can implement
        !           564:         * bindParam() for its prepared statements, if false, PDO should
        !           565:         * emulate prepare and bind on its behalf */
        !           566:        unsigned supports_placeholders:2;
        !           567: 
        !           568:        unsigned _reserved:29;
        !           569: 
        !           570:        /* the number of columns in the result set; not valid until after
        !           571:         * the statement has been executed at least once.  In some cases, might
        !           572:         * not be valid until fetch (at the driver level) has been called at least once.
        !           573:         * */
        !           574:        int column_count;
        !           575:        struct pdo_column_data *columns;
        !           576:        
        !           577:        /* we want to keep the dbh alive while we live, so we own a reference */
        !           578:        zval database_object_handle;
        !           579:        pdo_dbh_t *dbh;
        !           580: 
        !           581:        /* keep track of bound input parameters.  Some drivers support
        !           582:         * input/output parameters, but you can't rely on that working */
        !           583:        HashTable *bound_params;
        !           584:        /* When rewriting from named to positional, this maps positions to names */
        !           585:        HashTable *bound_param_map;
        !           586:        /* keep track of PHP variables bound to named (or positional) columns
        !           587:         * in the result set */
        !           588:        HashTable *bound_columns;
        !           589: 
        !           590:        /* not always meaningful */
        !           591:        long row_count;
        !           592: 
        !           593:        /* used to hold the statement's current query */
        !           594:        char *query_string;
        !           595:        int query_stringlen;
        !           596: 
        !           597:        /* the copy of the query with expanded binds ONLY for emulated-prepare drivers */
        !           598:        char *active_query_string;
        !           599:        int active_query_stringlen;
        !           600: 
        !           601:        /* the cursor specific error code. */
        !           602:        pdo_error_type error_code;
        !           603: 
        !           604:        /* for lazy fetches, we always return the same lazy object handle.
        !           605:         * Let's keep it here. */
        !           606:        zval lazy_object_ref;
        !           607:        unsigned long refcount;
        !           608: 
        !           609:        /* defaults for fetches */
        !           610:        enum pdo_fetch_type default_fetch_type;
        !           611:        union {
        !           612:                int column;
        !           613:                struct {
        !           614:                        zend_class_entry *ce;   
        !           615:                        zval *ctor_args;            /* freed */
        !           616:                        zval *retval_ptr; 
        !           617:                        zend_fcall_info fci;
        !           618:                        zend_fcall_info_cache fcc;
        !           619:                } cls;
        !           620:                struct {
        !           621:                        zval *function;
        !           622:                        zval *fetch_args;           /* freed */
        !           623:                        zval *object;
        !           624:                        zend_fcall_info fci;
        !           625:                        zend_fcall_info_cache fcc;
        !           626:                        zval **values;              /* freed */
        !           627:                } func;
        !           628:                zval *into;
        !           629:        } fetch;
        !           630: 
        !           631:        /* used by the query parser for driver specific
        !           632:         * parameter naming (see pgsql driver for example) */
        !           633:        const char *named_rewrite_template;
        !           634: };
        !           635: 
        !           636: /* call this in MINIT to register your PDO driver */
        !           637: PDO_API int php_pdo_register_driver(pdo_driver_t *driver);
        !           638: /* call this in MSHUTDOWN to unregister your PDO driver */
        !           639: PDO_API void php_pdo_unregister_driver(pdo_driver_t *driver);
        !           640: 
        !           641: /* For the convenience of drivers, this function will parse a data source
        !           642:  * string, of the form "name=value; name2=value2" and populate variables
        !           643:  * according to the data you pass in and array of pdo_data_src_parser structures */
        !           644: struct pdo_data_src_parser {
        !           645:        const char *optname;
        !           646:        char *optval;
        !           647:        int freeme;
        !           648: };
        !           649: 
        !           650: PDO_API int php_pdo_parse_data_source(const char *data_source,
        !           651:                unsigned long data_source_len, struct pdo_data_src_parser *parsed,
        !           652:                int nparams);
        !           653: 
        !           654: PDO_API zend_class_entry *php_pdo_get_dbh_ce(void);
        !           655: PDO_API zend_class_entry *php_pdo_get_exception(void);
        !           656: 
        !           657: PDO_API int pdo_parse_params(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, char *inquery, int inquery_len, 
        !           658:        char **outquery, int *outquery_len TSRMLS_DC);
        !           659: 
        !           660: PDO_API void pdo_raise_impl_error(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, pdo_stmt_t *stmt,
        !           661:        const char *sqlstate, const char *supp TSRMLS_DC);
        !           662: 
        !           663: PDO_API void php_pdo_dbh_addref(pdo_dbh_t *dbh TSRMLS_DC);
        !           664: PDO_API void php_pdo_dbh_delref(pdo_dbh_t *dbh TSRMLS_DC);
        !           665: 
        !           666: PDO_API void php_pdo_stmt_addref(pdo_stmt_t *stmt TSRMLS_DC);
        !           667: PDO_API void php_pdo_stmt_delref(pdo_stmt_t *stmt TSRMLS_DC);
        !           668: 
        !           669: 
        !           670: #endif /* PHP_PDO_DRIVER_H */
        !           671: /*
        !           672:  * Local variables:
        !           673:  * tab-width: 4
        !           674:  * c-basic-offset: 4
        !           675:  * End:
        !           676:  * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
        !           677:  * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4
        !           678:  */

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